would you marry a girl who slept around

For good or bad I agree with you. No one is saying you have to date us. Now does that change your perspective? This continued for 9 years or sountil one night having dinner with colleagues and i mentioned that i knew a lady that worked at a department store and she could get a discount for some one at the table.I was torn to pieces in front of everyone and humiliated! They're your property. And I really dont care if you feel sorry for me or not. These are odds I wouldnt take. She eventually cheated and we broke up. So if a person once upon a time slept with 30ppl (just pulling out a random number) but in the last two years slept with nobody, do you judge them on their 30ppl or the fact that they have come to a place now that they no longer behave the same way? I like her a lot cause she is smart, funny, outgoing, pretty, and we just have the exact same sense of humor and get along better than I do with almost anyone in my life as we're really similar people. If you want to examine the paper, look it up yourself. Know why? over 100 is just obvious, whether you see yourself as having a modern approach I think this line of thought has been promoted as she said she's "only slept with one person this year" in a serious way when I have only slept with one person my whole life. life. Does my ex-gf and her bf want a thruple with me? As sad and hard as it seems its true Well it certainly does which really makes these women very Pathetic. It The problem here is that she does not come off like a ho AT ALLshes ambitious, intelligent, fashionable, etc etc. We have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. I firmly believe that the more people that you date, the harder that it will be to find love. Would you rather have a car with ONE OWNER, who took care of it. My girlfriend of 8 months told me in the beginning of the relationship she had only been with 2 other men which were her past relationships. It is the little matter of lying about the past that makes it untennable. I too have hurt my partner many times with my venting. So a young fertile woman was his best bet. Past promiscuity is not what causes a marriage to fail in my opinion. If you are a man with 3 children with 3 different mothers, there is something wrong. I have sex like a man. There are many women who dont give it up and are still disrespected by men they go out on dates with, even if they look good on paper. It's always great to reflect on this stuff. There are numerous other examples too. No, I dont. I do feel that there are always exceptions the rule and we should seek further understanding if willing. Is it any wonder why marriages are going downhill ? They almost always act differently then those who havent. What matters is if there is real love between two people. They tend not to make good or reliable wives or mothers. I am sharing my experiences and opinions. Be careful about judging people because you dont know all the reasons why people do the things they do. If my friends or people mention hey, that girl your with, my mates have hooked up with her multiple times, shes a bit of a slut. For those who choose not to tell their mate about their pastWell, their mate just wouldnt know about it. Ive read a couple of your blogs, and I think youre a great writer with even greater things to say ! -Women also judge in choosing partners. respect and honor themselves. contraception. Wear and tear is evident on me too, example what if they give a woman an STDs that wear and tear hun. Lol wow, do you realize there is a difference between wanting a girl that has been around versus not judging a girl that has been around. Planned Parenthood business is booming. In my eyes it matters is someone has had a decent approach to love and sex. And why? I did and am again. your mobile device and email, or tell them your whereabouts if their worried. This is a topic that deserves a great deal of attention so perhaps some of these idiotic ideals will be eradicated. I believe, Some people are stricter I don't expect women to stay virgins until marriage in today's world but at least have sex with someone you share love and intimacy with. My point in the end is although it shouldn't matter, it does. We were in high school and remained faithful to eachother all throughout college. And they be passing around STDs. Statistically, relationships and marriage are more likely to fall apart the younger you are. You are right about the emotional attachment. Maybe instead of looking up information about "dating a slut," look up information like "like a girl but she has slept with many other guys." My current boyfriend has never brought up the conversation about my number of partners and neither have I. If a guy was to meet me he would never guess my number is so high because its all about how I carry myself. Supportive. I can tell how angry I made you, and your calling of names is cute, but unnecessary. And you, or any other woman can do whatever she wants, and be as promiscuous as she wants. We all have pasts things we aren't proud of who she was isn't who she is. As you have experienced it is the baggage, the fact that many people have not healed from their past before entering a new relationship. (multiple boards, articles studies etc) evince its importance. Is this a JOKE? To you over 30 might be danger, to the next more than 7 might be too much. Im in it right now. She's not who she's going to be, young women can be very insecure. Why is that so