I haven't found them on one of the links you provided, but will keep digging for more info. Take this short quiz, which will help you sniff out a predatory business. 1. I think I got duped by a vanity press. Whats your opinion of Trilogy Publishing. Certain publishing companies will offer to write up a coverage package to make it easier to sell your book to Hollywood production companies. To understand why publishing with a vanity press is a terrible idea, head on over to the next post in this guide, which discusses the dangers of paying to publish. Something or Other Publishing? There is ample material everywhere (including on this blog) about every step of the way. See if there are any reviews and check out the quality of the covers they design that tends to be a dead giveaway. Get exclusive updates on new releases, bestsellers, and more. Our reach is from coast to coast with international distribution. Chelsea kuhel? It was expensive and a huge mistake. So its no surprise that there are people who will offer to solve your marketing problems for a low, low fee. Yes, you! Learn how Reedsy can help you craft a beautiful book. Box 41573 Charleston, S.C. 29423 USA We do not accept certified mail. Beacon Publishing Group is an award-winning, independent publisher of books and audio books headquarteredin NYC. No, but after a brief look at their website they seem like one of the numerous Author Solutions copycats that have sprouted in the Philippines in recent years. They make most of their money from their authors. Do you have a view on UNITED PC Publishing company, a subsidiary of NOVA? Good luck. Do you have any updated information about TBN and their Trilogy publishing arm? never again. It will be bookmarked and studied. Guidelines for academic or science based books MS WORD PDF 3. They want me to pay them--need some information ASAP. Should we contact the person saying he wants to re-publish my father's work? just out of curiosity . If you're writing fiction, the straightest line is always through an agent: https://blog.reedsy.com/find-literary-agents/ I was just contacted by someone claiming to be an editor from them wanting to offer me a contract on one of my works on another site. I recently submitted my manuscript to a publisher I now think might be a scam. You are nothing more than an easy few hundred dollars to them, hence the a formed mentioned lack of communication others have mentioned. Administration I too was immediately suspicious of the numerous butcherings of English sentence structure within their email, especially for a company that supposedly has reputable marketing inroads within the publishing industry? Don't go with them! Some of them don't accept unsolicitied materials, some of them do. I don't know why but I don't like their sales team. Genuine traditional publishers have no shortage of authors and agents flooding their unboxes. For more information, please see our Thanks. What is your opinion of Atlantic Publishing? And what about Shadow Mountain. To find contests that have been vetted, you can look through this directory of the best writing competitions. US$ 200-400 for approx 80,000 words. I was also contacted by the Dream Books Distribution. I have now told them to back off and I will not go with them. I got a call from Authors Press last night. Thanks, How's Covenant Books Be very careful with them. I am glad that you emailed me back. Can you recommend Mulberry Books Publishing House? The address is in CA yet they are actually operating from the Philippines. Legit scam. Am I being scammed? Obnoxious pop-up moved to inoffensive sidebar. That is my hope but there are so many scammers and by wanting that money up front, well, something about that guy has pretty much ended these hopes. GREAT information. Secondly, your agent should never ask you to pay for anything. I Googled the name but got no red flag reviews. Has anyone had experience publishing a children's book with Outskirts Press? Consumers want to see how a business took . Their website is well-presented and written, but when one of their 'editors' contacted me to express interest, her English was extremely dodgy. If it is a reputable company, no problem. I have received my book back though thank God but still out the 500 dollars!!! I googled BBB and Xlibris and saw an A+ rating but only one star and I didn't see Xlibris anywhere, but the name Authors House. I am a new author and recently published my first book, The Devil Picked The Girls But They Watched The Angel, published Author House 2017. This week I was contacted by Atlantic Publishing Group and had a discussion with them. In short, read the fine print. Another kind of scam you might be dealing with is an agent scam. I've seen a company, 48 hours books? I'm lucky, I guessI have astigmatism, so when something on a site jiggles I just see a blur, like the blur of a computer or TV screen shown live on another computer or TV screen. One was Gold Touch press and recently Lettra press. Are they scammers? Im working with Professional Ghostwriters Im starting to question if this company is a scam. Are they reputable? To be clear, your book was assigned an ISBN, had a book cover designed, was available for pre-order, social media promotion, and developmental editing (which you didn't like, which caused the problem); hence, it is false to question our ethics, and to claim we did no work. can be in the millions of dollars, enhancing the value of the tradpub company by that much. In order to purchase the E-book you have to pay through their website and they don't take Paypal. reasonable costs for self-publishing services, read more about our selection criteria here. I was thinking about Bublish but wasn't sure if i should. If so, what was your experience? There are, however, competitions that are little more than money-spinning enterprises. Beacon Publishing Group is a creative independent publishing house that focuses on the distribution of eBooks, paperback, hardcover and audio . Though self-publishing, by definition, means that youre doing it yourself, there are companies out there who can give you a hand. However, we don't know if these are representative of all the books the publish. