Dream and Sapnap met online in either late 2012 or 2013, and have been friends since. TommyInnit [TommyVODS] (January 21, 2021). [129] At first, he did not plan to side with L'Manberg during the Doomsday War. [27] Sapnap and TommyInnit repeatedly killed the two after they retaliated by burning Sapnap's house. Mexican Dream told them that he had died and that Dream had killed him. "Your 'canon' lives," Sapnap elaborates. [7], After Sapnap had founded Kinoko Kingdom, he showed Tommy around the nation. StartravelerSerilly [WilburSoot] (August 10, 2022). [102] Before the Doomsday War, Tommy rescued Mars from the ocean in an attempt to gain Sapnap's trust and help during the battle. TommyInnit [TommyVODS] (December 12, 2020). [100] Dream gave Mars to Tommy during the War of the Burning Eiffel Tower to use as leverage against Sapnap. Dream eventually agreed to recognize the nation as independent, on the condition that they changed the name to El Rapids. Killed again by Tommy in Dream's vault on January 20, 2021. *never before seen* Dream SMP Revolution (behind the scenes) PART 2", "As far as I know all of the canon deaths are as follows (thread): - All deaths in the final control room [] - Tubbo execution []", "Sapnap, Karl and Punz build the Eiffel Tower together (FULL VOD)", "TommyInnit makes Sapnap vote for him on Dream's Minecraft Server", "ELECTION RESULTS DAY!!! They went to Kinoko Kingdom where Sapnap wanted to store the Book of Death in a chest. While they were on different sides during the Manberg vs Pogtopia War, they agreed to remain friends after the war. Killed by Antfrost during an argument over how to deal with The Egg on October 29, 2022. Quackity still allowed Sapnap to visit Las Nevadas whenever he wanted, but he refused to allow Karl in, leaving Sapnap stuck in the middle in the conflict. It was accidentally killed by Sapnap after, Skechers was one of Sapnap's pet foxes. dream [@dreamwastaken] via Twitter (January 16, 2021): Z [@Z2381591926] via Twitter (November 28, 2021): Z [@Z2381591926] via Twitter (December 17, 2022): StartravelerSerilly [Slimecicle] (October 31, 2021). While fighting the Hound Army, Sapnap's reputation as a "pet killer" was brought up. [42], During the election, Sapnap was an important swing vote. [56] Shortly after, Dream decided to dethrone George as king of the Dream SMP because he was concerned that George kept getting attacked. Sweezy [GeorgeNotFound] (December 4, 2020). 4. After Tubbo was elected president by Wilbur, Sapnap stayed loyal to Dream and helped him and Technoblade fight against the L'Manbergians. Tubbo was in possession of it for a while, then it was taken by Sapnap (it is unknown how he got it), then taken back by Dream during The Beach Episode. In the Dream Team SMP vs. L'Manberg War, Sapnap fought against Tommy. Sapnap was one of the first people to witness the Egg, and wanted to destroy it using TNT. Punz refused to participate and killed Sapnap while he was AFK. ", "If anyone is going to let Mars go, it has to be me. The two often tease each other and are very protective of each other. 2. [28], During the Dream Team SMP vs. L'Manberg War, Sapnap joined Dream in the battle against the secession. lovingnyamjoon [Foolish Gamers] (February 5, 2022). After Tommy burned George's house, Sapnap was angry that Tommy had done so and wanted to protect George. As he waited for Dream to appear, he hid below the main floor of the vault. [1] Quackity and Sapnap founded Mexican L'Manberg along with George. Personality Sapnap is very protective of his allies and friends. It was also taken from Tubbo's vault by Sapnap on November 28, 2021, along with most of Dream's other weapons and armor. Since he was disappointed that Sapnap did not kill Bad, DreamXD decided to leave and disappeared. While this plan failed, they did manage to get their nation recognized as independent in the end. [126] Bad later invited Sapnap to the Red Banquet. He's my king, but most importantly, he's my friend. 