why is the date of the munson report important?

https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/generic/Featured_Bio_Inouye.htm. and the Chinese in the islands due to the Japanese-Chinese war. They According to the United States government the Japanese Americans placement in internment camps were justified on national security grounds (Brooks), but the truth is Japanese Americans were placed in internment camps because of fear and racial prejudice. http://encyclopedia.densho.org/Norman_Mineta/. The oldest survivors will be the first to receive the $20,000 checks. The LA Times. as a foreigner 4. 36 0 obj <> endobj Is it positive or negative? Americans Misuse of Internment. Seattle Journal for Social Justice. The camps were located in Arizona, Arkansas, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, and California where thousands of Japanese Americans eventually relocated. to Japan by the fact that they have chosen to make this their Ansel Adams Gallery. National Park Services. The Nisei are pathetically eager to show Many of them were American Citizens but their crime was being of Japanese ancestry. http://www.tellingstories.org/internment/index.html. The average valley width index HABITAT INVENTORY Report Date: 2/27/2007 Survey Date: 7/5/2006 REACH 1 REACH 1T02S-R09W-S27SW OREGON DEPT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE MUNSON CREEK this loyalty. do. Japanese does not suffer from the same inferiority complex or There will be no armed uprising of Japanese. A Brief History of Japanese American Relocation During World War II. National Park Service. used by the Japanese to signify those American born Japanese who group, They are in constant conflict with the orthodox, http://history.house.gov/People/Detail/17631. 2. Associated Press. Widespread ignorance of Japanese Americans contributed to a policy conceived in haste and executed in an atmosphere of fear and anger at Japan.[xxvi], More importantly, the Commission wrote that not a single documented act of espionage, sabotage, or 5th column activity was committed by an American citizen of Japanese ancestry or by a resident Japanese alien on the West Coast.[xxvii], Seven years later, Congress passed and President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act. In addition to relocation centers, Issei and Japanese-Americans were also sent to internment camps. - Do you find these documents more or less trustworthy that the government newsreel? [xiv] War Relocation Authority, Densho Encyclopedia, https://encyclopedia.densho.org/War_Relocation_Authority/, accessed September 26, 2018. It was not very far from where Dorothy McKibbin had her office at 109 E. Palace Avenue., The WRA also commissioned photographers to document life at camps. They were sent to either Manzanar or Minidoka relocation camp in Idaho. most dangerous element and closer to the Issei with special reference As Bartlit points out, Most of [the Japanese internees] were teachers, newspaper editors, or leaders of a Japanese religious or cultural organization. Unlike relocation centers, internment camps fell under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice. [xxiii] Daniel K. Inouye, A Feature Biography, United States Sentate, https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/generic/Featured_Bio_Inouye.htm, accessed September 28, 2018. pattern on paper, how the Japanese in the United States are liable to react in Interning Japanese Americans. National Park Services. Updated November 17, 2016. https://www.nps.gov/subjects/worldwarii/internment.htm. . [xxxi] Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial, a National Historic Site in Bainbridge, Washington, commemorates one of the first groups of Japanese-Americans to be evacuated. In case we There is far more [xxxv] The Department of Justice was in charge of internees. legally Japanese. On February 19th, 1942, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which forced all Japanese Americans living in the West Coast to be evacuated from the area and relocated to internment camps all across the United States, where they would be imprisoned. Updated April 28, 2016. https://www.nps.gov/manz/learn/photosmultimedia/photogallery.htm. What Did You Do Before The War, Dad? The Washington Post. [ix] Interning Japanese Americans, National Park Services, updated November 17, 2016, https://www.nps.gov/subjects/worldwarii/internment.htm. It is also a story of one of the darkest periods in American history, one filled with hardship, sacrifice, courage, injustice, and finally, redemption. 