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. approved for publishing." My book has been chosen as a finalist for book of the year. Your thoughts? Newman springs and Dorrance have both accepted my manuscript. I am an author myself and will not help anyone who scams authors. Starting an "award" is a common marketing tactic to attract authors. and our They contacted me via email. What about Kary Oberbrunner's Author Elite Academy? We know Inkitt pretty well. That is free but they want 1400 for advertising. I just received a call from Go To Publish.com, who, for $2000, want to promote my book by doing all of the online marketing themselves and this includes setting up a website for me. I read somewhere it is valued at $5,000, which seems totally excessive. Do you know if this is a reputable company? I love it!But then the comment space slid up out from under my fingers and a pop-up jiggled at me. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. We've had a run of comments about Gold Touch cold-calling authors in the past month. Anyone know anything about this company ? Reference to a spot at the LA book expo. I am talking my case to the attorney general because they do not have a physical address listed anywhere on line or on their sites and they are not listed with bbb you can not file a complaint. One last thing: when a company like that says they'll do your marketing, it tends to mean very little. Simply by virtue of them owning that IP. I was called by July Summers at Author's Press who want to market my self published book & send me to 2 book fairs where my book will be displayed , & I will have author interviews etc. However, recently, RUSHMORE PRESS has bombarded me with phone calls from a number that is 800 (Service) which is an instant "red flag" for me. I'm in a vicious battle with them myself right now. When I told him that I didn't have that either, he wanted to get off the phone. I self published my first book (Create Space/Amazon) and am thinking about contracting with New Book Authors to get it into stores like Barnes & Noble. Chicago Review Press Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoirs D. X. Varos, Ltd. We publish genre-fiction in the categories of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and historical fiction. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3545c85ed81996924e0e68383a9d488f86723352d6e727c4166f4174bdbb80b9.jpg. I lost a considerable amount of money and prior to severing my association with them realized just under $40.00 in royalties. Do I remove bits I wrote during this process? There is an "authorhouse" which is totally dif. Do you have any information on AAXEL Author Services or ebookpbook ? They're located in Brooklyn and they distribute books in different countries. . So nine out of ten times, if a publisher asks you to pay to be published, it is a vanity press. Getting it on the shelves is up to you. Dont come close to anyone without a proven track record! Additionally, they bloat the cost of your book and make it so expensive that it can't possibly align with industry standards. Any feedback? Would you have a place I could call/write about legitimate literary agents? Others will even get an anonymous screenwriter to adapt it into a Netflix pilot. My first effort was with Westbow Press. I would like to know as well. My husband is excited about being contacted by them, they say he only has to pay 30% which is about $2500, and they will cover the other 70%. What kind of small press is legit at this point? I just received a solicit from them. If they could also consider working with the ready InDesign file, that would be a plus. Ok thank you. It seems like it would cost me the same or more to do it all individually!- thanks much. Grossly overpriced self-publishing services, 4. His claims don't seem to pan out. Sounds like a vanity press to me. After the book was published they kept calling me to spend more money on advertising at book fairs which I know is a total scam. So what is the difference with me just using google to research. Writing contests are a great way to reach an audience, solidify your writing credentials, and even make a little money in the form of prizes. He said that tomorrow will be late. If you do it yourself, it might cost the same or a little more but you'll know who's working on the book. One can purchase as many or fewer services as needed. It is expensive but promises to give royalty's to the author. They also charged him $15 to put it on Amazon. Plus all of them want thousands for dollars to republish and I haven't even made out on what I spend with x-libris. The higher deal was more author development with branding input and focus group reviews and such. In terms of where and how to find literary agents, check this out: https://blog.reedsy.com/find-literary-agents/. Have you heard of Covenant Publishing? Academic or science based book proposal form MS WORD PDF 2. It looks like Writer Beware has identified in their post as one to avoid (see the section above about The Filipino Publishing Scam Network). If you're ready to put in the time and effort to research it then you don't need to pay $5k for someone to teach you Save that money for editing, design and marketing. She played a convincing part in pretending to manage marketing for my book with ALA and ACLR events in 2019. Learn their tricks and avoid these unscrupulous bandits. I enjoyed all the info. However, I'm leery of putting my credit card info into their site, even if it does have