Timothy in the Bible was likely converted to the Christian faith on the Apostle Paul's first missionary journey. Now look at 2 Timothy 4:16: At my first defense, no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. Timothy appeared to have been intimidated by his youthfulness. You need them both because those are the means by which you die well. So I was rescued from the lions mouth. The Fourth Missionary Journey: What Happened to Paul after Acts? All rights reserved. If this teenager really respected me, then he wouldnt talk to me this way this is the way an immature dad talks. A more detailed discussion by Robinson is found here (pp. What was it in Thessalonica? But thats not the way Jesus handled it. I dont want to drive any of you away from the ministry. 4:11; see Col. 4:14), which may indicate that he is the amanuensis or secretary who is writing the letters to Timothy and Titus on the apostles behalf. What happened next has been debated for 2,000 years, but it seems most likely that very soon he was beheaded by Nero. In the end, it is Christ who calls to us. We dont want to die alone, and we dont want to be forgotten. perhaps only a few prominent Jews & Christians were made to leave. But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. What is your life? Crescens, who is otherwise unknown, is ministering in Galatia, and Titus, whom we are well acquainted with from our study of the letter to Titus, is serving the kingdom of God in Dalmatia (2 Tim. However, we should note that Augustus was a title, not his name. Swindoll's Living Insights Bible Commentaries. Second Timothy 4:13: When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas. Seriously? Many years later he met a woman, they got married, and he and his wife began church hopping. Your browser does not support JavaScript. For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. Since you have faith, Paul says, put it to use. Bring my cloak because its cold in prison in the winter. He wasnt at the hospital, he didnt attend my childs wedding, he wasnt there in crisis, he never called when my dad died. Hundreds of my people will be able to say that and yours. Although the plan for salvation was in place all along, people didnt know about it until Christ came. It is generally conceded that during this time-frame the apostle penned four epistles: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon, though not necessarily in this sequence. St. (2021, December 6). The King James Version translates the last part of verse 21 with three simple words: Come before winter. Timothy, if youre going to come at all, come now. The one being in the universe who will never ever let you down youre going to let those who let you down drive you away from the One who will never let you down? First of all, look at 2 Timothy 4:11: Luke alone is with me. Why is there a memory leak in this C++ program and how to solve it, given the constraints (using malloc and free for objects containing std::string)? I am no longer young, no matter what people may think. We mean to share Christ with a neighbor, we intend to get serious in our Christian faith. Do your best to come before winter. arrest in Rome for two years (28:30), awaiting an appearance before Nero. As we talked, I shared with him my own observations about Calvary at this crucial moment in time. He then looked for a scapegoat. Luke alone is with me. Let me close with a quote from William Tyndale. He left the military but continued to drink heavily. Do you have a close circle of Christian friends who support you? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.. Closeness to God at the end of your life does not remove the need or the desire to read and be spiritually nourished. Whatever it is, Come before winter. Do it. Zavada, Jack. But the Bible always says todaynot tomorrow. Thats exactly how Paul felt toward Timothy. He really does show how hard it is. Nero was emperor till 68. All too often we end up with the ifs and buts of life. He didnt show up emotionally. He can still be your lover. He could have been sick, really. Lets read 2 Timothy 4:922. Dont delay. You didnt show up.. Second Timothy 4:10: For Demas, in love with the present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica. I dont know if Demas ever repented. Come to Christ while you have the opportunity and while you have the desire. Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. (NIV), Philemon 2:22But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel. ( Ac 23:6; Php 3:5) He was a Roman citizen from birth ( Ac 22:28 ), his father having perhaps been granted citizenship for services rendered. Its gotten really long, Lord. There were these great old days with so many of us, and now its just the two of us. Timothy means "honoring God.". Perhaps the most infamous of Rome's emperors, Nero Claudius Caesar (37-68 A.D.) ruled Rome from 54 A.D. until his death by suicide 14 years later. He encourages Timothy to continue his work. Second, we are becoming a younger congregation. I hate the devil. So he didevery yearfor 37 straight years. He was in a hospital in a city down south, and Marlene and I were driving through that city. When he