0000008927 00000 n Some diplomatic phrases have stuck with me. Parent-teacher (and maybe student) conferences are just another part of a highly versatile and demanding job. They will be very happy to see their childs progress and be excited to get to know you better. What can I do at home to keep academic and behavior expectations on track? Helping the students feel secure in talking about their learning makes their limited presentation time go much more smoothly, Wildwood teachers say. Another one is, So-and-so is really lucky that their parents are so invested in their learning. Even an irate parent probably wont argue with that. .c0?F+evzQEv49/zirAu] X?lee6 @ Q|Nv$n&0d5J0yvyuPKc!hAQXqf=ogd4h_ucibMkN6CIW M-?u[R?l&YveOPjtp{i:mJ6M@&FxD#@%(w-F0Ij6h~. Women's History Month is not just a great opportunity to teach students about the important female figures from history Hosting a Successful Open House The Universal After-School Question Expert Opinion Here's a nifty idea I always share w Classroom Organization Tips from Veteran Teachers. Are there field trips and is there a cost to the families? If you arent calling for a parent teacher conference until the 4th marking period but the student has been failing since the beginning of the school year, its not going to be a smooth meeting. Parents want to be involved with their childs academics, but too often the wool gets pulled over their eyes by their children. But evidence suggests that it can be incredibly powerful to include kids in the process as well. In this post we have: Successful Parent/Teacher Conference Tip Sheet. Ask yourself the same question and write down your answer, along with any questions you have. Make Allies. Send a personal letter to each parent to confirm the day, time, and place of the conference. 6. %PDF-1.7 % What do you think is one area we could encourage at home to improve my child's social skills? Help your students to stay on track with this collection of student success accountability plans. Copyright 2023 Helpful Professor. Check and double-check names. So, please, remember that this is a time to listen to the parents. Before you there will be a conference with another set of parents. "The teacher should be giving mini-lessons and having conversations about quality work, good conferences/bad conferences, planning, etc.," says fourth-grade teacher Georgia Melidis. Even if I did not agree with a couple of things they said, I would at least throw in some mhms and nod and listen. Here are three parent-teacher conference scenarios and how to approach them. There were only a handful of these parents within my entire 12+ years of teaching, but I did have to shut down a few of these conferences. Who is in place to catch conflicts that are happening in the lunchroom and recess? I have never met a parent who didnt want two things for their child. You can follow-up with your child on something that you and the teacher have agreed to implement. Strategic HR to recruit & retain the best teachers and principals for best student results. Can you suggest tools to use at home as I help my child be successful in your classroom? How does the school handle standardized testing and prep for those tests? This can make them uncomfortable, but its good for everyone it forces them to acknowledge misbehavior in a safe environment. Teacher 2: Hello Because of this benefit, many more schools are making it mandatory to integrate students in the process. It can help you feel more empowered in your childs education and boost your childs academic progress. Address: 4246 Riverboat Rd, Taylorsville, UT 84123. And then you ace the real thing. Are there behaviors you see at school (both good and bad) that you think I might not be seeing at home? Eighty percent of your conferences will be very pleasant and collegial. 47 Examples of Feedback for Teachers (from Parents), 51 Short Thank you Messages for Teachers (From Students), parents are experts on their own children. She currently leads a small group of high school junior girls. Its also worth noting that conferences occur for multiple reasons and each has its own unique flair and tone. exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. Furthermore, this may be the parents only chance to express some important information that can be invaluable to you as the teacher. When I was in school, parent-teacher conferences were just that meetings between the parents and the teachers. It helps eliminate emails and questions with the easy to use website. He is very attuned to adult conversation and this way, there would I know grades dont tell the whole story. 1. What areas can they work on? Sample organizational structures for a strategic HR department and ways to link this work to other departments, Ideas on how to strengthen relationship with other departments, Job description and scorecard for the key role of HR Partner, Recruitment & Selection: School-Level Tools, Giving an Edge to High-Needs Schools Scenario, Scenario: Stories of New Teacher Experience in Harto District, Scenario: The Story of a District that was Hard to Get Into, High-Needs Principals HR Bill of Rights Scenario, Analyzing Current Pipelines for Potential Missed Opportunities Case Study, The Many Layers of Retention: The Role of the District Office, You Think You Understand Your Retention Issue What Now: The Importance of Planning, Challenge Scenarios for Principal Supervisors, Challenge Scenarios on Principal Autonomy, Challenge Scenario on Performance Management, Moving HC Metrics Strategically What Would You Do If, Practical tips and suggestions for preparing for a case discussion, Case study exploring strategies DCPS implemented to meet their Human Capital goals. Education strategist Monica Martinez examines these benefits in her co-authored book of case studies titled Deeper Learning: How Eight Innovative Public Schools Are Transforming Education in the 21st Century. Is it the child's biological parents, a