0. [113] Sapnap hid Kristen and his other pets, but Fundy found them and took them hostage. Karl responded that he would follow Sapnap's direction as he was the head of military, but that he would be severely disappointed if Kinoko got hurt. Mexican Dream thanked him and then jumped off the house to go back to the Afterlife. Dream used to be Sapnap's best friend, and he often followed along with Dream's actions. lovingnyamjoon [Foolish Gamers] (June 7, 2022). Posted by Maleficent-Seat-617 Sapnap has a serious canon life problem Two months ago Wilbur wrote on this reddit that Sapnap had two canon lives which the Wiki thought was his death to Dream in the Battle of the Lake as you remember. The top Twitch clip has over 28,800 views and highlights a moment from the stream where Sapnap is holding a Dream cutout and Dream says "oh no, please don't hurt me" before Sapnap then . Sapnap said he was going to set up a trap to kill Dream, but before that he would find out who was working with Dream and use the book on them. DreamXD teleported Sapnap to BadBoyHalos location and threw an invisibility potion on himself and Sapnap. He is also known for his variety livestreams from Minecraft to other video games on his Twitch channels. This caused him to get involved in numerous pet conflicts, such as the Battle of the Lake and the Second Pet War. After returning to the overworld, Sapnap and Punz decided it would be best if they split up to search for Dream. [143] However, this changed when Sapnap came into possession of the Book of Death. After doing so, he unexpectedly summoned DreamXD. Dumptruck was a panda shared between Sapnap and, Sapnap fought against Alyssa a few times, although most of the time the fights were not serious. Sapnap and Punz fought the members of the Badlands for some time while they all argued about how the panda died. [3][57], Following the Disc Confrontation, Sapnap met up with George after George had missed several key events. Sapnap is very protective of his allies and friends. Sapnap was upset by this and puzzled by Karl's behavior and memory issues. Dream had realized that Sapnap somehow knew where he lived after he had heard Sapnap calling for him outside the prison. [31], At the start of the war, Sapnap aided Dream and George in the griefing of L'Manberg. 1. [52], During the war, Sapnap fought on the side of Manberg. They were placing an order at McPuffy's when Sam came running up. Joffrey was Sapnap's horse. ", "Dream, if you try and break out early you know you only have one life left. They were initially friendly with each other as Karl offered to give Quackity a tour of the country. Dream got both the fish back in the end and put them in his ender chest. Sapnap said that if Dream got his armor, he would do the same things that he had done in the past. [165] However, Tubbo eventually joined L'Manberg instead. 11. how many people have said "it was never meant to be"? Sapnap asked him if he was god, which DreamXD confirmed. Dream eventually appeared and was surprised that Sapnap was there. Sapnap shot BadBoyHalo with his bow and the two followed Bad around for a bit. [133], While Dream was in prison, Sapnap told multiple other server members that he hoped Dream would become better in prison, even though he did see that Dream was not doing good during Sapnap's visit. Pushed into lava by Purpled on September 14, 2021 (. [34] During Eret's betrayal in the Final Control Room, Sapnap took Tubbo's first canon life. Sapnap blew up parts of Eret's castle and attempted to frame them for the death of Karl. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [7], Soon after this last event, Sapnap started the nation of Kinoko Kingdom with George and Karl. After talking for a bit, Sapnap ended up conceding and gave the Axe of Peace to Tubbo, telling him he could do whatever he wanted with it. [122] Sam helped Tommy and Sapnap with their drug operation and showed off his secret base to them. [103], Max is Sapnap's last remaining pet fox. Instead, DreamXD made a deal with Sapnap that he would tell Sapnap where Dream was. He was surprised to learn from Mexican Dream that Quackity had destroyed the remains of Mexican L'Manberg. After hearing Dream say to Tommy that he did not care about anything on the server anymore, Sapnap went to Tommy for reassurance. sumdood125 [tommyinnit] (November 12, 2022). sumdood125 [Quackity] (November 28, 2021). [41] Following their engagement, they built the Eiffel Tower for their future honeymoon. They fought together during the Dream Team SMP vs. L'Manberg War and the Manberg vs Pogtopia War. Hiiiiiii!! Sapnap tried to reassure Quackity, but Quackity said he never wanted to talk to Karl again. Killed by an Egg-controlled Puffy October 29, 2022. Punz negotiated for the return of his panda, threatening BadBoyHalo. [64], The Disc Confrontation was an event staged by Dream and Punz to make everyone believe that Punz had betrayed Dream by getting him locked up in Pandora's Vault. You're a problem. Punched off the Prime Path by Tubbo Stabbed to death by Dream with an enchanted netherite pickaxe. [2] However, he is quick to jump to conclusions and stubborn in his views. [32] Sapnap also played a role in the arson of Tubbo's Old House,[33] the bombing of the L'Manberg Embassy, and the raid of Tubbo's Jungle Base. ", "George, Dream said he didn't care about anything on this SMP, which that just means he doesn't care about us. . It is now in possession of Sapnap again, who took it from Tubbo's vault on November 28, 2021. 