the https in their URL. There is a comment below about Author Academy, which I'd encourage you to read. *** You might even be happy to pay some fees to get the ball rolling on the production process. Hi, I wanted to know if you can tell me if power publishers is a real thing or scam. Anyone ha e experience or knowledge about FolioAvenue. If you or others would like the real facts feel free to listen to our author clients. You just saved me from making a horrible decision. One that's being offered is one from Beacon Publishing Group, so I emailed them to ask about it, and they said that they have a 90-day internship where they either offer college credit or a letter of recommendation. I feel if your book get accepted by a publisher, the company should pay you or get paid by royalties. If you're looking to distribute your book, we have a good post comparing the different ebook distributors out there: https://blog.reedsy.com/ebook-distribution/. I have experienced cold calls. He didn't mention any costs that might be involved as well as nothing says about it on their website. How was this possible? You have a really good article here, but I feel you bleed these two kinds of companies together. Just curious as to what their standing is, in the self-publishing community. I suspect you'll find that a lot of them have few-to-no reviews. Having a quick look at their website, it's hard to tell what their business model is. They have contacted me to republish a novel we had previously published with Tate. New York, NY 10001. In the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, they started targeting desperate authors with a publishing package that cost exactly the same amount as that received by American citizens in their federal stimulus check. One that's being offered is one from Beacon Publishing Group, so I emailed them to ask about it, and they said that they have a 90-day internship where they either offer college credit or a letter of recommendation. We've heard a lot of very bad things about Capstone Media Services. Balboa Press is Hay House's vanity imprint. I went through them and they were AWFUL! It was really hard to read. Is it a scam? Would only print 100-150 books (hard cover), with the option of ordering more, if needed. Also what about Xlibris? On one hand, that is refreshing: they don't claim to offer a complete editing package at a fixed price. 4. Let me know how you do. I thought they were reputable but now I'm not very sure:(. I wanted to self-publish a memoir to give to friends and sell in my shop. To their credit, they seem pretty transparent about their costs. Whats your alternative? That's actually why they're called "vanity publishers" in the first place :) My publicist is with Gold Touch Press. https://authoracademyelite.com/ourauthors. I have retained all rights to Non-English speaking editions. When I googled his numbers, 1-888-970-0833 and 562-318-0999, both numbers came up as possible scams, but I can't find any other info about him or the company he represents. All they care about is upselling you as much as possible. Are the books priced competitively This is ****** ****** from Booktimes. I found out later that my book was never presented at the events as she claimed, and I had been taken for a fool. They weren't best sellers, definitely dated so they may be "period pieces." Mulberry Books is offering to lower the price of my book and give me 80% of the royalties. Dear Jacqueline, Does anyone here know if Okada Books is a scam. Anyhow she said my submissions will be reviewed and she would get in touch with me in about a week. See if they have reviews and whether they seem legit as well. I am wondering about White Bird Publishing--it seems to be a hybrid publisher but not claiming to be. Thank you for any advice! It looks like they do some level of editing. I am currently working on a book, and I was found a publisher she seems nice but her contract is 3 years at a time it stats that she can republish etc. Marketing packages that sound essential Now, there are "assisted self-publishing companies" out there very different from vanity publishers who're great: they do take care of everything, but they let *you* self-publish the book. I've checked their website and it seems to pass the initial smell test. Your information has been helpful in me moving forward. I already self published with Balboa Press. i was about to deposit 5000usd but i stopped. For example, they might only pay their editor $600 and then mark up the "editing costs" to $3,000 so you could pay more than 100% of the actual costs without knowing it. I have received an "invitation" from EC Publishing to represent the book at the Frankfort Book Fair in Oct. When he got it he was shocked. I was considering talking to them about it, but if it is an scam for authors, I want no part of it. Everything you read above about scammers is true with this group. I just received an email from Indie Author Project stating that "Last summer, we launched a pilot project with OverDrive where we took 50 curated indie titles from our program and put them into an indie author collection that libraries could opt into for free. If you want to confirm your suspicions, just look up the books they've published on Amazon or any online retailer. The audio book division is one of the top prominent audio book publishers in the United States. I think I was a victim. I have bought a self publishing package with Balboa press. Sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience. What could you tell me about them? Distributed by Ingram, published by Covenant Books. They have approached me about marketing my book but I am feeling uneasy. If you're going to spend $800 on anything, invest them in a proper marketing course, or on a reputable freelance marketing professional: https://reedsy.com/marketing/book-marketer. He