IDENTIFY THE PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING AN INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT COST ESTIMATE:The Independent Government Estimate includes only direct and indirect cost: . The contractor personnel must provide certification that they have been trained on the proper use and care for the property. Testing it All Together. . Clarify the intent of the requirements without impacting cost, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. What is Brave Orchid's major impression when she finally sees Moon Orchid? In construction, "differing site conditions" are defined as known conditions at the site that the contractor missed during site visits and failed to read in the contract. An independent detailed assessment developed by a government team member, which includes the cost to the government for services and supplies to be acquired. Any information, products, services or hyperlinks contained within this website does not constitute any type of endorsement by the DoD, Air Force, Navy or Army. definitions, roles, and responsibilities of the major . Overtime must be for work ordered or Conduct market research and develop requirements. Authorize subcontracting or the use of consultants. scheduling Use clear, unambiguous language // State clearly who is taking the action, LIST THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARING A STATEMENT OF WORK OR STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES:A Statement Of Work should include the following: . Article I of the. Question: Part A The main business of Revolution Electric Supply Corporation is to supply electric energy to the entire district. . Conforming products/services WE HAVE TO FAX THE OVERTIME AUTHORIZATION FOR THE SNOW PLOW GUYS. You did a complete visual inspection and tested the unit. c. Division directors/CO's will determine the supervisory level to which they delegate approval authority. Using informal source selection; the contracting officer acts as the Source Selection Authority but must follow the criteria spelled out in the solicitation when selecting the contractor to receive the award. FN1 Through this authorization and the power it creates, an agent is capable of . The COR needs to closely monitor and guide the contractor's effort in order to prevent the waste of taxpayers' funds and to obtain the services or products needed within budget. Cost Reimbursement, GIVEN A CONTRACT ACTION, IDENTIFY THE DELEGATED TECHNICAL FUNCTIONS FOR WHICH THE COR IS RESPONSIBLE: IDENTIFY FACTORS TO BE ASSESSED WHEN DOCUMENTING A CONTRACTOR`S PERFORMANCE: When conducting assessment of contractor performance, the COR must consider:(Check all that apply): x selected all 4 x Terms and Conditions // The Inspection Plan, Terms and Conditions // The Inspection Plan // Concerns of safety and welfare, RECOGNIZE THE REQUIREMENT TO SAFEGUARD DATA WITH RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS:Select the item that is considered a restrictive marking: . On January 21, 2023 EBiz POCs (E-Business Points of Contact) with an applicant account were automatically assigned the Expanded AOR role. 15. Which one of the following statements about the source selection decision process is TRUE? One of the primary responsibilities of the COR is the review of invoices/public vouchers. true, RECOGNIZE HOW THE COR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROVIDING COST ESTIMATES ASSIST KOS IN NEGOTIATING PROPOSED CHANGES IN SCOPE OF WORK UNDER THE CONTRACT:The COR may be asked to review the cost proposal and the proposed Basis of Estimate (BOE) and to assist the KO in determining the reasonableness of the proposed amounts. The requirements document should use market research and promote full and open competition, as much as possible, RECOGNIZE THE ROLE OF THE COR IN THE OVERALL STRATEGIC PLANNING OF AN ACQUISITION:What is a KEY role of the COR in Acquisition Planning? RECOGNIZE HOW CONTRACT TYPES IMPACTS COR RESPONSIBILITIES:When preparing for a procurement that can only be purchased from a single source, the _________ document is required. Identify the change to the contract, complete a technical evaluation of the contractor'S proposal, develop the estimated cost, obtain the required approvals, and obtain certified funding, DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:The COR should work with the Contracting Officer if the COR identifies a need to change the current contract. Cloned 225. Travel costs to specific travel identified in the contract using Joint Travel Regulation Rates. IDENTIFY THE DUTY TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL CLARIFICATION TO THE CONTRACTOR WITHOUT CREATING AN UNAUTHORIZED OBLIGATION OR CONSTRUCTIVE CHANGE TO THE CONTRACT:John, the COR on a services contract, has made an unauthorized commitment by authorizing the contractor to perform services that were not within the scope of the contract. By: Wllllam J. LIST THE CONTENTS OF A QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN (QASP)/ PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT PLAN (PAP):A Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan is included in the contractor proposal and accepted by the Government. DEFINE THE COR'S ROLE IN THE RESOLUTION OF ISSUES UNDER THE CONTRACT AND HIS ROLE IN MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS:After an issue has been identified and there is a corrective plan in place, the COR should: . An independent detailed assessment developed by a government team member A Statement Of Work should include the following: The work to be performed, location of work, period of performance, deliverable schedule, any special requirements. Authority to authorize overtime is set out in the relevant staff rules, personnel directives and related documents on approving authorities. Invoices incur interest if they are not paid by the due date established in the prompt payment clause. COR No No's. 1 - 33. