14,022 Posts. Also, this wouldn't be as big of a problem if there was quality control, but as more and more unprepared NPs are set forth, and as states give NPs more autonomy, there may be huge issues in the future with unprepared NPs making bad decisions, which could really hurt the profession as it may undermine public confidence. Subscribe for the latest nursing news, offers, education resources and so much more! Through her company, Doctors Crossing, she works with physicians who want to leave direct care. Long-Term Job Security. Nurse practitioners deal with sick and dying patients: 4. I started my RN career in a large SICU and was interested in psych as my NP specialty. From where I'm standing, this is going to be a very good move for me. As I said, if I do become a midlevel, I want physician oversight. Almost all nurses I meet, especially the black women, have complaints and wanna do something else but stay for the job security and sometimes the pay. Count your coin prior to becoming an APRN. I have worked as a nurse practitioner for six short years and looking back wouldnt change a single step I have taken on my career path. You could do that in 2003. I actually talked my school into letting me in with no RN experience because I told them RN experience is irrelevant when you are looking over a doctor's shoulder and saying, "yeah, that's what I thought too". How Do You Address Lack of Experience in a NP Job Interview? I read medical books every day. This has been discussed many times. 50 Best High Paying Career Change ideas for Nurses 1. Once I passed that exam, I was able to become a registered patent agent. I Hate Being A Nurse and 7 Things I Can Do About It! Specialties: Adult & Pediatric Medicine Therapeutic and Cosmetic Botox Established in 2018. It will at least be a change. Becoming a nurse practitioner is a popular and exciting career choice. And people are lobbying for less nurse practitioner restrictions? Common sense and respect for roles won't. May not be able to work in favorite specialty- this is true of anywhere, including working as an RN. I am basically a strong supporter in the 'educational bubble' which I think is going to pop very soon. As a new nurse practitioner, you learn how much you really don't know in your first year. One of the things I wish would have happened was the removal of nurse practice barriers eliminating restrictions on the scope of practice of advanced registered nurses so that we could practice to the full extent of our education and training. As with every job, the nurse practitioner career presents some unique challenges at times. Perhaps the clinic where you work is poorly managed or the expectations placed on you are unreasonable. I agree, chimi. Because that fact wasnt changing anytime soon, I went back to school. Why it transfers: Michael Rivas started out as a licensed practical nurse and occupational therapist, but he left occupational therapy in 2004 to get into the insurance industry. Social support is lacking. After this first year as an NP, and with California laws changing soon to allow NPs to have full practice authority brighter days are ahead. I don't have any other skills.. It is damaging our profession, and the name of nurse practitioners. You are overworked, stressed out, and always so tired. The whole thing. Specializes in Cardiology, Research, Family Practice. I once quit a job day 1 of orientation. I really don't like the bedside role at all and would have gone to PA school if NPs didn't exist. I know it seems intimidating but if you want it you can get it. And anyone who says otherwise is the villain. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU. And thus far Ive not been able to really do that (as an NP) and it sucks! There was my first time to suture a live human being, hands trembling with a thankfully understanding patient volunteering to be a practice subject. Good analytical and problem-solving skills as well as being able to think outside of the box are often requirements for this kind of work, she says. They can receive additional training and work within the hospital system or on the company side. I want to be a provider. What do you have to lose? From CNA to LPN to RN to BSN to MSN, here's what my career progression looked like. You know all nursing jobs arent created (or paid!) You never know how long it will take to secure a new position. The AACN thinks that all NPs need doctoral degrees and that will make NPs more respected? Yeah, it isn't medical school, but we also don't make what physicians make either. I mean smart. In public relations, those same communication skills are key for training clients on how to work with the media, she says. Doctors go to medical school for four years and then have specialty training after that. There will inevitably be a backlash by the public and the physician community when it is finally decided that NP's have too much autonomy. The accrediting agencies really need to get their act together, and I really hope they do because the future is worrying. I really have no idea about getting my money back and I also hate losing a semester of work out of a 5 semester program. Very soon (hopefully). I care for people and want to practice medicine- or advanced practice nursing, if it makes you happy- and I'd also like to go into management or even case work, all of which are available in nursing. 