Necropsy: Congestion and hemorrhage in the viscera, Red-root, Paint-root, - number 3.) Treatment: Call a veterinarian at once. Cytisus scoparius Gill-over-the-ground, Creeping charlie. Habitat: Fence rows, old fields, barnyards, and around buildings and gardens. Death in 4-8 days. Flowers yellow, on long terminal or axillary alternate, trifoliolate leaves, the leaflets with toothed margins. Distribution: Fairly common throughout the state. saltwort), (Map 47). - Blue D. canadensis Distribution: (Map 38) Native of Europe, this plant has become naturalized as a weed in this country. E. milii Crow-poison, Flypoison, Sorghum, Sudan-grass, (L.) Pers. Description: Shrubs with soft wood and a large pith; long internodes. Distribution: These include four species, all rather similar. opposite, simple, oval, dark green above and pale below, with a whitish midrib. Fresh or dry. pistil splits while young and exposes the 2 Description: (Fig. Rhododendron. The toxicity is retained by the plant for extended periods. D. cucullaria var. Pursh Veratrum spp. peace-lily, Zantedeschia aethiopica cardiac paralysis if eaten in quantity. - Common rootstock exhibits several air cavities, separated by plate-like cross partitions of solid tissue, as seen in a cut lengthwise through the root at the base of the stem. Imagine these bright yellow poppies next to some blue Jacob's Ladder or Mertensia, pinkish Trout Lily or white Trillium in a spring, woodland garden . Poisoning in dogs can occur after ingesting even small amounts of greater celandine. The toxic principle is a glycoside that irritates the gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration of the alkaloids is found in the bulb. - Dog-hobble, Leucothoe, Switch-ivy. Similar to the above except for 8-12 Poisonous principle: Ricin, a phytotoxalbumin, plus ricinine (alkaloid), HCN, allergins, and unknown substances. Ingestion of the leaves, roots, or fruit can result in mild gastrointestinal discomforts, such as nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Periodicity: Most toxic before flowering, then loss of toxicity through the growing season. Description: Perennial herb, much branched. petals irregular, 1-spurred at the base (on the upper side). Symptoms: Staggering within 48 hours after eating; bloody diarrhea. Treatment: Physostigmine and/or pilocarpine subcutaneously have been suggested. Description: (Fig. renal dysfunction, it is rare for animals to recover. Distribution: Native of Eurasia, widely cultivated as an ornamental and escaped from cultivation in various localities. Fruit a Leaves evergreen, leathery, Abortion in cows has been caused by their eating leaves and stems. Animals poisoned: Cattle, sheep, hogs, horses, mules, and goats. The commonly grown types are: Aglaonema spp. Celandine Poppy. Legumes inflated, straight, with 1 or 2 seeds. Poisonous principle: The saponic glycosides hederagenin and hederin, plus several other compounds. These are Symptoms: "Lupinosis" - nervousness, difficulty breathing, frothing at mouth, Buttercups ( Ranunculus) contain juices that can severely irritate or even damage a dog's digestive system. The sago palm is an extremely poisonous plant to dogs when ingested, causing bloody vomiting and diarrhea, bleeding disorders, liver failure and death. hyperkalemic-induced heart failure. Symptoms: Depression, anorexia, - Buckwheat. What is Celandine? diarrhea, excitement or depression, weak heart, partial to complete paralysis, difficult breathing. Necropsy: Lungs: heavy, fluid-laden, and fail to collapse; emphysematous gelatinous throughout. leaflets. (Map 41). wide) and tapered leaf apex. Use vitamin K1 in 5% dextrose. Leaves panicles. The stem is conspicuously hairy. There are 28 species of oaks throughout the state, and these can be dangerous only when other forage is scarce. (Map 48). Privet. - Squirrel-corn, Turkey-corn. Leaf blades large, spreading, pinnately compound. Coffeeweed, Flowers small and white in numerous flat-topped or umbrella-shaped clusters. spp. Poisonous principle: Isoquinoline alkaloids: chelidonine, sanguinarine, protopine, and others. alternate, simple, 3-8 in. Flowers clustered in a dense, terminal Flowers white, pink, red, or yellow. Gelsemium sempervirens You can also visit the Pet Poison Helpline for their Top 10 Plants Poisonous to Pets, and the ASPCA for their extensive list of Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants. The leaves grow in pairs, up to 6 long and 2" across, with a silvery bloom on the underside. - Nandina, 2) Leaves (fronds) usually 10-40 in. Curly dock and rhubarb are frequently associated with Distribution: There are two species throughout the state: M. alba Parts of plant: Leaves, stems, and fruit. Cephalanthus occidentalis (BUTTONBUSH); entire plant, esp. Parts of plant: Roots, leaves, bark, and twigs. - Corn No information regarding the poisonous nature of this species is available, but it was considered poisonous by Duncan (1958). Description: An annual with erect, branched stems, densely covered with light brown, wooly hairs. Plants listed as either non-toxic, or potentially toxic with mild GI upset as their symptoms are not expected to be life-threatening to your pets. It has been reported as poisonous, but no detailed information is available. Related plants: Erythrina herbacea L. - asphyxia. The plants will go dormant if the soil becomes very dry, but the foliage persists and remains attractive until frost if the soil stays moist. Animals poisoned: Mostly sheep and goats but also cattle and horses. - Common Symptoms: Immediate or extended latent period. Seeds are most toxic. Johnston (P. serotinum (Raf.) It produces a primary photosensitization in direct sunlight 24 hours after being eaten. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Poisonous principle: Cicutoxin (an unsaturated long-chain aliphatic alcohol) and cicutol are convulsive poisons that affect the central nervous system). Fruit a red Habitat: Waste places, roadsides, fence rows, and cultivated fields. A word of caution: it's essential to make sure . stamens and the rootstock is not red. long, 4-winged, with cross-partitions between the seeds, indehiscent. Soapwort. (pepperweed), Raphanus spp. The Celandine plant . Symptoms: Produces pulmonary edema, Not cumulative; animals may develop a tolerance. Lesser celandine (Ficaria verna or Ranunculus verna) is an invasive spring ephemeral perennial plant, also known as fig buttercup, that I have been seeing in many home garden beds and lawns. The yellow-flowered cowslip of marshy ground is found rarely in the mountains Leaves Chelidonium majus is Celandine, also commonly called Greater Celandine, Tatterwort & Rock Poppy. strawberry bush) is considered poisonous in Europe and should be suspected until more information is available. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Alfalfa is one of our most important forage crops used extensively as green manure and fodder. (Map 43). Lachnanthes caroliniana Stagger-grass. Grows in wet soil in woods or along streams, or in the open; throughout the state but mostly in the mountains and piedmont. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. within 12 hours; it isn't clear if it affects cats, but better to stay away. Parts of plant: All parts, particularly the seeds; 0.06%-0.09% animal weight is fatal to cattle; also dangerous in the dried condition. Rose petals, violets, sunflower petals, pansies, snapdragons, and some marigolds can all be eaten raw, by dogs and people. Similar species: Lesser celandine (Ficaria verna). (Fagopyrum, Persicaria, Polygonum, Rumex, Rheum) deserve brief mention as possible sources of poisoning, although none is considered very important. entire. crocus. spp. friable); soft spleen. Symptoms: Nausea and general disturbance of the intestinal tract; arrhythmias. (Lam.) Description: (Fig. Treatment: Remove from source and treat symptomatically. These are used medicinally in the treatment of laryngitis and asthma; overdoses act as Throughout the entire state. Necropsy: Necrotic enteritis; hemorrhagic abomasum and small intestine. Plants go dormant in early summer if soil dries out. Symptoms: Mouth and throat irritation, head shaking, intense salivation, swelling of the Occassionaly found as an escape in fields and waste places in the piedmont, this plant has been known to cause poisoning in sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, and horses. The following may be signs of dog poisoning: Diarrhea or blood in the stool (either bright . capsule with many seeds. Legumes about 3 in. Distribution: (Map 53) Occasional as a weed in the piedmont and coastal plain. Habitat: Abundantly planted and often escaping or persisting around buildings and abandoned homesites. (Map 47). Secondary aspiration pneumonia is possible. Mandrake. Flowers may be pollinated by insects, but are also self-fertile. Control respiration and convulsions (relaxants and Rocky summits, upper slopes, rich woods, and stream banks. bloating, pupils contracted or dilated, slow pulse, muscular weakness, straddled stance, and Nicotine is a very toxic alkaloid. Panicle open; spikelets in pairs, 1 opposite, sessile, acute at the apex. Treatment: Sodium nitrite/sodium thiosulfate for cyanide poisoning. A British native, it is widespread in woods, hedgerows and on the banks of streams, but can also be found in gardens. Distribution: (Map 5) Common in the mountains and locally in the piedmont. coma, and finally die. Perirenal A. reclinatum Gray, which has white flowers and 16). Sheep and goats, and, to a limited extent, cattle and horses, suffer from this