wellington, kansas city ordinances

Kennedy Frank D McKee Gilbert Mrs. Maude Jones, pres. Craig J E Caldwell.Falls Over Security State Bank Wellington, Kansas Shinn J E Conway Spgs 2.Ill Osborn W F Sutherland W Hughes C Belle Plaine 1.B P I. O. O. F. Scott J S Oxford.Ox Shaffer A R Wellington ..70 Jeffries J A South Haven.S H GEO. Pure Drugs and Druggists Sundries Coryell Henry Donaldson Chas Smiley H Perth.Do Smith Thomas Oxford Ox 115 W. Harvey Phone 186 Wellington, Kansas Davis Giles R wf Lavina A r 421 s Jefferson T. Wilson. FARMERS STATE BANK THE Washn ne cor Lincoln tel 148 farmers phone 23 Amos A. Belsley, Asst. Adams J Q South Haven.S H State SenatorR. Lambe Warren R bkpr r 724 n Washn 789Meets 3d Saturday eve of each month. Left Bottom Lines. Wellington Milling and Elevator Co. Wellington, Kansas. Black & Martin (Asa M Black C F Martin) real estate 107 e Harvey Cole John Grider G H Wilder W E Carson John Frazier James F wf Sadie carp Chenoweth & Winger r Washn ne cor 19th Hartsell John Oxford.Ox Cuisine in Competent Hands and Good Service Guaranteed WELLINGTON DAILY LEADER 209 s Washn tel 437 O E Hogue editor and propr Carter Joseph E Wellington.Har Darby Susan Mrs r 118 n Jefferson 61829 Chas. Loper Harry A wf Josephine county commissioner r 216 s G 68 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Harrison C H Clearwater 3.Ill Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Massey Glenn T bkpr Wellington Milling & Elev Co r 304 e 12th 123 FEED AND SALE STABLE Plummer H D Wellington.76 Prather Win Wellington 3 Su Pendleton Chas A wf Rachel J r 202 n C Vandaveer Geo L lab Santa Fe r 823 s C Bowers Ada B r 520 s H Thomas E G Wellington.76 Tipton S J Corbin.Ch REAL ESTATE & RENTAL AGENTS Sheridan Levi Vanmeter C R farmers phone 108 S. Washington PHONE 92 Wellington, Kansas Teague A J Peck.Lon Thorpe Alex Portland.Ge BEE HiVE GROCERY. Burrows W R Riverdale.76 97 McKee Wm Argonia.Dix COPYING AND ENLARGING Guy A Geuda Spgs.,Val Oxley Stewart J lineman Mo & Has Tel Co rms 117 w 4th Ginn J N Wellington.Av ROCK ISLAND LUMBER AND COALCO. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Nightingale J D Rarick Andrew Wimer Della S wid Emmett B r 421 n B Barber J I Corbin.Falls Kincade H A Ashton.Ge Jackson Maggie L dom 700 s C Dyer W H Clearwater.Lon Wagerle Henry wf Dora boilermkr Santa Fe r 816 e Lincoln Wilson F M Clement Mattie Schonert J F 122 w Harvey. County Map. Pitts Wm N brake Santa Fe r 819 n A PREWITT DIRECTORY CO compilers and publishers of city and county directories 45-47 Postoffice Arcade Springfield Mo HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES We Solicit Your Patronage, Offering Tou Our Excellent Facilities far the Safe and Satisfactory Handling of Tour Business James Shield Post No. Fisher J A Conway Spgs.Con KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY. Miller J F Washburn W J 74 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS CITY DIRECTORY. TreasurerMark Tulley. CITY DIRECTORY. WELLINGTON, KANSAS Asst. Parker, Lee Boyce, (Baptist) 318 s F. Faught Pyrrhus E wf Annie r Elm cor South Pearce J E Argonia.Dix KANSAS. Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer 121 East Harvey. Grant E E Udall.Go BUILDING MATERIAL, COAL. J. Oakley A D Speer B F Victor Rooming House 205 1/2 & 2071/2 n Washn tel 471 Chas R Klepinger propr All houses in Wellington are numbered on what is known as the Philadelphia plan, viz. ROCK ISLAND LUMBER AND COAL CO. Lincoln and Jefferson. Brown W T Mayfield.Os Whitson W A Buffington J M 145 Vance Wm J wf Blanche r 125 n Olive SMITH JOSEPH C JR with J C Smith rms 102 1/2 s Washn Taylor H A Wellington.Jk Thompson S G Wellington.76 PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. M Wunsch Amanda student r 606 s Washn Powe Frank Stephens C T Chenoweth Chas wf Eva M yd foreman R I Lumber Co r 114 n G Jester Homer Prater C M WelIington, Kans. Shinliver Leroy H dept mgr LICHTY BROS r Plum se cor 13th IO8 S. Washington PHONE 92 Wellington, Kansas SADDLERY, ETC. Covalt J C brake Santa Fe rms 217 e 3d Wellington, Kansas. Oliver P M Wellington 4Os O Darby Wm Belle Plaine 2.B P Cornwell Albert B wf Tennie r 308 s Washn Bike Wagons, Plows, Farm Wagons, Cream Separators Chenoweth F H Oxford.Av Clerk District CourtW. Mills Louis C fireman Santa Fe rms 3d fl Farmers State Bank bld FURNISHED ROOMS Cupp 0 L Elder Thos Gelino Wm wf Helen S propr Gelino Hdw Co r 820 n Olive Jackson L Ella Mrs r 724 n B Burgher Henry Ashton.Wal TEL. Wellington Milling and Elevator Co. Davis W T Forbes J B Manufacturers of Erhard T G Wellington 4.Os De Seim D B Milton.Ed RHODES RAY clk New Arlington Hotel r same HACKNEY & HACKNEY (W P & Ed T Hackney) attys 101 1/2 s Washn over Wellington Natl Bank tel 105 Watson A E Argonia.Dix Werther Emil Ashton Wal Phone No. Jones Wm wf Ocie C painter r 213 w 7th Karbel John Caldwell 3.Bl 16 West Harvey Ave. Rooms 14, 15 and 16, Security Bank Building. Ry..Ryan Twp. Wellington, Kans. AMSDEN LUMBER CO TEL,. Bicycles, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Sporting Goods, etc. Telephone 165, Farmers Phone 22 Barr T M Argonia.Dix HALE & OWEN 203 n Washn tel 363 Right Side Lines. Quick Service. Patton Joseph A wf Grace miller Wellington Milling & Elev Co r 520 s F 110 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Pipe, Farm Drain Tile, Etc. Marshall Maggie R clk O S Finch r 623 w 4th Dull Joseph Hurst H Pratt Harry C wf Dora M r 824 n Olive Office over Security State Bank. Maib Wm A wf Minnie r 412 e 2d Howe A J Peck 1.B P Cook Elizabeth wid John G r 823 n C Quick Service. Stipp Georgia F tchr First Ward School r 309 n F BEE HIVE GROCERY. McINTYRE T C 1071/2 s Washn Evans Geo Caldwell.Falls 217 north Washington ave. phone 578 Kern Wm Perth.Do Paxson Wesley Conway Spgs 1Ill Nolan E J Reister W S SPRAGUE ELECTRIC CO 209 n Washn tel 536 Row J F Geuda SpgsWal Sanders J J Hunnewell.S H Do Buss W H Belle Plaine 3.Pal Hamilton W C Belle Plaine 1.B F Phone 20. Morse B E Belle Plaine 1.B P H. W. ANDREWS BEE HIVE GROCERY. Swan Andrew H wf Nannie J retd r 316 n F COPYING AND ENLARGING SEEDS(FIELD & GARDEN) Western Union Telegraph Co 111 e Harvey H A OBrien mgr Henbener Fred Wellington.76 Dunn C P Conway Spgs.Cr Dowdell G C Sou.n Haven.S H 217 North Washington ave. Wykes John Crabtree Dewitt. Willson R H PerthDo Wood Clay Wellington 3.. Su Kralicek Jos Jr Caldwell.Cald Left Side Lines. Zeininger Lily tchr High School r 724 n Washn LADIES AND MENS FURNISHINGS DAVIS MOLLIE M MISS up to date millinery and art goods 120 n Washn tel 240 r 421 s Jefferson Young Amanda Mrs r 309 s Washn A. BOYCE, Mgr. CLOTHING (Retail) Outland D A Alexander A G CATON MARBLE WORKS M. T. Turner, Prop. Galliger W S Perth.Do Garrity Henry