The ethics website is (user name: Zappos, password: Zappos). We set and exceed our own high standards, constantly raising the bar for competitors and for ourselves. Our philosophy at Zappos is to WOW with service and experience, not with anything that relates directly to monetary compensation (for example, we don't offer blanket discounts or promotions to customers).We seek to WOW our customers, our co-workers, our vendors, our partners, and in the long run, our investors. Bullets vs. cannonballs. We aim to . You must try to handle any actual or apparent conflict of interest between your personal and professional relationships in an ethical manner. Open, honest communication is the best foundation for any relationship, but remember that at the end of the day it's not what you say or what you do, but how you make people feel that matters the most. Over the years, Zappos has taken strides to eliminate the common fates that most companies of our age and size contend with: slowing innovation and evolution, too many management levels, bottle-necked decision making, and disengaged employees. If you are uncomfortable with the idea that your conduct or words will be available for all to see, you should think again about your course of action or words. Zappos HQ, in Las Vegas, produces an environment where employees work hard while still having fun. Experiments with new ideas before going all in. For example, no employee or consultant may ever offer, pay, promise to pay or authorize the payment of any money, gift or anything of value to any US or foreign governmental or political official, political party or any candidate for governmental or political office for the purpose of influencing or inducing such official, party or candidate to use his or its influence with a governmental or political organization to obtain or retain business for Zappos. 20092023 - LLC or its affiliates. Theft, carelessness and waste have a direct effect on our profitability. I love that I get to be me all day. And for these Zapponians, it's the perfect backdrop to build meaningful connections. We want the weirdness in each of us to be expressed in our interactions with each other and in our work. Hsieh did not approve of abandoning the customer-centric model that Zappos was founded upon, and decided he must take action. While you may think that there would not be a problem with taking a government employee out to dinner or paying for a round of golf, there may be. Customer Loyalty Director Rob Siefker discusses the company's mindset for WOWing callers and shoppers at every turn. The first was the 2008 Layoff. It's important to constantly challenge and stretch yourself, and not be stuck in a job where you don't feel like you are growing or learning. MyFax, the online service that lets you send and receive faxes over e-mail, now has a free version. Our bonds go far beyond the typical "co-worker" relationships found at most other companies. We work together but we also play together. How do you WOW the people that you have relationships with? Strong, positive relationships that are open and honest are a big part of what differentiates Zappos from most other companies. The more widespread and diverse your relationships are, the bigger the positive impact you can make on the company, and the more valuable you will be to the company. Zappos has established partnership with a number of charitable organizations in order to foster employees' interaction with the community. Further, we dont promote work-life balance in the traditional sense. However, Zappos will keep some hierarchy and keep the Big Bosses who set the pay structure. Do you view new challenges optimistically? We encourage people to make mistakes as long as they learn from them. Our culture would not be what it is today without Zapponians past and present. What do you do to make your co-workers' jobs fun as well? While the spirit of the laws that govern our business conduct are often straight forward, the application may not always be, so seek out guidance if you are unsure. Before making any payments to any foreign government officials or employees, please obtain approval from the Zappos Legal Department. Upon hearing the name Zappos, selling shoes and other retail goods should not immediately come to mind. The first was the 2008 Layoff. How can you make your relationships more open and honest? Values Determine Stakeholder Perspectives The stakeholders at Zappos are influenced by the company's core values, which are effectively displayed in the organizations involvement with customers, community and socially responsibilities. As we grow, our processes and strategies may change, but these 10 Core Values will remain the same. He informed his managers through an email that they were no longer needed and would become regular workers, but were able to keep their salary. If you make an anonymous report, please provide as much detail as possible, including copies of documents you believe relevant to the matter. In March 2017, we began adapting our internal systems to more closely resemble real-world markets, benefitting the efficiency and productivity of our employees and company. You should report to work in condition to perform your duties, free from intoxication due to drugs or alcohol. Check-in Round: Each person has an uninterrupted chance to mention anything on their mind. This took shape at Zappos in 2015 via a new management structure called Holacracy. Sure, people have done parts of what we do before, but what we've learned over the years at Zappos is that the devil is in the details. Zappos equipment should not be used for non-company business, though incidental personal use may be permitted on a case-by-case basis in accordance with our other policies and procedures. But it can also at times feel risky, stressful, and confusing. Strong relationships allow us to accomplish much more than we would be able to otherwise. Today, we still sell shoes as well as clothing, handbags, accessories, and more. They also include the quirks and perks of working at Zappos: nap rooms, a petting zoo, frequent. 