mountain lions in pennsylvania

Animal welfare is important not only to the public, but to wildlife managers and trappers alike, and will continue to be a critical component of trapping in Pennsylvania. It appears proportionately longer, and more pantherish. Mountain Lions in Pennsylvania? This includes data organized by season, species (white-tailed deer or elk), age, collection method, sex and collection site (down to the township level). How do I report my elk harvest? Most states have designated hunting seasons for mountain lions, and killing one without a tag is a violation, unless the hunter can prove self defense. Not only do hunting licenses support the various state game commissions, and in some states the acquisition and maintenance of public hunting lands, but hunters are a huge boon to local economies each fall, with purchases of food, lodging, hunting equipment, etc. The agency worked hard to restore many of these species back to the Commonwealth, and that continues today with success stories for beaver, river otter, bobcat and fisher. But in recent years, the animals have been moving east. Mountain lions are large, tan cats. Elk hunters are encouraged to spend some time in Pennsylvanias elk country to become familiar with the area in advance of the elk hunting seasons. The more hens there are to be bred, the more gobblers a hunter can expect to see in future seasons, Senior Vice President for Conservation Programs Dr. James Earl Kennamer said. Youngsters who participate in the mentored program for at least three years before turning 12 are required to get a license at 12, rather than continuing as a mentored hunter. Those applying for elk licenses can select which zones they would like to hunt. Minimize the handling of and cutting through brain and spinal tissues; 4. Who can I call with additional Hunter-Trapper Education and/or mentored hunter questions? Is it illegal to feed bears? Pennsylvania has embraced these BMPs and put additional regulations in place to ensure trapping follows these principles. Do not run from a lion. It wasn't, and I assumed it was a road-kill. They know what they saw, regardless of what the facts say, and they know they saw a puma. Hunters will continue to mail antlerless-license applications to county treasurers, as required by law. Second, antlers are often the first thing removed from a deer when processing begins. Wildlife diseases are usually transferred from animal to animal by nose-to-nose contact, saliva, feces and urine. When it comes to turkey hunting, Pennsylvania is unique, and for good reason. I used myself taken by the same camera and in the same exact location for reference, and as you can see from the frame below, my feet and ankles are missing. Additional For information about local game lands, please reach out to the Game Commission region office that serves the county in which the lands are located. You know; the closer an object is to the lens, the bigger it appears. Continually feeding many wild animals in the same place can harm the habitat, people and the animals themselves. Check out the tails of the two! Time is of the essence when it comes to reporting the location of a wild animal, so it's best to call, as opposed to report via email or social media. How is CWD spread? For more information, call 866-474-2141 or visit Obviously, other pumas must be about, and the series of ridges extending north and east and west from my location could all be included as critical habitat as well. Bringing species back to a community where they are currently absent is an important step to ecological restoration, increasing biodiversity, and returning ecological processes such as seed dispersal or rodent population management to the system. They wanted to hear from anyone who saw a mountain lion or signs of one, like tracks or scats. A contained "test fire" is typically lit mid- to late-morning in a small area to see if conditions are appropriate for proceeding with the full operation. Now, if there were any escapes, and if any of these bred with a possible minuscule number of eastern pumas, a relic native population, wouldn't the gene pool be corrupted? Trappers assist biologists by providing important biological samples that inform managers on the health of the population. years are available through this link. Recently, on a back road in Pennsylvania, a friend and I had our first sighting of a coyote in Pennsylvania. All told, they could eliminate 708,600 collisions and $2.13 billion in damages over 30 years. Unless I am only dealing with a lot of delusional people with little judgment, something is out there. Very, very rarely, when I ask someone who would be a likely candidate (a hunter, someone who owns a camp in the deep woods, travels likely routes often, foresters), 'Have you ever seen a mountain lion?' Populations with an abundance of hens have rebounded from poor hatch years in as few as two years, producing more gobblers than areas without an abundance of hens. I receive about one email or phone call a month, on average, from people that I do not know who are contacting me because their sighting compelled them to do a Google search on puma sightings, and they found my site and previously posted questions. As wild animals are fed, they become used to the presence of people. California state law requires the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to issue permits to kill mountain lions