Mark 11: 20-22; And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from Read On. 27. 6. 66. If you dream dreams about snakes, deserts, falling sky, etc, look for some Biblical connection. 31. 10:21, Psalm 91 I reject frustration; I claim multiple promotions, in the name of Jesus. Father, by the blood of Jesus, I wash myself from every evil meal I have eaten in my dreams in Jesus name. 2. 6. No more evil dream in my life forever in Jesus Mighty name Amen, Cancelo malos sueos 33. Every anti-prosperity dream, die, in the mighty name of Jesus. Father, by the blood of Jesus, I cancel every evil dream that speak death in my life in Jesus name. I shall not be a victim of eating in the dream again. 6). dr. d. k. olukoya mfm sermons mp3 download | arkansas usa. 39. I destroy any unclean powers using my mind as their habitation for manipulations, in Jesus name. I know that when you try to think through some of your dreams, most of them are filled with storylines and events that dont make sense. Let the fire of God boil all rivers harboring unfriendly demons in the name of Jesus. 10). I disband all the hosts of darkness set against me in the name of Jesus. 56. Can you help me break this covenant? If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform 32. They are also avenues that the devil can try to implement his evil programs against us. Oh Lord, consume all things that bring fear into my life at night and in my dreams in Jesus name. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. I refuse to eat any satanic food that the devil has sent to me in the dream. I cancel all dreams that speak poverty into my life in Jesus name. Every fears and spiritual accidents in my dreams day and night that lead to death are thereby returned back to the sender by the Holy Ghost fire in Jesus name. dr. d. k. olukoya mfm sermons mp3 download || united state usa And we must ask him to help us cancel out dangerous dreams that might want to truncate our lives and future. This prayer originated in India and it was the name of a song that helped many people who were suffering from bad dreams to get rid off their problem, this prayer will also help you. 26. I moray to manifest every good dream that Gods delivers in my dreams in Jesus name. Prayer Points To Heal Kidney And Liver Disease, Every bad thoughts occupying my mind, I flush it out by the blood of Jesus, Every evil thoughts that want to ruin my life and destiny, you cannot hold me captive, release me and die, in Jesus name. Father, by the blood of Jesus, I cancel every evil dream that speak death in my life in Jesus name. All rights reserved. When your heart is full of evil thoughts, I am very sure that you belong to the class of witchcraft which can make you rebel against the children of God who are prospering in life. If the scripture says that God has enemies, who are you , a living mortal not to have enemies? Let the fire of the Holy Ghost destroy any evil list containing my name of Jesus. When I lay down to sleep, Lord, I shall sleep in peace and wake up in peace. Kindly drop your comments below if you found this prayer helpful. 11. O Lord, I thank you for another moment like this. 1). Thank you! I shall not be an unfortunate victim of seeing dead people in the dream in the name of Jesus. I cancel every dreams I do have in Jesus name Amen. Though Im still in the village (by the way, youll love this village lol), but I felt compelled to send you these prayer points. Let all bondage in the dream be converted to freedom in Jesus name. Cancelo cada sueo que auguria tristeza en mi corazon, ayudame seor a seguirte y encontrar la felicidad y tranquilidad de mi alma que tanto necesito. Daddy I appreciate your vow to look after me. Today we are going to be destroying the works of the devil in your life as we engage this prayer points to cancel bad dreams. Every spiritual wife or spouse that wants to make love to me in the dream, I bind you by fire. I just want to thank God for our G O. Dr D K Olukoya and other pastor whom He is using for this great massages and prayer point. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Coolly and calmly, even if your body is vibrating with fear, take the offensive. Going back to the village in the dream, 9). I destroy any coffin prepared for me in the name of Jesus. Yesterday, I dreamt again, and I saw they were taking a man to the grave. I claim all the good things which God has revealed to me through dreams. Father, hasten the performance of my good dreams. Let all opposition in the dream be converted to victory in Jesus name. There is no sincere appreciation.I pray that after today, the Lord will deliver you from bad and evil thoughts in Jesus name. (Physically swallow and drink it in faith. 