It's not going to be easy (Picture: BBC) Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) was left shocked in EastEnders when she discovered that she was pregnant after a one night stand with Zack Hudson (James. As her sixteenth birthday approaches, she buys tickets for them to travel abroad. However, at the party, she apologises to Todd and they kiss. Great-grandfathers At the boat party, Whitney considers throwing the knife overboard but Jack arrives to talk to her. Next week Albert Square fans will see her character Whitney Dean get together with Walford bad boy Tyler Moon. Leo angrily attacks Whitney but she gains the upper hand and he leaves the hotel room upset at finding out the truth about his father. Mick later tells her he will help her and take the blame for Leos murder. "[11] Coghill stated that: "This is the most challenging role I have had to play. Relationships/Known relatives EastEnders has revealed the aftermath of Whitney and Zack's heartbreaking baby decision. At the boat party, Whitney considers throwing the knife overboard but Jack arrives to talk to her. Debra turns up unexpectedly, claiming she is homeless, but reveals she is planning to move to Greece when she has enough money and says Whitney can come with her. After speaking with Johnny and Lee, she decides to reply. They go to a house where Whitney meets another woman Chloe (Georgia Henshaw) who is being exploited. She asks Bianca about the trial and asks her if she will see Tony. As Whitney settles herself in Walford with her siblings and Bianca altogether, they end up getting reacquainted with Bianca's boyfriend Tony King (Chris Coghill) following his release from prison in September 2008. Whitney later visits Ryan in prison, stating that she is worried about Lee. She grabs the knife in defence and he accidentally falls on it. Despite Whitney not being her biological daughter, Bianca doesnt treat her any different then her other children and refers to herself as Whitneys mother. Fatboy calls Ryan, who comes to Southend to look for Rob. Daughters Although originally agreeing, Lee persuades her to stay and she moves into the pub with the Carters. Ryan's young daughter Lily Slater (Aine Garvey) comes to live in Walford when her mother Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) is sent to prison, and Whitney babysits her. Whitney tells Lily about Ryan saying she could possibly meet him. Tony is released on bail and returns to Pat's house, hoping to convince Whitney to lie to the police for him, making Whitney realise Bianca is right, and agrees to make a statement against him. The judge stops the tape and Whitney, who is watching from another room, asks what is going on. However, at the last minute, Whitney discovers a note outside the tube station from Woody saying that she is better to remain in Walford. The man is revealed to be Leo, unbeknownst to Whitney, the son of Tony. However, Tiffany returns so Whitney cancels her plans. FURIOUS EastEnders fans have lashed out at soap bosses over Whitney Dean's latest tragic storyline as they beg them to give her a break. Moments later, he secretly confronts Bianca and tries to explain himself to her. She also tells Kush about a letter she still has written to her from Tony which Leo overhears. Leo is then arrested at The Queen Vic thanks to Jack and Whitney, Martin, Kush and Kat go to celebrate. EastEnders have already revealed who was knocked down by Whitney (Image: BBC) Though there was no evidence pointing to the Mitchells, Whitney is convinced that one of them are . Introduced by They tell her they want their gun back from Billie, and when Whitney goes back to Walford she tells him to get rid of it. A few weeks later, Johnny comes out to Whitney, which hurts her as she feels that Johnny has been using her. Woody arrives and punches the guard, and takes Whitney home. Nathan Dean Stepfather Michaela then posts online criticizing Whitney about her relationship with Tony and Leo, which leads to her being harassed online. Eventually, she is released after Gray finds evidence that Leo was stalking her, and tells Chantelle that her husband is a hero, being unaware of his domestic abuse. Her friends and family worry as they find the letters in the bin and think she has indeed run away, and with an important bail meeting coming up it is crucial that she be there. When they return, Tony and Whitney share a passionate kiss, and Tony informs Whitney that their relationship is back on. Whitney shares an emotional goodbye with Ryan as he heads into the police station. Bianca confronts Whitney who says Tony needs her. Whitney and Halfway become engaged and during their respective stag and hen parties, Halfway confesses to having kissed Ben Mitchell (Max Bowden). In early August Abi admitted to sleeping with Lee. This aspect of the storyline was discarded, after the NSPCC suggested that it may distract from the main issue of her abuse. Stacey is granted her appeal and freed but Whitney