that attack domestic animals. After several years of teaching, I transitioned into the world of educational consulting. The commission's furbearer biologist Thomas Keller said the PGC would "likely not be supportive of mountain lion reintroduction," pointing to the dangers posed to hikers, pets and other wildlife. Many of the reports I receive are extremely credible. It is available to view online at This animal is much bigger. Why are prescribed fires good? Time is of the essence when it comes to reporting the location of a wild animal, so it's best to call, as opposed to report via email or social media. This spring, the Game Commission released its annual deer harvest report, which estimated hunters harvested 435,180 deer in Pennsylvania during the 2020-21 hunting seasons. A hunter mentor must be 21 years of age and possess a valid, current hunting license or otherwise qualify for a license and fee exemptions. If so, what would happen to the hunting industry in all of these states? What would account for the long tails? Those special two were across a river just outside Glacier National Park in Montana, and consisted of a mother and two cubs (Mary saw both cubs, I only saw one, and we did so separately, as we were driving two vehicles). Specific information is available by emailing or contacting the Game Commission office that serves your county. How many antlerless deer licenses can hunters apply for in the 2021-22 license year? I receive about one email or phone call a month, on average, from people that I do not know who are contacting me because their sighting compelled them to do a Google search on puma sightings, and they found my site and previously posted questions. Have your animal processed in the area in which it was harvested so high-risk parts can be disposed of properly; 5. Bobcats tend to be a bit taller and lankier, with proportionately shorter torsos than those of house cats, panthers, leopards, and pumas. A variety of entities handle road-killed deer removal throughout the state and the region office can clarify the proper authorities to notify based on the location of the animal. States have tried all kinds of strategies to bring down the number of crashes, from capturing and sterilizing deer to encouraging hunters to go open season. That said there have been numerous sightings of them over the years. Had this been faked, I'd suspect the hoaxter would try for a more authentic background. Hunters can purchase their bear hunting license online, but please allow 10 business days to arrive by mail; it cannot be printed. Would a puma then qualify as a native species? All rights reserved. Why not work to establish a wild population in Pennsylvania? The Game Commission is responsible for prescribed fires conducted on State Game Lands and lands enrolled in the Hunter Access Program. The Cougar Network, working with state agencies, have documented multiple mountain lions as far east as Kentucky, Tennessee and Michigan in recent years, as well as one cat killed on a highway in Milford, Connecticut, in June 2011. How Can I Contact the Pennsylvania Game Commission? In order to successfully manage furbearers in the Commonwealth, and ensure healthy populations into the future, trapping matters to all of us. However, exact stocking dates for specific locations are not provided, and the day of the week each location is stocked fluctuates from week to week. . As the latest hoaxed photo of a mountain lion supposedly killed in Pennsylvania died a slow death on Facebook yesterday, the head of an organization tracking the eastern movements of the big cats was preparing a presentation for a Pennsylvania audience tonight. Where can I find information about hunting and trapping seasons and bag limits? My friend was a former hunter and fisherman, and spent a lot of time in the woods, as did I, but neither of us had ever seen a coyote. The Game Commission has no plans to suspend any hunting regulations, including seasons and bag limits, and game wardens will continue to enforce all state game laws. If you see a puma (mountain lion-cougar), contact me. . Then there is Rocky. Through stringent trap testing, BMPs provide a guide to trappers for ensuring animal welfare and trap efficiency for each individual species. First a quiet coastal community, and then the world, face the wrath of giant sea creatures in bestselling indie author Max Hawthornes heart-pounding novels: The KRONOS RISING series. Mentored hunters, ages 12 and older, may participate in the program for a maximum of three license years. A game warden can prove that an attempt to tag the animal was made based on the evidence of a hole in the ear. The Game Commission manages this land primarily to provide the best habitat for wildlife, but also to provide opportunities for lawful hunting and trapping. When was CWD detected in Pennsylvania? But, again, for purposes of being conservative, were going to assume it was right by the step when it was filmed. There have been no confirmed reports of mountain lions, AKA Puma concolor, in Pennsylvania since the late 1800s. Mace weighs a bit over 15 lbs and stands 12 at the shoulder. Our management and research have shown that we shouldn't overharvest females, so we set the fall season length conservatively. And this genetic mix has been recognized, and the Florida puma is still protected. I'd love to hear of any reports you have. The best time of day to view elk is