They dont look for dead kids, if you catch my drift? First, a pitch for support for this website and our sleuthing group: Our private group is clearly the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Internet by far and has been since it was founded four years ago in 2017. I personally place a lot of credibility in the DE texts. We know he didnt carry all that crap down to the crime scene when he was photographed on the bridge that day. Are you a member of the sleuthing team on the private site? Not sure of MBs connection to Nate Miller, if any. Never could find out what it was about. Thats so obvious, I dont know why people cant figure that out. There are many deep underground military base tunnels leading from Indianapolis North. DELPHI, Ind. I agree with you on the handwringing about the search. I dont know details, its been years since Ive read or heard about it. So it makes sense that he muddles his description of the bodies. It was initially believed the sketch that has been in public view over the last two years of a person in the age range of his 40's to 50's was a person of interest in this murder investigation. Pub puzzle depicting a 'common phrase' stumps thousands - before the What lack of sleep REALLY does to your face: Expert reveals the warning signs your skin is suffering. 2-13 again. Beaming Prince Harry and Meghan enjoy a date night at exclusive $4,200-A-YEAR Repli-Kate! The two dates are perfect reversals of one another. They were taken quite a ways away and found much later. You should join the private group if you can afford it. Still think I am being trolled and fed false information? Please note that we have not been able to verify this rumor at all, so it is completely unverified. And the answer is yes. Could you humor me for a little while and He lived only 2 miles away up the creek to the east. First, an overview of the Evansdale case: The Evansdale girls were found on the other side of a creek/river away from main park in Seven Bridges County Park although a significant distance from where abducted in Evansdale. We assume he prepared the crime scene either before or after the crime. The skeptards now say it was kids playing on a trampoline nearby. Yeah. However, Leaker has now come out and stated unequivocally that Mr. X is not the prime suspect. State Rd 218 exists very close to both crime scenes. Gas station attendant who said she saw MP purchase drinks for the girls the day they went missing. 'I was unaware that the Indiana state police were going to use my photos prior to them releasing all that information. But how could they carry one whose head was almost detached, if indeed this happened? So although the evidence is probably there, it may not stand out as such until they have a good idea who to look at. An ejected .40-caliber shell found . That could well be a hatchet. One group of girls is 4-5 years older than the other set of girls. Attorneys with the prosecutors and defense met virtually Friday for the suspect in the Delphi killings. Indeed, nobody has been charged for the murders of Delphi eighth-graders that occurred on Feb. 13, 2017, while they were hiking along a remote trail. Luke Britt, whose office is charged with overseeing the publics right to access of information lambasted the prosecution and the state stating that the information should have been available no later than . They just arent talking out of fear or blackmail or something along those lines. Ive always wondered if this was truly the kill zone and the girls were moved creekside after the search was called off. The two dates 2/13/2017 & 2/13/2012 are the same in numerology (16): 2+1+3+2+0+1+7 = 16 and 7+1+3/+2+0+1+2 = 16. If his clothes were covered with blood, how the Hell did he get out of them and into clean clothes two hours after the murders? If so, the crime scene was pre-set with toys? Good and bad, when people are motivated enough, they can do unbelievable things. -Abby says, Is that a gun? Just saw this. This dude straight up killed two teenage girls in broad daylight FFS. We can give you a ton of background with new information too, which is the most shocking new info in the case. Luciferians do all kinds of satanic worship rituals with babies and small children. Daniel Nations Indiana transient arrested in CO for threatening people with a hatchet. However, LE sources close to the investigation that a former roommate of Mr. Xs who lived with him during 2011-2012, presumably during one of the periods when Mr. X was separated from his wife, went to LE with his suspicions that Mr. X was BG. The girls hand had been wrapped around the handle of the plunged knife to make it appear that the girl had plunged the knife herself into what we now believe is the log. I donated. 11 There was a knife placed in a tree near one girl in Delphi. If my teenage daughter was potentially lost in a wooded area, I would personally turn over every single leaf and twig in there until I found her or die trying. I got interested in Delphi about a year and a half ago. Rumor says she was almost decapitated. We keep falling back on understandable motives because our minds cant fathom some guy just doing this stuff to get his rocks off, but thats whats going on here. There is a rumor of a knife in a tree at Evansdale too. JM also has LE connections, and she was the one who gave us testimonies from two LE officers, a sheriff in a nearby country and a detective working in Narcotics. The car, a silver-gray 2004 Ford Focus, was easy to catch up to, but the driver tried to distance himself from the pursuing vehicle when he realized that he had been caught. Some are even visible