3. Satan is the god behind this evils and that is the purpose of prayers . Thank you so much for these prayers.They have helped me alot, I bless God because today is end of my sorrow,eating in dreams,seeing dead people,having sex in the dream ,going back to my secondary school I thank God because am set free through this prayer point, May your name be praised oh lord ,through this prayer I believe that the name that is above other name has set me free from the book barrenness and my womb will be open for the fruit of the womb in Jesus name Amen. 3). Here are some examples of bad dreams: 5). All forms of bad dreams that the enemies are using to rob me of my blessings shall be met with the fire of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. I believe that God has empowered every believer with strange order of grace to manifest the power of the Holy Ghost. I dont know what to do about these repeated dreams. Kt, Pastor, can you pray for me to get married. 12. I cancel all dreams that speak poverty into my life in Jesus name. Any pot, calling my name for destruction, scatter, in Jesus name. Unfortunately (and thankfully), the network there is very poor. I cancel the manipulation of every satanic dream, in Jesus name. Father, by the blood of Jesus, I wash myself from every evil meal I have eaten in my dreams in Jesus name. For those of us who are sensitive to the voice of the Spirit, dreams are one of the ways God speaks to us. 2). 52. Be prepared to do this repeatedly, if need be, for many days and nights. 30. What we call clean thought may be a bad thoughts towards God and man. Every form of evil dreams that wants to bring evil afflictions and diseases into my life in one way or the other, such dreams are cancelled in the name of Jesus. Every arrow of death in my dream, come out now and go back to your sender, in the name of Jesus. TheLordis thy keeper: theLordis thy shade upon thy right hand. 2). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I send out the Holy Ghost to go out and destroy every evil plan and ploys of the enemies against me. Thank you Jesus for answering oir prayers. The bible says: So, in the most powerful and victorious Name of Jesus Christ, I cast out every demon and evil spirit on assignment to frustrate my life through evil dreams and immoral actions. I command all demonic food utensils fashioned against me to be roasted in Jesus name 45. I reject poverty; I claim wealth, in the name of Jesus. Even though we often have random and meaningless dreams, God still appears to us and speaks to us through dreams. Oh Lord, deliver me today from nightmares and bad dreams in Jesus name. Be glorified forever and ever, in Jesus name. Prayer Points To Heal Kidney And Liver Disease I was touched by the condition of a young man who was diagnosed with kidney problems In Read On, PRAYERS AGAINST SATANIC MARKS SCRIPTURES: Mark 7:23 Leviticus 19:28 KJV, Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any Read On, O LORD, MAKE ME FRUITFUL!!! 9). I decree today that today is the end of evil and bad nightmares in my life in Jesus name. I cough out and vomit any food eaten from the table of the devil in the name of Jesus. It can hinder our prayers and make our efforts towards the kingdom be thwarted. je crois que plus de 20 fois et je veux que cette esprit sort de suis fatigue , je veux servire Dieu pour le restant de ma vie, Seigneur soignez mon Corp st mon Sang contre toutes les maladie, I pray for deliverance of my foundational blood(my mothers, fathers in laws line for myself and my siblings that causes our children not to get married and have children. My Father, plant Your love in me, in the name of Jesus. But last night,I was picking snails 2. Thank You for the dreams that brought me blessings and thank You for the dreams that I did not understand. 8) I decree that I am totally free from all demonic powers that has been dominating me in the dream in Jesus name. Powers of darkness from my fathers house, I decree that my family is not your testing ground, get out by fire, in Jesus name. 3). Why this prayer points?, the devil is a counterfeiter, he is a corrupter of everything good. Today, write down your dreams of the previous months that you remember, especially dreams that have repeated themselves over and over in your life. 17. 18. The God who answerth by fire should answer by fire whenever any spiritual attacker against me. Let all evil dreams be replaced with blessings in the name of Jesus. Cancel it with all your strength. You powers of the night, polluting my night dreams, be paralysed, in the name of Jesus. 63. Ive had this type of dream many times. Every evil imagination and plan contrary to my life should fail woefully in Jesus name 15. 27. 19. 10. Is it something I should be worried about? Sis. What can I do, sir? Uc, Three days ago, in my dream, I saw people digging a grave. Father God, I receive your forgiveness that I am washed by your blood. It is more than a year now that I have been hassled with bad dreams and because of that I had terrible setbacks!! Every image of satan in my dream, I curse you, wither now, in the name of Jesus. These prayer points was inspired by Dr olukoya of Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a6a9e3cdac27d1584fd41b87a0358ea4" );document.getElementById("e218d56cc5").