5 Signs You May Be Ready to Resign, Sample Leadership Interview Questions and Answers, 11 Sample Angular Interview Questions and Answers, 10 Sample Python Interview Questions and Answers, Administrative Assistant Cover Letter Sample, How to Write a Police Officer Cover Letter - with Example. Being a nurse practitioner is your path.". I want to be happy at work. As a midlevel- NP or PA- I am never going to think I'm as knowledgeable as a physician. On balance I will probably have to work more in order to make the same money I make now, but I hope it'll be work that I like more. I am sure this is going to be rather controversial, so I have put on my jock strap and am ready for low blows to the land down under. All resources are student and donor supported. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Nurse Practitioners are DUMB AND I HATE THEM October 20th, 2017 Join The ZPac Supporters! I just don't get it, why would NP training not simply get upgraded to increase the credibility of it? Furthermore, I really don't like how you said "disrespecting" bedside. But the stress can be overwhelming, and burnout is common. Youre thinking about leaving, anyway. Through her work, shes found that many doctors arent always aware of the skills they have. Hours and hours of classroom, personal study, research. Who wants to walk into work already looking for it to be over? This is TribeTalk, so hide the kids and cover grandma's ears BECAUSE IT GETS REAL. Ratings: +1,838,934 / 320,943 / -175,671. honey8271 said: . I know there are great nurse practitioners and programs out there but PLEASE, let's be real. Until some limitation is put on the quality of these bed-bug ridden basement nurse practitioner programs, we will never have the support for unregulated practice. Yeah, that's right, your first job might land you in a local community health center making less money with a masters degree, than with an associates degree. Your duties as an NP may include seeing children for physical exams, to prescribe medication, or for follow-up care. As much as I'd love to blame the schools, they are only taking advantage of lax regulation by the accrediting agencies. Dr. Michael Pappas hates it when a nurse practitioner is called a mid-level provider: "Stop calling nurse practitioners mid-level providers."So do I, though my reasons are a bit different. The only reason I'm so far ahead of my peers in similar situation is I realized that early and while the NP teachers were talking I read medical journals (or found some other way to ignore them, such as Texas Hold 'Em) and I took that approach in my RN experience and made it very clear to my buddy docs I worked with in the ER who took me under their wing almost like a resident and taught me for the two years I spent there. But looking back, I truly didn't know what I did not know! If so, its worth broaching the subject. Perhaps the clinic where you work is poorly managed or the expectations placed on you are unreasonable. Clinical nurse educator. From my standpoint, a focus on children and women seems to be more accessible as an NP. I finally reached the point that I couldn't stand it any more. Nursing schools should be as standardized as medical schools, and the number of degree conferring programs need to be tightly controlled to prevent oversaturation. It seems as if all education standards are being lowered in this country. 2. Examples like the one above are great for prospective NPs to see. If your beefs with your job can be fixed, making professional efforts to do so is your best course of action. And when that is decided, it will be hard for the nurses to stand in front of the black robes and state that they practice anything outside of medicine. Seasoned Nurse Practitioners value a physician relationship As a veteran nurse of 34 years and an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner for 11 years, I am fortunate to be in a wonderful collaborative practice at a community hospital in the suburbs of Chicago. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Now what? And here's how you do it. After 25 years of helping patients and their families navigate cancer and mentoring new nurses, I believe that at the end of the day, no matter how challenging, I have impacted someone's life for the better." For awhile, I've known that I'd like to teach and do research. But every nurse out there is going to be extremely angry at me. Is this experience typical for a new grad NP situation? That's the smartest approach to this whirlwind of BS I've ever heard. I ended up working as a PNP and a Nurse Manager at the same time so I was seeing patients and acting as Nurse Manager. One day I will create my perfect role. Good, well your first job out of school may not be in the ER as you have lingered during your nursing career. No one ever teaches you in school that some patients are known to come to the ER drunk on Listerine. The notable differences between the two are: I was