worries it will ruin her relationship with Lily. Whitney is upset when Billie's mother Carol Jackson arrives to take Billie home, but the next day he attends the wedding after Carol and Bianca reconcile, deciding to stay following the death of Billie and Bianca's cousin Bradley Branning. She is later brought to the police station. While theyre having fun Whitney steps out onto the balcony and sees Leo. Whitney is beginning to pass her sell-by date with him. About In the build-up to Tony's trial, Whitney contacts her biological mother Debra Dean (Ruth Gemmell) and tries to discuss the past; however, Debra is not interested and rejects her. [25] Shelley wrote of Whitney's abuse: "You've really got to hand it to EastEnders. Whitney is angry when Joey Branning kisses her. Robbie Jackson (adoptive) Billie Jackson (adoptive; deceased) Last night's double episode (February 27) saw Whitney decide to . From then on, Tony groomed Whitney and they started a sexual relationship behind Bianca's back. Todd takes it off in a panic, and Ricky throws him out, thinking they were undressing for sex. When Shirley finds out about the kiss, she orders Whitney to get out, telling her that Mick would never choose her over Linda. Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) and Zack Hudson ( James Farrar) were left heartbroken by the discovery that their . On the day they are due to leave, there is a bump in their relationship, however Mick and Linda Carter's marriage counselling appears to resolve their differences. When Dennis' mother, Sharon Watts (Letitia Dean), questions Dennis about his injury, he lies that Whitney assaulted him. She and Leo later rekindle their relationship despite Jack warning her he thinks Leo is suspicious and Tiffany telling her she has met him at Whitney and Callums wedding. Tyler then surprises Whitney by kissing her. However, she is unaware that Lee has overheard her via the baby monitor. [16], McGarty told Inside Soap that she hoped the storyline would have a positive impact, saying that she had done some research herself before filming, meeting teenage girls who had been exploited and hearing their experiences. When Tony begins grooming Whitney's best-friend Lauren Branning (Madeline Duggan) into harboring romantic feelings for him, Whitney becomes jealous and demands Tony to focus on her rather than Lauren. After speaking with Johnny and Lee, she decides to reply. When Lauren kisses Tyler to make her ex-boyfriend Joey jealous, Whitney ends her friendship with Lauren. At her funeral, Tamwar Masood discovers a condolences card with 'Rot in Hell' written on it, and realises the handwriting matches Whitney's. David Wicks (adoptive) Lauren and Janine try to find Whitney, however, when they do she refuses to go with them, claiming she and Rob are in love. She refuses and Tony begins insulting Bianca, unaware that Whitney is hearing their argument in the background. Bianca adopted Whitney from a young age and she looked at Bianca as a mother figure as her biological mother Debra walked out on her when she was a toddler, leaving Nathan to look after Whitney, then Nathan met Bianca and later Tiffany was conceived. Whitney believes she is pregnant, and when she tells Tyler, he seems reluctant to take on a child. Whitney, feeling guilty, refuses to go on holiday with Fatboy, and tells him to kiss her. At one point Whitney tells Bianca she found a winning lottery ticket, but kept it secret as she knew that Bianca would spend the money. Female Whitney later sets her sights on newcomer Johnny Carter, unaware that he is gay. She tries to kiss him but he pushes her away, saying that Whitney is like a daughter to him. It turned out that it was Ricky who had meant to order five but messed up. Thinking that Whitney is worried, Bianca states that they will see Tony, but he will be in a separate and different room location. Whitney runs off, thinking Todd wanted to have sex with her. Upon returning home, he makes it clear to Whitney that they will resume their sexual relationship. [2] The storyline also gained EastEnders a Royal Television Society Programme Award in March 2009 in the Soap and Continuing Drama category. She begins a relationship with Peter when he supports her through her grief. Whitney then messages Ryan saying she needs to see him urgently. She agrees to come home for Tiffany but is upset that Tiffany does not yet know her true paternity. Lee develops depression, and when Whitney finds out, she struggles to support him at his lowest points. Duration She grabs the knife in defence and he accidentally falls on it. Alive Ricky Butcher (2010-2012) In December Whitney thinks she is pregnant but is left disappointed when she isn't. They kiss and she tells him she wants to go all the way. Our aim is instead to raise awareness of this very sensitive issue",[24] concluding his article with the summation: "The producers' dilemma is instructive to childrens charities and Ministers alike on how to confront the issue in a digestible manner which can stimulate an objective debate."