i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog

Walk her 1-2 miles once in the morning and once at night. Training was going well but unfortunately, fianc decided to go against every step I took to try to ensure he was a well behaved little gentleman. We couldnt even cuddle on the couch b/c Fido would get jealous and jump on us and whine, and frantically claw us apart! At the time I met my partner I had 6 rescue dogs. I have started hating that cat, have become extremely resentful and am considering divorce though that would be the last resort. Logan, I dont care. I love my partner. I dont necessarily agree that when you fall in love with a person you automatically know what youre signing up for I think there should be compromise in all relationships and when it comes down to it if its between your human significant other and your animal and you choose your animal youre going to live a lonely life because at the end of the day you cant have a full life with an animal you cant marry or procreate with an animal and if you truly love this personare you willing to throw it all away for an animal? He stuck to his decision. intimate relationship | 12K views, 171 likes, 20 loves, 67 comments, 11 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from LINDA: a couple sleeping together My dog IS a one-person-dog. Love that has a high possibility of easily breaking within the next year or so as we are not bounded by our instincts to stay together? I have had my dog since he was 4 months old. Some of these comments are down right selfish and show a complete lack of understanding of relationships. How do you get through having to say we had to end a relationship over a dog? Im at a loss.! Each member has a priority level on this pack. Because IT could die!!! I must mention that I was also caretaker for my mom and dad. Its a serious point of contention. Dude Im in the same situation its been like this for idk how many months. I'm a total cat person and I don't see the appeal of a dog that constantly wants attention. Mind you my husband NEVER helps me with the dog. I am so glad I found this site because I have nobody to vent to. Giving affection isnt sufficient. Before we got married we had arguments over our dogs how hers belongs inside since he is small and mine outside cuz there big. It might help you to seek counciling or even discussions with close friends to make her see reason. My husband just seems to want me to do the same for him but without giving me anything in return, even a little bit of honesty about how he feels about things that matter to me. My partners huskies shed like mad, and if he didnt brush them every day there would be a carpet of dog hair everywhere. They do poop, pee & throw-up in the house which of course I clean up. Take off your tinfoil hat Do dogs even understand what monogamy is? In fact, it will lead to so many arguments down the line. anyway something happened to me and her That night. Now he says Pancho doesnt like being fed in the bedroom, he feels like he has done something wrong. WOW. If your dog likes someone, they are usually good. Wow, I can only imagine the nice doggy aroma in there, loloh my god! After she got the second one, everything was about the dogs. I havent mentioned amy of this to him because i think it sounds petty. I like dogs and understand why other do as well. So happy she was understanding and accommodating. I have always been an animal lover and had several pets growing up. How does a person get to the point where they are more affectionate toward an animal then their spouse. And then the excuses is, but you know I had dogs! And my dog is the only one that can get into trouble. Here I am sitting down in our room then he goes and gets the dog a pillow. He thinks that the yelling is the way he needs to respond and that because it is the dog that causes it I should get on board. In this process, its almost like these people lose the appreciation (or ability) for having a healthy relationship with a human being later on. We both have dogs but they were ours before getting married. my question is , is it wrong of me to get upset cause the dog gets all the attention and I barely get any. Heres the deal. Shed bark, hed jump. Really his anger and frustration did not match the act. I really cant believe how deep it goes. You are for sure the secondary female in his life and its unacceptable. I LOVE animals, have always had them. Anyhow, my wife and my kids think I am a grumpy man because I am not happy living with the dog. I have come to find out that nothing keeps it at bay. Firstly, they drool so seeing them drool around the kitchen table was gross (she called it cute, not cute!). We agreed that she would be our last dog. Choosing any dog over your spouse/ love makes you a crazy and horrible person. I got the two cats for my girls. But I do treat my dogs as my children, the reason is simple, I cannot have children. One of them is very dominant and a bully to the other one, most of the time, which can be very frustrating. Bf still makes attempts to pretend it was ME. Apparently it is, because he always lets them on the furniture. I am no dog nut as people on here like to say. I do not want to toss out my engagement but I do not know how much more I can take. She lost all of her instincts- swallowing like she usually did, had no alertness, had a very high fever, unsteady walk, her eyes were bloodshot. So..I would consider getting the First Alert Bark, the only problem would be my boyfriend. She was given a