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN PERSONAL AND NON-PERSONAL SERVICES AND ACT ACCORDINGLY WHEN WORKING WITH CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL:When working with contractor personnel on a non-personal services contract, the COR should: x Rate individual contractor employee performance, DEFINE EVM AND COST PERFORMANCE REPORTING:An Earned Value Management system that is formally validated and accepted by the cognizant contracting officer is required on cost or incentive contracts valued at or greater than ____. EVALUATE THE CONTRACTOR?S COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY, SECURITY, LABOR, SERVICE CONTRACT ACT, ENVIRONMENTAL LAW, AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS:The contractor is performing exceptionally, especially Sally. DESCRIBE THE DUTIES OF THE COR AS OUTLINED IN THE DESIGNATION/APPOINTMENT LETTER:You are the COR at a Government training installation. . DEFINE THE ROLE AND AUTHORITY OF CORS REGARDING PAST PERFORMANCE:Past performance assessments include input from the __________: . Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Reasonable, Time-based, IDENTIFY THE ELEMENTS OF A PURCHASE REQUEST:A purchase request is an official request for action that authorizes the contracting process to begin. Termination of COR Appointments. Brown, Attorney General, September 23, 1981 . All contractual agreements, commitments, or modifications shall be made only by the PCO. . Often, a contracting officer appoints a COR to perform specific technical or administrative functions; however, the COR has no authority to make any commitments or changes that affect price, quality, quantity, delivery, or other terms and conditions of the contract nor in any way direct the contractor or its subcontractors to operate in conflict x $10 million x $100 million. The file must include, at a minimum- (a) A copy of the contracting officer's letter of designation and other documents describing the COR's duties and responsibilities; The possession, transportation, sale, purchase, storage, and use of gasoline, and dangerous weapons and substances, except that this subdivision does not authorize prohibitions or restrictions on lawfully possessed firearms or ammunition (for more information on firearms restrictions, see this post ). The two notices may be used sequentially or, depending on the time left in performance, only a single notice might be used. Identify the change to the contract, complete a technical evaluation of the contractor's proposal, develop the estimated cost. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The approval or authorization of the necessity for goods or services will be made by a person who has been delegated this responsibility. Contracting officers should work closely with requiring activities to ensure the activities (organizations) nominate individuals to serve as CORs who have the essential qualifications and time to effectively perform the assigned functions. 2014-05-12 12:48:56. Payment to the contractor for the supplies and services delivered, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: EVALUATE INVOICE REQUIREMENTS FOR FIXED-PRICE DELIVERABLES:Inspection and acceptance criteria for fixed-price deliverables include: x Evaluation of the expenditure rate x monthly invoices x cost monitoring, IDENTIFY CONTROL AND DISPOSITION REQUIREMENTS FOR GOVERNMENT FURNISHED OR LEASED ASSETS: DESCRIBE THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR LOST, DAMAGED OR DESTROYED GOVERNMENT ASSETS:Contractors are generally not held liable for loss, damage destruction, or theft of Government property when ___________. false, IDENTIFY THE COMMUNICATIONS NECESSARY AMONG ALL INTERESTED PARTIES TO THE CONTRACT AS FREQUENTLY AS NEEDED TO ENSURE THE SERVICES PROVIDED MEET THE ESTABLISHED STANDARDS:During communications with the contractor the COR may ___________. The requirements document should use market research and promote full An Accounting Classification Requirements Number (ACRN) is: The main purpose for the COR to understand the contract and how it is organized is to be aware of all contractual requirements and deliverables. IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: DISCUSS THE INVOICE POLICY AND PROCESS OF FAR PART 32.9:One of the primary responsibilities of the COR is the review of invoices/public vouchers. Please note that you should expect to receive a response from our team, regarding your inquiry, within 2 business days. Many are able to get a first-hand look at the goods/services they work to procure on behalf of the government whether they be patrol boats, aircraft, research and development projects with innovative technology etc. However, there are duties and actions they are NOT authorized to perform, including: The Panel on Contracting Integrity directed the development of a DoD Standard for COR Training/Certification