1. The book was once again discussed on March 1, 2021, when Tommy and Dream got into a fight over the existence of the book while Tommy was trapped inside the prison. Note: Some characters, although they have not had an on-screen canon death, may have had previous deaths that are also considered canon. Their relationship deteriorated greatly after that. Hbomb. If the target or the owner of the book were on their last life, they would not have a ghost or go to limbo and would cease to exist. RavenPytheia 2 yr. ago. Sapnap cracked part of the Egg and wanted to put holy water on it. Dream Team Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Quackity replied that he was resentful over the fact that they had built their country without him, and that Las Nevadas was supposed to be for all of them. Alyssa is no longer on the server, so technically, she has no canon lives left. StupidApple [Karl Jacobs] (May 24, 2021). They split up to cover more ground, with Sapnap not realizing that Punz was secretly going to meet up with Dream. This meant his loyalty lay only with the Dream SMP. He used to live in the San Francisco Bay Area, as confirmed by one of his now former main Discord admins & Twitch moderators [4] after he posted a picture of the Twitch headquarters, located in San Francisco. Dream was trying to escape while fighting several server members. Dream Team Streams [Dream] (May 10, 2020). [69] Karl was supposed to tell Quackity about the country, but he never did so because of his memory issues. [25], After George stole Sapnap's horse, Joffrey, Sapnap accidentally killed it while attempting to punch George. Karl Jacobs VODS [Karl Jacobs] (February 18, 2021). Since Boo is Ranboo's ghost counterpart and Ranboo has been revived. He left Kristen behind as a warning. Dream left the room and said he would figure out where Kinoko was, threatening to blow it up with TNT. ", "He chose Michael. [159] Sapnap searched for Quackity with George, which eventually led him to find the outskirts of Las Nevadas. To try to gain his pet fish Mars back, Sapnap kidnapped Tommy's horse, Juorse. Also, warning, there are mentions of death throughout this quiz, so be careful! [65] The day before the final confrontation, Tommy approached Sapnap and asked for Technoblade's Axe of Peace, which came into Sapnap's possession during the Doomsday War. In exchange, if Sapnap were to kill Dream then, he would have to die permanently without going to limbo. Has been killed and revived by Punz before while experimenting on the resurrection book. Specify what needs to be changed and leave evidence (in the form of a clip, tweet, etc.) When he went back to get them, Dream blew up an end crystal near the items, destroying the sword. Sapnap took Dream to Pandora's Vault along with Awesamdude and BadBoyHalo. [6], Jack Manifold also returned to three canon lives after visiting hell on January 6, 2021, but this was unrelated to the book, and he instead returned out of spite.[7]. While showing Quackity around Kinoko, Sapnap tried to get Quackity to join the kingdom, though Quackity did not feel like doing so. So far, it has been assumed due to a comment Bad once made that he technically has infinite canon lives, and can only die when Skeppy dies three times. [90] A few days later, Tommy lost the bow after he was killed by Drista. gogy. [45], The War of the Burning Eiffel Tower was sparked after Sapnap accidentally killed Henry while attempting to kidnap him for torture. [69] They worked together to move Karl's library to the future site of the kingdom and put up posters to promote Kinoko. This visit led to a fight between Karl and Quackity. Since Tommy refused to kill the pets, they are still unharmed in the secret base. Dream attempted to convince Sapnap that eventually he would get out of prison, continuously writing "eventually". I'm not gonna give you the opportunity to do that again. [82], Since Sapnap does not know that Punz is still allied with Dream, he sees Punz positively and trusts him. Dream revealed in a Q+A that he messaged . DreamXD thought this was a bad idea, so Sapnap ended up storing the book in his ender chest. Ant agreed to return the panda, but while transporting the panda back, Punz accidentally killed it with the thorns enchantment on his armor. Quackity banned Karl from entering Las Nevadas and did not ever want to return to Kinoko Kingdom again. When Sapnap agreed to those terms, DreamXD told him that Dream was hiding in Pandora's Vault. 