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I paralyze the spirit that brings bad dreams to me in the name of Jesus. Whenever i sleep, i dream so many bad dreams. I receive a clean and Godly thoughts today, in the name of Jesus. I change every manipulative dreams of nakedness, slums, strange gatherings, snakes, strange staircases, former houses and schools, old friends, old people Destroy their plans by fire in Jesus name. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual, therefore we must engage spiritual battles to overcome them. Every bad dream buried in my memory, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus. The Bible says, Secret things belongs to the . !, Ahora y el futuro queda cancelado en el nombre de Jess. So I googled prayer points and found this piece 50 Bible verses on fruitfulness of the womb. Every spiritual power of cats that bring unrest to my sleep are consumed today by the power that is in the blood of Jesus Christ. I bind and cast down the spirit of uncertainty in my mind and I render its activity null and void in my life in the name of Jesus. 41. 11). MFM prayer points to cancel bad dreams tags:mfm prayer points against eating in the dream, prayer points to remember your dreams, prayer against eating in the dream by olukoya, evangelist joshua orekhie prayer point, evangelist joshua orekhie biography, evangelist joshua orekhie youtube, prayer to cancel death dream, mfm dream interpretation, prayer against evil gathering, evangelist joshua tv, prayer points for intercession pdf. 1 Corinthians 10:13, There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it]., Romans 12:21, Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good., 3 John 1:11, Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 10). No one can change destiny except God. I decree that I am totally free from all demonic powers that has been dominating me in the dream in Jesus name. Pls, pray for me bcos there is a serpentine spirit on my head. Ephesians 6:16 talks about sword of spirit which is word of God. 3. I reject infirmity; I claim divine health, in the name of Jesus. The only way you can fight and win this battle is to use the method scriptures recommended to us in 2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Thanks and God bless you. Father, we pray that your presence be with us everywhere we travel this year, in Jesus' name. Lord, i release the consuming fire of the holy spirit to consume every spirit of the dead appearing in my dreams in Jesus name. All satanic designs of oppression against me in my dreams and visions, be frustrated, in Jesus name. 6. Let all evil assignments fashioned against me through the mouth gate be nullified in the name of Jesus. If you were attacked in your dream, never panic when you wake up. A simple prayer like this: "I cancel that negative dream I just had about (fill in the blanks) in the Name of Jesus. Many times, I see myself in the dream in a desert, alone, and no matter how I try to run, I dont escape the desert. Oh Lord, consume all things that bring fear into my life at night and in my dreams in Jesus name. In Daniel 1:17, we saw that Daniel understood dreams and visions, Genesis 20:3, God appeared to King Abimelek through dreams, Genesis 40:8, Joseph the prisoner interpreted the dreams of the two inmates, in Matthew 2:13, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, Deuteronomy 13:1-3, we see demonic dreams from false prophets. I cancel and wipe off all evil dreams, in the name of Jesus. Maybe there is a covenant that needs to be broken by the Blood of Jesus Christ; perhaps there is an attack that needs to be canceled; maybe there is a call that needs to be heeded; maybe there is a relationship that needs to be departed from; perhaps there are business partners, staff, or colleagues that need to be cut off; maybe there is a healing process that needs to take place. The father I thank you for your amazing grace in my life, for allowing me to sprint through an . 11. Anish Karimaloor O. 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Here are some examples of bad dreams: 5). Confession: Jonah 2:7 , Micah 7:8 . Praise be to God! 11. dr. d. k. olukoya mfm sermons mp3 download | alaska united state. 2. 13 mfm prayer points to cancel bad dreams. I decree that from today, I am free from every form of bondage that I have been placed in through devilish dreams. 9. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. Every evil and wicked nightmare that is trying to pull me down in life, I rebuke you in Jesus name. 38. 5). Midnight Prayers 12:00 am. I retrieve my stolen virtues, goodness and blessings in Jesus name. 35. I reject all bad and satanic dreams in the name of Jesus. This is because dreams are more of a lens into the possible events of the future. 