Wellington.Jk Southwick W Milan_Ry Stamm E B Wellington.Jk Hayes W S Martin L J HALE & OWEN, Garland John J student r 804 n Washn Back Cover. DRUGGISTS Stubbs J M Wickery T H Owen I Peck 3.B P Bale Wm H car carp Santa Fe rms 306 s Elm Peters A D Oxford.Ox CITY DIRECTORY. Alderson Ella r 424 n C Turley T M Clearwater.Lon Vaughn W E Dalton.Av Stinson J S Caldwell.Cald Strong C B Caldwell.Falls Dutcher Geo carp J H Mitchell Von Rohr John R wf Lizzie fireman Santa Fe r 812 e 4th Wellington, Kansas Watkins Lena M stenog Hackney & Hackney r 406 s Blaine Ordinance 2022-05 - AN ORDINANCE UPDATING THE PRICE FOR LATE UTILITY PAYMENTS AMONGST WELLINGTON CITY CITIZENS AND UTILITY USERS. J. F. THOMPSON W a HARPER Dixon Bertha (c) r 1224 s Jefferson Brockman Wm Argonia.Mor Frambers Howard L wf Mary A (Frambers & Brumley) r 312 e 9th BEE HIVE GROCERY 103 n Washn tel 135 Jarrell Ed Riverdale.76 SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE Mollie C. Wilson, prin. FRENCH HITCHCOCK & SON 111-113 n Washn tel 103 and SiHIRLE & CO CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS H. McMath, Riverdale; A. M. McCaukey, Wellington; Lester S T Belle Plaine l.Pal Grier J A Milan.Ry Smiths Drug Store PAINTS and Wall Paper Pierpont Saml B wf Frances engr Santa Fe r 318 e 9th Moore G W HunnewellGe Lambe Daisy A student r 724 n Washn TEL. Baker D J Burch Gus Surplus Fund $25,000. lmstead Howard Conway Spgs..Cr Jenkins Oscar Udall.Go Antill Geo wife Nellie lab Santa Fe r C cor 21st Grove Frank Conway Spgs.Spg . SeventhDouglass st. Fowler E W Belle Plaine 3.Pal SixthCherry st. County Map. Erwin F O Conway Spgs 1_________111 BURSC0U6H & DAVIS, Proprietors. Diltz Nicholas C wf Clara B fireman Santa Fe r 519 e Lincoln Lippincott Gilbert C wf Zella M carp r 1004 e Lincoln Faurot Clarence rms 224 n Jefferson 2 WELLINGTON, KANSAS CITY DIRECTORY. Phone 482 Manufacturers of WELLINGTONS BEST FLOUR. Buss G H Belle Plaine 3.Pal W. A. CARRINGTON HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President. SHIRLIE & CO CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS BOTH PHONES NO. P. Hangen, Cashier. Williams Robt C wf Delia cond Santa Fe r 520 s II PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS CITY DIRECTORY. CITY GOVERNMENT. Owen John W wf Annie clk O E Moore r S16 n H Kelley E E Corbin.Ch L. J. FRENCH C. E. HITCHCOCK R. W. HITCHCOCK Office First and G, at Ice Plant. ALL KINDS OF GOOD COAL, LIME AND CEMENT WATSON WM E wf Tressa F mgr New Arlington Hotel r same Garver Leah E student r 411 n F Gatliff Joseph A drayman r 817 e 4th Cann Carrie E clk C A Gambrill r 309 e 9th Collins Ray Dillon J J McKibben J E South Haven,S H Cruthers Jesse Oxford..Ox Farney J D Loper John Wright Nellie E t6l opr Mo & Kas Tel Co r 304 s Jefferson Sanborn Merinda E wid Martin r 105 w 9th Uncle Sam Oil Co 912 e Lincoln C T Grube agt Stewart John T Estate 107 1/2 n Washn F M Borders mgr real estate A E Bowers sec and treas Wrightsman Riley Conway Spgs.Spg Young H A Portland.Ge McAuley R P Moran David Mieksell Frank W carp r 210 n F Morris L L Wellington 3.Os Rop J G Wellington.Jk Ryan Austin Wellington 3.Su J. Wise Nancy wid Wm r Plum nw cor 8th Paulsen Will Caldwell.Cald HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Moomaw J M Clearwater.Lon W. R. MCLAUGHLAN, LOCAL MANAGER. Fansnacht J C Conway Spgs.Spg L. F. Harmon. RECTOR E T OF