relative, a guardian, a grandparent, a foster parent, or who? But you can learn to rock them out with preparation, experience, and confidence. I still keep their regular scheduled time for student-led conferences because I believe it is important for all students to present their learning to their parents and spend that vital time reflecting as a family.". What is your teaching style and how can we be consistent with those methods at home? Parent-Teacher Conferences: Five Important QuestionsPrepare yourself for parent-teacher conferences by thinking about wh Organization: Advice for ParentsDeveloping good organizational skills is a key ingredient for success in school and in l Search our growing library of professionally created teacher resources. What do you do to create psychological safety so kids know they can come to talk to you about problems? Parents who expect you to do a presentation. A parent-teacher conference is a face-to-face meeting between one teacher and one or both parents (or guardians) of a student. Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. You can get very creative with the scenarios while bouncing off ideas with other adults. Sometimes parent-teacher conferences get very serious. https://helpfulprofessor.com/parent-teacher-conference/, Parents who care most about their child being. I wish I could have done more, but I was unfortunately quite busy. For example, one of them involved a parent who was angry over their kids grades. How does that influence grades? My first parent-teacher conference was SCARY. I was a 22 year old male fresh into the teaching profession. Parent-teacher conferences can be nerve-wracking for parents, as much as it can be for us. This is a life saver. Invite parents to bring a list of questions, issues, or concerns. Have sample textbooks readily available. Establish a waiting area outside your classroom. For reasons of confidentiality, you only want to meet with one set of parents at a time. Don't conduct a parent-teacher conference from behind your desk. We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. Even if we disagree with parents, we need to respect their perspectives and their wishes. Is my child at a point where you would suggest additional help such as a tutor or enrichment at home? What is the best way to stay in touch? Sequencing activities related to the conference. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. 1. Your first and primary goal should be to help make them feel comfortable. Students focus on the glows and grows of their academic quarter or year. Parents are given the option of taking the students' presentation binder or folder home for the night to continue reviewing and discussing the work. When you have a parent saying things that you disagree with, it can be tough to resist assuming a defensive tone, but do try to be mindful of your language. "They're giving each other feedback on their paper, so it's really an authentic way to design and conduct a student conference. Always. We spent a lot of time as a professional community discussing ways student-led conferences could work, and then found whatever format was best for us as teachers and also our students.". Dont you? Inform parents ahead of time about the purpose of the conference. One of my biggest weaknesses has been to go overtime in one parent-teacher conference, which has made me late for the next. A teacher's desk is sometimes referred to as power furniture, and it tends to inhibit conversation and makes many parents uncomfortable (perhaps a throwback to their days as a student). 0000005209 00000 n Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. But it also has a practical purpose. https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/admin/, What do Swedish People Look Like? "We view the prep work as a critical time for reflection," says Braun. Once youve made a plan, make sure to check in regularly with their teacher to discuss your childs growth and where they continue to struggle. But thats not ideal. The rest of the children have been fathered by various other men. What are some tools we can use at home to help my child grow in his understanding of the basic math concepts you are teaching in your class? How do I help them without humiliating them (especially if they are older)? Parent teacher conferences are a brief but valuable window into the world of your child. However, thats not usually the case, so having these resources for home use, small group study,or reinforcement of introductory lessons, could be helpful. I know this feels obvious, but I know at times Ive felt under pressure So remember, itll probably all go great. As my student gets ready for higher-level classes, what areas could they be working on to get them ready for harder coursework to come? These questions are good starting points as you and your childs educator work together to help your child succeed this school year. Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style), Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsDisclaimerAccessibility StatementVideo Transcripts. Remember when I said you and the teacher are two parts of the same team? Parent-teacher conferences can leave you either feeling like a rock star or down in the dumps some discussions go swimmingly, but others are more than challenging. Dont view parents as clients (even if they are), the enemy, or a problem. Many teachers come to my parent-teacher interviews and just expect me to do all the talking. When students guide the parent-teacher conference, they take ownership of their learning. What subject area still needs more progress? ", Practice is a large component of their preparation, and students practice their presentations with each other, their teacher, and students from other grade levels. "It was almost like a gradual release to full student-led conferences. 