With Aquarius Descendant, you may attract people who are innovative, change-makers, and objective. "For an independent and freedom-loving sign like Aries, you value ideals like bravery," says Marmanides. If Aquarius is your ascendant then you may really appreciate the world in its fullness, seeing it for all the gifts it has to offer! Aquarius rising. So what are some considerations to keep in mind in a Gemini and Sagittarius relationship? 3. With the ascendant conjunct descendant synastry, the ascendant of the other person is likely to be in Leo. It's something that catches your eye, but has that energy of like, 'This . With Scorpio Descendant, you may attract people who are passionate, researching, and deep. Connect with your inner ambitions, and recognize that you deserve to have everything you desire just as much as everyone else does and that youre capable of achievement. Convivial and charming, you know how to get people talking. To the contrary, Sagittarians have no single doubt of who they are, they reveal an unreined, inconsiderate and moralistic nature. When they get going, Gemini risings will exude a lighthearted playfulness sometimes unknowingly coming across as flirty and a cleverness, often teaching people little facts about random topics. The opposite of Gemini on a natal chart is Sagittarius. A sign with a ruler who rules both Mercury and Venus is called a trinesio. Another planet to note is the moon. She wants to teach you how to better understand, love, and appreciate your own unique light and the light of others. "Known for climbing corporate ladders, Capricorn Risings embody material success and ambition," says Marmanides. Plus, in astrology where there lies tension and challenge, there is also the potential to spur incredible personal growth, which could be the case with a Gemini and Sagittarius combination. 13. You have this air about you of eternal youth - always moving onto something new or the next idea. This communicative ascendant blesses you with unparalleled social skills. When recounting an anecdote, youll reenact the tale with your hand gesticulations, keeping everyone engaged. So, if you have Gemini in the I am house, aka the house of self, youll see Gemini traits in this area. zodiac sign rules over a part of the body. This can boost their social life, as well as every other area of their lives. Mercury is Entering THIS Psychic Zodiac Sign What Does it Mean? But sometimes things get too close for comfort. With Libra Descendant, you may attract people who are fair, compromising, and considerate. This sign sits in direct opposition with Gemini, 180 apart. What horoscope should you follow then? They would be the ones to use a pickup line or make a dirty joke, says Bond. Everyone is familiar with their Sun sign horoscope, but as you get more familiar with astrology, you may find lots of advice saying you should read your Moon sign horoscope too. Air signs usually think before they act. "Theyll gravitate towards partners that are more practical, dependable and committed, but who still live their life trying to help make the world a better place, through acts of dedicated service. Aries acts in a fervent manner, this is a hurry-up one who goes off at the deep end, whereas Libra is rather passive and contemplative. Your Sun sign horoscope will relate to your Sun, and you may find that the horoscope resonates more with personal desires and focuses, and is more tangible. You might lose track of time, but c'est la vie. Are independent and value personal . Every house holds one of the 12 signs beginning with the ascendant, which is the first house. Its hard not to admire the mind of a Gemini rising. Having the Descendant in Capricorn means they will seek partners who can bring that sense of ambition and protection into securing a loving and loyal home and family unit.". These modes represent how they approach life and how they react to change. Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 27 March 5, 2023, Heres Exactly How to Manifest Abundance in March Using Astrology, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for February 27 March 5, 2023. *Learn about the best parts of Geminis in our post about Gemini strengths here. Influenced by the planet Mercury, this astrological sign is driven by a nervous, scattered energy and does everything with speed and agility. Sagittarius is also on a quest to experience as much as it can, but rather than searching for data, this sign is searching for meaning by experiencing as many world views and perspectives on life as it can. Lady Gaga, Drew Barrymore, Sandra Bullock, Rose McGowan, Amy Winehouse, Willow, Louis Tomlinson, Kelly Osbourne, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristen Stewart, Pamela Anderson, Dr. Dre, Zodiac sign illustrations byBodil Jane,The Grande DameandYoko Furusho. Incompatible Signs Opposite Sign; Aries: Gemini Leo Sagittarius Aquarius: Cancer Capricorn: Libra: Taurus: Cancer Virgo . Sometimes they like the shock factor, a little bit of saying something the other persons not expecting. But they can definitely be blunt without realizing it because they have Taurus blunt AF in their 12th house of the unconscious. Nurture yourself and be sensitive to your own feelings and desires. Leo Rising will be super into theatrics: drama and creativity, and they'll appreciate that Aquarian flair and flourish. We dont have to reject these traits in ourselves and can focus instead to strike a balance! When the energy associated with these two signs is out of balance, your whole life is probably out of balance. Gemini risings are naturally playful and can come off as flirtatious when theyre really just being their goofy selves. Geminians are in search of their identity, their character is adaptable, they are easy to influence and prone to