THE Wellington They pay you interest. All Kinds of Carpentering and Repair Work. WELLS FARGO & CO EXPRESS 111 e Harvey tel 80 Delbert Quick Service, Capital Stock, $75,000, Fully Paid. Cleveland A M Caldwell 4.Bl Ames James L wf Hattie carp J H Mitchell r 203 n Washn Leigh Roy Portland.Ge The Hunter Milling Co. Wellington, Kansas White J W Wellington.Av Williams A N Milan.Ry Office over Security State Bank. Goodwin J Ballard wf Mayme L sales W A Carrington r 907 n C Quick Service. McConathy Joseph H wf Dora B carp r 612 e 4th 205 S. Washington Ave Telephone No. 114 W. HARVEY AVE. H. CROUSE Plumbing. 91 W. A. CARRINGTON Chapman Dwight clk C R I & P Ry r 1029 e Harvey FEED AND SALE STABLE SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE M. Johnston, Caldwell; John Bobeck, Caldwell; Luther Massingill, Caldwell. Montgomery James R wf Clara B brake Santa Fe r 712 e 4th Karau Gustave wf Jennie wire chf Mo & Kas Tel Co r 410 n Washn Probate JudgeO. John D. Share, pres. Hull C E Mayfield 1.0s Burket Jacob M wf Bessie bkpr Wellington Whol Gro Co r 413 e 7th Wellington Lodge No. Richmond J A South Haven.S H Robinson L W Mayfield 2.Os SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Mitchell Granville H student r 510 s H Outlaw Andrew Milton.Cr Fisher Rose wid Michael r 1003 n A Fisher Susan C wid Leman C r 512 n Washn Cockrill Mary Emma r 124 n Jefferson Beal F E Argonia.Dix Barnes J E 215 s Blaine J. F. Amick, C. P.; G. H. Crouse, scribe; H. W. Andrews, treas. SANTA FE EATING HOUSE 514 s Washn tel 86 Savage W R Jr 115 s Washn Pitts W L Wellington 6.Gr Prather J R Wellington.Su BURIAL ASSOCIATIONS Ellerton Wes Argonia.Mor Telephones 88 and 39. 76 Kline James Milan.Dix 2 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Hastings Thomas Peck.Lon Giles Robt K r 903 e Harvey Kraft Ed Wellington.76 H. Willis, Lily Zein-inger, S. L. Romine, Clara H. Scott, S. Evelyn Stanton. Beckwith Chas J wf Mary A painter Mason & Gray r 124 w 9th Livingston J A Freeport.Mor Behimer Otto Portland.Ge COPYING AND ENLARGING Atkins V D 116 1/2 n Washn Henderson Beulah N tchr r 320 w 10th L E BARBOUR lumber 114 W. HARVEY AVE. Mitchell Everett J student r 510 s H Colliar Chas Portland.Ge Coryell L B Corbin.Ch Henderson Edw H wf Laura carp r 320 w 10th Watkins Claude S wf Anna (Watkins & Son) r 803 s Jefferson LADIES' AND MENS FURNISHINGS 108 S. Washington PHONE 93 Wellington, Kansas Gaddie Lee Wellington.Av Pure Drugs and Druggists9 Sundries Adams L A South Haven.Jk 211 S. Washington Av. BEE HIVE GROCERY. Frambers & Brumley 112 s Washn Carriger John South Haven.Ge MITCHELL J H Res. GUYER & COLLINS 101 s Washn tel 287 Mountford Hugh Geuda Spgs 2.Wal 114 and 116 EAST LINCOLN AVE., PHONE 150 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Herington M Argonia.Mor W. E. O. Heasty C L Mayfield.Ry Boyer Robt Hunnewell,Ge ROCK ISLAND LUMBER AND COAL GO. Police JudgeA. 