dog bed and I slept much better. You and your boyfriend need to sit down and have a discussion about the compromises you will both make. I vacuum and couple hours later theres more hair! There isnt. Having an animal is a huge commitment that involves both of you and impacts the daily life of both of you. I cant believe we are having problems over a dog :(. Its a toxic environment that is not good for anyone. Ive been with my boyfriend for two years we currently live in a house with 6 animals 3 cats, a dog, and two rats. My dog, for being aggressive. Do things to help yourself, keep the dog clean so that he doesnt have too much dander (take him to a groomer regularly-and your girlfriend will appreciate your efforts). Like many people here I have always been a huge animal lover. Please tell me if thats normal? During that time I was cheated on. Weve even tried fixing it but he chews through everything we try to fix it with. It doesnt sleep on the sofa or beds and is house trained. It is very frustrating, but while I understand he is a puppy and also my sons best friend, my husband just feels angry about it and has unconsciously refused to get close to the dog. Thank you. time (because of her separation anxiety)and snores and pants constantly (due to the pushed up face). But, thats just my opinion, please use your mind to choose your answer not your heart. My husband is very upset and thinks it is a stupid idea. So knowing this was a temporary situation it was ok with my partner. She even kisses it on its mouth and gets offended when I dont kiss her directly after having her lips on the dog. But I will always place my partner above my pet. Instead Ive tried suggesting that he is not allowed in the kitchen or bedrooms. Now onto our 2nd dog. As everyone agrees, this small nip never gonna draw blood. He doesnt want to be a responsible dog owner and groom her properly and he doesnt want to discipline her out of guilt. His dog is driving me so crazy I feel like Im going to have a stroke. It might be a little difficult for the dog at first to adjust, but that is what proper training is for. How about hes making you happy accepting the dog when clearly hed prefer to not have one but thats the compromise. With such clear precision he told me that I know what the answer will be if I asked to rehome them. then eventually praised with her favorite things because her response was very good. What should I do? Youre not crazy. There are some really nutty dog owners out there unfortunately! I will however ask my partner to compromise and find some middle ground if we dont see eye-to-eye. Anyways, we have had him for 2 weeks, and my Husband and I have done nothing but FIGHT. I have never allowed her on the bed Id read something about alpha dogs and I was trying to impress my alpha on her.that night I put her on a blanket on the side of me in the bed.I realized that I was afraid to care about anyone or anything againand that I had not taking anything into account about her behavior and needed to research how to care and train her. I live animals. Dogs are animals they should not be sleeping In human beds. To allow your dogs behaviors and habits to ruin a human relationship is insane to me! And a marriage. That makes me wonder that this might not be the right guy for me. If your little husky is dear to you, you need to make it clear with whoever you see that your pup is part of who you are, and eliminate non-animal people. i moved over a series, and after a long-distance relationship, lasting two years, i married my french wiffe. She has other annoying behaviors, such as sneaking in to eat cat food. He wont eat and acts weird. That causes quite a disturbance as my BF focuses carries on and gets all stressed out. I have asked many times if we could transition him to the crate or his own bed at night but I always have gotten the statement of people dont get frenchies to put them in a crate, they get them to baby. Even babies need some boundaries and rules! I actually feel much better that I out of that situation. He wont go on vacation because she doesnt like being boarded! We are renovating a 1958 house with every penny we can during my weekends she actually does very little in this project, but its not about all that its about her boundless defence of these dogs that cost a fortune. No, you dont have to see your boyfriends dog as a human. He brings the dog on our dates. But, it is still his dog and he is the one that gets to make that final decision, not you. He couldnt stand him. His dog doesnt come when he calls her, wants to kill every small dog she sees, barks constantly when left alone in his truck and barks at people walking by my dog has none of these habits but my boyfriend insists his dog is normal wherein mine is not. Dont get the Bark Genie, the chihuahua barks right through it. When I dont stay over for a day or two and return I can see the dog has been sleeping on my side of the bed. They are vulnerable and at the mercy of the worlds kindness or cruelty. This sofa was destroyed with her saliva as shed wash on herself to the point the drool dried and harden. Woah. What happened to compromise and communication? Happy wife, happy lifecmon he loves that dog. But I cant say/see it that way. They stink so bad. Now, Im an animal lover but more into cats or small dogsyou can pick them up and they dont drool! He hated the idea of the cat using the litter tray and walking around on the floor and jumping on the sofa, he felt it was unhygienic and that germs were spreading. Also, it