in the mornings and evenings. How can I help to prevent negative human-bear interactions on my property? "Deer pose relatively less risk to them compared to larger animals. For more information, visitSeasons and Bag Limits. We have nearly 200,000 spring turkey hunters and high adult gobbler harvest rates; considerably more than many other states. Yet, all is not lost. Is Penn State World Campus The Same As Main Campus? My toes were literally against it. How do I report suspected wildlife crimes? The agencys goal is to maintain proper wild turkey management strategies while providing maximum hunting opportunities. Cougar Signs Experts such as Debra Chase, CEO of the Mountain Lion Foundation, say that cougars are mostly afraid of humans and dont see us as potential prey. Our investigations have determined the overwhelming number of sightings of mountain lions in our state are actually bobcats. The main benefits of this change include a simplification of regulations and increased hunting opportunity. Why is bat photography so difficult? Once a bear finds easy access to food, they are likely to frequently come back for more. Spotting mountain lions is becoming a Pennsylvania pastime. Are the Latest Fast CF Cards worth the Expense? Wet hens may leave a more significant scent trail allowing predators to be more successful at finding nests. Other exceptions are included with species seasons below. The mountain lionalso known as the cougar, puma, panther, or catamountis a large cat species native to the Americas. But all white-tailed deer and elk that contract CWD die. The current estimate is 2,000 - 2,700 throughout Arizona. In the forests of Kenya, however, they do occur. Pictures dating to the 1930s have appeared over the years in the Pennsylvania Game Commissions magazine Game News. Certainly it is a romantic notion, but I've always held out the hope that pumas still roamed the east. I've never seen or heard of a verified black puma anywhere, whether wild or captive, so I'd be inclined to dismiss reports of truly black big cats as misidentifications, even when a group of guys all see the same thing. The license year begins July 1 and ends June 30. Unfortunately, at times, our wardens are not able to respond to every incident and they must use their best judgement on which calls to respond to first. With a decline in turkey population, why not eliminate the second Spring Gobbler tag? The Pennsylvania Game Commission is seeking knowledgeable and experienced individuals to pass on the tradition and teach both basic and advanced hunter education training programs. If you have a question that isnt answered below, please email us at Hunters I've spoken with said they've been told you can't kill a puma, which they felt was ironic since the same official told them pumas don't exist in Pa. That a hunter holds no more than six unfilled licenses at a time. Volunteers help with brood surveys and flushing surveys. Reports generally go uninvestigated by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, which discounts them as mistaken identities, illegal pets escaped or released and outright fabrications. Mountain lions live in rescue centers like Murray's, and the Pennsylvania Game Commission said a dozen or so people are permitted to possess them. Pennsylvanias new hunting and furtaker licensing system, The estimated muzzleloader harvest was 28,260, of which 1,140 were antlered deer. Once a bear finds easy access to those kids of food, they are likely to come back for more. Since 1895, the Pennsylvania Game Commission has worked to manage and protect wildlife and their habitats while promoting hunting and trapping for current and future generations. What is Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)? Which is the better camera, the Mark IV or the 7D? With that, Pennsylvanias seasons and management strategies must account for high harvest potential and possible disturbance of hens given the number of hunters. We work closely with wildlife biologists to ensure that while some nests may be lost throughout the year due to prescribed fire activities, the burns are restoring acres of healthy habitat that ensure significantly more nests will be successful for many years into the future. Are they all the product of the off-spring of pumas that escaped their owners or were released? See also: Since there is no treatment or cure, limiting deer contact and interaction by increasing deer harvests across DMAs is one of the only ways to manage CWD on the landscape. Several states have shortened or closed their grouse season after grouse populations crashed. Like mad cow disease in cattle, scrapie in sheep and goats, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans, it's caused not by a virus or bacteria, but by abnormal prions, or proteins. Why cant Pennsylvanias Spring Gobbler season open earlier? Can you get sick from eating mountain lion? But Ill leave it up to you, my readers. Those with additional questions related to Pennsylvanias Hunter-Trapper Education program, as well as mentored hunting opportunities, can contact the Pennsylvania Game Commissions Hunter-Trapper Education Division by calling 717-787-7015, from Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. What is the minimum and maximum ages for a mentored hunting permit? Hunters can apply online at HuntFishPA for the elk license drawing and check the status of their applications. They are there to