While both prunes and plums are okay for dogs to eat, we ultimately would not recommend either due to their relatively high sugar contents. Given how hot the summer can get, its a great idea to serve your pooch watermelons. You could allow your pet to nibble on the rinds insides, but its best to keep them away from the seeds and the rind altogether. The most nutritious aspect of watermelon is water, which accounts for 92% of its total nutritional content. However, if youre buying watermelons with seeds, a word of caution: always remove the seeds. The rinds and seeds do not usually bother humans, but they can lead to intestinal blockages in dogs. A bowl of lightning-quick watermelon slushie to help your dog cool off on a hot day. The rind of the watermelon typically isnt thought to be toxic to dogs unless it is infected with any chemicals or preservatives. Remove the seeds, mash or blend a little watermelon, then pour it over your dogs food, or put it in a KONG toy to freeze and serve later. Watermelon may seem to be a very simple and healthy treat for all to enjoy; however seeds, rinds, and large bites of the melon can be damaging the inner body of a dog. Just be careful to give them a much smaller quantity than their adult dogs. Most vegetables are safe to feed to dogs. It is possible that the seeds will cause an intestinal obstruction or that the rind will cause gastrointestinal upset. 90% should come from a well-balanced dog food diet. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Watermelon is low in calories and contains no fat or cholesterol. Dogs can eat watermelon. For example, raccoons are known for raiding trash bins looking for food scraps so you never know when they might take notice of your leftover fruits in the bin outside. "Watermelon is safe for dogs to eat in moderation, as long as the rind and seeds aren't eaten," says Tina Wismer, DVM, MS, DABVT, DABT, and senior director at the ASPCA Animal Poison Control You can also put the frozen pieces in a Kong for alternative fun. Be the first to get discounts, news, and product updates, Build a meal plan today & save 50% on your first dog food order |. Watermelon rinds are not toxic or poisonous to dogs, but they are dangerous because they are difficult for your dog to digest. This is especially important if your dog turns out to be diabetic and cant control its blood sugar levels on its own so any sharp increase or decrease might result in severe health consequences down the road. When you see it, you cant help but laugh. Watermelons are a popular fruit in the summer and can be consumed in a variety of ways. Watermelon is a healthy treat for dogs and the rind is not toxic. WebIf your dog has eaten watermelon rind, hes not necessarily in danger. If their condition worsens, however, there might be something more serious going on so make sure to call your vet before getting any further treatment started. Hepper is reader-supported. Coloration occurs as a result of these foods being consumed, and the colors can be detected in urine or feces. The scene: it's 2 p.m. You're in downtown Louisville, ravenous, and want something that at least waves at being healthy. Always keep your dogs treat at 10% or less of their daily food intake. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Come summer, and youre scrambling to find ways to keep yourself hydrated. Limit giving your dog only part of the fruit and skip giving your dog watermelon rinds or the seeds, especially when it comes to small dogs. My Dog Ate Watermelon Rind What Should I Do? Is it safe for animals to eat? Plus, the fruit has only about 50 calories a cup and 92 percent water, so its great for hydration on a hot day. We tend to feed fruit and vegetable peels to our four-legged counterparts. An average 15-to 20-pound watermelon will yield 90 six-ounce wedges and 11 cups of cubes. https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-andrews-172490189/. Try these recipes for a dog-safe watermelon sorbet or a watermelon mocktail for dogs, Featured image: iStock.com/Sviatlana Barchan. The watermelon is definitely a favorite. Cut up the rind in small pieces to prevent choking. WebIf your dog eats lots of fried foods, there's a danger of pancreatitis. If your dog is having trouble swallowing or breathing, contact your veterinarian immediately. Learn more about other fruits and vegetables that dogs can and cannot eat here. Theyre an excellent summer snack not just for humans, but for dogs as well. If you buy a seedless watermelon, you should be aware that the seeds may cause intestinal blockage. Blend some watermelon for your dog and give them plainly or use it to spice up their dry foods. Refrigerate the mixture so you can put a little on top of your dogs food later. The simple answer is yes, a small slice of watermelon flesh, seedless or minus the seeds and minus the rind, is a safe, refreshing treat thats low in calories, nicely hydrating, and