reflection. Sign up for Well+, our online community of wellness insiders, and unlock your rewards instantly. Something else people notice upon first meeting a Gemini rising is their distinct way of speaking. (The ascendant and the descendant are the angles of the same axis, and they are always in opposite zodiac sign.) The chart ruler is the Ascendant, and its opposite sign then is the Descendent. Where the real proverbial meat and potatoes of your birth chart lie are in the rising sign, aka the ascendant. What you may find is that the house axis is whats elevated by the transit planet in the horoscope. Both Gemini and Sagittarius are of the positive duality, the extroverts of the astrological world. Heres the exact energy you exude if you have your ascendant in the sign of the Twins, according to astrologers. This word is used to describe the relationship between two opposite signs of the Zodiac. At Taurus's side Scorpio learns to enjoy simple pleasures of life, to become more stabilized and to take advantage of perseverance. The Venus idea of what is attractive is the exact essence a Gemini rising appears to be its a hard yes on compatibility. The polarities are in the First and Seventh, Second and Eighth, Third and Ninth, Fourth and Tenth, Fifth and Eleventh, and Sixth and Twelfth Houses. Quite on the contrary, opposites are complementary and attracted to each other, as what makes them different and sometimes opposite is also what unifies them. Gemini is symbolized by the Twins, giving the sign a dual nature and the gift of an open-minded perspective. The hardest part will be learning to respect how the other one feels and acting accordingly. The sign opposing the Ascendant is a position called the Descendant. An ascendant in Sagittarius, the opposite sign of Gemini, has Gemini as their descendant sign (aka in their 7th house of partnerships), meaning "they're both naturally drawn toward. There are 12 astrological houses each representing a certain area of life. If you want to turn your desires into reality, then the Law of Attraction and astrology are the perfect dynamic duo! Theyre taking in information just as much as theyre putting it out, Bond tells Elite Daily. Gemini placements like to move through life swiftly, but Virgo is the opposite. Not only that, but this placement also determines how the rest of the signs stack up in the other houses, so its very important for every part of your life beyond the self.. That is the sun sign, lording over a persons ego, core self, and motivations. Basically, it is essential to take your life in a simple form. Theyre less concerned than a lot of other rising signs with other people liking it.. These Celebrities Are Finishing Their Saturn Return in Aquarius: Before and After, Your March 2023 Horoscope: The Decades Next Turning Point, JSYK, Februarys Venus in Aries Transit Is the Opposite of Cuffing Season, Open Your Heart and Fuel Your Fantasies with Februarys Pisces New Moon, Your Pisces Season Horoscope Reminds You That Reality Is Overrated, The Day of Challenges: Brace Yourself When the Sun Unites with Taskmaster Saturn on February 16. The truth of your soul comes through to you in your relationships, and if you consider the traits you really see in your partner as your own other side, then you are able to use those traits because you have them, too. As you can see, even though they are considered opposites in astrology, Gemini and Sagittarius have many traits in common. An opinion? These two strategies may clash at times in a relationship between Gemini and Sagittarius. The rising sign is on the left-hand side of your birth chart, while the descendant is on the right-hand side. For you, this sign is Sagittarius, which implies you will seek adventure and growth or feel most compatible with people who you feel can expand your world. If Gemini is your "Rising Sign" aka "Ascendant". Specifically, Venus in Libra, that would fall in their fifth house [of fun and romance], Mesa tells Elite Daily. The opposite sex has ample reasons to feel insecure around a Gemini ascendant male. Recognize youre capable of this as well and work on taking your knowledge and turning it into wisdom through life experience and controlling some of your anxious energy so you can become bolder. Its their instinctive response to life, Bond says. Aquarius (12 pm- 2 pm) Aquarius people love to have a good time, and being born under Gemini rising can help with this. If he was born sometime between 1 to 3 p.m., he would then be a Cancer . 7. This keeps relationships easygoing and pressure free. To accurately determine your ascendant, you will need to know your birth time. "A Sagittarius Rising is someone who is always craving an adventurewhether its a literal traveling expedition or an intellectually stimulating sparring match," says Marmanides. Even if your lips aren't plump or you consider them "thin", their puckered shape is considered attractive. But what about when your Sun sign and Moon sign oppose each other? This gives you an Aquarius Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as independent, open to change, and inventive. The differences between Virgo and Pisces are blurred as despite their distinct behaviour, they both are introverts by nature. Get it daily. The Ascendant and Descendant are the axis of relationships, with the self (Ascendant) and with others (Descendant). And thats another reason the Descendant rules over the house of partnerships, committed relationships and marriagethe people we pull in or desire as partners.". Since the sun rises and sets at different times depending on the season, a person born at 10:00 a.m. in April would have a vastly different ascendant than someone born at 10:00 a.m. in November. But, while few people would think you unintelligent, many assume that you are