[24]. Contents 1 Backstory 2 Storylines 2.1 2009-2016 2.2 2023: Return for Lily and Whitney's pregnancy 3 Kill Count 3.1 Murders/Manslaughter Victims She ignores a call from Tony and he leaves her a voicemail begging her to call him back, saying he loves her. Stacey apologises to Whitney and she accepts. On the day of the wedding, Lee goes missing and Whitney and Mick find him drunk at the park. She tells Tyler, and they both realise that they will not work out, and Tyler leaves Walford. [3] Whitney then takes back her statement against Tony but after Whitney's barrister sees her mobile phone containing the messages from Tony, he is sentenced to 13 years' imprisonment. Trying to come to terms from Tony's death, she goes out for lunch with Tyler at Scarlett's, but they later argue which leads to Whitney ending their engagement and storming out. She claims to be unready to go to the police but agrees to the test, which proves positive for chlamydia. Bianca tells Whitney she is moving to Milton Keynes with her partner Terry Spraggan (Terry Alderton), and wants her to move with them and the children. A few days later Whitney agrees to meet with Leo and he takes her to Tonys grave where he pushes her into the ground forcing her to apologize to Tony. Whitney soon attracts the attention of Rob Grayson. When she accidentally says Mick's name, he guesses that she has feelings for Mick, which she denies. Father-in-law Whitney gets a job as a teaching assistant at Walford Primary School. Whitney's barrister, Vivien Easley QC gives Bianca five minutes to talk Whitney round. Stacey and Lily visit the park whilst Whitney is waiting for Ryan. On Valentine's Day, Whitney rejects Halfway's surprise but she is touched when Halfway talks about how his grandfather brought him up to treat women with respect. Shona Mcgarty is not dating anyone as of 2023; as a result, she is not pregnant and is not expecting a child. "[5], The idea that McGarty play a child groomed for sex was put to the actress on 9 January 2008. Whitney and Carol argue over Connor, and Whitney feels she is not wanted by her family so decides to move out and stays with Ricky's sister and Ryan's wife Janine Butcher (Charlie Brooks). When he finds him, they fight and fall over the edge of the pier. Gilly Green, Head of UK Grants at Comic Relief, said: "It is vital that we continue to alert young people to the dangers if we are to stop them being exploited and the opportunity to work with EastEnders will make a huge audience aware of this issue. Tony, however, harangued by Bianca about the prospect of marriage, gives her Whitney's money to use as a down-payment on a flat. When celebrating Billie's birthday, Whitney kisses Peter and spends the night with him. Repeated intentional offences of this rule could lead to a ban, Many thanks the EastEnders Wiki admin team. When Michael Moon (Steve John Shepherd) tells his brother Tyler about Whitney's recent ordeal, he rejects her but later gives her his special Moon pendant to make up for it. Linda throws her out after she realises that she is the person Mick kissed and Whitney moves in with Stacey, her husband and Bianca's cousin, Martin Fowler (James Bye), and their children. A few days later both Whitney and Lee were told they had Chlamydia (due to Lee's drunken one night stand with Abi) A distraught Whitney blamed it on her past with Rob. Her problem had overshadowed Bianca and Ricky's news that he is Tiffany's biological father, meaning Tiffany is not in fact Whitney's half-sister. Husband When Sharon questions Denny about his injury he says Whitney assaulted him. It says that Whitney would be better in Walford and without him, and that he has left without her. When she is getting ready Leo appears in her room with a knife, threatening her and telling her that the letter from Tony was written soon before he committed suicide and that he states that he always loved Whitney, which Leo thinks proves that Whitney was lying since Tony did not admit to abusing her or apologize, only writing that he always loved her. "[15] The storyline begins when Bianca is sent to prison and Whitney rejects her family, moving in with Janine and attempting to make money by stealing from The Queen Victoria, causing her to get sacked, working for Max, whom she tries to kiss as she has a crush on him, and pickpocketing. Address Whitney is described by executive producer Diederick Santer as both an equal to, and younger version of Bianca, and is the oldest of Bianca's four children. Whitney Dean made her first appearance as the adopted daughter of her legal guardian Bianca Jackson (Patsy Palmer). McGarty promised fans that she was now punctual for work.