with some beneficial qualities to boot!. This protects them against cell damage caused by free radicals in the dogs body which in turn prevents heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Ever notice that some watermelons have internal cracks in the flesh? Dog watermelon poop is a funny thing. It could be a matter of curiosity or just the smell and color of the rind. If youre looking for some novel ways to treat your doggo during the summer, try serving up a slice of watermelon instead of the regular treats. Is Watermelon Rind Safe for Dogs? While they can nibble on the light green part of the rind, the rind itself is too tough for your dog. To meet your pets special needs, he or she should consume no more than 10% of their diet from treats, with the remaining 90% being regular vet-approved food. If your dog has diarrhea in the past, dont give him watermelon right away. No matter what size your dog is, the skin cannot be properly digested. Theres nothing in it that will cause him harm. WebThe rind is another part of the watermelon that isnt safe for your dog. It is best to give them a bit of the inside as well. iy_2023; im_03; id_01; ih_06; imh_23; i_epoch:1677680617161, py_2023; pm_02; pd_08; ph_03; pmh_01; p_epoch:1675854106708, link-block; link-block_link-block; bodystr, pn_tstr:Wed Feb 08 03:01:46 PST 2023; pn_epoch:1675854106708. Does watermelon give diarrhea? WebYes. So, can dogs have watermelon? Fresh fruits and vegetables should be fed to dogs no more than 10% of their calorie intake. Related article: Quiz: Can Dogs Eat These Summer Foods? Im dedicated to helping people and their dogs build strong relationships based on mutual respect and trust. Its a condition known as Hollow Heart and is caused by fluctuations in temperature during the growing season. The treatment depends heavily on what caused it in the first place because, for example, if your dog has a low blood glucose level and there is insulin available you can treat them immediately with it. In addition to the risks of eating watermelon, excessive consumption can result in serious side effects. This can be a fatal disease if left untreated. However, watermelon rinds should be thoroughly washed and sliced into small, bite-sized pieces before being fed to your bearded dragon. Yes, a dog can eat watermelon rinds. If your puppy consumes treats, be sure to give them in small amounts and on occasion. The dog should not be eating the seeds or the rind because they will cause health issues like intestinal blockage or gastrointestinal upset. As mentioned before, when a dog eats watermelon rind or seeds, theres a risk of an intestinal blockage and other stomach problems. They can also be steamed or grated. Featured image credit: sergeitokmakov, Pixabay, My Dog Ate Chocolate! Often, duck is a primary ingredient in dog foods, specifically for dogs with sensitive stomachs or food allergies. Too much of this good stuff is harmful to dogs because it contains high levels of natural sugar and other nutrients. Always remember to wash the exterior of the melon before feeding it to any animal. Here are some of the benefits your pooch will get when eating this fruit: 1. Human diets usually exclude the rind, and we end up throwing it away. Watermelons rich in lycopene (an carotenoid pigment found in many fruits, including the tomato) may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, gas, and indigestion when consumed in excess. Watermelon, like most human foods to share with a dog, should be given sparingly because it contains seeds that can cause a blockage and a rind that could cause gastrointestinal upset. The sugar in the watermelon will cause them to have loose stools which can cause diarrhea. Build a meal plan today & save 50% on your first dog food order | Start Now. Some pet owners claim that their dogs have shown themselves to be particularly fond of watermelon, but it is important to keep in mind that not all dogs will like the taste. The green cover of the watermelon that encases the fleshy fruit inside is the watermelon rind. Watermelon Rind & Cats. Watermelons usually have many seeds on the inside of them, but watermelon rinds do not have any seeds on them. Mashed watermelon can also be used as a topping for your dogs main diet. Dogs can eat watermelon, and it will not cause any allergies or stomach illness of any kind, but please be advised that there are some precautions to take. They are high in vitamins and nutrients, and they are made of 92 percent water, so they can be given to your dog on hot days to keep him healthy. Yes, it is. After you have talked with your vet, they may recommend that you just keep an eye on your dog for any unusual behavior or signs of discomfort. When introducing your dog to watermelon or any other type of food, you Watermelon is a healthy and refreshing treat for humans, but can dogs eat it, too? Use scraps instead, which are too small to be eaten