arrives, he tries to find Paul but no one seems to know where he is. Some old friends gave lots of support, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Bud Weiser. He served in the military in various hot spots around the worldSaudi Arabia, Somalia, South Koreagetting drunk every chance he had. The doctor says you have a week, maybe. And since two of the districts untouched by Dont lay up treasures on earth lay up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19). Is variance swap long volatility of volatility? We mean to write a letter, or make a call but it never gets done. Again, Paul encouraged him in 2 Timothy 1:6-7: "This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. Greg Hines, the Oak Park police officer who handles our traffic on Sundays, came over to say hello. Included in the journey is a mission to Spain, ministry on the island of Crete, ministry in Ephesus, stops at Miletus, Troas, various cities in Macedonia, Corinth, and probably Nicopolis. I hope youre Christlike enough for that; Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do (Luke 23:34). Humans, they let you down, but Ive got my Jesus, and I dont need anybody else.. If you order a special airline meal (e.g. Such a ministry trip had been part of his original plan way back when he wrote Romans five or more years before (, We cannot know for certain, but based upon Pauls former plans (, Perhaps on his return from Spain, Paul sailed to the island of Crete where he engaged in ministry alongside Titus. Failing friends can still be your friends and that will hang a great deal on you, and whether you say, Heart, dont charge it against them.. In his final days, his thoughts went to Demas, a friend who had left him in his time of need, choosing to love the world instead. That is where the book of Acts ends, but it is not the end of the story. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning, Pauls fourthmissionary journey? Christ always intended for your friendship with him to be the centerpiece of your friendship with others. At one point last week, as we were in orientation together, and before we left to come back, I looked at him and saw the excitement on his face, and this thought hit me with enormous gravity, The future belongs to the young. In a sense Ive always known that to be true, but last week I saw the future clearlyand I realized in a new way, that the future always belongs to the young. When Paul departed Crete, he left Titus to appoint elders in the cities that held believing communities, some of which were probably planted by Paul and Titus (, The order of events after this gets increasingly difficult. How does the Holy Spirit help me guard the gospel? WebThe Epistle to the Philippians, commonly referred to as Philippians, is a Pauline epistle of the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Only one friend can do that. veneration or reverence which was due to the rank of emperor. We were in a hurry, on our way to or from Dallas, it was late in the day, but I thought to myself, I should stop and see him or at least stop and call. Marlene even said, We can stop if you want to. But I did neither, and we drove on, and he died a few days later. Some things must be done before winter or they will not be done at all. Please, Welcome to Bible Hermeneutics SE and thank you for your contribution. Some have interpreted this as a reference to his first defense before Emperor Nero, If these dates are accurate, then Nero was emperor until he took his own life in 68 A.D. P.S. WebPerhaps the most infamous of Rome's emperors, Nero Claudius Caesar (37-68 A.D.) ruled Rome from 54 A.D. until his death by suicide 14 years later. Thats true. According to extrabiblical church tradition, Timothy remained in Ephesus for the rest of his life, until he The letter is addressed to the Christian church in Philippi. on a charge of rape (Genesis 39:1920; 41:1). And so we who lead must say to the next generation, We wont be here forever so you must prepare to lead.. Paul's journey to Rome (via Crete and being shipwrecked off Malta) is dated between 59 and 60 A.D. Acts 28:30 says Paul was under house arrest for two years before his case came to trial. Hes so deceitful, such a liar, such a confuser of peoples minds. Am I willing to be embarrassed by the gospel? Although he had been released from prison several times before, Paul now senses that death will be his only escape. Some have been confused by the statement in Acts 25:21, 25, indicating that Paul appealed to Augustus. I think the overall impact that Paul wants them to have for the Timothys in the room especially is to inform you that the ministry will be hard, and in spite of all of its hardness Jesus will stand by you. Paul appeared before Nero some time during his house arrest in Rome. of Theyre true, and if you live long enough, you will find them all to be true in your life. I have no idea. When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments (v. 13). Hes the only flawless friend, and therefore the only all-satisfying friend, and therefore the only friend who can make other friendships eternal. And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. Timothy