2018 Compliance Culture. These modern visions of management seek to enfranchise the individual. Having a defined set of values will serve as your guide to continue your culture's growth and evolution in a positive direction. Get a $10 credit for Fathom Analytics. Since our humble beginnings, Zappos has been a customer-obsessed company that focuses on delivering a WOW experience. t. Falsedeveloping relationships with charities helps the employees develop strong codes of personal ethics. Ask yourself: How do you encourage more teamwork? Lets be friends! We watch out for each other, care for each other, and go above and beyond for each other because we believe in each other and we trust each other. Accordingly, all political contributions with Zappos funds are coordinated and approved by the Zappos Finance and Legal Departments. Wouldn't you rather be a company where your employees easily combine their full self into everything they do? 20092023 - LLC or its affiliates. In one way or another, the concepts of integrity, honesty and commitment contained in this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the Code of Conduct) are already touched on in our Core Values and currently exist in our company culture. Ethics is "a set of principles for determining good and right conduct (Willerton, 2015, p. 60). It's a setup that's supposed to encourage collaboration by eliminating workplace. Sometimes, it's the little things that make the biggest difference. What can we do that's both fun and a little weird? How do you get your fellow circle members to grow personally? Zappos code of ethics is written for employee reference in decision making. Our Vendor Party where we invite all of our brands to thank them and celebrate our partnership. Zappos' Main Ethical Standard . We are inspired because we believe in what we are doing and where we are going. Hundreds of ideals were submitted, which resulted in 37 foundational themes. If the violation or suspected violation involves any of those parties, or concerns accounting, internal controls or auditing matters you should make your report directly to the Zappos Legal Department or the Zappos Ethics Hotline at 800-348-1496 (Espaol: 800-216-1288). One of the side effects of encouraging weirdness is that it encourages people to think outside the box and be more innovative. This vision led Zappos to deliver happiness through the four Cs: Commerce, Customer Service, Company Culture, Community. Zappos employees are given few boundaries for working with clients and are expected to be completely helpful and comfortable to help with any customer need. You must never engage in competitive conduct that cannot be justified by sound business considerations wholly apart from its effect on any injured competitor. Ask yourself: How much do people enjoy working with you? s. Truebut the happiness hippie is a major factor in ethical decision making. Ask yourself: How can you do what you're doing more efficiently? Change can and will come from all directions. Ask yourself: How do you grow personally? As we continue to grow, we strive to ensure that our culture remains alive and well. Zappos needs to continue to recruit the right employees that are both promote the companys core values and are innovative in finding new solutions for the company to grow in a sustainable and ethical manner. Designing a different application process, to exclude candidates who are not compatible with the Holarctic system, would be the ideal procedure. Lets not tarnish that reputation by dealing unfairly with anyone. We believe in operational excellence, and realize that there is always room for improvement in everything we do. How do you encourage more people to take ownership? Our culture would not be what is it today without the people, past and present. We believe that if we get the culture right, then most of the other stuff like delivering great customer service or building a long-term enduring brand or business will be a natural byproduct. I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not, which makes Zappos a comfortable place to be. Disciplinary actions may include the immediate termination of employment. Up to 60% off select boots, sneakers & outerwear. You may not pay or accept bribes of any type. Hello, Savings. Zappos takes great pride in providing a safe and healthy work environment. A conflict of interest will exist if your decision may personally benefit you, a relative, or a significant other. At their worst, they can lead to employee disengagement and a company that proceeds rudderless, having been stripped of its long-tenured employees via voluntary leave packages and its conventions through generic, buzzword-driven processes that have no intrinsic meaning or applicability to the specific needs of that business. To quote Tony Hsieh, "Just because you cant measure the ROI of something doesnt mean you shouldnt do it. Because it's just the right thing to do. Are you a better person today than you were yesterday? This abstract system eliminates managers and much of the corporate hierarchy in favour of esoteric, philosophical concepts and flat, self-directed leadership. Paradoxically, one way leaders try to retain relevance and stay appealing to both customers and employees is to embrace change. Humbly speaking, creating a positive, productive culture is our bread and butter. In 1999 Nick Swinmurn launched; an idea prompted after a failed attempt of trying to buy a pair of shoes in San Francisco. Do you love what you do and who you work with? Weve learned that if you identify your companys core values, hire by them, onboard team members by them, and truly live by them; then your business is on a long-term path to success, profit, and growth. Values are more than just words, they're a way of life. While this is the companys main commercial aspect, it is not the products it sells that makes it successful. While we've built a good foundation, this is yet another stepping stone in our journey for ultimate self-organization and long-term sustainability. In order for someone to feel good about a relationship, he/she must know that the other person truly cares about them, both personally and professionally. Amazon has adopted guidelines designed to implement this policy. HRM 30200: Applied Ethical Issues Nov. 25, 2013 Position Paper 9 Zappos is an online clothing and shoe retailer. The culture encourages you to be the same person you are at work as you are at home. Please do not do it. You must not, without proper authority, give or release to anyone not employed by Zappos or Amazon, or to another employee who does not need to know, data or information of a confidential nature. Any and all suggestions as to how this Code of Conduct can be improved will be welcomed! This touched our hearts, and truly helped us to see how caring Zappos is and how dedicated they are to abide by their core values. In response to these situations Zappos contacted each customer informing them of the predicament they were in. When you combine a little weirdness with making sure everyone is also having fun at work, it ends up being a win-win for everyone: Employees are more engaged in the work that they do, and the company as a whole becomes more innovative. We believe that the best teams are those that not only work with each other, but also interact with each other outside the office environment. It is Zappos policy not to allow retaliation for good faith reports of misconduct by others. Determine the major impacts that Zappos' leadership and ethical practices philosophy have had on its stakeholders. We are ever evolving. It shouldn't be a struggle to find a balance between life and work where you are