conveniently forgotten? Villarreal X Getafe - Ao Vivo Grtis HD Sem Travar | Futebol Grtis HD. I love this woman and to make her feel secure I cut ties with all my girlfriends and avoided all women actually. But its so true guys have to work harder. We all have a past & lol about the wear & tear comment. Its choices, not mistakes. I dont want to hate on the people that made mistakes, because we can always change, but you are right on point. Her not telling you how many men she slept with before she ever knew you is not the same. Take hold of completely forgiving her, and focus on only showing her the love she needs from you. Its expensive, time consuming, heart wrenching and horrible for children and most normal people actually dont want to put themselves nor their families through it if they can help it. As a GF or a FB, then men dont care what her count is. And holding those beliefs can create a bad environment for a relationship, which wouldnt be good for you OR her. It means women can never have freedoms to make decisions at all. There is nothing pure about these women. Im not going to explain my sexual past or how many men Ive been with because at the end of the day IT DOES NOT MATTER!!!! No one should be lied to in a relationship. So lets be perfect in a less than perfect world and provide a few undeniable examples: Your RENT is due and it is $800 and you only have $620Do you have the right or wrong amount??? I am referencing a paper directly concerned with the subject, Premarital Sex, Premarital Cohabitation, and the Risk of Subsequent Marital Dissolution Among Women., If perhaps you had read my posts below from last year, where I referenced this study, you wouldnt have made the invalid assumption that I believe something is true because I say it is.. Its only beta males, and soft men who have been brainwashed by feminism, or who attempt to co-opt these arguments in order to get into womens pants, who are ok dating sluts. And that is with all else being equal. attractive to a potential suitor. Sorry but it is a cutoff and a major factor in a potential mate. I Have a lot to say but I will say this only When the male wants a woman with good morals and respects her body. Would you rather a girl lie to you or tell you the truth? If she likes you, trust her in that too. I am confident that you two will overcome this and have a much better relationship now that counseling is in the picture. TSR Community Awards 2022: Best Official Rep - VOTING OPEN, TSR Community Awards 2022: Most Funniest Member - VOTING NOW OPEN, JK Rowling dismisses backlash over trans comments: 'I don't care about my legacy', Official University of Leeds 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Threads. I would still probably see a similar reaction to my post on both of those subreddits so I have no interest in reading more on that perspective which is why I'm here hoping for more varied discussion. It took some time to realize I had to get myself together and I did even though at times its truly a hard task to look at myself in the mirror and thinking that anyone could love me I am still here and trying to do my best. You need both to function but then again so do women. https://psychcentral.com/lib/2012/the-myth-of-the-high-rate-of-divorce/all/1/, https://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2011/10/what_s_your_number_do_women_still_fret_about_the_number_of_peopl.html, https://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/3600089?uid=3739448&uid=2&uid=3737720&uid=4&sid=21102211994521, https://atheism.about.com/od/atheistfamiliesmarriage/a/AtheistsDivorce.htm, Men Like A Challenge: Should You Play Hard To Get, The 5 Foods To Get Your Man In A Better Mood, 3 Keys To Creating Better Business Relationships, 12 Ways To Turn Her On Without Touching Her. Whats up bro? issue out, then you should get out. Dont get mad if she has different expectations or wants than you. Life is all about letting go. We allow the wrong things to interfere with our ability to give and receive love. If the issue of bumping into them is that serious, I would rather move then to give up on her. Although hes been with girls that are tighter than I, he comes quicker, harder, and more intensely and immensely because of his emotional towards me. You make a very good arguement and I like how you articulated it. GTFO, it should not work that way. In this day and age, very few women or men will be virgins when you marry them. Sheila, the books you rever; Bible, Talmud, Quaran, where all written long before science and common sense were a regular commodity. What if I were to continue with her and have kids? And people who are so quick to judge others usually have some self-esteem issues. Denna-nenna-nent-nent-denna-nenna-nenna-nenna-Denna-nenna-nent-nent-denna-nenna-nenna-nenna Ma-Ma-Ma-My Sharona!. Lots of heartache there. So the inability to stay connected many times stems from the fact that their never was a connection to begin with. I agree 100%. As soon as the relationship gets rocky, So if you are saying we should avoid those that live sinfully, well then we wont be entertaining anybody at all. This girl helped open my eyes to all sorts of fun ideas in and out of the bedroom. However, the end result is still the same. I checked out this study and there is so much I can say. This is why the whole idea of using her number of past partners as criteria is unnecessary. Im LOVING this.past partners MOST DEFINATELY have nothing to do with the present. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Stephan says my past shouldnt matter, so there!. Who cares? Their lack of experience makes them fantasize about the what ifs. Actually, the vagina does not get loose. Sometimes, you will find an option you had never thought or wanted to explore is something you really enjoy! Actually, the vagina does not get loose. Personally, the number of guys dated doesnt equal number bedded. So I must be doing something right for her to love me. Im 25 and have been with at least 20 different partners however that number does not define my character. In some round-about way it felt like it broke my heart, I dont really understand why, because past is past right? That is one source, directly addressing the issue. If you You never pay Benz prices for a 1984 Datson, and That is one of the biggest decisions a person can ever make, and it would be ridiculous to not look at how that person has actually lived his/her life. If she is so comfortable with her sexuality and sex drive, be honest about the number. It is simply saying that the actual number is not what is truly important. I mean, women are choosing the dumb guys that happen to be physically fit and can maybe dance. Either way u go science or religion pretty much states the same thing. I have found that the most insecure women are the most sexual. I disagree with you. You make a great case for why women should not be promiscuous, but what the article is trying to convey is that their past should not be held over their head forever. So when a man does commit, he wanted to ensure that the woman he was investing his time and resources in was bearing his own children so that his genes were the ones being passed on and not other other mans child. haha Also A LOCK that is open by any KEY is a USELESS LOCK!, To my point of view we all have our premises on how we chose our partners (size, color of eyes, color of hair, etc) for me the number of sexual partners of the person I would chose it would be also a factor I have to admit that bumping into a ex partner would be a negative effect but to me is more the idea of this person being more able of controlling herinstincts a bit better than an animal or not.. I prefer to be judged for my choices if avoiding judgment is going to condemn me to a life of misery next to a piece of trash. Also, as far as men losing their home, assets, and children, the flip side of double standards is that it ends up being the mothers responsibility to care for their children and because women either didnt make the same amount during the marriage or she was a stay at home Mom, the assets built during the marriage end up being awarded to her. Yes some women can bond with a man after their promiscuity days, but how many divorces still occur? I understand your position but I think you are not properly receiving the message of this article. If youre honest more than likely you wouldnt. Its about respect. To your example: I would naturally feel much more sympathy toward someone who is unable to give consent. Men spread seed and women try to attract the best seed they can find. of life (high school/college) and people seem to not care as much as they get And any woman Indeed, while the data presented in The Marriage Project's 418-person study is legitimate, experts say that the conclusions drawn from it -- especially those which cast judgement on one's sexual history and incite sentiments of slut-shaming -- may not be entirely accurate. On the other hand. They say that all men are dogs, do not want relationships, and can not commit. Even though men have the choice too without fame a lot of money a social status its a losing battle. Lastly all should value themselves because at the end of the day it is best for all to wait (though many of us struggle with it), so dont just put that on women. It Matters Somewhat But S*** Everybody Then Dated A Freeak Or Hoe Or B**** & Probably Seen Them In The Mall All Hugged Up Like Damn I Use Holla At That.We Grown Now Sometimes People Change.!!! Its not just your vagina you need to worry about think about your health. Obviously, the sexual freedom we Because my man gets insecure and wants to leave Well Im sorry to tell you that no man wants damaged goods. And for the women who cry out that the number of partners doesnt matter, then why not just be honest. Lets be serious. You wouldnt have knowledge of what a great burger taste like unless you tried multiple burgers.. If you can't, she'd be right to drop you. She was a virgin until 24 and told me she really cared about it, it was important to her she was dating someone of her own culture for a short time, someone she probably trusted and he raped her, the selfish piece of shit raped her, probably if he was patient she would of trusted him enough anyway, so theres no point to do that, I dont get why she went home and her parents blamed her, she went to the police and they laughed at her she said she locked herself in her room for a week and cried, so they decided to put her on anti-depressents, a bunch of different types. Than you have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God Getafe - Ao Grtis. Never was a connection to begin with to interfere with our ability to give consent 's... When you marry them to continue with her and have been with at least 20 different partners however that does. Idiotic ideals will be eradicated them is that serious, I dont really understand why, because we always... 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