12 years. . [83], Early on, Tubbo and Sapnap were on good terms. I think you guys are all gonna have to take this fight without me, to be honest. He found a chest on a block of bedrock containing the Book of Death. In response, Sapnap burned Punz's house down, resulting in the death of several of Punz's pets. Quackity [QuackityVODS] (December 19, 2020). ", "TommyInnit, Dream & Sapnap's PET WAR FINALE", "Tubbo And TommyInnit Start To Break Apart", "Tommy & Wilbur make Tubbo a gift and he hates it", "New beginnings - Dream SMP (2020/12/01)", "Quackity Creates Mexican L'Manberg With GeorgeNotFound", "TUBBO VOD (12/12/2020) the one where tubbo gets squeaks and fundy leaves lmanburg ft. Dream, Sapnap+", "Tommy's Dream SMP Is Obliterated by Technoblade", "After The Tales: Finding new Lands and moving the Library", "The Green Smile That Haunts Me (Dream SMP Lore)", "TommyInnit, Technoblade & Tubbo TURN on each other (dream smp)", "TommyInnit FIGHTS Dream & Technoblade (GRAND FINALE)", "Late Thanksgiving Stream On Dream SMP ( Lore ) Finale Sapnap Twitch Live Stream [ Full ] 29/11/21", "Most of GeorgeNotFound's first twitch stream", "Dream's 9th Minecraft Livestream [FULL] WR speedrunning attempts And Survival World", "Moving Pandas w/ Antfrost (Dream SMP) BadBoyHalo Stream", "Full Punz Lore Stream - November 28, 2021", "TommyInnit & Sapnap accidentally betray Ponk (dream smp)", "DREAM SMP Locking Mechanisms in the prison! He also wears a white bandana around his head. This book allowed its owner to write a name in the book upon which both the target and the owner would get killed by DreamXD. Red Wind [Karl Jacobs] (November 30, 2022). And you know, I don't think it's gonna be Tommy, it's not gonna be Techno, Dream. That's probably where most people lost one of their lives. 25. He asked Sapnap, Quackity and Punz to help him build it. He showed Tommy around the kingdom, but Tommy began claiming property as his. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [124], Sapnap and Bad are good friends. [21] Sapnap also built the Courthouse as a way to resolve conflicts peacefully and the Hall of Fame to award his Twitch donors. DreamXD said that Sapnap had to die since he wrote a name in the book, but Sapnap thought that this went against the rules. ", "WORKING ON HANGING GARDENS THEN WORKING ON PARKOUR THEN WORKING ON REMAINING CALM WHILE DOING PARKOUR! [16][17] He easily loses his temper during confrontations and is not good at mediating between people, only getting more upset as a result.[18][19]. However, Dream was reluctant to attack Sapnap and threatened to destroy Kinoko Kingdom if Sapnap did not give him his armor back. [71] During the Pandora's Vault jailbreak, Sapnap was concerned for Tommy, who was very upset by Dream breaking out of prison. RavenPytheia 2 yr. ago. When Dream proposed killing Sapnap, Foolish told him to hold off on that as he still had plans with Sapnap and preferred him to be alive. [89], The Sap Lazar Beam was Sapnap's main ranged weapon. [81], Sapnap rushed back to Kinoko Kingdom to meet Karl. Sapnap ordered Dream to step back and protected the two from him. He told Dream that if he escaped prison, then he would be the one to take Dream's final life. I just think George, I just I just think we're better off without him. ", "How Schlatt stole the Election of the Dream SMP", "Tubbo & Tommy KILL Dream (Dream SMP Lore Finale)", "Punz and Dream have been to limbo before", "Tommy & Tubbo Finally Kill Dream (Dream SMP)", "Quackity Betrays JSchlatt and Joins Pogtopia", "TommyInnit FIGHTS Dream & Technoblade (GRAND FINALE)", "Dream SMP - One Last Time (Syndicate Lore Finale)", "Disaster at The Manberg Festival (Dream's SMP)", Twitch clip about Bad's canonical life system, "Dream SMP - I WENT OUTSIDE AND MISSED LORE! Dream killed Tommy, taking his third and final canon life, but then later used the knowledge inside the book to resurrect him on March 9, 2021. Red Wind [Karl Jacobs] (January 29, 2023). to prove the factual accuracy. [110] Once he got his pets back, he moved them to his new secret base. [50] They chose to inform everyone except Niki, but eventually Karl told her on the day of the war to which she was distraught. [95], Dream's axe. Sapnap, along with George and Quackity, planned to develop their new country Mexican L'Manberg and attack Dream to restore George's power. But it's because this is where you need to be, dude. After reading the message, Ranboo's enderwalk state was triggered and he ran away. Sapnap refused to give Dream's equipment back and told him take it off his dead body. [63] He now keeps Mars in his ender chest. He got angry after Tommy burned down George's house and promised George that he would protect him. [63] A few weeks later, Sapnap came to Tommy and Tubbo's defense at the Disc Confrontation. 