cheated out of bonuses I was promised and worked without the support of colleagues I had been told to expect. I agree that this is not a troll post. Meanwhile, most of the people being called "nurse" in hospitals and doctors' offices these days are actually nursing assistants or medical assistantsor people with no clinical training whatsoever. Even as an RN I was always moonlighting in a variety of specialties. This is a big one. I would recommend going back for a post-master's and go back to where your heart is. But patients almost always equate bedside manner with knowledge and ability. Decide if the situation can be salvaged. By definition, nursing is a subordinate role in medicine, though a very important one. After all, isnt becoming an NP #goals for so many nurses? Let's get you started wth your Premiu. Listening, empathizing and ultimately, convincing people to listen to you are great skill sets coveted by hiring managers in these fields. I don't expect people to "bow down." I was under the impression the insurance companies will sort out these turf battles! I do think that nurse practitioners and advanced practice nursing is going to have to decide how they fit into medicine, as at that point I think they are far removed from being "nursing". Why it transfers: Nurses understand the importance of following procedures and documenting processes. They were bad. Skills used in occupational therapysuch as carefully monitoring and assessing environments and behaviorhave come in handy as he serves as safety director at Assurance, an insurance company in the Chicago area. Masters of Science in Nursing Degree (MSN) and became a clinical nurse specialist (CNS), Obtained a post-masters to become a Family Nurse Practitioner. Copyright2022 ThriveAP Inc., All Rights Reserved, candidate for other nurse practitioner opportunities, easier to find a job when you already have one. What Happens When You Dont Take a Break at Work? I MAKE 45 DOLLARS AN HOUR AS A LOCAL TRAVEL NURSE AND MY STARTING NP PAY IS LIKE ONLY 38 AN HOUR, DUHBULL YEW TEE EFF. Clearly the OP does not feel that no one should become a nurse practitioner, and I'm sure he enjoys aspects of his job. This is a profession that has many options. Specializes in Psychiatry, Mental Health. She started out as a cancer research scientist before looking for new options. Right. Corporate Health Consultant Corporate Health Consultants work with corporate outfits to develop stress reduction programs and welfare management programs for their employees. To this day I truly have no idea what I may have done to harm a patient accidentally. Most of the nursing degrees include anatomy, biology, psychology and chemistry. I just hate being a nurse!" So, you hate being a nurse. 208 Posts. When working in a boring or hectic environment, it takes a lot of energy to stay focused, leading to exhaustion and job burnout. Fast forward to when I finished my two year PNP program. (41 replies). A few common reasons nurse practitioners tell me they no longer like their jobs or profession are: Job responsibilities orlogistics dont turn out as anticipated or discussed in the interview, process (ex. o This is a big one. Identity the reason for your dissatisfaction There are a number of reasons you might hate your nurse practitioner job. After graduating from my nurse practitioner program, my stress level was high. You have to learn an entirely new trade - ya? In order to understand them it will be necessary to revisit those dark ages, a time when such individuals were few and the roles played in the drama we know as health care were more clear. I've been an NP for nearly three years and have had pretty lucrative positions downright gifted to me along the way. New opportunity: Training and development manager. No better than a traditional scam in many cases. As a PA, I always had the option to walk down the hall and talk to my doc, and/or call him on the phone if he was not in the office. NP's always talk about outcome studies. I'm almost finished with my PMHNP program, and I'm incredibly excited about the field. I also cannot meet my RVUs for the day and I don't know what to do. Has 6 years experience. My story is quite the opposite. I'm so nervous about itI keep thinking I want to be a doctor and then I get intimidated by the path and decide not to do it. Think long and hard about why you want to become a NP. Welcome to "advanced practice nursing.". Bamboo Family Clinic was born on the belief to provide quality patient care to those seeking help. So, I want a doctor on hand. They will remark disparagingly, I'm just a clinician, I don't know what else I could do, Fork says. Wheelchair-bound woman, 60, pleads with cops while being arrested. I worked and studied hard to become an NP. You try to rediscover the spark that drew you to nursing. Your email address will not be published. Well, recruiters love experienced NP's in the ER, so you may be out of luck for a few years. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. Besides better work schedules, pay, and work life balance, the benefits of going back to the bedside as a Nurse Practitioner include: Enhanced assessment skills. Its hard to believe that my friends working as attorneys have never been vomited on at work, or had a buttocks abscess explode in their hair. She added, "In the United States, nurse practitioners are well-respected and frequently more or less capable of working alone. Check out our list of the top non-bedside nursing careers. Thus, all vocational counselors don't know the difference between the ACT and SAT. 3rd year BSN-DNP intern or fellowship programs. On the other hand, being a midlevel would cause less debt, and be a shorter course. Last year, the anesthesiologists in Louisiana had to go to court to stop the CRNA's from doing pain management after the state's nursing board simply modified the CRNA scope. "WHAT A NURSE, I WANT TO SEE A DOCTOR, WHAT IS THIS NURSE DOING HERE." To get started, all you need is an associate degree in dental hygiene (that can be completed in two years or less) along with state licensing. An emergency NP works in a fast-paced environment with patients of all ages needing immediate care. corpsman, I disagree. So I ended up "using" my degree for all of 4 years. A few years later I had my first child and decided to stay home. Great examples! Looking for a 1 day a week online nurse practitioner program that requires no travel graduates in 5 months, 10 clinical hours, and a 2.1 GPA to get into? Psych NPs don't all make money, it really depends on your market. Don't let this board influence you. So now I am sort of changing my path. As the nurses try to invade medical areas, the physicians will fight back. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. If you want the nursing perspective, since many NPs do not post here, go to. Some will be moving from 80k as an RN to 120k as an NP in my area. Love the work, but the harried pace is going to burn me out. The inference made was not such a grand leap, given the way midlevels are perceived on this board not one post that says "hey--noone HATES NPs. Lab technicians, with their strong background in following strict protocols to determine results, would be a good fit for quality control or other product testing roles. Graduate Board Certified Adult- Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner from NYU Rory Meyers School of Nursing with 9 years of nursing experience in med-surg, critical care and post anesthesia. I stayed at my first job for 11 months, during which time I became miserable and burnt out. So, to clarify, what I've found that I really don't like about working as an NP is the pressure to see as many patients as possible, as quickly as possible. Looking at some of the programs out there, I don't blame them. 3 Articles; Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. So I never worked as an ANP, and did my Psych coursework over a couple of years while working. Required fields are marked *. Dr. Feelgood- I see some of your points I agree that doctors are the best people to rely on when poo hits that fan. There is no such thing as "advanced nursing". So if youre a health care worker whos thinking about getting out, its time to identify the skills that you can use in other positions. Want to get started on the path to a new career? With statistics demonstrating great expectations of growth in the field, a great outlook of future jobs is insight for students. Nurse practitioners focus on disease management as well as health promotion and prevention. Now I have a bunch of student loans so, I gotta make it do what it do.. Then going back to school set off an entire cascade of more frustration and disappointment. My pediatric knowledge definitely helps me in my current job (I am a school nurse) but I always have to take a step back and remind myself that as a RN I cannot diagnose so while I will know what a student most likely has, I can only recommend that the child be seen by a provider to "properly" diagnose which is frustrating. 2,000,137,218. So now that I have joined the more than 325,000 nurse practitioners (NPs) licensed in the United States, why am I so unhappy in the role? There is no GPA requirement for pumping gas, buying beer, or purchasing an iPhone. They typically assess patient symptoms and diagnose and treat patients with acute symptoms in hospitals, trauma centers, urgent care, and ambulances. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. That means I have a REAL interest in an advance practice degree and what it teaches you - in fact, I ONLY have an interest in advanced practice degree. There is a large difference in the philosophy and education between the two. But was it really? The main difference between a nurse practitioner and a physician is the type of training. I hate it and tbh I think I've met less than 5 nurses who actually liked their job even a little. I couldn't agree more. Going back for a few years later I had my first child and decided to stay home sort i hate being a nurse practitioner... Said: patients are known to come to the ER drunk on Listerine knowledgeable as physician! Was interested in psych as my NP specialty in 2018 do because the is... # goals for so many nurses it, why would NP training not simply upgraded. 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