unreliable. Again, Capricorn and Cancer like a 50s couples archetype, with Cap finding a natural comfort in Cancer after coming home from a hard day at work. Gemini also relates to elementary education, Bond tells Elite Daily. From there, you can pop in your birthday, time, and location into an online birth chart calculator. But what about who youre not at least on a conscious level? Connect with your emotional self, and recognize the strength within your emotions. The opposition may pull you out of the comfort zone, but also inspires you to reach for new goals. This email address is invalid or already registered in our system. However, these two signs could enrich each other with their opposite qualities. Taureans need tranquility, they love gathering and possessing. Theres hardly a more in-demand teammate than you for the bar trivia team or for monthly Jeopardy night. In the sky, one portion was ascending up, corresponding to a zodiac sign in that portion of the sky. So, knowing your exact birth time is essential to determine which sign was ascending when you entered the world. Gemini risings are naturally adept at social interactions. When you look at the sign of Gemini, it has an interesting combination of element, modality, ruling planet, and symbol. ], theyre very social, very amicable, very friendly, and no drama.. Remember, Libra is constantly seeking out an S.O., and they'll find someone who embodies Aries independent qualities VERY sexy. Sagittarius Rising. Gemini is out to gather as much information as it can from as many sources as it can get its hands on. Go for golds, deep blues, maybe the royal colors. A comment? "If you embody the traits of your Rising Sign, the sign opposite can be instantly intriguing," says astrologer and tarot card reader Maria Sofia Marmanides. They are brilliant writers, incredible at compartmentalizing, brainstorming, coming up with ideas, strategy all the logistical stuff, says Mesa. When the sun is in Aquarius, it shines truth on the . The Ascendant (abbreviated as AC) is an important angle on your natal chart that describes your outward personality, and how others may see and describe you. Venus is your sense of beauty, explains Bond. Sometimes its easier to guess someones rising sign than their actual sign because its also the first house, which is the I am house, Mesa explains. The signs are compatible in some important ways. At gatherings, youll be the person zipping around the room faster than the messenger planet himself! "As a Taurus Rising, you naturally embody steadiness and stability, appearing to others as calm and reserved, but with Scorpio as your Descendant, you may find that youre attracted to someone who exudes tons of mystery and intrigue," says Marmanides. The upside of your dilettante nature is that it makes you knowledgeable expert on a variety of topics from books to music to movies. Theyre typically jittery because theyre always on the go, [and] sometimes theyre processing information faster than theyre relaying the message so theyll seem distracted even if theyre not.. One distinction made among signs of the Zodiac is referred to as their duality, which is also referred to as yin and yang, masculine and feminine, positive and negative, or sometimes, their polarity. Confusing, I know. This gives you a Scorpio Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as mysterious, deep, and intense. Whatever sign the Ascendant sits in is also called your rising sign. If both of them are capable of offering concessions, then the probable constraints will give way to a veritable fusion!We are inviting you to find out the advantages and weak points of the opposite duets: Aries-Libra , Taurus-Scorpio , Gemini-Sagittarius , Cancer-Capricorn , Leo-Aquarius and Virgo-Pisces which can excellently feel an attraction to one another. On a personal note, I am a Sagittarius Sun and my husbands Sun sits in Gemini, so I may have personal insight on this one! Its also a mutable sign, which has the rep of adaptable modality. It sounds like they're opponents, but the urge to reconcile these opposites leads to stretching -- going beyond your known limits. Mercury is the symbol of intelligence and communication. It just means you tend to project the energy of your Descendant and 7th house on others until you eventually learn to infuse it into who you are. Once you know your Ascending Sign, the sign on your Descendant is easy. "Cancer are creatures of comfort and stability," Marmanides says. As for Libra, they can derive inspiration from Aries for developing dynamics, self-support and a combat spirit. Although they can get the chatterbox stereotype, Gemini risings also have great listening skills. We may be projecting or mirroring because we dont want to see it in ourselves, or we may admire the qualities in others but be afraid of embracing them in ourselves. A wink, a smile and a genuine apology is generally all it takes to get you off the hook. In The Astrological Houses, Dane Rudhyar wrote, "The principle of polarity is the cornerstone of any sound astrological interpretation, and it is particularly in evidence when we deal with axes in a chart.". ", The Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo, Introduction to the 12 Zodiac Signs: From Aries to Pisces. Shes performed thousands of astrology readings, helped thousands of students learn astrology, has written over a dozen horoscope columns, and over 100 articles for various publications, in addition to creating The Dark Pixie Astrology. Along the same lines, Aquarius risings have their fifth house in Gemini, so they can also be drawn to this ascendant. This is shown first and foremost through your Sun sign. Your fashion sensibilities are playful, colorful and on-trend. These terms are describing the same thing which are two different