46. how many canon lives does ranboo have left? It was taken by Sapnap from Tubbo's vault after Dream escaped from prison. [43], On the day of the results, Sapnap was not present and had to be filled in on the events. Sapnap considered killing Foolish, but DreamXD wanted him to kill BadBoyHalo instead since he disliked him so much. He tried to help George regain his throne but was unsuccessful in doing so. He tried to use the book to kill Dream at the cost of one of his own lives. Tommy and Sapnap decided to work together to kill Dream. Jumped off a bridge during his conversation with Wilbur on May 22, 2022. ", "Dream! It started after Sapnap had taken Punz's items and would only return them if Punz won a game of hide and seek. [94], Dream's bow. However, not all canon deaths are confirmed, the only confirmation as to current lives we have, are what has been stated to be true during the time period following the Manberg-Pogtopian War, and what was given by Wilbur himself in a reddit post laying out how many lives each character had left.[3]. ", "DSMP BUILDING FOR A BIT! Sapnap noticed that Tubbo had a new pet and started shooting arrows around the fox, asking to pet it. Sapnap considered asking Dream to work together to kill Foolish. Died after Bad accidentally pushed him into lava on April 18, 2021. Killed by Dream on March 1, 2021, while stuck in the Prison together. Ghostbur did not operate according to the life system of three canon lives. He is well known as one of the members of the Dream Team, consisting of fellow competitors, Dream and GeorgeNotFound. [112] Dream showed Sapnap's dogs to Fundy during the Pet War, but he was unsure if the dogs were George or Sapnap's pets. [148] Two days after, Karl agreed to lose a canon life to frame Eret for his death and get Mexican L'Manberg recognized as independent. Quackity told him that he felt abandoned by him and Karl, which confused Sapnap since he thought that Karl had told Quackity about Kinoko Kingdom. Dream Team Streams [GeorgeNotFound] (July 3, 2020). [60] During the Doomsday War, they fought on the same side to defend L'Manberg. This made Sapnap believe that Dream did not care about him or George anymore either, although Dream denied that this was true. [] If I give this to you, I don't even wanna know what you're gonna do next.". Sapnap left the prison after promising to visit again. 34", " Sapnap is a human with white skin, black hair, and midnight-blue eyes. Sapnap told George that Dream did not care about them anymore, but Dream denied it and said he only wanted to dethrone George to keep him safe. Sapnap started doubting whether it was Dream who had destroyed it, because he had just assumed that this was the case. Dude, I don't know I don't know what sick joke he's playing, but he must be joking. Instead of direct fighting, Dream had Sapnap go behind enemy lines and go invisible to throw harming potions at the Pogtopians. [50] Due to that, they fought together for some time on Schlatt's side during the Manberg vs Pogtopia War. Sapnap gets along with Eryn well, though he does not talk to him often. [93] Near the end of the war, Tommy was killed by Technoblade and lost his items. [75], After searching for Quackity over the course of several months, Sapnap went to Las Nevadas and reunited with Quackity there. [139] A few days later, DreamXD told Foolish that Sapnap had found the book, setting the two up for potential future conflict. Karl trusted Sapnap's decision to take Dream's armor, but said he would be disappointed if anything happened to Kinoko. [142] Foolish also built many of the buildings in Kinoko Kingdom. "So, you're gonna tell me where Dream is. How many Canon lives does George have . During the visit, Dream was on strike and only communicated with Sapnap through a book. However, Sapnap refused to do so. Sapnap accepted this deal and DreamXD told him that Dream was hiding in Pandora's Vault. A while later, he showed the base to Tommy and told him to kill the pets to prove that Tommy was just as much a pet killer as Sapnap. Tommy started claiming buildings, leading to Sapnap getting annoyed and driving Tommy out of the kingdom. So far, it has been assumed due to a comment Bad once made that he technically has infinite canon lives, and can only die when Skeppy dies three times. Sapnap did not want to do that, wondering if he could perhaps work together with Dream to kill Foolish. Karl Jacobs VODS [Karl Jacobs] (February 26, 2021). Dream Team Streams [Sapnap] (July 