0000028760 00000 n How do you handle absences and missed tests or homework? They are the students carers and have their own culture, values, and beliefs that must be respected. Sure. A friend of mine once said, It's important to remember that children are ego extensions of their parents. If you tell a mother that her son is failing three subjects, you are, in effect, telling the parent that she, too, is a failure. In order for your child to succeed, I think. Work with students (the parents) to prepare for the conference (apsva.us has some great materials, just click on the link under the Preparing for a parent/teacher conference by scrolling up the page) Students create a parent/teacher dialog Role play a parent/teacher conference WebAce Your First Parent Teacher Conference Scenario-Based E-Learning Audience: New teachers in a regional elementary school Responsibilities: Needs Analysis, Action "It's important to make sure the students understand they are in control of the conversation," says Braun. Julie Davidis married to a worship pastor and after 20 years in ministry together with three daughters, she is still developing the tender balance of thick skin and gracious heart. Short scenarios questioning or challenging the priorities of an HR department. When the school piloted the idea of student-led conferences five years ago, a Ive got tips for both parents and teachers. Tell me about your perspective on this situation. [2] Your childs teacher can provide resources and suggest ways to practice the concepts your child needs more support with. What are you observing in regards to my childs organization skills? If you have that documentation in front of you, that makes you more credible to a questioning parent. What are my childs strengths and weaknesses? SlideServe has a very huge collection of Mock parent teacher conference PowerPoint presentations. Done. More often than not, I found that the student was harder on themselves than I would have been. Yes, there are so many scenarios and unknown variables when it comes to parent-teacher conferences that it can be overwhelming to even think about. Parent teacher conferences at Wildwood Elementary are actually a time when the teachers do very little talking. This conversation is a great time to get the information youll need to best support your child through their educational journey. 3. Let them know whether email, texts, or another communication method works best for you for updates or reminders. "When we begin to prepare for student-led conferences," says Jennings, "I have a conversation with students around what they feel should be included in their binders. [3] That way, you can keep an eye out for these skills on your childs homework and focus on them together. I would like to be more involved in school events. Contact us atinfo@theushca.org. 0000054755 00000 n A child needs a team behind them. Then, each parent wants their childs teacher to truly enjoy their child. Of course, if you have a homogenous class of students who are all parents, you could dedicate somesignificant classtime to this topic. And the shy ones are able to practice with people and feel prepared and then feel confident. Nevertheless, parent-teacher conferences are a wonderful opportunity to extend lines of communication between home and school, keep parents informed about their children's progressboth academic and socialand for developing cooperative strategies that can ultimately benefit every student. But all students keep and manage a portfolio of their own work. 0000010924 00000 n How do I know if he/she is overbooked? It happens. Is my child performing on grade level in math and language arts? Here are some reasons I like this approach: To stand out as a student-focused educator, heres another tip. To have a positive working relationship with parents, you need to respect them and their time. After discussing your childs progress and where they could use support, come up with a plan together to help your child continue to learn and improve. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. 0000001804 00000 n When the school piloted the idea of student-led conferences five years ago, a few of the teachers were simply asked to find ways to give the students a little more presence at the conferences, whether through a letter to the parents, a podcast, a poster or by just being at the conference themselves. This safe space prepares you for a parent-teacher conference before the real thing; that way, youre not going in completely unprepared. . We'll help you with any burning questions you have, Learn from real teachers and administrators using Classcraft, Or perhaps its just for a routine check-in. Our Mission:To drive the development of exceptional workforce quality in public school districts by supporting and aligning best practices in the human capital environment in schools, districts, and states. Gather file folders or portfolios of each student's work. So, get prepared, have a lot of samples of work then relax! It's all about their learning and what's important to them. Its so important to both celebrate what your child is doing well and recognize what they may need to work on. Required fields are marked *, This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on October 23, 2022 by Chris Drew, PhD. What are some ways I can enrich my childs learning experience in your subject area (or overall) at home? What can I do to support literacy when my student is at home? How can I best stay on top of what is happening at school? There might be issues like behavior problems, bullying concerns, or frequent absences that need serious discussion. I highly recommend this website to help parents and teachers communicate more effectively. A follow-up conference might be beneficial. All articles are edited by a PhD level academic. Students know that it's OK if they don't get through everything, and teachers know that the conversation doesn't have to end after ten minutes. Web The teacher has been in the assistant principals office in tears on three separate occasions because, she says, she cannot deal with this child. The teacher has asked In addition to preparing their binders or folders, students spend the weeks before conferences talking about how to present and lead the conversation with their parents. While you will realistically only have time for a few questions, this list of 50 is a great resource to help you build understanding and communication with your childs teacher. 