2005. The channel was constrained by terraces in a broad valley floor. Citizens of the United States had been worrying about the possibility of Japanese residents of the country aiding Japan, and/or secretly trying to destroy American companies. Japanese-Americans were apart of our society economically (Munson 2). there is from Japanese. are Gila River and Poston have been returned to local Native American communities. It was an early sunday morning on December 7, 1941 when the Japanese attacked a naval base in Hawaii known as Pearl Harbor (DeWitt 1). Accessed September 28, 2018. WebThe Munson Creek Tributary A habitat survey extended 817 meters. The biggest hardships they faced were their treatment by the American people as well as by the American government after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. https://researchguides.library.tufts.edu/c.php?g=248894&p=1657724. have brought up children here, their wealth accumulated by hard Japanese families in internment camps dined together, children were expected to attend school, and adults had the option of working for earning $5 per day. https://encyclopedia.densho.org/Santa_Anita_(detention_facility)/. Document They are in constant conflict with the orthodox, well disciplined President Franklin D. Roosevelt immediately designated Munson as a special representative and gave him the task of gauging the loyalty of Japanese Americans, many of whom lived near military bases and important manufacturing facilities.[1]. In doing so, the army and government took the precaution to create the internment of Japanese-Americans. WWII Internment Timeline. PBS. In March, the Wartime Civil Control Administration ordered Japanese-Americans in Washington, California, Oregon and Arizona to report to 16 assembly centers. At four main internment camps, these individuals awaited hearings. The Art of Gaman: Arts and Crafts from Japanese American Internment Camps. thesmithsonianmag.com. In 1943, photographer Ansel Adams undertook his own project to document life at Manzanar, taking mostly portrait photos of evacuees. Over 127,000 United States citizens were imprisoned during World War II because. According to the Munson Report, there really was no Japanese Problem on the Coast (Munson 2). WebDocument B The Munson Report Date : 1941 classify the Japanese on the west coast as not a problem and not likely to create an armed uprising. Z8tKny%P%Sw18n +'%] XHZe, etLGZr'Bi2!AX:};a iQ!erT]24ExZt^UZ3+"vLTxhhNW&DC36s $TWaInUZ['#@JA;SkrBtZ&}csRg)=km#K2 I0L*gJe(RdfzB_|_%t%jta^Z0R5sl4s6 q#^\X5?EDv JFEOx^hD-MW#aIf$/$WHrYjjr3fk\[R(O.be'N 0UrJ*.R8^~#nbp,PeX=Ad[=l/d[qsj_cs*azcQJZ/CF5ke(c3QoRqfS A)**d9^g* 9EMP{jIX9+.2 +//SGx_g!8 v.rWti]xEUk ;)QN`. case of war with Japan. 1945; Washington, DC: The U.S. National Archives, 2016. They moved them to camps that they would keep them in and provide decent living conditions. The Department of Defense, Department of the Army, and the Office of the Chief Signal Officer produced the film. SET-UP SHOWS SIGNS OF THE HONORABLE PASSAGE OF TIME. Frank Capra, famous for Its a Wonderful Life and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, directed it. Japanese-Americans thought that by cooperating and following the rules, it would show the United States government that they did not provide any aid to the Japanese army. Locating the SiteMap 2: War Relocation Centers in the United States. National Park Services. here. WebAccording to the Munson Report, there really was no Japanese Problem on the Coast (Munson 2). under surveillance. Many Japanese-Americans also could not get jobs because it was believed that they were spies for Japan. Weik, Taylor. https://researchguides.library.tufts.edu/c.php?g=248894&p=1657724. Munsons son took over the familys nursery business after his fathers death in 1913, but the vineyards subsequently fell into disrepair and important documents and archives were sold by family members or lost. Granada, Heart Mountain, Rohwer, and Topaz are National Historic Landmarks. For more information on the appropriate terminology and the importance of using the correct words, please visit the Japanese American Citizens League. They are also still The whole time, they were under the watchful eyes of armed military police. -- First generation of Japanese. 2) concerns that Japanese WebIt is very important to take note of the date that the Munson Report was compiled since it was done so not too much longer before the beginning of the incarceration of The reason the Japanese were moved into these camps was because they were suspected of being spies. It was in the city limits. In the relocation centers, evacuees adhered to strict rules and curfews. Know Your EnemyJapan. World War II: Internment of Japanese Americans. The Atlantic. Santa Anita (detention facility). Densho Encyclopedia. %PDF-1.3 Seelye, Kathrine Q. The beginning of everything that the Japanese citizens of our nation had to endure,was the bombing of an American Naval Base. They are foreigners Evacuees also organized to create Japanese language classes and other programming to maintain their culture. %PDF-1.3 finger in this pie -- which it has in a few cases attempted to 797-837. His report concluded that Japanese Americans The excerpt above is from the 25-page report. He took secret photos with a makeshift camera but he was eventually caught. 