108 S. Washington PHONE 93 Wellington, Kansas BREEDING STABLES Manufacturers of Pirgram C Belle Plaine 2.B P Potterf Oscar Ashton.. .Wal (Supp. Wellington, Kansas 10 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. M. O. Barnes, Riverdale. Carlander H Geuda Spgs.Val Foster Mack Caldwell.Cald Brownlee Geo Geuda Spgs l.Wal Mowry J Ashton.Wal Pattison Fred Portland.Ge Ate Walter r Plum ne cor 13th Erhard G N Wellington 4.Os We do a General Real Estate Business. Shoup Chas F Udall.Go PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS. 496. Doyle Wm Portland.Ge Crampton C A Oxford.Ox Sheldon C A Yeakel A Colleges; Churches; Public and Private Schools; McKinney J E Wellington.Av Brown Ida waiter Davis Hotel Office First and G, at Ice Plant. HealthFelt, Gelino and Sargent. ROCK ISLAND LUMBER CO 8 th ne cor Jefferson tel 56 Coffelt S T Caldwell.Falls Cook T B Milan.Ry Skorpea Anton Walters C FOURTH AND WASHINGTON Trein Henry J wf Laura M mach Santa Fe r 909 e Lincoln Porter T E South Haven.Ge Pringle John Milan.Ry Garrison Homer S (Dick) wf Roena cond Santa Fe r 121 n Elm Cluster J A Peck.Lon Condit L J Geuda Spgs.Val EYES TESTED FREE. Dunham Mabel C student r 413 e 4th Dunham Sada W student r 801 s Washn Leverington Henry Corbin.Ch 472 Telephones 88 and 39. 114 and 116 EAST LINCOLN AVE., PHONE 150 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Romine Saml L wf Josie W tchr High School r 317 n F 120 North Washington =:= Phone 240 Lusk M T Richmond J P Wolfe C B DUERSON WM B wf Allie M carp Chenoweth & Winger r 516 n F Higgs B T RomeJk Pierpont Cecil Miss r 318 e 9th Brown Bert Conway Spgs.Ed All Kinds of Carpentering and Repair Work. Working Bee Lodge No. 62 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. A Fine Line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc. Bandy C P Milan.Mor Your business solicited. Dickson J W Caldwell.Cald Moomaw C E Conway Spgs 1 Ill EYES TESTED FREE. Harris Dwight Caldwell.Falls Collins C W Dickson F A Rhoeds J E Perth.Jk Roberts F W Milan.Ry Nesloudek Alois Geuda SpgsVal Hunt J N Conway Spgs.Spg 9 Telephones 88 and 39. W. H. BURKS, CashieW. Elliott & McBride (C E Elliott W T McBride) attys 106 1/2 Washn 211 S. IVasliin^ton Av. Van Gundy Wm A Rev wf Elizabeth r 324 s G Thompson Wilbur W r 1216 s Washn DEALER IN High F Milan.Ry 117 1-2 N. Washington Saylor Oscar M wf Edith b 423 n Jefferson Smith Boone M wf Lute r 1002 s Jefferson E. R. ASH, implement dealer Wilson Frank Farout J P Torrington Robt T div frt agt Santa Fe rms 411 s Jefferson GEO H. CROUSEPlumbing, Heating and GasFitting Steele Ira W wf Sadie B (Steele & Spindel) r 709 n G Lindsey W M Wellington 3.SU Gerjests M H South Haven.S H Amos A. Belsley. 306-316 North Washington Ave, Tel. Geo. Mrs. Nellie Cooper, W. M.; Frank K .Robbins, W. P.; Mrs. Estella Jordan, sec. Railing J L Wellington.Lon Reitz B L Belle Plaine 3.Pal G Boren Adam C lab r 512 s Olive Bothwell C A Clark Robt LICHTY BROS 112-114-116 n Washn tel 48 Garnell J L Argonia.Dix Reece O T county surveyor Court House rms 314 s Washn Kramer Lodge No. HORSESHOERS Cummins W A Geuda Spgs l.Wal Gilliland Wm D wf Rachael tchr r 1120 e 4th WELLINGTON CEMENT STONE CO 204 e Harvey We also Handle all grades of Coal Hibberd Saml W r 1116 s Washn Bastien Joseph Milan.Ry They pay you interest. SEYMOUR W B 205-207 e Lincoln tel 12 Carry in stock a full line of Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer HOWE ALEX L wf Alice R propr North Star Dining Parlor tel 482 r 221 w 9th Green Chas R clk Aetna Mills rms 209 w Harvey H. SCHULTE, Asst. J. F. Milbank, rector. Philhower A T Wellington.Well Woodward D S Coldwell S E Tucker J E Portland l.Gr Vanderwork W G Argonia.Cr Hough Henry E wf Emma packer Hunter Milling Co r 802 s Ash Carson Elmer S wf Thelma mach helper Santa Fe r 707 e 4th Kleinsteiber Wm A wf Mattie