0000004389 00000 n 2. The scenarios and case studies in this section can be used for small group meetings, professional development, or to help start a new conversation in your district. Even if things arent going well right now, together you can come up with a united plan going forward (more on that later). It is often a nerve-wracking experience for both teachers and parents. Its where educators and education Genius Tip: It might be good to take notes and hold off on responding/defending your child immediately so that it doesnt get tense in the few minutes you have together. How are those handled? What modifications will you make for my student during standardized testing? But we cant have that mentality. First, each parents wants better for their child than they had. So, first and foremost, listen and take what you hear into genuine consideration. What do you suggest we do if we are at home and my student gets stuck on homework? 0000039616 00000 n 17 0 obj <> endobj xref 17 44 0000000016 00000 n A parent-teacher conference is an opportunity for teachers and parents to meet up to discuss a childs progress at school. Many schools schedule these in both the fall and spring. You may be nervous about the thought of parent-teacher conferences. Case study exploring recruitment and retention of a high-quality and diverse workforce. How can I help my child be more organized with homework without completely taking over? All rights reserved. Think about it: Youre dealing with someone who is wholly invested in their child, so there can certainly be some pushback if a parent disagrees with something youre doing. If theyre going on a tirade, pause the rant and repeat back what theyve said so far without twisting their words. It also shows the parents that Im not just picking at the negatives. You can commit to helping your child with their homework (on one subject theyre struggling with). Sure, you want to tell some parents to get their act together. Many parents will have more than one child in school and need sufficient time with each teacher. Read on for a list of good questions to ask at upcoming meetings or parent-teacher conferences. It is an opportunity to WebAllow them 2-4 minutes for each scenario. For more than four decades, ISTE has been recognized as one of the worlds most influential education conferences. This flipbook was made with flipsnack. Yet another hypothetical situation was about a parent who didnt agree with a consequence double yikes! We start prepping about a week before conferencing, and we practice 10-15 minutes per day. This helps the students feel less anxious and also keeps the conversation flowing.". What questions would you recommend I ask my child on a daily basis about what is happening at school or in your class? Ask questions. 0000002272 00000 n A sample letter inviting parents/family for the conference (You have already determined the best time and day through your survey and /or other communication with the family)? The scenarios and case studies in this section can be used for small group meetings, 0000005079 00000 n Kindergarten teachers, keep all your parent teacher meetings organized with a sign up. If parents want more time, I ask them if we can arrange a second meeting. 0000054861 00000 n What educational skills will my child be learning in class this year? His biological father fathered him and two of the girls in his family. Yes, there are so many scenarios and unknown variables when it comes to parent-teacher conferences that it can be overwhelming to even think about. We use essential cookies to make our site work for you. Students have to tell the adults what is going on and own up to their actions. What that looks like can be flexible depending on your schedule and interests. What have you observed, both negative and positive, in regards to my childs response to classroom behavior expectations? Parents, volunteer for the classroom snack schedule with a sign up. Returning to the start, remember that you and the parents are a team. Does my child have too many extracurricular activities from your vantage point? Sign up for the latest information on our programs, resources, and more. Does this school have a resource teacher for gifted students? How can I stay aware of any behavior issues that may arise at school? Web5. Another one was with a parent who accused the teacher of deception. "Students look back on their work for the quarter and write about their areas for growth, their successes, things they'd like to work on. These allow you to navigate and operate on our website. "We never get through everything," says eighth-grade teacher Rebecca Braun. Before you there will be a conference with another set of parents. The students prepare some kind of presentation, which differs by grade and is scaffolded to their skill level. Keep in mind that parent-teacher conferences should be candid conversations, not interrogations. Theres no better way to do this than to tell them stories about their child in the classroom. After you, another parent wants her one-to-one time with the teacher. Join thousands of teachers and get access to 20,000+ resources, Parent-Teacher Conferences: Before, During, and After, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The child takes part in all extracurricular activities and bonds well with peers and respects the teachers. A thankful, kind comment will go a long, long way for helping your relationship with your childs teacher. "They can start two weeks prior to the conferences and practice for the first five minutes of class, or they can tie it into their daily journal, daily goal setting, reflection time, they can make it their exit ticket, etc. During parent-teacher conferences in particular, since we teachers are so invested in what we do, it can be tricky when were verbally attacked about the way were managing our classroom. Ask your childs teacher what their strongest and weaker areas are, along with what progress the teacher has noticed this year.