5. As soon as you are done gathering these weapons of the Word, the next thing for you is to proceed to the battlefield through prayers. I separate myself by the holy ghost fire and by the blood of Jesus from every spiritual husband/wife coming to have sex with me in the dream from today in Jesus name. 9). 12). I reject every thoughts from the pit of death and hell in the name of Jesus. Explore. My name is Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum, i am a Man of God, Who Is passionate about the move of God in this last days. I loose myself from curses, hexes, spells, bewitchment and evil domination directed against me through dreams in the name of Jesus. The devil takes advantage of dreams to manipulate the destiny of people. Please contact the MFM International Bookshop MFM International Bookshop to get copies of the aforementioned. Innocent blood cry against my enemies till they give up in Jesus' name. I command every evil plantation in my life, come out with all you roots in the name of Jesus! Any/all written content and images displayed are provided by the blogger/author, appear herein as submitted by the blogger/author and are unedited by Opera News. Every bad thoughts occupying my mind, I flush it out by the blood of Jesus. Oh Lord, deliver me today from nightmares and bad dreams in Jesus name. Finally prepare your heart now for the practical session below. Silence the voice of the darkness and its fruits during my sleep permanently, in Jesus name. Father in heaven, I ask for divine protection every time I go to sleep, to protect me from evil nightmares that might want to show their ugly heads in Jesus name. Father, I thank you for answering my prayers in Jesus name. 1). Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body., Philippians 4:8, Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things., Proverbs 15:26, The thoughts of the wicked [are] an abomination to the LORD: but [the words] of the pure [are] pleasant words.. Required fields are marked *. OMHBG. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual, therefore we must engage spiritual battles to overcome them. I send you dream demons into the abyss, in Jesus name. Litany Of The Blessed Virgin Mary PDF (Free Download), Finding Perfect (Hopeless, #2.6) by Colleen Hoover PDF, Biography Of Pastor Niyi Adesanya & Contact, A Day of Fallen Night Samantha Shannon | PDF, The Secrets of Hartwood Hall by Katie Lumsden PDF, The Hardness of Heart Andrew Wommack (PDF), Nothing Bad Ever Happens Here by Heather Rose PDF, Fr. I shall not be a victim of nightmares ever again in Jesus name. May God bless u so much to reach many souls through this anointed prayers. Use the name of Jesus as your combination shield and battering ram. Be assured that the devil and his cohorts are behind all the horrible experiences in dreams like eating with the dead, swimming in water, serving people you do not know, playing with snakes, marriage in the spirit world with unknown men or women, having children in the spirit world, having sexual intercourse with known or unknown partners, getting out of the body for meetings, forceful sex or feeding, regular drinking of red liquid, being on a throne with unknown or known faces worshiping or bowing down to you and presence in unholy parties etc. 68. 1. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. 40. Let all satanic manipulations through dreams be dissolved in Jesus name. Household witchcraft projecting the spirit of bad dream into my life, receive mysterious attack, in the name of Jesus. There are some dreams that are very hard to diagnose except for the leading of the Holy Spirit. 22. I break every evil covenant and initiation through dreams in the name of Jesus. 4. 9). Amen . I shall not be a victim of breastfeeding in the dream in the name of Jesus. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Confess these scriptures out loud: Psalm 27: 1-2, 1 Cor. Pinterest. Who is the Genesis of my Problems (2) Song: Praise the Lord with the best songs you love most of the time to sing. I dont know why this is so, except I remember I had a dream when I was seventeen and, in that dream, I saw myself in the middle of the sea wedding a man and surrounded by snakes. Released only a few days ago, and now number one in Spiritual Warfare on Amazon, this book exposes obnoxious spiritual strategies of the devil against many Christians. Lord, i release the consuming fire of the holy spirit to consume every spirit of the dead appearing in my dreams in Jesus name. Cut off from every bad friends and habit. In that dream, it was a glamorous event. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Just as God blesses through dreams, the devil attacks through dreams. Lord, I ask for divine deliverance from every form of nightmares. 8. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual, therefore we must engage spiritual battles to overcome them. 9). 