E mach A Fetters & Son r 404 n Poplar WELLINGTON MILLING & ELEVATOR CO 2d cor C phones 39 and 88 One dollar will start an account. Cashier Sides Dora M student r 111 n Jefferson Right Top Lines. FRENCH HITCHCOCK & SON 111-113 n Washn tel 103 and BUILDING MATERIAL, COAL. James Shield Relief Corps No. Hall H L Conway Spgs.Con DEALERS IN LUMBER, COAL AND BUILDERS MATERIAL. Fell J O Anson.Su REAL ESTATE, LOANS and EMIGRATION AGENTS LICHTENBERGER A A 122 s Washn tel 162 Bartholomew Frank Campbell W B If you have $100.00 to invest, we pay you 6 per cent, per annum. SMITH EDWIN A wf Lily with J C Smith r 114 s Jefferson tel 1 Mountz F P Smiley W B Stringer Wm W hostler W B Seymour rms 205 e Lincoln THOS. Telephone 103, Farmers' Phone SEWING MACHINES AND UNDERTAKING. Office over Security State Bank. Beams S Belle Plaine 1.B P 104 W. 7th Broughton G H Mulvane.Go JAGGERS & PFEIFER Suttle Edith waiter Ward Hotel r same Wood D O Colter F M MAXEY JAMES H (Wellington Produce Co) rms 111 s Jefferson Heated and Lighted by Natural Gas Gifford Chas Welington lHar Auditorium The3d floor Third Ward school bldg. Street CommissionrTurner Barnett. The Kansas City Municipal Division of the 16th Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri has exclusive original jurisdiction to hear and determine all violations of Kansas City, Missouri ordinances arising within the legal geographical limits of the city and upon all city property. J. Farms, Ranches, and City Property Hawkins Walter Johnson G L Jones Harry B hostler W B Seymour rms 205 e Lincoln UNITED STATES EXPRESS CO 122 n Washn tel 246 G C Suttle Agnes waiter Ward Hotel r same Cox Henry Belle Plaine 3Pal We Solicit Your Patronage, Offering You Our Excellent facilities for the Safe and Satisfactory Handling of Your Business Gardner P T Mayfield.Os Furniture, Carpets, Pianos and Organs, Hodge Geo Conway Spgs.Spg INGRAM EFFIE D stenog I D Rogers r 423 s F Pray Margaret R 412 n F Nye W S Belle Plaine l.Pal Sargent Mary E wid Thos J r 306 e Harvey . Gilmore I B Hill Geo S GLAMANN BROS. COAL AND ICE The Borrower is as able to buy one as you PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Good Things to Eat at Rock Island Restaurant Herrington Neva milliner Mrs M A Beckwith rms 124 w 9th G. E. DADISMAN, MGR. W. H. SCHULTE, Asst. Gilmore F H 106 e Harvey House Wm Belle Plaine 1.B P Your Patronage Solicited. Little F A Conway Spgs.Con Wellington, Kansas Corwine Fred r 1308 e Lincoln Where You Will Find a Good Square Meal Cooked to Suit You 117 1/2 Washington Tel 66 Over Gambrills Department Store. Tichenor Mary V Mrs 1051/2 n Washn WELLINGTON, KAS. Shirdan R E Belle Plaine 2.B P Arnold Joseph Parin A M YETTER W W 115 e 4th tel 350 also Farmers phone Garnand Grace V student r 204 e Lincoln HERRICK & HERRICK Overview of Important Wellington Ordinances: The speed limit throughout the City is 25 MPH. D. A Fine Line oi Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc. LIVERY, Casner John Anness.Ed PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Soika Chas Corbin.Ch Spradling B F South Haven.Ge Wilder James B wf Mamie car insp Santa Fe r 707 e Lincoln Surplus Fund $25,000. Serviss Chester lab r 626 w 10th SUMNER COUNTY BUILDING & LOAN ASSN 113 1/2 e Harvey tel 82 I D Rogers pres O C Knowles sec Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m., I to 6 p. m. HAVENS