will become difficult for you when your baby arrives and I fear the dog will really be mistreated. Consult a veterinarian: Meet your veterinarian right away and seek advice and take necessary actions. So I am going to therapy for grief as I am having a tough time handling that. She is constantly making licking noises, eats my dogs food when my dogs not looking and seems to act like more of a jerk when my boyfriend is gone. Being vexed with the husband/boyfriend isnt a solution. currently, she sleeps in the bed with her, is very very clingy, moans if there is no constant attention and very manipulative. He is not a good guy; people who hurt dogs move on to hurting people. Wanted to make my partner happy. I guess its my fault for pursuing her knowing she had a dog but you cant help who you fall in love with and shes a great person so I cant see myself leaving over a darn animal at times. But I am miserable. Maybe you chose the wrong woman to have a puppy with. I dont know what to do,but am worried we might break up over a pet, which I dont want. He complains about the sounds it makes (eg when chewing a bone) or when he hears us speaking to it. Then slowly move onto the dog bed by itself and reward him when he stays. Jake I am still going through this! I finally told her a few weeks ago that the animal needs to find a new home. Its just unreal. her reasoning? One is normal. Dogs are great for narcissists; they put their human on a pedestal, revolve their world around the human, and never object. If you Love your dog like I think you do. Good for you! Shes about 9 or 10 years old. It isnt about the dog, it is about them being irresponsible. What bothers me is that she jumps up on you all the time, she follows him around 24/7, and she whines all the I must also add that over the past 6 months I have grown very much attached to his cat. When I think about it that I can no longer invite any friends/family over because of his 2 dogs, that is INSANE! Because these people work at doggy daycare are specialist in correcting odd behaviors in canines. Anything helps Thank you. If I say something to him about how he is acting Im the enemy. I hope it will get better for you, but my guess is, youre just going to have to learn to live with that dog and its habits, and come to an acceptance that everything is going to have to be planned around it. After that year, my fiance decides without my consultation to adopt a rescue dog. Her reply was as expected, to the tune of, if my dog has to go, I go. I dont know if anyone still uses this site. I cant deal with this dog anymore but my boyfriend wont even consider finding another better home for her. Understood. Only a heartless person can get rid of the dog in such a situation. Which I thought unnessasary. They are not humans, theyre animals. He began to cry immediately and it woke my girlfriend up and she yelled at me. Hes vomited so many times and has ruined our outings! My mother in law had 2 dogs & before she died asked my husband to take care of the dogs. I agree with your comment about women with dogs having relationship issues with their SO. I dont care what people say. Two weeks ago the bomb dropped. I NEVER let him eat off a plate and my husband is the one who sneaks him scraps under the table. This has helped me understand the situation. Socialization: Has your dog appropriately socialized? My cat is allowed on the furniture and our bed when he comes but hes much smaller than a Great Dane and sheds much less.. We want to go travel, also because my family lives overseas, and he sometimes travels for work. And no, like me, your not losing your mind. This can get a little heated between us sometimes. I told my bf that I dont want the dog in the bed with us. It does not help she has nipped me before and has a tendency to walk behind my legs up close which freaks me the hell out! I get so mad and my wife just says oh, it is ok, he is old. You live your own life and Ill live mine ^_^ Being human doesnt mean I have to cater to the emotional needs of you or others. Isnt that crazy?! But there is none of that. IT growed at our baby, still he does nothing about it. Their breath smells likelike rotting roadkill. There have been instances while I have not been home that my dog will pee on the floor when he wants her to go outside or if he walks into the room (this has happened 5 times over 2 years). This restaurant allows dogs on the patio but he didnt know that until he was there. I have to add that we have had many sit down talks about my feelings and lack of help, he does good for a day, then slacks, we comminicate very well, however when it comes to the dogs, he just does not even try to meet me half way at full commitmance of efforts to break the habbits; i just dont under stand the disconnect. I hope youre ok? Itll never work and itll be a fight every day of your life. I dont get to sleep with my boyfriend and I rarely get to cuddle him or get any love or attention from him because all he ever does is cuddle or hug or kisses the dog. He is a wonderful husband and father to our two kiddos, I love him dearly, but this is important to me at a level that I dont think he understands. Perhaps, there is an entitlement issue with people that own chihuahuas? that worked but I think that some of the problem of bob will just repeating self because the problem is not the animal its the owner. If you managed to do these things 100% perfectly, your husband/boyfriend wont attempt to rehome the dog. I dont want to over think this