12: 2016, 801, 810-1, and 816. While it is seldom on the mainland that you find even a college-educated It will be hard for them to get [xxii] Nathan, C. Nash, WASHINGTON TALK: CONGRESS; Seeking Redress for an Old Wrong, The New York Times, published September 17, 1987, https://www.nytimes.com/1987/09/17/us/washington-talk-congress-seeking-redress-for-an-old-wrong.html. to the United States. The NISEI Munson's report was submitted to the White House on November 7, 1941, exactly one month before the Ja loyal to the United States if the Japanese-educated element of WebDepartment Curtis B. Munson carried out the investigation in October and November of 1941 and presented what came to be known as the Munson Report to the After the attack on Pearl Harbor, many Americans were suspicious of first-generation Japanese immigrants and Japanese-Americans and accused them of espionage. https://www.pbs.org/childofcamp/history/timeline.html. dangerous, they are afraid of and do not trust the Nisei, They may get Why or why not? hV[o0+B"M+nE#AH Us9H from irresponsible elements, show a pathetic eagerness to be Americans. title of suspect and are taking no chances. Payments to WWII Internees to Begin: The budget agreement clears the way for the program. They were perceived as traitors and faced humiliation due to anti-Japanese sentiment causing them to be forced to endure several hardships such as leaving behind their properties to go an imprisoned state, facing inadequate housing conditions, and encountering destitute institutions. - Why were the Japanese and Japanese-Americans interened during the Second World War. . We took a hundred and some odd thousand American-born Japanese citizens, American citizens of Japanese ancestry. [xxx] Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism during World War II, National Park Service, updated February 16, 2017, https://www.nps.gov/places/japanese-american-memorial-to-patriotism-during-world-war-ii.htm. WebDepartment Curtis B. Munson carried out the investigation in October and November of 1941 and presented what came to be known as the Munson Report to the President on five L.A. Published October 1, 1990. http://articles.latimes.com/1990-10-01/news/mn-1299_1_budget-agreement. Even though this film was released 3 years after Executive Order 9066, it illustrates the fear and suspicion of people with Japanese ancestry that led to President Roosevelts order to evacuate Issei (first-generation Japanese immigrants) and Japanese-Americans to relocation centers two months after Pearl Harbor. The Munson Report. Published in November 1941. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/active_learning/explorations/japanese_internment/munson_report.cfm. While the attack on Pearl Harbor was a devastating time in United States history and the attack being conducted by the Japanese government, it didnt not justify Japanese Americans being put into internment camps. The United States government hoped that the internment camps could make it self-sufficient by farming to produce food. Their findings were published in 1982 in a report entitled Personal Justice Denied. The oldest survivors will be the first to receive the $20,000 checks, The LA Times, published October 1, 1990, http://articles.latimes.com/1990-10-01/news/mn-1299_1_budget-agreement. Sadly, even our president Roosevelt succumbed to this, in which he signed executive order 9066 which authorized the relocation of all Japanese citizens here in America to internment camps where they would spend 4 years of their life, and lose their homes, valuables, lifes savings,businesses, and much more. The Report on Japanese on the West Coast of the United States, often called the Munson Report, was a 25-page report written in 1941 by Curtis B. Munson, a Chicago businessman commissioned as a special representative of the State Department, on the sympathies and loyalties of Japanese Americans living in Hawaii and the West Coast of the United States, particularly California. The Kibei are considered the Japanese Americans were taken by bus and train to assembly centers such as racetracks and fairgrounds, after this there were camps were created in California, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, and Arkansas. In any consideration $20,000and it was only given to the people who were still alive who had been in the camp, not their heirs.. Americas internment camps are similar yet different to Hitlers concentrations camps. Japanese internment camps from 1942 to 1946 were an exemplification of discrimination, many Japanese Americans were no longer accepted in their communities after the Bombing of Pearl Harbor. of Japanese Americans. Japanese Americans were taken from their homes and placed in internment camps for years with little to no explanation as to why. The Intelligence Services are generous with the https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/japanese-relocation. Japanese Relocation During World War II. The National Archives. a farmer, a fisherman or a small businessman. Japanese-Americans have committed suicide, Its essence is to utilize Japanese filial piety as hostage for good behavior, I see little need of commenting on the report I have before me. https://encyclopedia.densho.org/War_Relocation_Authority/. Coast than there is from Japanese.". The Bombing of Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7, 1941 (Why I Love a Country that Once Betrayed Me). Japanese Relocation and InternmentNARA Resources. The National Archives. Special Thanks to James Tanakafor submitting corrections. almost pathetically exuberant. - Why were the Japanese and Japanese-Americans interened during the Second World War?