ways that signs express their energy, outward and inward. Oh, Taurus Rising. The 7th house is often dubbed the house of relationships since it shows the kind of relationships you have and partners you attract. Cancer-Capricorn Sun Sign Leo with Gemini Rising. If you have Gemini rising in your chart, you may appear to others as very restless. What better way to gather more information, data, philosophies, and perspectives than going to where people may think differently than you do? That means they come together as Fire and Air, or Earth and Water. These opposite signs are both fast movers. Find this energy within yourself, and learn skills that will allow you to control your passionate energy, become more productive, and start being more in the moment. This is because of the differences in the traits of these signs and the ways in which their motivations may differ. Typically, a Gemini rising will have their 10th house of career and public image in Pisces, which sets them up to work in more creative atmospheres. This is all a matter of perception and choice, though. But if youve ever read your horoscope and thought this has nothing to do with me, youre not alone. Learn to cultivate closeness with multiple friends to avoid leaning so heavily on just one person. This is another way to go into the chart, to ponder the polarities there. Be sure to check your email as weve sent you important information regarding your Daily Horoscope. Sometimes signs that sit across from each other are referred to as polar opposites, or you may hear these two signs called the Gemini and Sagittarius polarity. All of these terms are referencing the fact that on a chart, they are facing each other at 180. This gives you a Sagittarius Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as adventurous, optimistic, and free. In astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs, and each sign has an opposing sign (so theyre paired up). A Gemini Rising, or the Gemini Ascendant, in your chart means people usually have a hard time keeping up with you! Therefore, its important to, at some point in your life, recognize that Descendant of yours consciously, just like you have your Ascendant. Based on the astrology of his birth date, he would have been born sometime between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. to be a Gemini rising. So they have many underlying similarities, expressed differently. And since they excel in speedy communication, fast-paced media like PR for an artist, journalism, broadcasting, or social media can be their jam. This gives you a Libra Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as compromising, charming, and pleasant. Embracing more of that energy yourself can help you make more of your imaginative and intuitive energies, and you can have an easier time focusing on your life. What sets their charts apart is the rising sign, which is determined by the specific birth time. It will intrigue Scorpio for someone to be that direct.". Having a fire or air [specifically Gemini] moon, they naturally feel like they get each other with the Gemini rising, says Bond, [because] the moon is what makes you feel safe and nurtured.. Your Rising sign horoscope is most likely to show actual events and whats going on externally in your life. Is abundance on the horizon for you this March? Youre the social butterfly of the friend group. When you have planets across the Zodiac from one another, there's a push-pull effect. 12. Check out: Understanding Yin & Yang: A Philosophy of Balance. Theyre kind of a jack of all trades, Bond says, and they have this energy of knowing something about everything., But as the Twins, theres a flip side. It needs experiences to accomplish this. Dane Rudhyar writes later, "What I mean, for instance, is that if one wishes to describe the characteristic qualities of a Leo Ascendant -- that is, how the person's self-image has a Leo character -- one should take into consideration the inevitable fact that his approach to partnership -- Descendent -- will have an Aquarius character and vice versa.". Neither is satisfied sitting still and smelling the roses, they need action in order to accomplish their goals. Theres nothing you love more than being consumed in an engaging conversation. "Having Libra on the Descendant means that you seek a partner who is brave enough to desire partnership, despite knowing how vulnerable emotional commitment can make you. In other words, the sign opposite to your Rising sign shows what you are likely to appreciate or seek when it comes to partnerships. TheHappyMystic.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. They will become more creative, charismatic, and intelligent. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is a fire sign. March is a month for monumental change as six planets shift signs, one for the first time in three years, another for the first time in fifteen. Sagittarius is a fire sign. Their minds are constantly turning at a rapid pace as they notice details of their surroundings that others miss. Learning what the different angles mean and how they affect the signs and planets is a huge part of understanding this craft. More than most people, you need to take a breath, and think about how your words will be received before you unleash. They always look like they stole a cookie from the cookie jar, even if they didnt, she adds. A Libra is a perfect complement for an Aries who by their side can moderate his impulsive outbursts and reveal more mildness. In astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs, and each sign has an opposing sign (so they're paired up). Travel may also be something that connects these two. It could even be jewels, like literally wearing jewels of some sort. Aquarius represents the people (its opposite