again. I told her once I leave I will have sorrow the marriage didnt make it, but will probably find relief to have the yoke of that dog taken from around my neck. A set of steps were placed on the left side of his bed. Maybe you could talk to him if you have a fenced yard into doing the same as i did? Things are getting bad. Im not without feelings but theres no telling how long the dog could live. we moved in together after we got married and the cat came too. If I discipline the dog I am scowled at!! I argue they have zero quality of life. If you dont agree he will eventually walk out and I domt blame a man for leaving a women who doesnt want to improve their situation but keep baying a dog its not a baby its a dog. Yes I support your dream she says but down deep, I think not. We have often talked about moving to the country; I would say how much Id love to get a dog and train it, go on walks with it, etc. No significant other should ever feel less worthy than a pet animal in my book. He treats her the same as yours does his dog. All I am asking for is to sleep without a dog in my room. OK so I have a dog and three cats. Drool xs 2! The only solution I have is 24/7 being in that chain. Having an animal demanding my attention like that and jumping on me, clawing at me, nosing my hands, whining, barking it just sets my teeth on edge. My boyfriend has 2 dogs. we lived together for a month, and her daughters 14 year old cat is obviously traumatized by the daughters constant absence. I love bigger dogsand a lab is a great family dog. I clean it up as soon as I can but the floor is getting damaged. Some dog lovers out there feel its ok to put their pets before their partners. The biggest mistake was bringing the dog into the bed because now hes trained to think thats where hes supposed to be. You cant change it. They must have hurt him because that is not how I raised him. Hitting an animal is never acceptable a puppy is just like a baby it needs love and attenion he learns from play just like children. Why? I know hes not an animal person and that I cant change that on him so Im really having a hard time with this and dont know what to do. Me and my son usually enjoy its company. Without hurting your feelings she doesnt sound like your soulmate. Our lives are completely dominated by the wants/needs of these two hyper, needy dogs. And when my dog nips the other dog to warn it off from the kitchen (my dog knows they are not allowed to scavenge for food in the kitchen), guess who gets punished? I remarried a man with a huge female Labrador Retriever. Not enough to leave my future wife. Every suggestion I make about boundaries or training is shut down and she gets very offended. Now you want to change that and add another? I honestly dont think that single people should get dogs because it poses much massive problems when it comes to trying to date or have relationships. Wrong prayer. Once they are comfortable with one command, I am looking forward to moving to a new trick or command. I am engaged and although I have known my fianc has never cared for inside dogs, he has always tolerated them even at their most annoying times. When my boyfriend is not around I put distance between myself and the dogsthey will go away. I have a partner that was open to my dog in the begging after about 6 months and moving in with her things changed right away, She stopped feeding my dog, walking my dog and tells me how mush she hates him. My dog is a puppy, hes now 6 months old and hers is now around 1 and a half years old. That may be beneficial to you, and when you find a man who is serious about marriage, you will know because he is willing to spend time reading those same books together with you! people need to act like people. If he would just put effort into training I know wed see a difference. It was insane. I rescued her without the permission of my spouse and we have been fighting ever since. Different breeds were actually bred for different reasons, and its funny because hardly any pet owner actually harnesses that energy and trains their dog what they are bred to do, especially terrier or bully breeds. Were up to 6 medium to large holes in the carpet. All i can say is tha, i hope he can find a woman that would put up with being second to dogs. And not that I would EVER wish harm on an animal, but one good thing is, that your fiancees dog is old and will not live very much longer. Janet, the problem is Ive noticed I am on a virtual time limit with her when talking about her dogs issues. Dog owners know this. 75 percent of his waking life he is begging for something. Educate yourself about puppy blues: For that, we have an extensive guide written by a veterinarian Dr. Pavithra and here is the article: How long do puppy blues last and how to overcome? Women with dogs having relationship issues with their so prefer to not have children animal in book... Try to fix it with are usually good can take was very good them around! But thats the compromise and no, like me, your husband/boyfriend attempt... Every day of your life mention that I out of guilt whine, and dog... For her of me to get upset cause the dog a pillow understanding relationships! No telling how long the dog face ) worlds kindness or cruelty clean up go, think. You want to discipline her out of that situation of your life your! Make her see reason i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog canines up as soon as I am not happy living with the at. 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