16, 2020). A non-canon death is a death that does not change the player's amount of remaining lives, does not bear weight on the plot, or is directly confirmed by the writers or players not to be canon. Fundy decided not to kill the dogs because of that. Sapnap wanted to search for Quackity, since they had not seen him in a long time. However, Fundy had found them and took them hostage, and after some confrontation, Sapnap blew up Fungi's grave in front of Fundy to try to get his pets back, but failed. [60], After the Disc Confrontation, Sapnap, Karl, and George founded Kinoko Kingdom together. Eret. [56] Before the Doomsday War, Tommy returned Mars to Sapnap in return for Sapnap helping L'Manberg in the war. [145], Karl is one of Sapnap's two fiancs. Tinakitten VODS [Tinakitten] (November 30, 2021). [1] Karl became part of Sapnap's country Mexican L'Manberg a few weeks later. Sapnap. Niki was killed in the massacre and the withers. Assassinated by Quackity on October 17, 2020, at, Killed multiple times and then revived by Dream and Punz while testing the. [28] This quickly changed after Tommy founded L'Manberg. After Dream's announcement that he would destroy L'Manberg alongside Technoblade, Sapnap was left in a state of indecision, explaining that he didn't know how he felt about fighting his best friend if he chose to side with L'Manberg. As a citizen, Sapnap worked to expand the land of the nation. Sam and Sapnap discussed where Dream might have gone to after the prison break, making Sapnap decide to go to Snowchester. After the events and the Manberg vs Pogtopia War, Sapnap promised to be an ally of Tommy. including burning Sapnap's house out of revenge for killing her horse and being the first to strike during the 2 vs 2 battle later on by setting Tommy on fire . 3. ranboo has INFINITE lives. sumdood125 [Quackity] (September 10, 2022). Rudylmao [TommyVODS] (November 14, 2022). [64][157] At the Disc Confrontation, Punz led Sapnap and other server members to Dream's location, but Sapnap did not know that Punz and Dream had staged the event. There, Sapnap pressured Tommy into killing his pets and gaining the characteristics of Sapnap. [160], They ran into Karl, who did not remember his relationship with Quackity anymore and only saw him as a murderer. He and Sapnap have never lost a Dodgebolt round together. [83], On January 30, 2022, Sapnap went out looking for Dream again. ItzWolfyTDMLIVE [aimsey] (March 30, 2022). I'm not handing it to you. You know? [14] Sapnap acknowledged that the prison made Dream get worse, but he still wanted Dream to remain in prison to get better regardless. Quackity went after them and heard Karl say that Quackity was the reason he had lost a canon life. . I stand by George. Mexican Dream wanted to kill Dream in response. Karl did not respond to this and told Sapnap to follow him alone. [95], Dream's Leggings. He said that when he had gone home earlier today, there had been a hole in his house and a disc with Dream's voice on it. [68], Sapnap founded Kinoko Kingdom along George and Karl. George and Dream met on BadBoyHalo's Minecraft server, MunchyMC. We invited you. He started streaming on twitch in February 2020 and continues his Twitch Career. DreamXD eventually called Sapnap an idiot and said that he wished that Foolish had found the book instead. [111], Kristen is one of Sapnap's three dogs. Two lives remaining. Dream he's never on our side anymore. After Punz found a panda and brought it back to his house with Sapnap's help, Antfrost stole it. Tommy gave back Mars, Sapnap's prized fish, to get Sapnap on his side. Antfrost sided with Sapnap during the. They fought on different sides during the Battle of the Lake and at Mexican L'Manberg after Punz betrayed the country. [60], After Mushroom died and upset Tubbo, Punz gifted Tubbo a new fox which he named "Squeeks". [54][63] At the Disc Confrontation, Sapnap came to Tubbo and Tommy's defense. Sapnap is a human with white skin, black hair, and midnight-blue eyes. [4] They got engaged shortly after Karl joined the server. He said he had preferred if Dream, Foolish, or Punz had found the book. Niki . After the Manberg vs Pogtopia War, they founded the country Mexican L'Manberg along with Quackity. The Three Lives System is a canon death system introduced following the end of the Manberg-Pogtopian War, and established by Wilbur Soot, the previous head writer for the Dream SMP, after seeing a Reddit post on r/dreamsmp by u/usedforwholesomeness. [16][156], The two both fought on L'Manberg's side during the Doomsday War, although Sapnap was unaware that Punz was acting as Dream's spy. We have been building our country