Stranger Things Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. He has a strong bond with his family and is implied to have a soft spot for animals, as he cried for a week after his tenth birthday when his father forced him to kill a rabbit on a hunting trip. He doesn't talk much at all and avoids anything. Height Bob interrupted them and said that he loved Kenny Rogers, causing the brothers to laugh when Bob left the room. At home, Jonathan used the camera to take pictures of Will looking at Christmas presents. He is the youngest son of Joyce Byers, the younger brother to Jonathan Byers, the stepbrother of Eleven, and the best friend of Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, and . With the help of Jonathan's former bully and Nancy's boyfriend, Steve Harrington, the trio lit the monster on fire until is vanished. When El fainted from exhaustion and began screaming in pain at the Starcourt Mall, Jonathan ran towards a Chinese restaurant and grabbed plastic wrap, a wooden spoon, and a knife heated by a stove. The two also work together at the Hawkins Post. We are privy to several moments they share together, indicating their brotherly bond. Jonathan's closeness to his brother, Will, is a key point of the show. The couple reunited with their siblings and friends at the Wheeler home. When putting Will under so much heat did not work, Jonathan begged his mother to stop the process and nearly freed Will until Nancy stopped him by showing the Mind Flayer developing black veins on Will's neck. After Tom's and Bruce's bodies melted away to form a monster, it was stopped by Eleven from killing Jonathan's girlfriend, Nancy, where it left to become part of the Mind Flayer's avatar. Autistic Stranger Things iconsplease reblog if you save! By 1986, Johnathan and Nancy's relationship has become somewhat strained. OP, please make sure there are no spoilers in the title of your post. is jonathan byers autistic. Status Once the creature disappeared again permanently, Steve joined in seeing a recovered Will at the hospital. Jonathan succeeds in finding his brother with the help of his mother, Nancy Wheeler, Will's friends, Jim Hopper, Eleven. He also has a keen interest in music, creating several mixtapes for himself and his brother, and is an aspiring photographer. Three months after killing the Mind Flayer, Jonathan moves out of Hawkins with his family, and tearfully says goodbye to Nancy. We can only guess at what was said after his father left, but we already know the rumors about his brother and himself. In the fall of 1984, when Jonathan met with Murray Bauman with Nancy Wheeler to expose Hawkins National Laboratory, Jonathan confirmed that Lonnie was an asshole, showing his ill will towards his father. Jonathan commented how Will doesn't come to him for help as much as he used to, but doesn't blame him for it since he knows how distance he has grown. I don't like most people. I. The two of them are now thousands of miles apart and Nancy would not be visiting the Byers' residence for Spring Break alongside Mike, which only causes further tension. When Jonathan got a call from Nancy early the next day, he did not want to speak to Nancy at first, but Nancy informed him of the Mind Flayer's return due to Mrs. Driscoll being possessed and that Will could be in danger. Will Byers is probably autistic (psych analysis) . When Mike and Max argued about Eleven's well-being and independence, Jonathan did not jump into the argument and in the end, he looked shocked when Mike blurted out his love for El. Did the first season disconnect him so far from his brother that he lost his common sense, too? Jonathan was hired by Tom Holloway to be a photographer for the Hawkins Post. Before joining the kids to catch up with the monster, Jonathan checked on Nancy and made sure she was not hurt. The next morning, Jonathan decided to escape from the agents guarding him, Will, and Mike by hailing a ride from Argyle. So I just finished watching stranger things and I'm kind of new to this subreddit so excuse me if this has already been discussed. He profusely knocked on the door, calling Jonathans name and swearing that he just wanted to talk to him, but was surprised to find Nancy answering the door. While it does make sense that Jonathan feared losing his job, that didn't mean he had to scoff at Nancy's theories. When they discovered Mrs. Driscoll consuming fertilizer, this lead to them getting fired from the Post and straining their relationship, with Jonathan angry over losing his means to support his family and blaming Nancy for it, causing Nancy to accuse him of being like her tormentors. He even had some manual skills at a rather young age already. In 1986, though Jonathan continued to have a good relationship with his mother, he began to smoke weed to deal with his stress over college and his relationship with Nancy. <3 jonathanssweatercollection YOU. When a high Jonathan and Argyle pick up El, Mike, and Will from the Rink-O-Mania after El assaulted Angela, Jonathan attempted to comfort a guilt-ridden El, but made things worse when he and Argyle turned it into a joke. Obviously this makes no sense, since he's well aware of his deadbeat dad's attitude and lack of concern for his children and ex-wife. Text is available under the Creative Commons . Stranger Things: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Jonathan, Stranger Things: 10 Characters With The Best Survival Skills, Ranked, Stranger