already knows Pauls commission, but Paul says it here because it applies to Timothy, too. What prayer should you pray? First, Paul had been a resident of Jerusalem as a child ( Acts 22:3) and was also there years later to approve of Stephens stoning ( Acts 8:1 ). Above everything else, he wanted Timothy to come see him in prison before he died. What you would do for God, you can do, but you must not delay. On July 19, AD 64, a fire broke out in Rome, destroying ten of the He is passing the baton to someone who will continue the work. Thats a challenge to our unity and to our willingness to stretch, but it is also a gift from God. I have said since last September that when you turn 50, you become a philosopher of sorts. Paul can say, The Lord stood by me. Philemon 1:1. And his friendship is very, very sweet. 16:23), he expressed an intense longing to visit them (Rom. Friends in ministry can let you down and never care for you again. One part of seeking Gods kingdom means laying up treasures in heaven by investing our earthly money in Gods work. You forgot my anniversary one time. In recent months two facts have become very obvious to me. During Pauls time in Ephesus, the following events occurred: 1) Paul encountered strong opposition from someone named Alexander the coppersmith (, After this, I think everything else may have happened in fairly rapid succession without any long stays anywhere. It is important to note that persecution can mean a variety of things, ranging from simply having people spreads lies about you, to ultimate persecution that Jesus Christ endured and overcame. For a time, Timothy was also imprisoned for the faith. WebNave's Topical Index. For more, visit the Good Book Blog, a seminary faculty blog from Talbot School of Theology. What step of faith? Did timothy see paul before he died sa Fiction Writing Answer (1 of 3): Nothing was said by any Christian source about the death of Timothy until the fifth-century Acts of Timothy describes him as disrupting a Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Nero was the fifth Roman emperor, ruling from 54 to 68. Tomorrow may never come. Hes going to die for helping people to read the Bible in English. tradition, in the Mamertine Prison. Will you open the door and let him in? And if he waited that long, Paul would very likely already be dead. Was Timothy timid? Paul would have had the comfort of his presence during the Although we do not know precisely when Festus came into office (AD 59 is a reasonable estimate), Josephus does tell us that Felix was recalled under Nero. Zavada, Jack. He was in love with the world, and it will happen to you. carried out in AD 68.3. They say that youth must be served. My suggestion is Nicopolis, since it comes at the end of all the other pieces of information I have tried to piece together. They wont be at home forever. 1:10-11; 15:22ff). Thus, Paul can urge Timothy to come visit him very soon (v. 9). Timothy met and scolded them for their idolatry. Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. What class could you teach? Here we are faced with a mystery. During the reign of Emperor Nero, the apostle Paul was placed on death row in a Roman prison. All his companions had forsaken him except Dr. Luke. Paul is in a cold damp dungeon. He longs for his cloak, his books, and most of all for Timothy. If Paul didn't see Timothy before this winter he would never see him again. It was first applied to Caesar This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. Even before God created us, he knew that we would need a Savior, and he forgave us ahead of time. Is It Ok for Christians to Follow Zodiac Signs? Come before winter.. . There are doors of opportunity that open before us today, but if we do not take advantage of them, by springtime they will be forever shut. That was not a good deal. Timothy has also been appointed as someone who should testify about Christ and the immortality Christ has revealed. Why didn't Paul and Silas declare their citizenship before they were punished in Act 16:23? He noticed the pin I was wearing and asked what it said. It never was. Thanks for your interest! They will watch your life what kind of car you drive and how many houses you have and what you feel like you need to buy. I just want you to walk in with your eyes open, wide open, and to know hell be there for you. You can make a lot of money.. Thats just not the way the text reads. Seek Christian friendships. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/timothy-companion-of-the-apostle-paul-701073. Other friendships eternal years ( 28:30 ), he wanted Timothy to come see him in prison in end! Talked, I shared with him my own observations about Calvary at this crucial moment in time Luke! Apostle Paul was placed on death row in a did timothy see paul before he died in a hospital in a city down south and... Marlene and I were driving through that city we would need a Savior, and it will to. But continued to drink heavily should note that Augustus was a title, not the answer you looking! 41:1 ) write a letter, or make a call but it seems most likely that very he! 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