in the video of BG just over his left and right shoulders. Allen. If BG is Mr. X and was searching Ron Logans land at 5:30, that gives him two hours since the murders to change out of his bloody clothes, if he had them, into clean clothes two hours later. Just wanted to affirm that what youre saying rings true. Take a look into the resigned judge, the resigned Mayor, various LE who are on the take, etc. It sure does seem like that sometimes. I often ponder the possibility that no children died in all of these cases if either house fires or murder.hear me out. It could be something as asinine as the sky was a shade blue off that day for all we know. In addition, the group just got a brand new lead yesterday from someone directly involved in the investigation! I shudder at what the rest of the day has in store for me! 2-13. Oh well. Bodies were left in depressions in both cases. Its impossible that he thought of everything. Plus, someone is likely to remember if a man was carrying a big stuffed animal into the woods. One shudders to think of how it might have been used. LE subpoenaed the cell tower records for a while back. Today could be the day. We know that for some reason, LE was very interested in Nations, who had been committing crimes involving hatchets. According to DE, Liberty was nude and Abigail was clothed and her hands folded. I wanna joinwont have my $20 till hopefully 1 PM eastern. Have some questions, if youd be so kind to reply: Were dolls and/or stuffed animals truly found at crime scene? Editorial we (look it up if you are unsure what it means) meaning I is used throughout this document. People who are genuinely trying to direct people in one direction or another is an entirely different thing, and it needs to be looked at closely. Thats awful late to start a serial career. Kline's public defender attorney denied that he was in any way involved in the Delphi murders when police connected him to the case in December. 'This guy could strike again. Delphi Murders.. TCG 3 part discussion with source involved in the investigation. When they occurred, the horror left an indelible mystery, especially because one of the two photos posted on Snapchat by Libby showed Abby alive and crossing an abandoned railroad bridge. I believe there may have been something said by LE about BGs eyes being blue? If we follow the catfishing theory, there will be ample evidence in the cell phone records. The body types of one set of girls matches the body types of the other set. Superb comment, Paul. The pigs are killed there by cutting their throats, by the way. Im being facetious but these guys just do this stuff because it gets them off, no other reason. Appearance close to first sketch. I think youve alluded before to the fact that it seems like someone out there is intentionally spreading disinformation. Its not free, though. He was fired from his job as a police officer and they ransacked his apartment. The crime scene begins at the Robinsons backyard (find it on a map near the dump site) and goes the length of a football field or 300 feet. Let me know if you are interested in joining the private group, the best Delphi sleuthing group out there. Remember, too, this is not flat terrain. I would be delighted to join you because when falling upon this last night (its currently 840 PM here in U.K. making you approx a 7/8 hour time difference I think, as you are currently mid day ish?) Hi Rambo, see above. For five years, the murders of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German have hung over Delphi, ghosts that couldn't be put to rest. The colors would be visible from a distance during the day. It was February 13, 2017 when 13-year-old Abby Williams and her best friend, 14-year-old Libby German, went on a walk on Delphi's historic trails. This entire case is like a ragged old crocheted sweater. One more thing: Many Luciferians are avid church-goers. People on the internet being sloppy or trying to develop theories is one thing. The murdered girls, who attended Delphi Community Middle School where they played saxophone and volleyball together, had visited the bridge before the day they died. The MO of the Delphi Killer was much closer to the MO of the Evansdale killer, hence this is why LE now believe that BG killed the Evansdale girls too. Could BG have that under his coat? I meant blogger RL. It remains unclear now if police believe someone else might have been using the account. Based on the nature of Libbys wound, his clothes would have been covered with blood. It was a fake account and the pictures belong to a model and cop who lives in Alaska. I just woke up and I think Ive already made a few mistakes today. One of the problems with arresting this man for the murders is that he was being provided with a solid alibi that he was in another town when the murders occurred. Recall also at the very beginning of the crime when LE said, Parents, be careful of what your kids are doing on social media. They would only say that if there was a social media tie-in to the case, which also suggests catfishing. Catfishing does look pretty good. If in fact Evansdale is connected. Well, now we have what may be the answer. Since the Feb. 2017 slayings of friends Abigail Williams, 13, and Liberty German, 14, on a hiking trail in Delphi, Indiana, authorities have revealed little about the investigation, not even how the victims were killed. Ok, now SPB is trolling us too? Im not saying this is what he was getting at. For some reason, I thought you were female. They had other suspects they were looking at for Evansdale. He had spent decades working for security companies before becoming an independent security consultant. Our private group is clearly the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Internet by far and has been since it was founded four years ago in 2017. Delphi murders:Review the case through 5 years of reporting Initially, the media filed a motion to intervene in November, requesting the court to unseal Allen's probable cause affidavit, his . 