Things Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses, Stranger Things: 10 Incredible Fan Art Pictures That Take Us Back To The '80s, 10 Clues You Missed In The Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer, Stranger Things: The 5 Best & 5 Worst Relationships, Where to Watch The Head of Joaquin Murrieta. However, when Tom found out that Jonathan helped Nancy look for proof for Mrs. Driscoll's rat story, he fired Jonathan as a result. Finally, he takes a lot of care of the few relationships he has (ie his brother and mother) he's really protective of them. Will defended Bob, saying that he didn't treat him different than everyone else, noting how lame it was he couldn't go trick-or-treating alone. Once the melted corpses of Tom and Bruce merged into a monster, Jonathan tried to save Nancy when it attacked her before the Party came to her rescue. Jonathan is up bright and early making breakfast for his family after working the previous evening, which takes us back to why we love him. Will scolded Jonathan for not being with Nancy, but Jonathan bluntly said that he was here now and that's what was important. Even so, that doesn't excuse some of the weird and downright insensitive things Jonathan has done. However while rebuilding Hoppers cabin, Jonathan was worried for his relationship with Nancy due to her fondness with Steve and how he matured as a person. Not only does he support him with his words, but by hugging him . Alright, a lot more complicated than LEGOs up the nose, you know?". They later work together in burning the Mind Flayer out of Will. Steve coldly left with his posse as Jonathan fell to the ground to scrap his camera up. Jonathan's not particularly social but not because he doesn't understand others. He is the oldest son of Joyce Byers, the older brother of Will Byers, the eventual boyfriend of Nancy Wheeler, and the best friend of Argyle. However, there are some autistic traits that Jonathan Byers from the Netflix show Stranger Things displays which could suggest that he is on the spectrum. She also expressed hope that Jonathan could go to Emerson College in Massachusetts with Nancy. Steve has made such a transformation into the unofficial mom of the group (particularly since most of the Hawkins moms and dads are absent from the action) that it only makes Jonathan's impotence as a character so much more glaring. RELATED: 10 Clues You Missed In The Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer. WE SEE YOU, AND WE LOVE YOU. He is also very passionate about his interests and can become fixated on certain topics or objects. After that, Jonathan and Argyle worked together in building a sensory deprivation tank at Surfer Boy Pizza so Eleven could use her powers to fight Vecna from Nevada where the two kept watch over her, along with helping her as she fought Vecna. Jonathan had a complicated and spiteful relationship with his father, Lonnie. autistic jonathan and will byers masterpost: Log in Sign up. Jonathan is Will's older brother by four years. And I think right now, we need to talk more than ever. John Byers (disambiguation) This page was last edited on 14 October 2021, at 11:42 (UTC). What's going on in Alaska? However, when informed that the Mind Flayer had returned to Hawkins and that both of their brothers could be danger, Jonathan did not hesitant to work with Nancy to protect their brothers and friends while stopping the Mind Flayer. But for that moment it was like you were alone. Jonathan is rather useless, especially next to Nancy and Steve who are able to take care of the kids and at least give them a fighting chance while Eleven fights the big baddies. We're never given a good explanation, though, which leaves the most obvious explanation: the Jonathan was being a creepo and should feel quite ashamed of intruding on a private party, even if it did lead to a clue. He's a responsible son and brother most of the time. Will reprimanded Jonathan for letting Argyle smoke more weed, but Jonathan does not have any better ideas. Also, Jonathan is not the social kind and is referred often as a "freak" by the other kids at school. In the summer of 1985, Jonathan and Eleven worked together alongside Mike, Lucas, Will, Max, and Nancy in taking down the Mind Flayer and Billy. As the two groups collided, Steve explained that Robin assisted him and the others in discovering Russians infiltrating Hawkins. When he realized through Nancy that Will was alive, he became determined to find him. When Jonathan arrived at a Halloween party, he observed a hurt Steve leaving a drunken Nancy behind after she revealed that he didnt love him. He does so much for his family and his group of friends, often more than what is asked or expected of him. Physical information Argyle introduced Jonathan to weed as a way to release stress from college and his relationship with Nancy. When Jonathan argues with Hopper about contacting Lonnie regarding Will's whereabouts, it almost seems like Jonathan doesn't even know his own father. In 1985, Murray still was on good terms with Jonathan as he gave him and Nancy the keys to his house so they and the kids can be safe from the Mind Flayer. Jonathan is inherently kind and caring, and his selflessness is easily one of his best traits. 