properly by smaller animals like dogs. First, make sure to wash the fruit with clean water. If you have any further questions about how to treat dogs eating watermelon rind or simply want some more information, please feel free to leave us a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer. Watermelon is good for dog. Some vegetables may be too big for your dog to chew on, so you may want to cut them into smaller pieces to serve your pooch. If they last more than a day, you may want to make a call to the vet. So remember that keeping your dogs away from watermelon rinds will not only save you a lot of worries but will also make sure you dont taste them next time. If you notice any of these more serious symptoms, call your vet and take your dog to the vet immediately. = 2-3 slices of watermelon, Examples: Basenjis, Beagles, Miniature Australian Shepherds, Medium dog (31-50 lbs.) Adding a watermelon treat to their diet can make a huge difference. This can be a fatal disease if left untreated. So, unless the produce is labeled correctly at the market, you will have to cut into a melon to determine if it is yellow or red. All rights reserved. As you blend, add more juice/ water slowly till you get the consistency of a sorbet. We talk about this in our Can Dogs Eat Watermelon article, but in this post we will be talking about what you should do if your dog eats some of the watermelon rind. Small dogs should take cup of diced watermelon while large dogs can manage 1 cup. If this happens, you should take your dog to a vet because they might get dehydrated if their diarrhea lasts too long. Yes, they can. Your vet will know the current health of your dog and might recommend that you bring your dog to them for observation. Furthermore, consuming watermelon at night may cause digestive issues, which may be inconvenient when the body is inactive. Avoid giving watermelon to your dog if he or she is prone to urinary tract infections. This might explain why such a large number of them appear around during dessert time at family gatherings or dinner parties meeting up with other peoples pets on sidewalks out front. You can make granita. Youll likely see large chunks of it in your pups stool, assuming you take the time to examine it. This can help keep your dogs coat looking vibrant and healthy. Tell-tale signs include: If these symptoms continue to persist, we recommend contacting your vet to figure out solutions. Plus, its sweet and juicy, your dog will love it. As pet owners, we are always on the lookout for healthy and safe treats to give our furry friends. Before feeding any watermelon to your dog, remove the rind and seeds. There are as many varieties of yellow watermelons as there are red ones, both with seeds and By When you buy something using retail links in my blogs, I might earn a small commission, at no cost to you. Refrigerate for about 2 hours to make it cool. However, some cats do like watermelon and can eat small amounts once in a while. Interestingly, the relevance of vitamin C for dogs has been studied for over a century now and has been proven to be quite important for a dogs overall health and vitality. You can also freeze watermelon to make an extra Watermelons are low in sodium, calories, and fats, and free from cholesterols. WebYes it is safe for dogs to eat watermelon rinds. NOTE: Always check with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new foods, especially people foods. What might be okay for one dog might not be good for your dog, depending on multiple factors, such as their age, health history, health conditions, and diet. Nicole Cosgrove. The sugar content in prunes is elevated as the water in them has been reduced. WebWatermelon contains seeds and rind, which can pose a choking hazard for dogs. WebThe answer is, unfortunately, not a straight yes or no. So yes, you can feed your dog watermelon rind but we wouldnt recommend it. Ultimately, though, there should be no reason that you would want them to. They will be able to provide you with the best course of action to keep your dog safe. Watermelon contains low levels of cholesterol and sodium, but it is best given as a treat to avoid putting it on your dogs regular diet, as it contains a lot of sugar. WebDogs are known for their love of food and trying out new flavors. Watermelons, which are high in nutrients, have a wide range of health benefits for both you and your dog. A hot, sunny day, a laze in the yard, a picnic in the park and a This will usually happen when feeding puppies or adults that arent used to consuming large amounts of watermelon on daily basis. Yes, a dog can eat watermelon rinds. If your dog ingests too much, they could end up suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, or intestinal blockage. My Dog Ate Jalapeno What Should I Do Now? Because the rind is so tough and firm, it can be dangerous to dogs. My Dog Ate Earthworm What Should I Do Now? WebIf your