[20]. He cooks mince pies and says he wants to be a mechanic. Whitney finds it and, looking inside, sees a condom. [21] The Guardian's Aida Edemariam said of the beginning of the storyline: "what is most disturbing, watching [Tony and Whitney's] first scenes together, is not the sexuality of the situation per se, though that is uncomfortable - it's the subtle blackmail with which he keeps her in line. In the event, McGarty's parents merely requested that their daughter not be asked to publicise the role, and the actress began filming her first scenes on 14 January 2008. Whitney asks Billie to choose between her and his former gang, and when Billie chooses her, gang member Kylie makes threats to Whitney, and then takes revenge by attempting to shoot Billie, but hits Jack instead. She then decides to go on a hunger strike and hallucinates, hearing Tony's voice, seeing herself as a child and warning herself about Tony. The children return to Bianca a week later, moving into Pat Evans' home, although Whitney is initially angry with Bianca for letting them down. Call the Midwife star breaks down season 12 finale. Johnny's parents, Mick and Linda Carter, hope that Johnny and Whitney will become an item, but his sister Nancy reveals to them that he is gay. Whitney tells Rob she wants to leave, but he says to either be nice to his friends or he will hurt her. Stacey is granted her appeal and freed but Whitney worries it will ruin her relationship with Lily. Whitney starts to feel smothered by Fatboy's affections. She sends a reply and lays flowers and candles for him. When Whitney and class-mate Peter Beale are cast in the lead roles of the school play Romeo and Juliet, Tony is jealous of them rehearsing in private and punches Peter. There isn't any uncomfortable feeling at all. In the end, Ben learnt the truth, dumped Abi and got together with Paul. Trying to come to terms from Tony's death, she goes out for lunch with Tyler at Scarlett's, but they later argue which leads to Whitney ending their engagement and storming out. Whit Whitney Spears (by Tom Cotton) Together with Bianca's young biological daughter Tiffany Dean (Maisie Smith) and her two brothers Liam Butcher (James Forde) and Morgan Jackson-King (Devon Higgs) respectively, they all end up getting evicted by their landlord. She tells him she has told the police everything about Rob, including Ryan's fight with him, and Ryan tells Whitney he has to leave. Whitney tries to escape by first throwing a jewelry box at him but she realizes all the doors in the house are locked and she can't get out. After several weeks Lauren and Whitney make up. Janine tries to get Whitney to come home but she refuses, and Rob ejects Janine. Horrified, she confronts Tony and realizes that he has been abusing Whitney all along. Following another argument with Lee, Whitney confides in Mick, telling him she is going to buy Ryan an engagement present. Born on 8th December 1992, Whitney first appears in EastEnders when she and her family; mother figure Bianca, half-sister Tiffany, and Bianca's sons Liam and Morgan are evicted by their landlord for failure to pay rent. Bianca Jackson When shes getting ready Leo appears in her room with a knife, threatening her and telling her that the letter from Tony was written soon before he committed suicide and that he states that he always loved Whitney, which Leo thinks proves that Whitney was lying since Tony didnt admit to abusing her or apologize, only writing that he always loved her. Over the next few months, Bianca becomes the beneficiary of a mystery "guardian angel" - who is revealed to be Whitney. Whitney starts to feel smothered by Fatboy's affections. Shona McGarty Phoebe Farnham (flashback) When he confronts her, she tells him that Lucy was sending her abusive texts about her looks, and that she completely despised her. Romances Jane tells two police officers he is a thief and they chase after him. Everyone stands up for Whitney, knowing she is just being forced to tell them that, and Leo leaves. EastEnders star Shona McGarty has got engaged to long term boyfriend of 5 years Ryan Harris. Lauren then tries to talk to Abi but she is clearly to drunk so Lauren grabs the wine glass out of Abi's hand and tells Whitney that she is taking Abi home. He ignores her and falls over, grazing his arm. But things are not all they seem at it unfolds that Rob is forcing Whitney to have sex with people to pay off his debts. She then tells Tyler to leave her alone. Whitney also agrees to another date. It nearly falls apart when Kat catches Whitney giving free drinks to Janine, but she lets her off - telling Whitney she is a natural - and Whitney soon works well at the till. April Branning (adoptive) Suzy Branning (adoptive) When Woody is offered a job in Spain as a bar manager, he asks Whitney to come with him and she accepts. Lauren then helps Abi take her clothes off and Abi trips on the coffee table. Whitney receives a letter from Lee's solicitor, citing her unreasonable behaviour as grounds for the divorce, but Woody tells her it is not a big deal. . [9][10] Discussing his character's relationship with Whitney, Coghill explained that: "The lie that Tony has spun to Whitney is that as soon as she's 16 they'll run away together and start a new life. Considering the character's role in the wider context of the show as a whole, it was decided that Whitney would be involved in a sexual relationship with Bianca's partner Tony King. [31] She did not progress to the viewer-voted shortlist.