[1]. You can offer up your time in the classroom. 0000004943 00000 n More than that will discourage most parents. But try to find some positives for every student as well. A bit of preparation beforehand can go a long way toward making the most out of this meeting with your childs teacher. The most productive thing to do is treat parents as team members. Parents, volunteer for the classroom snack schedule with a sign up. All the team members need to push in the right direction, provide support, care and a united approach. Hear what they want for their child and care about their concerns. Im one of those people who has a tough time when somebody talks to me in a degrading and disagreeing tone. So, now, I am strict in ending the conference at the allocated time. What are some strategies you use to encourage critical thinking in your classroom? Remember that you and the teacher both have the same goal: your students success in the classroom. How can we work together to support my childs learning? "Typically, what we do is we get with a buddy, and they can read to their friend," Melidis says. Name the top five skills you hope children will walk away with this year. 0000045804 00000 n Teachers have unique perspectives on your concerns. "Conference time was not taken as seriously before, but now the school is full and lively on conference night. Still, those special conferences put a smile on my face, too, and I never had to worry about calling a timeout during that kind of stress-free get-together. You and your childs teacher both play a role in your childs learning developmentyou know your child better than anyone else, and their teacher is well-versed in educational principles. They are there, prepared, and waiting. Photo credit: Sebastian Herrmann/unsplash.com. Conferences at Wildwood happen twice a year. Review notes on each student's behavior, academic progress, and interactions with peers. The parents can access my event and sign up for time slots or materials needed with just a click of a button. Parents respond very well to seeing their childs work. "We don't get too crazy about guidelines," says Jennings. SignUpGenius makes school organizing easy. A conference is part of the job that you might not want to wing either. They learn to appreciate how stories work, they hear the wonderful way sounds can match with rhymes, and, Looking for educational Halloween activities with all treats, no tricks? By showing personal interest in the student and telling stories about them, youre showing the parents that you genuinely care about their child and have strong rapport with them. So, when asking for their help or for parent to make changes, frame your comments as you would to a team member. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. You may look forward to conferences, or you may dwell on them, but the reality is that they are not going away so you may as well be prepared! 0000001568 00000 n Its simple, really: You grab a co-worker, spouse, or friend for a risk-free activity that will get you thinking about all the possibilities you could encounter during a parent-teacher conference. Use specific examples when discussing the child's growth and progress. WebGOALS: Support parent teacher partnership OBJECTIVES: Develop consistent and positive communication STRATEGY: A communication notebook which can pass between teacher and parent at drop-off & pick-up time might replace any verbal communication about Johns behavior. Teachers who have been around a while will be more than willing to share some memorable stories about strange parents and even stranger conversations with those parents. Get the most out of your next parent teacher conference by using some of these questions to cultivate your partnership with your childs teacher and inform yourself on whats going on at school. TeacherVisionis part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. Kids have a tendency to forget about all the wonderful learning they've experienced in a quarter. 0000039881 00000 n Talk to your childs teacher about ways to get involved. ), please dont cause any more worry or stress for the teacher. However, here's something important to remembermost parents are just as nervous as you are. In this article, I want to give some bits of advice on how to prepare for a parent-teacher conference. If there's one part of the school year that strikes fear into the heart of any teacherit's parent-teacher conference time. Parent-Teacher Conference Scenarios by krcteacher - Flipsnack Parent-Teacher Conference Scenarios krcteacher Published on January 10, 2017 Here are Then, remove yourself from the situation. Thing to do this than to tell the adults what is the founder of the school is full and on! Been to go overtime in one parent-teacher conference before the real thing ; that,. Be incredibly powerful to include kids in the lunchroom and recess Rd, Taylorsville, UT 84123 then confident... Or homework celebrate what your child with any questions you have a resource teacher for gifted students on! See at school skills you hope children will walk away with this collection of success! To my childs learning experience in your Essay ( APA style ), the enemy, or communication. Your Essay ( APA style ), the enemy, or who ending the conference go more! Need sufficient time with each teacher and place of the Helpful Professor answer, along with any questions have. 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