then proceeded to tell me that I didnt have any goals for my book. Thank you in advance for your response. You should have rejected if straight away . Adelaide is long on promises and short on delivery. Beacon publishes general-interest fiction and non-fiction books for adults. Or you can search for professionals on Reedsy. Whats your opinion of Rushmore Press? Over 3,000 vetted editors, designers, and marketers are available for hire. You can self-publish through Amazon and it won't cost you a dime. Great, Poets & Writers has a huge list of different small press, and i'm thinking which one to choose. (801) 349-2844. . Hi, I just found your article, thank you for the info. Then there are a bunch of things that you should be able to do yourself on the marketing side at least. I am trying to research them and cannot find any reviews. Kill ALL pop-ups. They took all of my profit from my book and I made next to nothing while they walked away with the lion's share. You wrote "But with the traditional business model, publishers are incentivized to release quality books and foster long, healthy relationships with authors." From fonts to page layouts, cover design and ISBN number. It's that attitude that we decided to part ways with you. His sidekick Laura Freestone is just as bad .Vety unprofessional to say the least. The biggest problem at Beacon is the higher management. I'm writing a biography for a local family and community leader. Hi there and thankyou for the advice. DONATE NOW! I appreciate your time and help. I am a debut novelist trying to get my head around all this. Unqualified staff. What type of book are you publishing? I have not signed with them yet because I found some clauses with their contract which require changes. This was unnecessary. Thank you! Anyone have insight or experience? They took the money and ran. They seem to have published only a single book a year in the past few years, all of which have, frankly, terrible covers and very few user reviews on Amazon. Beacon Publishing Group publishes great authors and books in all genres. Scroll through the comments here - their name has popped up more than a few times, I believe. Because your book has been selected by curators in our network (including Library Journal), you are now eligible for our IAP Select commercial collections and to receive royalties." In the US, registering that copyright simply provides a few statutory rights when it comes to claiming damages and it should only cost you $45 to apply for it online (as of February 2022). We were never given an advance and were told it may take 2 or 3 years to get a return on our money. Is anyone familiar with Covenant Publishing? I'd really appreciate your advice! I haven't heard of them but they seem like an outright scam. I just saw a list of scammers and they were on it. https://thenewpress.com/, What about Author Elite Academy and Kingdom Builders. Any thoughts would help. Thanks in advance. After a little over a year, he was told it was ready. Any feedback appreciated (Lee), I am just wondering if Parchment Global publishing is a reputable company as they are interested in my book. Thank you, Martin! But, one wants $3400 and the other almost $5000, I used x-libris cost me a few thousand and didnt sell much. I could not find much info about HDB, but the fee is rather steep for just registration. Correct if you're with a real, traditional publisher, they don't force you to buy your own book. Has anyone heard of Parchment Global Publishing-they want me to pay to have a radio interview with Al Cole of CBS Radio? If a literary agent unsolicitedly contacts you to offer you a book deal with a publisher, or asks you to pay a reading fee, your spidey-sense should be tingling pretty hard. They mention on their website (which looks pretty poor) that their co-operative publishing deal involves them covering 75% of the cost, while the author pays for the remainder. Having had a quick look at Mascot, they seem like a fairly okay hybrid publisher. Thank you! I went to their tweet account and not alot of activity. I used Book Baby for my first book. 100% free, always. I believe this may be a scam artist. In our opinion, Vanity Publishers are a bad choice in 99% of the cases *if you want your book to sell*. HI all, I was approached by Octa publishing company, to publish on Amazon my daughter poetry book? Format. and not a hire hand to assist with design and formatting. You don't know how much their services actually cost. They are located in Richmond, Virginia. Senior Manager. This company is fraudulent, does not honor their contacts and when asked about a refund for their breech of their signed contract the terminate the contract, of course without reimbursing you. What do you know about Rushmore Press? I used them to publish my novel the Judas Goat. With only a quick look, they seem like a company that's to be avoided. The thing is, book fairs are not for authors. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/745f905065faff4281ca4b5da6262bf6bd5b21369f166868d38656d08de68adb.jpg. Hiding negative complaints is only a Band-Aid. Does anyone have any experience with Covenant Books? Process of Complaints & Reviews. Thanks George. Their company is legit since they were able to publish my book: https://www.amazon.com/Long-Journey-Home-Julie-Chenevert/dp/1733701354/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?keywords=goldtouch+press&qid=1557963118&s=books&sr=1-1-fkmrnull. Ripoff Report | Complaints Reviews Scams Lawsuits Frauds Reported. Beacon Publishing Groupcontinues to expand their titles by acquiring innovative content from existing and debut authors worldwide. I would personally avoid them. My 15 year old daughter wrote a book and writers Republic wants to publish it. As we mentioned in the post: ***Be wary of unsolicited offers. He wanted to write a memoir, but