16 (Season One)17 (Season Two & Three) 18 (Season Four) He doesn't talk much at all and avoids anything. Occupation Family note: family trees are only visible on desktop. While traveling, Jonathan takes notice of his brother Will struggling emotionally to show his feelings towards Mike. El began to scream as Jonathan opened a slit on her leg and riddled through the wound to get the Mind Flayer piece out, but El told him to stop and said she could do it, using the last of her telekinesis to remove the piece. In 1984, Jonathan met Murray Bauman when arriving at his warehouse with Nancy to confess that Hawkins Lab was responsible for the death of Nancy's best friend, Barbara Holland. Later, the brothers watched television when the doorbell rang with the brothers betting their mom had forgotten something. When Nancy arrived and was shown the lewd picture, Steve rolled up a photo and tapped Jonathan on the head, saying that his creepiness was hardwired into him, and they needed to get rid of his toy, his camera. Finding nothing, Jonathan defended his brother when Lonnie said Will could never take care of himself, and gave him a missing poster. This allowed Jonathan to kill Tom by stabbing him in the neck with the scissors. As the search for Eleven progressed, however, Jonathan slowly grew out of his habit, getting easily annoyed by Argyles antics. People on the spectrum struggle with empathy--not because they don't care about others--but simply because it's hard for them to read people. This was our first red flag about Jonathan Byers, and despite the way he's made out to be this brooding, quiet artist who is misunderstood and cute, we can't ignore that he's really terrible at respecting people's privacy. Arriving at the Wheelers, Jonathan stopped Will and told him that if he didn't get in any trouble and got back to Mike's by 9:00, Jonathan would allow him to go trick-or-treating alone. kkirstylouise. When Mike suggested they request Suzie Bingham's help in using the number to hack into the government system, Jonathan disagreed as he had listened to Suzie's duet with Dustin Henderson when fighting the Mind Flayer last year, but eventually relented. At the beginning of spring break, Jonathan was put in charge by his mother of watching over Will, Mike, and Eleven as she had to go to a "conference" in Alaska. ", "You do realize we spent all morning hiding the body? Soon after, Will was rescued from the dimension and was reunited with his brother and mother. So then when Will goes to Castle Byers in s3 at night in the pouring rain he's probably thinking that Mike (and his friends) are going to abandon him just like his dad did! At night, Jonathan helped assist making a sensory deprivation tank for El made from a pizza dough freezer at a local Surfer Boy Pizza in Nevada. He was involved in efforts to rid Hawkins Indiana of threats from the Upside Down and to expose the Hawkins National Laboratory for its crimes alongside Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington. He's an outsider because of classism, not because of behavioral or social trouble. The Debate Over an Autism Cure Turns Hostile. ", "In the grand scheme of things, it's just a little blip. lone-loba. After creating a sensory deprivation tank at a Surfer Boy Pizza in Nevada, El temporarily defeats Vecna, and the crew returns to Hawkins. Dating Nancy Wheeler Jonathan then asked if Will legitimately liked The Clash, and Will happily confirmed so. Both Jonathan and Hopper made big mistakes by discounting what Nancy and Joyce had to tell them, and it really makes not sense for them to just shrug off their love interests' concerns after the events of the previous two seasons. The way you described it is fine. Joyce admitted to Jonathan that "I hardly know what's going on with you". By the end of season three, when Jonathan's finally remembered he has a brother and he might need to check on him now that the creature who once possessed his body is back and creating his own . Jonathan was born after a full term pregnancy seven years ago. ", "Do you remember the time you told me you had a LEGO stuck up your nose? When adding images, please make sure that they: are of decent size and quality, are placed in the correct section and order, and come from official sources. After the government arrived to raid the Russian base, Steve was shown checking in on Nancy and Jonathan as they sat in an ambulance. The two embraced, and Jonathan told Will that things would be okay as Will wept and composed himself. By Erika Hayasaki On 02/18/15 at 6:30 AM EST. Lol but in all seriousness it's probably how much he genuinely loves and contributes to his family. Despite making plans to go to college together, Jonathan eventually changed his mind and chose to attend college where he remain close to his family and did not inform Nancy as he did not want her to give up her dreams just to be with him. However, Jonathan helped Nancy investigate Mrs. Driscoll's story about "diseased rats." 109 Fans. Will asked where he was, and Jonathan told him he was finally home. Will said he didn't but tried to say it was fun to go with their father sometimes. Jonathan Byers, is a fictional character of Stranger Things. Jonathan yelled that she was killing him, but after Nancy pointed out that it was working since the Mind Flayer was beginning to exit Will's body through his throat. Many viewers of the third season of Stranger Things felt like its problems could have been summed up in a single sentence: This is what happens when men don't listen to women. Too much on her mind to hear some validation for what she'd experienced? 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