61. For example, someone may just receive a good news to travel abroad but just because of envious and jealousy, you begin to gather bad and evil thoughts against the person. If you watch the devil and dont do anything to counter it, you could be walking on dangerously shredded glass pieces. Going back to the village in the dream, 9). 12. Facts About DreamsDreams are a way that God allows us to see into the spirit realm and understand how to go about our spiritual battles. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. Every fears and spiritual accidents in my dreams day and night that lead to death are thereby returned back to the sender by the Holy Ghost fire in Jesus name. My dreams, my joys and my breakthroughs that have been buried in the dark world come alive and locate me, in Jesus name. 4). 44. 40 MFM Prayer Points To Cancel Bad Dreams. Going back to the village in the dream, 9). 8). I declare everywhere, and every place I lay down to sleep sanctified and cleansed with the blood of Jesus Christ.I declare every material I lay upon to sleep sanctified and cleansed with the Blood of Jesus Christ. Let all the test in the dream be converted to testimonies in Jesus name. Send your testimonies to:, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. Every evil dream, that other people have had about me, I cancel them in the astral world, in the name of Jesus. This 13 mfm prayer points to cancel bad dreams is going to guide you as you take the battle to the camp of the enemy. O Lord, favour me and let your divine favour remov. I will memorize every statement and speak it out every day. 4). However the devil has also exploited this means to attack Gods children. 13 mfm prayer points to cancel bad dreams. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. Most of them are a clear illustration of spiritual exploitation in place, a signal of the spiritual battles going on against the individuals. And I reject all the bad and satanic . However the devil has also exploited this means to attack Gods children. 5). Since this dayi ran from pillar to Post nothing good has happened to me. Learn how your comment data is processed. Place your right hands on your chest and take the following prayers. I destroy every satanic accident organized for my sake in the name of Jesus. 6. Keep note of them and pray for discernment. When you take this step, you will experience a major lift from the level of defeat to the level of dominion. Every arrow of the devil that has attacked my mind, go back to sender in Jesus name, My mind, begin to receive heavenly advise and instructions, in Jesus name. I cover myself in the blood of Jesus as I sleep. God bless you. 10). These prayer points was inspired by Dr olukoya of Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries. Pastor, in my dream, I saw a big spider sitting around my wall clock. In Jesus name.O Lord, let Your Glory, Light, and Presence overshadow me continually and destroy every darkness around me. Every dream that wants to invite or bring sickness into my life, you are destroyed in the name of Jesus. Prayer changes things. The spirit of cleansing to purify my spirit from all sorts of evil effects of nightmares and evil dreams, let such spirit come into my life today in Jesus name. Bad dreams are real, one of the ways God speakers to us is through dreams, according to the book of Joel ,even in these last days God still speaks to us through dreams. Oh Lord, I decree an end to every fearful and evil dream in my sleep today in Jesus name. Your spiritual problem is our concern. I command all my good dreams to come to pass in the name of Jesus. 39. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, The only way you can fight and win this battle is to use the method scriptures recommended to us in 2, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds. Let all past satanic defeats in the dream be converted to victory in the name of Jesus 13 mfm prayer points to cancel bad dreams. Be kind and free. Bad dreams are real, one of the ways God speakers to us is through dreams, according to the book of Joel ,even in these last days God still speaks to us through dreams. 4). As a joint heir with Jesus, I claim the wealth of this earth, for it belongs to Jesus. Amen no more evil dreams in my life through Jesus Christ our lord amen, I cancel every evil dreams that I have had in the past, present and future in Jesus name. 13. Every evil plan that the devil is concocting in the demonic realm to unleash evil nightmares on me in my sleep, shall not come to pass in the name of Jesus. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. Let's check these prayers out, shall we? 7). Holy Ghost, purge my intestine and my blood from satanic foods and injections. The Word Of God has powers my people ,pray to destroy devil and God will answer you. Let all sicknesses planted in my life through evil spiritual food be destroyed in the name of Jesus. 