dog eats lots of fried foods, there's a danger of pancreatitis. If your dog ate watermelon rind, there is no need to be alarmed. And if youre asking yourself how much watermelon can a dog eat, just remember to feed the fruit in moderate quantities alongside their regular diet. Dogs can eat watermelon but in moderation. Its full of water, so offering it to your pup is a great way to keep them hydrated on a hot day. If you purchase a product through this article, we may receive a portion of the sale. Watermelon has a variety of benefits for both you and your dog. Watermelon is generally safe for dogs to consume. Besides being a quick and effective way to keep your pet hydrated, watermelons contain several nutrients that contribute to your dogs health. Watermelon is a great summer treat for dogs, and is a good source of vitamins A and C. If youre looking to share a refreshing treat with your furry friend on a hot day, cut up a watermelon and let your dog enjoy. Why are watermelon seeds possibly bad for dogs? WebDogs shouldnt eat watermelon rind or skin, the tough outer skin with some whitish part that we usually throw away. Watermelon, like any other treat, should be fed to your dog at a moderate level. When it can help keep them cool and hydrated and is also good for their health. If they have ingested it, and youre concerned about what to do if my dog ate watermelon rind, fret not. Is pork skin OK for dogs? Mix the puree with yogurt and chia seeds in a clean bowl. This may not affect large breeds that much but can cause major digestive complications for smaller dogs. The red, juicy part of the watermelon is healthy for your dog because it is primarily made up of water and a few additional nutrients and minerals. Watermelon is high in sugar, so you dont want to give your dog too much of it. WebThey can eat carrots, green beans, broccoli, beets, celery, green peas, lettuce, and tomatoes. If a fellow dog caretaker asks you can my dog eat watermelon, let them know what works best for canines, or direct them to us! Good idea to remove the seeds and rinds, as it will be a lot safer for your dog. Watermelon is low in calories and fat, and is a good way to keep your dog hydrated. So its safest to remove those as well. Call Your Vet If They Eat The Rind If you notice that your dog eats a large part of the rind of the watermelon then it is recommended that you give your veterinarian a call. Thank you if you use our links, we really appreciate it! 2. By Kyoko Updated: 02/10/23 3 min read Health Digestive System Vomiting Diarrhea Constipation 7. iii. A dog can eat the light green insides of watermelon, but it is difficult to chew because the fruit is firm and hard to chew on. Watermelon, like most human foods to share with a dog, should be given sparingly because it contains seeds that can cause a blockage and a rind that could Everybody loves watermelon, even dogs. Before feeding any watermelon to your Overall, though, you should probably only give them a few small chunks at a time. This can result in very serious effects if not handled immediately. It is important to keep your dog safe as the rind can be difficult for your dog to digest. When feeding your dog watermelon, ensure you remove any seeds and never give them the rind. Originally from Canada, Nicole now lives on a lush forest property with her Kiwi husband in New Zealand. It is best to give them a bit of the inside as well. Keep in mind though, that due to the small amount of watermelon your dog should eat as a snack, they cannot depend on watermelon alone for hydration. If you notice that your dog has diarrhea after eating too much watermelon, try giving them bland foods or a probiotic supplement to help restore their digestive health. Nicole has a strong love for all animals and has experience caring for all types of dogs, from Yorkies to Great Danes. They will be able to provide you with the best course of action to keep your dog safe. If you remove the seeds and rind before serving frozen watermelon, dogs can eat it. Watermelon is a popular fruit that many people enjoy during the summer months. Watermelon rinds can be a valuable source of dietary fiber and other essential vitamins and minerals. Upset stomachs and diarrhea in dogs are also common when canines consume more than the red, juicy part of the fruit. Were not through yet; the fiber also helps your pet absorb the sugar in the watermelon. Ask Pet Guru is a free website designed to assist you with making an informed decision regarding your dog. The answer is yes, with a couple of precautions. = 1-2 slices of watermelon, Examples: Yorkies, Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Pugs, Small dog (21-30 lbs.) If your dog has accidentally consumed watermelon rind and shows symptoms such as vomiting, constipation, or lethargy, veterinary attention should be This is usually not a cause for concern, but if it persists, you should take your dog to the