to ensure properly trained and ready CORs are available before contract award. . In the fields of sociology and political science, authority is the legitimate power that a person or a group of persons possess and practice over other people. Gross mistakes amounting to fraud. They are not required to consult with any advisors before issuing a launch order. Authorize the purchase of equipment except as authorized under the contract. Negotiations allow for communications and evaluation factor tradeoffs with the contractor. This is within the scope of the COR duties. Which one of the following statements is true? Latent Defect . Items to consider during the development of the IGE include: (select all that apply), 1. LIST THE CONTENTS OF A QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN (QASP)/ PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT PLAN (PAP):A Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) is __________? . . Authorization of Overtime. The Contracting Officer's Representative Designation/Appointment Letter. This is an example of a: . Continue to monitor the contract and ensure that the contractor is complying by fulfilling the contract requirements as changed. seven days, DEFINE THE ROLE AND AUTHORITY OF CORS REGARDING PAST PERFORMANCE:Areas assessed in contractor past performance are ________________ (Select All that Apply) x selected Conforming products or services // Performance against contract schedule x selected Cost Controls // Conforming Products or Services // Performance against contract schedule, GIVEN A CONTRACT ACTION, IDENTIFY THE DELEGATED TECHNICAL FUNCTIONS FOR WHICH THE COR IS RESPONSIBLE: IDENTIFY FACTORS TO BE ASSESSED WHEN DOCUMENTING A CONTRACTOR`S PERFORMANCE:When assessing a contractor'S performance, a COR may conduct monitoring in all of the following ways EXCEPT: . A COR will typically use a ____________ to document the inspection and acceptance of a supply or service. of hours and tenths of hours. true, IDENTIFY THE COMMON CAUSES OF CONSTRUCTIVE CHANGE:When a contractor performs work beyond that required by the contract without a formal change order and it is perceived that such work was ordered by the Government or caused by Government fault, this is defined as? This is an example of a: The Contracting Officer's Representative is responsible for safeguarding all proprietary data. Personal services contracts are appropriate only in limited situations as prescribed by the Federal Acquisition Regulations. Once the Government Representative has executed final acceptance of any supplies or services there is no legal recourse for the Government for non-conforming items. A. Current, Expired and Canceled, RECOGNIZE THE VARIOUS TYPES OF FUNDS AND FISCAL CONTROLS APPLIED TO CONTRACTS:The three types of restrictions on funds are purpose (Misappropriation Act), time (Bona Fide Need Rule), and amount (Anti-Deficiency Act). EBiz POCs registering starting January 21 . The instructor requests that you tell the noisy contractor to discontinue work until after class. The government must notify the contractor when ____________. 1. a. How do you as the COR recognize Sally's accomplishments? The Obama administration has informed lawmakers that the president will seek an authorization that would prohibit "enduring offensive ground forces" and limit engagement to three years. . x Contracting Officer. However, prior to working overtime, non-exempt employees must agree to the type of compensation preferred, cash payment, compensatory time off, or a combination of the two. It provides a built-in nomination workflow to include email alerts/status reminders for monthly status report due-ins and delinquencies. . Under a cost reimbursement contract, the contractor is reimbursed for all allowable, allocable, and reasonable costs incurred. A technical representative that is appointed by the contracting officer through a designation letter The procuring Contracting Officer, Administrative Contracting Officer, Termination Contracting Officer, and the Contracting Officer's Representative are key players in the acquisition process. The COR is a servicemember or Department of Defense (DOD) civilian appointed in writing by a contracting officer. The COR has the authority to authorize ______. Appointment or designation letter. The COR should work with the Contracting Officer if the COR identifies a need to change the current contract. This knowledge helps the COR track contractor performance and ensure contractor compliance with the contract as written. provide clarification about concerns or issues. Contracting Officers are responsible for deciding if they need an individual to serve as their authorized representative (i.e., COR) for purposes of monitoring the technical or administrative aspects of contractor performance during the life-cycle of the contract. . The two techniques used to select a contractor within the best value continuum include: Lowest price technically available and trade off process. For nearly two decades, the United States has relied on two congressional war authorizationsthe 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) and the 2002 Iraq AUMFto serve as the legal basis for military operations against suspected terrorist groups abroad. false, DEFINE THE ROLE AND AUTHORITY OF CORS REGARDING PAST PERFORMANCE:Past performance assessments include input from the __________: . . A technical representative that