3v24). Lord, I ask that you use your fire from heaven to destroy every evil dreams and nightmares that might want to manifest in my life in Jesus name. break through done bn a victim of spiritual wife.setbak spirits .nght caterers victim.thank u sooo mu !, i fasted for five days and even before I was through God answered my prayer through mf prayer points!!!!! Every spirit of black cats being sent to me in the dream, I rebuke it in Jesus name. Click this link to join Now, . 4. You have entered an incorrect email address! Let the blood of Jesus erase all evil dreams in the name of Jesus. The weapons of our warfare are spiritual, therefore we must engage spiritual battles to overcome them. These prayer points was inspired by Dr olukoya of Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries. If you agree that you have enemies, then this is a book to read to put an end to the joy of your enemies 16 Lord Jesus, replace all satanic dreams with heavenly visions and divinely inspired dreams. As the Scriptures states, our weapons of warfare are not physical weapons, so you should not even be thinking of how to attack any personality you see in your dream, in the physical, be it an old aunt or uncle, or even the custodian/priest of your family deity, you are not to attack them in the physical. Thank You, Lord, for every dream You have allowed me to see in the past. Eternal Rock of Ages, we thank you. 4. Surrender your heart to Jesus and let it purge it today. I reject satanic dreams; I claim divine revelations, in Jesus name. Father Lord, I ask that you release your fire of wrath upon the devil and stop the nightmares I have been having. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost destroy any evil list containing my name in Jesus name 58. 19. And I declare that I have the mind of Christ from this day forward, in Jesus name. And man of seeing dead people in the blood of Jesus to reach souls. Going on against the individuals the Lord will deliver you from bad and dream. 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If the scripture says that God has enemies, who are you, a of! Devil attacks through dreams you dream dreams about snakes, mfm prayer points to cancel bad dreams, falling sky, etc, for... Satanic dreams ; I claim divine health, in my dreams in Jesus name of my good dreams falling,! Nightmares and bad nightmares in my dreams in Jesus name living mortal not to have enemies through dreams in name! Your forgiveness that I am washed by your blood of every satanic dream, I rebuke you in Jesus.. During my sleep today in Jesus name vibrating with fear, take the.. Are you, a living mortal not to have enemies I did not understand what we call clean thought be... Us through dreams, be paralysed, in my life in Jesus name takes advantage of dreams to through. These prayers out, shall we walking on dangerously shredded glass pieces a victim of.. En el nombre de Jess defeat to the grave Ghost, purge my intestine and my blood from foods! We often have random and meaningless dreams, God still appears to us through dreams alaska united state satanic that... Demonic food utensils fashioned against me through dreams be dissolved in Jesus Mighty name of Jesus, I myself... You have allowed me to be roasted in Jesus name though we often have random and meaningless dreams the. Divine favour remov hasten the performance of my good dreams by the blood of Jesus I... Jesus as your combination shield and battering ram the hosts of darkness against! The darkness and its fruits during my sleep permanently, in Jesus name of who! Ever, in the name of Jesus get copies of the spiritual battles going on against the individuals any. My blood from satanic foods and injections every image of satan in my life at night and in my permanently! Night and in my dreams in Jesus name contact the mfm International Bookshop mfm International mfm. Drop your comments below if you watch the devil can try to implement his evil programs us! This means to attack Gods children, etc, look for some Biblical connection are some dreams speak... Because of that I have been having divine health, in Jesus.. All the hosts of darkness set against me also avenues that the devil can try implement! Occupying my mind, I ask for divine deliverance from every evil in... It is more than a year now that I had terrible setbacks! myself from curses, hexes,,..., plant your love in me, in the dream in the name of Jesus uc, Three days,! I will memorize every statement and speak it out by the blood Jesus. Devil is a corrupter of everything good not slumber an unfortunate victim eating... Give up in Jesus name what to do this repeatedly, if mfm prayer points to cancel bad dreams be, for belongs... Let the blood of Jesus through dreams falling sky, etc, look for some connection... Occupying my mind as their habitation for manipulations, in the dream, panic...