'They'd be finishing up their freshman year of college. Timothy Holmes the of the pentagon pedophile task force has several mentions with proof of his research on the subject specific to Indiana. Richard Allen, 50, is charged with two counts of murder in the 2017 deaths of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German in Delphi, Indiana. People have said that they have never heard of such thing. Lets assume Evansville and Delphi are connected. We also have an LE detective talking directly to our group now. ', 'Something inside of me just says she was going to film that, come home and say look at this guy, he was acting really weird. At that point theyve got something on you, and they can either blackmail you or kill you. The belief was that the girls would be able to respond to any searchers yelling. This is what keeps BG up nights, guaranteed. There is something about his lifestyle that enabled him to take time off work to focus on planning and mapping out the area. The roommate said that BGs walk was a dead ringer for Mr. Xs walk. If the truth of this crime comes out, this will be the weirdest, most insane double murder of the 21st Century, no question about it. Why dont you come join us in our Delphi Murders group? I found The Fall of the Cabal (Janet Ossebaard) on Bitchute. It appears that a foot print at the scene matched the pattern of the workboots used there. A sign in Delphi, Indiana, for Abby Williams and Libby German, who disappeared Feb. 14, 2017 and were found dead near a hiking trail. Evansdale and Waterloo tend to bleed into one another as well as the city of Cedar Falls, which rests on the opposite side of Waterloo as Evansdale. BG absolutely knew his way around the bridge and the general surrounding area. Furthermore, there is a rumor that BG took photos or videos of the crime and sent them to Abbys cellphone soon after the crimes. Funny no one knows who I am! If the crucifix was upside down, of course that means satanic worship. Each crime occurred perhaps less than a mile from a four-lane highway. I am totally shocked. However, he said he might stop if he is afraid of getting caught. I'm a Feng Shui expert and these are the three things I will never allow in a bedroom. Also supporting the impulsive idiot theory is the rumor of the lady walking her dog. The person in the photos on the account is Alaska police officer and model Vince Kowlaski. Robert Lindsey is getting fed BS by someone else, it sounds like. They would only be looking for that if they thought BG had photos or video of interest in the crime. She claims earlier in the day on the 13th of February (per Anthony Greeno, eye roll, I know) that she not only saw BG on the north side of the trail but that she even exchanged pleasantries with him. A hatchet? Yes, I have heard a lot of pretty sleazy rumors about that place. AP Libby German, 14, and Abby Williams, 13,. LE point of view where it seems much easier for us to take action and gather the evidence as we go. Was this guy a genius or a dumbass who got lucky? Change clothes and stuff the bloody ones into the pack. Ron Logan Delphi, IN owner of property the Delphi girls were murdered on. Wow I knew itand they spend so much time projecting it onto only the Dems lolBoardwalk Empire is the perfect movie to understand how projection and gaslighting work in political circles. A lot about you. Nevertheless, it does tie in with the facts about LE feeling that a knife with a curved blade or a gut knife was used in the crime. Jeff Altmeyer was arrested and charged with trying to entice children a crime that he had apparently been committing all over Iowa. So we do have some independent confirmation of our interpretation of these photos. You are also helping to fund the site. I would place that as a very close theory #2. There is now a rumor from JM above and now from a second source that a hatchet was used in the Delphi Murders. However, as you can see in the photos, shes posed right next to the other girl. They sacrifice them to satan. Are you a member of our sleuthing team on the private site? It is the typical psycho motives of any psycho serial killer. Robert, do you still have these barn pics you can reference if you care to? Until then, the only suspect was James Chadwell. The killer was good with a knife, and probably had a connection to the Indiana Packers plant. In November of 2016, in the small town of Onawa, Iowa, a little over 200 miles to the west of Evansdale, two elementary school girls returned home in a hurry. Knowing the whole time the person that ended up being arrested wasnt even mentioned by any of the wannabe sleuths. Note: Very long, runs to 28 pages. Delphi, Indiana, police have been notoriously tight-lipped about the killings of 14-year-old Libby German and 13-year-old Abby Williams since the first news conference after the girls were found dead in February 2017. Not sure how to send pictures, or if I ha e to be a member. The higher you go, the more evil it becomes. I used to volunteer with a search and rescue group. A woman on the south side earlier in the day. Also Libby did a hard reset on her phone 10 days before the crime, possibly at the request of the Catfish Boy. Why not join the 240+ members who have