is appointed by the contracting officer through a designation letter. The contracting officer's representative (COR) has If a contractor is delinquent on a portion of a contract, and that portion is clearly severable from the continuing portion of the contract, the Contracting Officer may terminate the deficient portion of the contract using a Partial Termination. all responses are correct. What is an Independent Government Estimate (IGE)? IDENTIFY HOW A COR REPORTS SUSPECTED INCIDENTS OF FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE AND UNETHICAL CONDUCT:What guidelines should Contracting Officer's Representatives following to ensure they are following ethical standards? A Contracting Officers Representative (COR) is an individual authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer to perform specific technical or administrative contract functions. The ANSI/EIA 32 management system guidelines include (Select all that apply), Managerial analysis However, on a base or installation or in a contingency contracting environment, equipment may be accountable under the contract as Government Property. Of the statements below, the only true statement is: The offeror can be evaluated against the evaluation factors and compared to other offerors' proposals. The COR can assist an acquisition planning and writing the evaluation criteria to ensure the best contractor is selected for the new contract. All other Federal Agencies have a COR certification program as described above. Many companies have their own rules to look after the overtime duty for the employees and on the basis of which the format of the form is decided by the concerned department of a company. . Must be designated in writing, and a copy must be furnished the contractor and the contract administration office: Specifying the extent of the CORs authority to act on behalf of the contracting officer; Identifying the limitations on the CORs authority; Specifying the period covered by the designation; Stating the authority is not redelegate; and. x Under a fixed-price contract, the COR must process the invoices within 30 days or the Government will have to pay interest to the contractor. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This form contains fields that show the employee's name, job position, department, and the detailed projection of the hours needed for the overtime. This Tool allows a perspective COR, COR Supervisor, and Contracting Officer to electronically process the nomination of CORs for one or multiple contracts. Continue to monitor the contract and ensure that the contractor is complying by fulfilling the contract requirements as changed. After a contracting officer designates an individual to serve as a COR, they are responsible, for ensuring they fully understand the scope of their delegated responsibilities and the limitations of their authority. RECOGNIZE THE ROLE OF THE COR IN THE OVERALL STRATEGIC PLANNING OF AN ACQUISITION:The existing contract, including all options, is about to end. true, RECOGNIZE THE BASIC INFORMATION (PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE, PWS, CONTRACT VALUE) FOUND IN A CONTRACT TO INCLUDE THE UNIFORM CONTRACT FORMAT:The COR should be familiar with all the following areas of a contract: . true. False True 7) The COR may officially accepts supplies and services for the Government. x Present Sally with a letter of appreciation. The Online User Guide uses the core roles (i.e., Workspace Manager, Standard AOR, and Expanded AOR) to explain which users may access and perform actions. An Earned Value Management system that is formally validated and accepted by the cognizant contracting officer is required on cost or incentive contracts valued at or greater than ____. Each COR must maintain a Contract File for each contract that has been assigned to oversee by the contracting officer. Accordingly, an employee cannot serve as both the CO and COR for the same invoice review under a contract or order. IDENTIFY APPROPRIATE EVALUATION FACTORS/CRITERIA:Using informal source selection; the contracting officer acts as the Source Selection Authority but must follow the criteria spelled out in the solicitation when selecting the contractor to receive the award. Regarding the first, there is little question that a president has the authority to respond in self-defense against a nuclear attack without seeking prior authorization. Regulations (CFR) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 48 CFR 43.102provides that the only person authorized to modify a contract on behalf of the U.S. Government is a contracting officer acting within the scope of the contracting officer's authority. During negotiations for a proposed change to the contract, the COR may be asked to: John, the COR on a services contract, has made an unauthorized commitment by authorizing the contractor to perform services that were not within the scope of the contract. true. In construction, a Contracting Officer may suspend work for a "reasonable" period of time. . Continue with Recommended Cookies. An example of a government obligation in the performance of the contract is _______. The noisy contractor to discontinue work until after class the proper use and care for the invoice. Allow for communications and evaluation factor tradeoffs with the contractor is complying by fulfilling the contract written... 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