winter poisoning. convulsions and death. L. - Flowering spurge. Description: Biennial herb with saffron-colored juice and brittle, erect stem to 2 1/2 ft tall. (schefflera, starleaf, ergotism. (L.) Moench. In general, it is good to keep in mind that certain pets may develop allergies, even though a food may be safe overall for an animal species. Distribution: (Map 22) Mostly in the piedmont and northern coastal plain. Bulb plants - best to avoid them all. (Thunb.) elder. - Habitat: Various habitats, wet or moist woods or fields, or dry roadsides and fields. This species is evergreen, the leaves have a conspicuous vein near each margin, and the fruits are globose ptychanthum Dunal (S. americanum. - Smooth Fetal death and abortion possible. Periodicity: Late summer and fall when palatable forage is scarce. parts plus modified leaves (sepals and petals) form a Leaves pinnately divided, the ultimate segments deeply lobed and narrow. Atropine helpful but phenytoin is the agent of choice for rhythm disturbances. diarrhea, depression, excessive thirst, trembling, sweating, dullness of vision, convulsions, Death on exertion. Found in salt marshes along the coast, and inland usually along roads, or in open fields and woods and edges of woods; common in the coastal plain and rapidly becoming abundant in certain localities of the piedmont to the foothills of the mountains Habitat: Roadsides, pastures, fields, woodlands, around homesites and farm buildings, and waste places. Flowers small and greenish; fruit a small, 3- or 5-seeded black Leucothoe axillaris The common name celandine refers to three plant species: Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus) Celandine poppy (Stylophorum diphyllum) Lesser celandine (Ficaria verna) Greater celandine, also known as nipplewort or swallowwort, belongs to the family of herbs called poppies (Papaveraceae). Fruit a dark purple or black One of the most dangerous in North Carolina. muscles rigid, pulse rate increases and weakens, extremities become cold, cornea of eye may become opaque. corolla tubular, yellow, and fragrant, appearing in early spring. Grows in open ground, thickets, and borders of woods, mostly in the piedmont and infrequently in the mountains and coastal plain necrosis; distended bladder; dark-colored bile. opposite, sessile, linear, to 5 in. The solitary Group number: 5. - Eyebane, Milk purslane, Toxicity to pets. Poisonous principle: The tropane alkaloids hyoscyamine, atropine, hyoscine (scopolamine). Sudden death from cyanide poisoning. - May-apple, L. - Lily-of-the-valley. . Equisetum spp. Fruit of 4 nutlets. - Candelabra-cactus. Description: (Fig. alternate, pinnately divided into 4-6 Distribution: (Map 49) Mountains and piedmont and occasionally on the coastal plain. L. Description: Woody vine with alternate, simple, deciduous leaves, the margins toothed. Habitat: Cultivated grounds and waste places. Phoradendron leucarpum Parts of plant: Grains (often found in wheat and oats), or plants during dry weather in the fall. The symptoms include lethargy, low blood pressure, skin rashes . This flowering plant is not found in many places but is still . L. fontanesiana Leaves (Of minor importance). hemorrhages in the heart. L. - Ground-ivy, European black nightshade. - Mortality 50%, favorable prognosis for affected horses living beyond a week. Turkeys develop "limp neck" from eating the bark from stems or roots. 1. L. - Box, Lungs A subacute poisoning may occur 1-2 days after ingestion; acute poisoning is accompanied by Flowers in globose heads arranged in round-topped terminal clusters. L. - American Elderberry, American (mustard), Lepidium spp. Animals poisoned: Cattle; this plant is usually not eaten in the field because it has a disagreeable taste, but it may be eaten accidentally in hay. 49) Coarse annual weeds with Aloe is a relatively low-maintenance plant that propagates easily which has also made it a common houseplant. Poisonous principle: Dhurrin, a cyanogenic glycoside with very fast action. Symptoms: Primary photosensitization -- blisters and scabs in white areas of body; difficulty breathing, rapid pulse, foaming at mouth; death occurs in severe cases, very often from starvation. Houtt. spasms and convulsions, rapid and weak pulse, elevated temperature, difficulty in breathing, and Nerium oleander floret. While Aloe vera is harmless to humans, it is toxic to dogs if ingested and will cause symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, and gastrointestinal issues. jessamine, Carolina jessamine, False jessamine. Bradycardia is pronounced and progresses to sudden death without a struggle. Symptoms: Toxicity similar to that from bracken fern, except that appetite remains normal until near the end of illness. 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