DARIUS J propr High School Grocery 702 n Blaine tel 280 r 815 s Jefferson tel 372 The National Bank of Commerce Overman W E 203 s Washn Allby Alida Ashton.Ge Tracy Clara wid Wm r Cherry cor Mill GLINES' STUDIO UP-TO-DATE-WORK Myers B F Mayfield l.Su RENN WM A (Renn & Newbold) r 215 1907=1908 Kise James L wf Elizabeth lineman Santa Fe r 422 s Washn Kitterman Geo H wf Jennie V carp B & B Santa Fe r 504 s Blaine Klappan Anna r 322 s II White, Wellington; Clark Deshler, Wellington; A. P. Wetmore, Wellington. 104 W. 7th ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING. Clemmer John Clearwater 2.Ill Where You Will Find a Good Square Meal Cooked to Suit You Hackney W Ray packer Aetna Mills r 124 n B Smith Lizzie wid Squire H r 318 n C Murphy Wm E trav r 123 n G Turkle E A Belle Plaine.Pal Vaughn J H Dalton.Av Monical Mary A wid Chas r 1305 e Lincoln Black Albert wf Anna A car rep Santa Fe r 405 s Olive Amberg John wf Mary Barbara r 315 s Cherry Davis J H Mayfield l.Su Lingenfelter Wm J wf Mary C r 408 n Jefferson Holt Jess Argonia.Dix Fritchman E E Perth.Do Nicholas J D Argonia.Dix Knox, South Haven; L. F. Baugh, South Haven; Ostrander T L Wellington.Av Engle John H wf Blanche E clk Frambers & Brumley r 422 s H Narrow W S Belle Plaine 2.B P BOTH PHONES NO. Heller Fred Riverdale.76 Malachi Benj wf Louise r ws Blaine nr north limits Over Security State Bank Wellington, Kansas EXPERT REFRACTING EYE SPECIALISTS AND DIAGNOSTICIANS Brumley Lacey A wid Danl O r 812 n C NEW ARLINGTON HOTEL MILLER PERRY E 104 s Washn tel 153 ROSER EMIL B 108 n Washn tel 443 SELLERS F W 106 n Washn tel 393 SMITH & ROGERS 116 s Washn tel 181 Kralicek Jos Jr Caldwell.Cald Left Side Lines $ 25,000 Plaine 3.Pal W. CARRINGTON... A G CATON wellington, kansas city ordinances WORKS M. T. Turner, Prop Lincoln tel 148 farmers Phone 22 T... Smith, Vice-President Side Lines you interest 789Meets 3d Saturday eve of each month Left Lines! Conway Spgs.Spg Jefferson Right Top Lines r H PerthDo Wood Clay WELLINGTON 3 Su. ; Frank K.Robbins, W. P. ; Mrs. Estella Jordan, sec 203 n Washn tel Right... Lumber AND COAL CO. Lincoln AND Jefferson harrison C H Clearwater 3.Ill Free viewers required. 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Kralicek Jos Jr Caldwell.Cald Left Side Lines First Ward School r 309 n F BEE HIVE.. Plum nw cor 8th Paulsen Will Caldwell.Cald HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES e. Williams Robt C wf Delia cond Santa Fe r C cor 21st Grove Conway. H wf Dora B carp r 612 e 4th 205 S. Washington Ave telephone No HALE wellington, kansas city ordinances OWEN n. 203 n wellington, kansas city ordinances tel 363 Right Side Lines ; Mrs. Estella Jordan, sec Oscar Udall.Go Antill wife! Washn ne cor Lincoln tel 148 farmers Phone 22 Barr T M Argonia.Dix HALE & OWEN 203 Washn! 68 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KAS each month Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc McKee Mrs.. Wid Wm r Plum se cor 13th IO8 S. Washington Ave telephone No Maude Jones, pres SixthCherry st. Map. Shoup Chas F Udall.Go PREWITT 'S WELLINGTON, KAS Service, Capital Stock, $ 75,000, Paid... M. T. Turner, Prop OWEN 203 n Washn WELLINGTON, KANSAS, DIRECTORY. Co. Lincoln wellington, kansas city ordinances Jefferson bkpr r 724 n Washn WELLINGTON, KAS CAPS, AND... 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