vet. While watermelons contain no fat or cholesterol, they can cause serious problems if eaten in excess so its important to keep your dog away from leftovers. Dogs should take watermelon only as seasonal treats. Each slice should only be about 1 inch x 1 inch x -inch thick: Extra-small dog (2-20 lbs.) WebCall Your Vet If They Eat The Rind If you notice that your dog eats a large part of the rind of the watermelon then it is recommended that you give your veterinarian a call. In addition to their health benefits, watermelon slices are easy for your dog to chew and digest. Human and dog dehydration can occur quickly when there is a lack of hydration. Just so you know, we may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page at no additional cost to you. WebWhat Should I Do If My Dog Ate Watermelon Rinds? Pork rinds, made from pig skin and often deep-fried to be even more fatty, aren't toxic, but they're not good for dogs. WebYes, dogs can eat prunes, which are simply dried plums. The color of the food indicates that it has been absorbed into the body and is in the process of being processed. Vitamin B6 essentially functions as a coenzyme and is responsible for the metabolism of amino acids. Dogs love watermelon, but they can be picky about how they eat it. Complete index of all the wonderful cat breeds and mixes, Deciding what you can and cannot feed your furry friend is a crucial decision, We love our cats, and therefore we want to get them the best gear, Understanding cat behavior can set you both up for a happy, productive relationship, Complete index of all the wonderful dog breeds and mixes, Deciding what you can and cannot feed your four legged friend is a crucial decision, We love our dogs, and therefore we want to get them the best gear, Training your dog can set you both up for a happy, productive relationship, The most complete list of dog food recalls, The most complete list of cat food recalls. This sweet melon is a good source of hydration for dogs because it contains a high concentration of water. One of the many benefits of watermelon is its high vitamin and nutrient content. Here are some safe ways to feed your dog watermelon: Other fruits and veggies, such as carrots and apples, can be a healthy treat for dogs. What about the rest? Try not to cut it too small, you want something that will be easy for your dog to eat and chew up quickly. Their digestive system cant break it down effectively and it can cause an Scoop and serve when your sorbet is ready, and top it off with dog diet-approved fruits like bananas or blueberries. It has been proven in clinical tests that dogs do like sweet things more than human beings. Small pieces of safe fruits such as apples, bananas, strawberries, watermelons, mangoes, and blueberries are great treats for small puppies. A few nibbles on a watermelon rind wont hurt your pooch, but they shouldnt eat the skin. Of course, you know what will happen as soon as you bust out the fruit: Your buddy will bust out their puppy dog eyes. Dogs can consume an excessive amount of watermelon in a single sitting. Watermelon can be a great snack for your dog if given in moderation but it is important to not let them eat the rind of the watermelon. Watermelon is a healthy and delicious treat for dogs. Your dog can enjoy watermelon treats as well! Here are some of the reasons why this might happen: i. However, dogs that have diabetes or sugar sensitivities as well as dogs that are obese should not be given the fruit. Hes not necessarily in danger but you should still watch him closely for any adverse effects. When this happens its important to get rid of them completely around the house or backyard because even though these things are not toxic for humans, there are reasons why you dont want them around you or your pets. The fruit itself is a health-food powerhouse, low in calories and packed with nutrientsvitamins A, B6, and C, and potassium. Freeze your watermelon beforehand. See also Siberian Husky vs Pitbull: Differences & Similarities Best Guide Myth vs Reality, My Dog Ate Raw Chicken! Although the seeds are not toxic to dogs, you should not feed them to them. An adult dog will mostly lick the rinds instead of eating them but its best to keep a close eye out for any changes in their behavior. Health benefits, watermelon slices are easy for your dog cool off on a forest... May not affect large breeds that much but can cause diarrhea vet figure!, ensure you remove any seeds on them any new foods, specifically for dogs watch him closely any... Major digestive complications for smaller dogs to figure out solutions Canada, Nicole Now lives on a hot.! Great idea to serve your pooch, but they can be detected urine... Be eaten properly by smaller animals like dogs be detected in urine or.... Shouldnt eat watermelon rinds can be a fatal disease if left untreated rind of the why... 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