help us. Archery and late seasons elk hunters will be notified of this location by letter or contact the Northcentral Region Office at 570-398-4744. I went back there with the cop who showed up. After all, skeptics often suggest that puma sightings are just deer sightings, so it would be logical to worry that a hunter might shoot an endangered puma, mistaking it for a brown deer. While ignition is taking place, additional crews patrol the firebreak perimeter to ensure the fire stays where it's supposed to. Mountain Lion / Cougar sighting in Pennsylvania - October 2019 (Part 2) Flatsquatch Productions 1.8K subscribers Subscribe 4.7K views 3 years ago Scott describes his mountain lion /. Keeping trash cans and recycling in a secure area until the morning of collection day. I don't want to seem like a nut case here, but I must ask this question and you'll soon understand why? Let us know. The PGC has no plans to reintroduce mountain lions or any other big predator into the state, Hardisky said. Click here for full harvest reporting details. At one time mountain lions, or more properly puma (Puma concolor), enjoyed the widest geographic range of any New World mammal, and were found throughout all of the contiguous United States. Sightings or tracks surely would be noticed. WPRAs are established through partnerships between the Game Commission and Pheasants Forever Chapters or other conservation groups. Fish and Wildlife Service learn more about migratory bird movements, and survival and harvest rates, which are critical to population management and setting of hunting regulations. Hunters statewide now have the opportunity to apply for and receive additional antlerless deer licenses, as long as 1. However, recently I saw a photo of a melanistic bobcat, as black as could be, with bright yellow eyes. Pennsylvanias management plan and seasons are not, and should not, be the same as other states, again, to ensure long-term sustainability of the wild turkey population. The goal of a WPRA is to establish a sustainable wild pheasant population that can be hunted. Larger and more aggressive animals often exclude younger and weaker animals which causes aggressive behavior resulting in injuries and even death for particularly vulnerable individuals. Some animals lose their fear of humans and predators. Pennsylvania State law specifies that license fees are non-refundable and therefore the Pennsylvania Game Commission does not have the authority to issue a refund. How will I know where and when burns are planned? There are three ways hunters can report their deer or turkey harvests: Online at HuntFishPA, by phone at the NEW toll-free number 1-800-838-4431 or by mail (using the postcard in the Hunting & Trapping Digest). How can I become a Hunter-Trapper Education instructor? Mountain lions have appeared in Pennsylvania in the past 75 years, but when they're captured, it's quickly determined they were formerly exotic pets or show animals. A Rural Legend -- The Search For Pennsylvania Mountain Lions | Penn State University A recent rumor of a cougar killed by a vehicle on Interstate 80 attracted some attention at Penn State. I can't dismiss the eye-witnesses I've interviewed. I could fill pages recounting the eye-witness reports I've heard, and for every report critics could certainly say 'but there's no physical evidence!' The head of the puma is small in comparision to a house cat when compared to the entire body. You can also call the Game Commission's replacement card fulfillment center at 1-800-830-2268 for assistance in obtaining a replacement certificate. Now, forty years ago coyotes were rare or almost nonexistent in Pennsylvania, and had had that same sighting back then, when coyotes were thought not to exist within the state we would have had the 'facts' to doubt what we saw. If cougar reintroduction were to become a serious consideration, the game commission would first need to conduct a feasibility assessment, a "long and careful process," in Keller's estimation, that ends with a recommendation for or against reintroducing a species. A permitted person taking a bobcat or fisher must report the harvest within 48 hours online at HuntFishPA or by phone at 1-800-838-4431. Reporting is mandatory, regardless of harvest, for DMAP (Deep Management Assistance Permits) and second spring turkey licenses. Why are rifles being banned for fall turkey hunting in the 2021 season? Click here to find a class in your area. Many hunters remove the antlers prior to processing. The online course is currently being offered for free online, for Pennsylvania residents, due to Covid-19 interrupting the availability of many in-person classes. Are the Latest Fast CF Cards worth the Expense? Unfortunately, due to recent declines in hunter flush rates and brood observations, the 2019-20 grouse season recommendation calls for a continued statewide closure of the late season for at least one year. A form (PDF) to be used for such requests can be obtained at the Harrisburg Office of the Pennsylvania Game Commission and at Open Records Offices throughout the Commonwealth. Did they migrate south from Canada? the result of eating undercooked pork, said Dr. To prevent negative human-bear interactions on my property more authentic mountain lions in pennsylvania assume it was.! ; the closer an object is to the lens, the Mark IV or the 7D the 1800s! 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