[32]. Whitney reveals that she is engaged to Woody and asks Mick to give her away at their wedding. Their reunion is short-lived, and Whitney breaks up with him in favor of Bianca's half-brother Billie (Devon Anderson). The character recently got on the wrong side of her former lover, and was. Feeling sorry for Whitney, Tamwar rips up the card, but it is later recovered by his suspicious sister, Shabnam Masood. She tells Ricky to leave her and Tiffany alone as they are nothing to do with him, but Ricky reveals that Tiffany is his daughter. At Billie's birthday party, Whitney ends up kissing Peter. Adoptive mother Whitney then goes to see Tyler but finds him with Lucy, kissing. Lauren encourages Whitney to find out whether she lost their baby due to him giving her chlamydia and she confides in Johnny (now played by Ted Reilly) that chlamydia might have caused it but tells Lee that the doctors said it could not have. He says he hopes they are still friends and she lets him in. We have been working with the EastEnders script writers and some of the young women from projects we support to ensure the story reflects the reality of young people caught up in sexual exploitation. Her mother, Debra, suddenly returns - banging on the front door, panicking. Debra later tells Whitney she has a half-brother, Ryan Malloy (Neil McDermott). The rumors also say Max Bowden and Shona had something between them, but they never spoke publicly about . She runs out and kisses Fatboy and starts a relationship with him. Mother Thanks for that! Bianca tells her Tony has been sentenced to 13 years' custody. One day Whitney agrees to speak with him at E20 and he tells her he wants to continue their relationship. Not knowing what to do, Bianca accepts Dr. Poppy Merritt's help and she refers Whitney to a psychiatrist. Later on, Whitney begins working for Janine's enemy Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) after she offers her a work trial at The Vic for a job. Occupation While they are having fun Whitney steps out onto the balcony and sees Leo. Todd is later scared off by a man who is interested in Whitney, and after he saves her and several other locals from a hostage situation, Whitney calls him a hero (he turns out to be her older half-brother). She then goes for a drink at R&R and Joey tries to comfort her which leads them to start flirting with one another. She is relieved as her sixteenth birthday approaches and buys tickets for her and Tony's trip abroad. EastEnders continues Thursday night at 7.30pm on BBC One. Jim Branning (adoptive; deceased) Pete Beale (adoptive; deceased) McGarty took a short break in 2017 and Whitney departed on 29 May and returned on 31 July of that year. Gray offers to represent Whitney and she is questioned by police who are doubtful as to why she would have gone to the boat party if she had killed Leo in self-defence. Whitney and Lee are both diagnosed with chlamydia and Whitney blames herself due to Rob. Lauren then tells her that Lee loves Whitney and would never go anywhere near her and Abi drunkenly confesses to Lauren that she slept with Lee by saying "Well he already did, me and Lee had sex, so maybe they aint a perfect coupe after all". NOTE: Please do not add content from the BBC iPlayer's early episodes until it has been aired on television, as it is intrusive to our readers who may not have seen the episode on iPlayer. The burner phone Max gave her rings, and Whitney is quickly able to cry for help as Max listens on the other line. Whitney tries to escape by first throwing a jewellery box at him but she realizes all the doors in the house are locked and she cant get out. "[5] Numbers of viewer complaints rose within days to over 200. Whitney found out she was expecting Lee's baby. Ryan Malloy is the son of Debra Dean, brother of Whitney and biological father of Lily Slater. Age As it's combined with the emotional manipulation native to soaps, the viewer starts to feel a bit bullied, too. Once she finds out hes Tonys son she calls Whitney to tell her and she and Callum rush to the hotel to find her. Bianca lives up to Whitney's fears by constantly shopping with their windfall, but after arguing with Whitney, reluctantly agrees to deposit it. , Kush and Kat go to a house where Whitney meets another woman Chloe ( Georgia ). Eastenders star Shona McGarty is not pregnant and is not pregnant and is not expecting child... Refers Whitney to a psychiatrist her relationship with Lily hand it to EastEnders another room, asks what going. Mcgarty is not dating anyone as of 2023 ; as a result, she is worried about Lee on! 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