truly fulfilled and happy. We aim to inspire the world by showing its possible to simultaneously deliver happiness to customers, as well as employees, vendors, shareholders and the community, in a long-term, sustainable way. At, our purpose is simple: to live and deliver WOW. How do you get your fellow circle members to grow professionally? Each employee or consultant must promptly report to his or her supervisor or the Zappos Legal Department all actual or apparent conflicts of interest. Ben Brignell maintains as an open source resource. Ask yourself: How do you plan and prepare for change?, Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded, Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication. Bribery, like fraud, is one of the things you can do that could land you in jail because it is illegal. It combines two ethical convictions: respect for the dignity of the person and recognition of the diminished autonomy of others. We don't want to become one of those big companies that feels corporate and boring. For all our emphasis on customer service, our #1 priority is company culture. We value strong relationships in all areas: with employees, customers (internal and external), community, vendors, shareholders, and co-workers. Zappos has 10 core values that guide every activity at the company and form the heart of the company's business model and culture: Deliver WOW through service. At Zappos, we think it's important for employees to grow both personally and professionally. Zappo's Design Principles. Customers were confused on why Zappos had decided to unite with Amazon, and instead of leeaving their loyal consumers wondering, they publicly expressed the situation. How do you challenge and stretch yourself? Building a culture is a special process that can't be taken lightly. Whats the ROI on hugging your mom?". Send it online -- for free. The best leaders are those that lead by example and are both team followers as well as team leaders. All violations or suspected violations of this Code of Conduct should be promptly reported to your supervisor or the director or Vice President of your department or business division. More information is available in the Zappos Whistleblower Policy. Do you understand the purpose of your circle? Our ten core values are: Deliver WOW Through Service Embrace and Drive Change At Zappos, we think it's important for people and the company as a whole to be bold and daring (but not reckless). Work can be fun! Every company has a unique culture that's all their own. We never want to become complacent and accept the status quo just because that's the way things have always been done. It does not matter whether the person works for the US government, a foreign government or is in the private sector. As a company that uses a self-managed organizational structure, we encourage Zapponians to identify areas of opportunity within the organization and propose solutions. We are more than just a team though -- we are a family. If the trainee does not want to join the company after this process, Zappos offers them $2,000 compensation. One of the things that makes Zappos different from a lot of other companies is that we value being fun and being a little weird. Something unique that Zappos does is allow brand representatives access to all the same sales and inventory information on their products that Zappos has. We approach situations and challenges with an open mind. This was a hard decision as the company cherished every employee. To help avoid conflicts of interest, Zappos has adopted the following rules: Employees or consultants who buy or sell goods or services or have responsibility connected to buying and selling for or on behalf of Zappos and members of their respective families are prohibited from having (i) any economic interest in private business concerns that transact business with Zappos or are in competition with Zappos, and (ii) any significant economic interest in such business concerns that are publicly held. Are you inspired? It lets you send two faxes a day, of up to 10 pages each, without . Our ten core values are: Looking to implement Design Principles with your team or organisation? Please consult with the Zappos Legal Department before providing or paying for any meals, refreshments, travel or lodging expenses, or giving anything of value to a government employee, whether US federal, state, local or foreign. Zappos ten core values are Deliver WOW Through Service, Embrace and Drive Change, Create Fun and A Little Weirdness, Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded, Pursue Growth and Learning, Build Open . Sign up for one of our immersive culture and customer service workshops, request a keynote speaker, or tour the Zappos campus. Source:, inc. Code of business conduct and ethics Zappos was able to keep its unique culture and core values. As CEO, Tony Hsiehs has given priority to encouraging a strong corporate culture. We are all protectors and cultivators of the Zappos Culture; it's what makes it unique and something that changes every day. You must not provide any false or incomplete information to the accounting department. In order to buy out the board, Zappos needed to unite with Amazon, a company that not only accepted but promoted their value to customers. At Zappos our 10 Core Values are more than just words, they're a way of life. The largest indicator of unethical practices at Zappos is the new organizational structure implemented by Tony Hsieh. They will replace the top-down predict-and-control paradigm with a new way of achieving control through distributing power. How much fun do you have in your job, and what can you do to make it more fun? It's important to always act with integrity in your relationships, to be compassionate, friendly, loyal, and to make sure that you do the right thing and treat your relationships well. Embraces others points of view and individuality, Takes risks in alignment with Zappos purpose, Transparent about both positive AND negative information, Connects people for meaningful relationships, When I think of the TEAM, I think of them, Continuously looks to innovate and raise the bar, Never settles for "good enough" (because good is the enemy of great), Never believes the statement, It cant be done., Fights the fight if its the right thing for Zappos, Makes decisions based on our Core Values and value our Culture above all else, Acts in service of the Internal Board Purpose as noted in GlassFrog, Supports and energizes our 4Cs - Clothing, Customer Service, Company Culture and Community, Displays a quiet confidence for their achievements. The matters covered in this Code of Conduct are of the utmost importance to Zappos, Amazon and Zappos business partners, and are essential to our ability to conduct its business in accordance with our stated values. 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