already signed up for the best Delphi sleuthing team of all? Prosecutors in Indiana are being blasted by the public access counselor in Indiana over a lack of transparency in the arrest of Richard Allen and what led authorities to arrive at that point. While he does meet the definition of a serial killer, he is also patient and methodical about his kills. Presumably the Young BG photo is simply a photo of the catfish used to reel the girls in and is not a photo of the killer, who is obviously 45-55 years old. He has never worked on the case, so he is just giving us what hes heard, which is no doubt only part of the facts in the case. -There was no further recording that was clearly discernible. Yes, the figure in the photo has her hands outstretched like a soldier who is surrendering to the enemy. An Indiana man who killed himself after a five-hour standoff with police is being investigated as a possible suspect in the unsolved 2017 double slaying of two young girls. Hundreds of investigators from across the state have been working around the clock for the last several weeks to find their killer. We now know who the FBI was looking into at first as a. All of the information from Libbys phone came from the Cloud. This is what we now believe. Further to the Satanic Ritual Sacrifice angle, I read a little bit about symbolism and other ritual item use. Technology changes. Black SUV with stickers on back window observed by Kelli German when dropping off girls. Jason Wilhelm Lafayette, IN man arrested in Key West, FL for rape in Indiana, firearm theft in Tennessee, and mentioned by the escort who brought the Lafayette sex ring to light. I believe the killer is sending a message but I do not believe it is just about getting his rocks off. If BG did the Evansdale girls too, then the motive is obvious. We believe that the girls had arranged to meet the catfish boy at the bridge that day, probably at a specific time. For him not to murder possibly until 2022 shows us he is not the drug or drinking guy he was portrayed as, this would show discipline. Also there are frequent references to barns or shacks by these same folks. I mentioned that a couple of weeks ago on Facebook. On Feb. 13, 2017, the two best A knife appears to be plunged into either one girls shoulder or the log in back of her. The bodies of Liberty German and Abigail Williams were found on Feb. 14, 2017, after the two teens from Delphi, Ind. Its at the higher levels where its revealed that youve pledged your allegiance to Satan. But of course, this is Greeno so take it with a grain of salt. Published 2:05 AM PST Nov. 15, 2022 Updated 12:41 PM PST Nov. 29, 2022. We wouldnt go into a mental institution and wonder what the motivation is for someone who is having a conversation with a lamp, so why would anyone worry about BGs motive? Carter added the probable cause affidavit. One of his sources for the wild signatures claims is a woman in the search party that found Abby and Libby. So now the suspect has a solid alibi, but the alibi cannot be broken because the person providing it is dead. Or can do so once I am up and running. Our police sources have told us. I think our brains dont like unknown information about people communicating to us, and theres a tendency of our minds to fill in the blanks, right, wrong, or indifferent. There was not just a stuffed animal at that scene. The only other suspect has been James Chadwell, but he has never bene charged either. Of course, it could have been a location prepared long in advance with a toy or toys cached there. The Indiana detectives investigating the 2017 Delphi murders claimed on Thursday to have new leads in the case and warned their suspect that they know who he is - but are yet to make any. What if BG had a change of clothes with him/on him. He would appear to be beyond reproach with an occupation like that. 33rd degree masons are filthy rich they have to pay to join, low levels have no clue and btw its Timothy Holmseth. I do not know whether she was played the tape or not possibly she was. Girls were at local parks but in an area where they were separated from other visitors. He claims he has access to court documents that someone who was investigated for the Delphi murders was given after they were covered, as a debriefing I guess? We also have an article in the Indianapolis Star and the detective mentioned above that have both verified for us that Mr. X is indeed the main suspect. I myself followed a rat hole about one particular suspect, EA, who I was sure had done it. Not trying to muddy the water, just wondering if this could be a rock that needs looked under once more? Mark J. Ive heard rumors of everything from a massive drug ring to child/sex trafficking going on right under the nose of area officials, up to and including their own involvement. Regardless, the landscape is similar in both locations. 240+ members who have already signed up for the best Delphi sleuthing team of all on the private,... A fake account and the girls were moved creekside after the search was off! Other Ritual item use their throats, by the way the fact that it like. Cabal ( Janet Ossebaard ) on Bitchute suspect, EA, who i was unaware that girls., and Abby Williams, 13, genius or a dumbass who got?. So it is the rumor of a serial killer, he is afraid of caught! Stuff the bloody ones into the pack muddy the water, just wondering if this could be a that. Woke up and running was a dead ringer for Mr. Xs walk being arrested wasnt even mentioned by of. And gather the evidence as we go girls too, which also suggests catfishing off! 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