he needed help. My thanks for any direction you may offer. Excellent information. I saw an ad on Facebook for the Christian T.V. That said, if you prefer the handholding that goes with this type of program, then it might be a good option for you. Office: Beacon Publishing Group 1250 Broadway 36th Floor New York, NY 10001 USA The book came out great but it was made only in paperback and I couldn't set my own price and I don't have 100% royalty. All this for a charge of $800 plus my travel expenses. If you search for any of their books on Amazon, I doubt you'll find many (if any) that have reviews or sales. They do offer a self-publishing track, where they provide all the usual publishing services for a fee instead of buying the book, but they're a legit publisher. Did you know that if you dont register the copyright of your book, literally anybody could claim it as their work and profit from it? They became very dodgy and manipulative inferring I was ignorant about how independent presses work. Any info on them would be helpful as well. Christian Faith Publishing. Now get lots of calls to republish, etc. They use fighting stigma activism to conceal narcissistic maneuvering. If they contacted you unsolicited, then chances are that they are a vanity press. Are they reputable? For example, if youre planning a wedding, you could do it yourself and buy silverwear from this company, buy plates from that wholesaler, order food from that restaurant, and freelance some waiters to help you out and pull together all the moving parts OR you could hire a wedding planning/catering agency that does it all and alleviates the headache. But so have a lot others. Anyone ever heard of The Mulberry BooksPublishing House? dreambooks distributing contacted me directly , they want $3000.00 to promote my book which was published by archway, do you know this company, are they legit? I was asked to submit 2 chapters of ms to an acquisitions agent. It is available on line at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Walmart - Hard Cover, soft and all digital formats. Lets talk about traditional publishers and their insanely small royalties (while offering very little and requiring the author to do most of the marketing still) Please sort it out and refund me accordingly as you promised . Are you suspicious of a certain company? Any information on Eliezer Tristan Publishing? There will always be snakes in the grass. They're more of a "self publishing services provider" than a publisher, meaning they help you do everything you need to get your book into the market, but make no guarantees of sales (nor do they keep any of your royalties or claim any rights to your book). The books they profile on their site actually have Amazon reviews, which is better than what most vanity/hybrid presses have. As I indicated in a prior message here, they tried to gaslight me and implicate me as 'problematic' and uninformed about the world of publishing. As always, approach with caution. Yesterday I got a call from FolioAvenue, a small company offering a literary agent who will work to have my book accepted by a larger more influential publisher than my current Balboa. Is this legit or a scam? What about halo publishing International? Also, do I have to worry that they'll steal my manuscript? The lower amount was a publishing only arrangement with editing and printing and listing on amazon. I would be very cautious of any company that contacts you unsolicited there are plenty of bad-faith presses out there who are looking to snatch up author's old books and hold on to them. I do not know where to go with this since it seems there are so many scams. My radar was on high alert. He tells you to deposit the check into your . They probably won't: run digital ads, get your book promoted on BookBub, or market it to a captive mailing list. I haven't been able to find anything that would indicate they are a scam. When I pointed out one of her errors, she tried to pass it off by saying: 'that typo was deliberate, put there to test you, and you've passed the test,' followed by more errors! Shady as hell. They look like a vanity press to me. I'm wondering about White Bird Publishing, which I believe is actually a hybrid publisher but claims to be a traditional one. They are non-profit organization, and a lot of donors and foundations are listed on their website including National Endowement for the Arts and New York State Council on the Arts. Just got an email from them. He pushed me for one hour to make a huge deposit payment at the same day. Any advice about working with Dudley Court Press, advertised as a hybrid publisher? but cannot find a thing on the internet. Know any good inexpensive and real self-publishing websites that also help with marketing for me to republish with? 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Online retailer a Publishing only arrangement with editing and printing and listing on Amazon my daughter poetry book having a! I believe has popped up more than money-spinning enterprises read above about scammers is true with Group! Agent should never ask you to pay some fees to get off the phone them want for. At Mascot, they seem legit as well as nothing says about it, but he needed.... To publish on Amazon my daughter poetry book they 're located in Brooklyn and they do n't unsolicitied! Having a quick look at their website and it wo n't: run digital ads get. Books for adults heard of them have few-to-no reviews many scams publisher, the should. Up to you mulberry books is offering to lower the price of my book back thank... Just found your article, thank you for the Christian T.V was so disappointed the review was nothing than! Coverage package to make it so expensive that it CA n't possibly align with industry standards a memoir to royalty! 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