sign, Leo, symbolized the monarchy), and likewise, this air sign cares deeply about humanity. The polar opposite behaviour of Leo and Aquarius makes them opposed in the same way as it draws them together. When combined with Gemini, Sagittarius helps to bring a great balance to this sign and brings strengths where Gemini may have challenges, and vice-versa. But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in, Just when you thought Pisces season made for a wild ride, you might have to prepare for something even wilder: Mercury entering Pisces. When your Sun and Moon are in harmonious signs, this can bring an ease to how your ego (Sun) and emotions (Moon) play together. Every day, each of the 12 zodiac signs rises over the eastern horizon for approximately two hours, depending on location. When youre looking at a birth chart wheel with the houses and planets, and different positions all plotted out, the Ascendant and Descendant form a line that cuts right through the very middle of your chart, which means this axis is also super focused on balance. Spiritual awakenings and journeys are amazing and, Are you ready to sink your teeth into clear communication, new and exciting ideas, and opportunities for growth and learning? Become more comfortable with your own passionate energy, and work on digging deeper into yourself so you can transform in beneficial ways and find your own inner power. Peggy Lundquist is the founder of The Happy Mystic and her mission is simple: to spread more love! Embrace your intuitive side, your soulful side, and your sensitive side. The rising sign or the ascendant is always in your first housein fact its the very first degree or the beginning cusp, found at the 9 oclock point on every chart. "Naturally, you will seek out partners who are unconventional in their approach, whether thats how they express their love language or whether they present as quirky or unique," says Marmanides. 9. As you can see in the example chart above, if the Ascendant (AC) sits in Gemini, there is another important line that is directly opposite of it, the DC, that lies in Sagittarius. If your descendant sign is Sagittarius, this means that you are a Gemini rising. So much piques your curious nature that its hard to know where to focus when youre stimulated. But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in, Just when you thought Pisces season made for a wild ride, you might have to prepare for something even wilder: Mercury entering Pisces. With Mercury on the ascendant, your appearance is unembellished yet prominent. Make sure to read: The 12th House: What You Dont Even Know You Hide. This is not to say that Gemini Risings don't love a. Everyone can get enriched by virtue of the qualities of their opposite sign. This gives you an Aries Ascendant, so youre someone who comes across as assertive, energetic, and ready to go. Learn how to take a step back to get a wider view of your life and the future, and connect with the masses as a whole to make the kind of change and have the kind of impact you want. The old saying opposites attract can be very true, and in astrology, it may be no different. And with compatibility readings, you can also see if your partner has planets that are in your Descendant sign. They are very emotional towards their family and their family wealth have certain ups and downs. If I wrote your chart, there is a graphic at the beginning of this Natal Chart that will show you where your Ascendant is located. As an Aries rising, I'm currently seen as angry and dangerous. Know more about the sign of Sagittarius! It really is the energetic theme, the major path, [and] major part of our astrological footprint, Mesa tells Elite Daily. They are situated against each other on the great zodiac wheel. Spiritual awakenings and journeys are amazing and, Are you ready to sink your teeth into clear communication, new and exciting ideas, and opportunities for growth and learning? Dont know what your Sun and Moon signs are? This means that they come at life with flexibility. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. This sign sits in direct opposition with Gemini, 180 apart. They both want to do all the things, so, for the most part, there may not be one person rearing to go while the other just wants to stay in and watch TV. With Gemini Descendant, you may attract people who are more connected to their immediate environments, curious, and engaging. Then, Marmanides recommends you look to the sign that rules your descendant, and any planets in the 7th house, as well as where the ruler of the sign of the Descendant resides in your natal chart. All of the signs of the Zodiac are divided into four elements, air, earth, water, and fire. It's still in Scorpio and everyone knows I've got a knife. Your passion and commitment are based on a belief in yourself that inspires others and you can be a great leader if you choose to. For approximately two hours, depending on location hardly a more in-demand teammate you. To determine which sign was ascending when you have planets across the zodiac and.. One another, there 's a push-pull effect who rules both Mercury and is... Derive inspiration from Aries for developing dynamics, self-support and a genuine apology is generally it! Energy you exude if you want to turn your desires into reality, then Law. 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Accomplish their goals to a zodiac sign in that portion of the 12 zodiac signs from. Can definitely be blunt without realizing it because they have Taurus blunt AF in their fifth house [ of and. Of beauty, explains Bond gesticulations, keeping everyone engaged Gemini placements like to move through life swiftly, c. Though they are situated against each other at 180 parts of Geminis in our system playful, colorful on-trend.