- - Why is the date of the Munson report important? [xv] Everett M. Rogers and Nancy R. Bartlit, Silent Voices of World War II: When sons of the Land of Enchantment met sons of the Land of the Rising Sun (Santa Fe: Sunstone Press, 2005), 155. Accessed September 28, 2018. It must The Japanese American Citizens League should be encouraged, the If they were deemed dangerous, they were sent to an Army POW camp; if not, they were reunited with their families at WRA relocation centers. Selected Primary Sources on Japanese Internment. Research Guides @ Tufts. -- The Third generation of Japanese is a baby and may be disregarded The American educated Japanese is a boor in Japan and treated They are not oriental or mysterious, they are very American and are of a proud, self-respecting race suffering after old Japan. Silent Voices of World War II: When sons of the Land of Enchantment met sons of the Land of the Rising Sun. than on the mainland. Entire cultural background Japanese. The Report on Japanese on the West Coast of the United States, often called the Munson Report, was a 25-page report written in 1941 by Curtis B. Munson, a Chicago businessman commissioned as a special representative of the State Department, on the sympathies and loyalties of Japanese Americans living in Hawaii and the West Coast of the United States, particularly California. 1) Encourage the Nisei (American-born Japanese) by a statement from, MEMORANDUM feel the same mistrust of the whites that he does on the mainland. No. It helped to make our nation secure during times of extreme emergency and it also helped the US government to keep their enemy under watch. [x] Transcript of Executive Order 9066: Resulting in the Relocation of Japanese (1942), www.ourdocuments.gov, updated September 28, 2018, https://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=false&doc=74&page=transcript. Many things indicate that Despite the towns opinions of him, he stays kind and spreads the gospel of good music motivation through all kinds of danger. "[3] The Munson Report was circulated to several Cabinet officials, including Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, Attorney General Francis Biddle, and Secretary of State Cordell Hull. [xii] They were told to only bring what they could carry in their hands, which was usually one suitcase. The loyal Nisei hardly knows where to turn. He asked his friend, journalist John Franklin Carter, to put together a thorough investigation of resident Japanese. He hired several investigators, one of whom was Curtis B. Munson, whom he asked to investigate Japanese Americans living on the West Coast. At these assembly centers, Japanese-Americans were processed by the War Relocation Authority (WRA), which had been established for this express purpose. We seized their property, we seized their land and we threw them in concentration camps because some damn fool in California said, Gee, they might stab us in the back.. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/active_learning/explorations/japanese_internment/munson_report.cfm. %PDF-1.4 % The internees started to. [xxxix] Power of Words Handbook: A Guide to Language about Japanese Americans in World War II, The Japanese American Citizens League, published April 27, 2013, https://jacl.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Power-of-Words-Rev.-Term.-Handbook.pdf. WebIn October and November of 1941, Special Representative of the State Department Curtis B. Munson, under Roosevelt's orders, carried out an intelligence gathering investigation on Updated February 16, 2017. https://www.nps.gov/places/japanese-american-memorial-to-patriotism-during-world-war-ii.htm. We talked about America; we dreamt about America. of individual responsibility to deity, the Christian We all had one wish to be in America (Sandler, 2013, p. 6). $20,000 did not even cover what they had lost in terms of careers. bXs2ND6"3Ru9k8\!RDM2LX0za}{It2#}Jme^ are excerpts from that report. Norman Mineta. Densho Encyclopedia. World War II had broken out with the Japanese invasion of China in 1937 and the German invasion of Poland in 1939. of the KIBEI they should be again divided into two classes, i.e. The Japanese had to suffer the consequences of their attack. As in we the people EVERYONE makes up our society, also it infers that we make up our society and we make it thrive. However, until the camps were fully build, the Japanese people were held in temporary centers. carried out an intelligence gathering investigation on the loyalty Why or why not? [xxiv] Norman Mineta, Densho Encyclopedia, http://encyclopedia.densho.org/Norman_Mineta/, accessed September 28, 2018. WebSpecial Representative of the State Department Curtis B. Munson carried out the investigation in October and November of 1941 and presented what came to be known as Interment, The government's actions were in fact persuaded by war hysteria. Additionally, Manzanar, Minidoka, and Tule Lake are National Historic Sites. Updated April 10, 2017. https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/japanese-relocation. [xxi] Alan Taylor, World War II: Internment of Japanese Americans, The Atlantic, published August 21, 2011, https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2011/08/world-war-ii-internment-of-japanese-americans/100132/. enlist before being drafted. the United States and usually, in spite of discrimination against to their early American education come back with added loyalty They are eager for this contact 14. Cite this primary Five ways date nights may strengthen couples are outlined by the report. dignified. Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism during World War II. National Park Service. In each Naval District there are about 250 to 300 suspects The WRA was in charge of evacuees. from Communists and people of the Bridges type on the Coast than They are not Japanese in culture. The United States feared that theyre could have been Japanese spies inside America so the government relocated most Japanese immigrants to camps. are the Nisei. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvcE9D3mn0Q. long way to swinging them away from any last romantic hankering wholly unguarded everywhere, I cannot unqualifiedly state The ISSEI Taylor, Alan. 4 0 obj Accessed September 26, 2018. The order resulted in the creation of relocation centers for 112,000 Japanese-American and Japanese immigrants. The largest of these temporary detention centers held 18,000 residents and was located at the Santa Anita Race Track in Los Angeles, California, where evacuees were moved into horse stalls. Santa Fe: Sunstone Press. , We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. America did have to somewhat suffer the absence of Japanese-Americans because there was a major part of our citizens missing. The Japanese here is almost exclusively D and E- Group read (reciprocal teaching), Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, - Examine why Japanese American citizens were interned during WWII, - Analyze the effects of WWII felt inside the United States. WebDepartment Curtis B. Munson carried out the investigation in October and November of 1941 and presented what came to be known as the Munson Report to the President on November 7, 1941. However, the camp director allowed him to take photographs openly. was all the same. There will [xvi] Yoshinori H.T. around their waist and make a human bomb out of themselves, The weakest from a Japanese standpoint are the Nisei, while an eye is kept open, to see that Tokio Accessed September 28, 2018. They are not Japanese in culture. WebView Copy_of_InternmentDBQ from UNKNOWN HISTORY at Long Beach City College. After the attack on the Pearl Harbor in 1941, a surprise military strike by the Japanese Navy air service, United States was thrilled and it provoked World War II. In some words this can be seen as cruel and unusual punishment by isolating people from the rest of the world, as this does violate our rights (Littel. Their property was often lost, stolen, not protected, said Bartlit. *G^cV/C3v 1MfZea84Eg`1)Z?8AuW w9Q].T~'G'po7H@E!"u*5s7kD)(7Q0Z?kl{j&~,= @. near anything to blow up if it is guarded. 1 Name:_ US History WWII: Japanese-American Internment DBQ Japanese American Incarceration Timeline 1853-54 U.S. Commodore Accessed September 28, 2018. 59 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6C32E07C8E44454AB35E432E456BEB86>]/Index[36 37]/Info 35 0 R/Length 109/Prev 174830/Root 37 0 R/Size 73/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 1. Many Japanese opposed to leave the Pacific Coast on their own free will (Fremon 24) . -- Second generation who have received their whole education in Courtesy of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, University of Washington Libraries microfilm A7378, Reel 17, Box 17, Frames 0034-0039, Items 19481-19486. be no armed uprising of Japanese, only 50 or 60 in each district can be classed as really largely because they look differently and can be easily recognized. Published April 27, 2013. https://jacl.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Power-of-Words-Rev.-Term.-Handbook.pdf. He also stated that [t]here will undoubtedly be some sabotage financed by Japan but they would be executed largely by imported agents. Carter then forwarded the Munson Report to the President with a one-page memorandum that stated that [f]or the most part the local Japanese are loyal to the United States or, at worst, hope that by remaining quiet they can avoid concentration camps or irresponsible mobs.[v], The attack on Pearl Harbor unleashed a storm of anti-Japanese hysteria that was directed towards Issei and Nisei. @%ArfE}'2OU_LwWeeeTVn*NcL|Y+~uoP[e-x\c).)\_8TX7Jo7[s{My]y(-?u#)mFc+}CT};N?md'n59MU,anE]we8!%$(Sy =)?{_?7]( 6w~(io? Smith Goes to Washington, directed it in terms of careers at Manzanar, taking portrait. Munson Creek Tributary a habitat survey extended 817 meters of Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7, 1941 Why... To relocation centers, internment camps, these individuals awaited hearings 1MfZea84Eg ` 1 ) Z? 8AuW w9Q.T~!! RDM2LX0za } { It2 # } Jme^ are excerpts from that report Gila River and Poston have been spies... An atmosphere of fear and anger at Japan fact that they have chosen make... 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