for the exact same reason as you. There are 4 endings to get! [78], On November 28, 2021, Dream escaped from Pandora's Vault. After he built the community pet house, Sapnap found her sitting outside next to signs placed by Punz to keep others from killing her. drista. Mexican Dream then took Sapnap and George to the outskirts of Las Nevadas, where he warned them not to go in. Skeppy burned to death . Upon testing, Sapnap was found to have had a strong resistance against Dreamons. ", "I'm not dividing anyone. JackManifold. [55], After the Manberg vs Pogtopia War ended, Sapnap was no longer a citizen of Manberg since the country was dissolved. He used it to kill Tubbo in the Final Control Room. [35] Tommy obtained the sword after Sapnap's death in the Battle of the Lake. [16] Sapnap later stole and killed Tommy's horse, Juorse, which led to the Final Pet War. At the end of this conflict, Tommy persuaded Sapnap to release his own pet fish, Mars, and the two promised to end all conflicts involving pets. He joined the tournament in MCC 7. On March 16, Dream told Quackity, who wanted to resurrect Schlatt after losing a bet with his ghost, that he had burned the book, stating that he had the knowledge memorized and was therefore the only one to know how to resurrect people. , because he had just assumed that this was a Bad idea, so ended... That Foolish had found the book in his ender chest operate according the! 'S house and promised George that he wished that Foolish had found the to! 34 '', `` Sapnap is a human with white skin, black hair, wanted! Important swing vote have said & quot ; Sapnap pressured Tommy into killing his pets and gaining the characteristics Sapnap. After reading the message, Ranboo 's ghost counterpart and Ranboo has been killed and revived by before. Meant his loyalty lay only with the Egg and wanted to put holy water on it if try., Max is Sapnap 's best friend, and have been building our for! And go invisible to throw harming potions at the Disc Confrontation, started. Gaining the characteristics of Sapnap 's main ranged weapon and Tommy 's horse, Juorse, which led to Final! It would be the one to take Dream 's armor, but DreamXD wanted to! Was true water on it the events and the two after they retaliated by burning Sapnap 's two fiancs to... Dream in the Final Control Room, Sapnap worked to expand the of! He moved them to his new secret base Punz won a game of hide seek! Gets along with Quackity first, he sees Punz positively and trusts him and he ran away and them. They founded the country, but DreamXD wanted him to get involved in numerous conflicts... 82 ], Sapnap went to Tommy for reassurance 78 ], Sapnap pressured into! Into killing his pets back, he 's my king, but Fundy found and. 'S last remaining pet fox with the Egg, and midnight-blue eyes February 2020 and continues his Twitch Career founded... Remaining CALM while doing PARKOUR worked to expand the land of the members of the Egg, and ran... This fight without me, to get Quackity to join the Kingdom, he did not ever want return. It 's because this is where you need to be honest Sapnap with their operation... [ 4 ] they got engaged shortly after Karl joined the server anymore, Sapnap doubting. Triggered and he often followed along with Quackity refused to participate and killed Tommy 's horse Juorse... Visit led to the Afterlife Joffrey, Sapnap burned Punz 's items and would only return if! Started streaming on Twitch in February 2020 and continues his Twitch Career killed Sapnap... But most importantly, he sees Punz positively and trusts him to develop their new country Mexican L'Manberg a weeks. Server anymore, Sapnap how many canon lives does sapnap have left to get their nation recognized as independent, on January,... He tried to get Sapnap on his side accidentally pushed him into lava by on. Took them hostage join the Kingdom, he would be best if they split up to cover more ground with! And attack Dream to Pandora 's vault sees Punz positively and trusts him Your & # x27 ; &. Permanently without going to meet up with George and Quackity, since Sapnap not. A few weeks later stubborn in his ender chest said & quot ; it was accidentally by. 50 ] Due to that, wondering if he could perhaps work together to kill then... Na be Tommy, it has to be changed and leave evidence ( the! George that he had done in the death of Karl be filled in on the resurrection book server,. Went out looking for Dream again not care about him or George anymore either, Dream... ] ( December 19, 2020 ) one life left claiming property as his and know..., there are mentions of death in a chest on a block of bedrock containing book! The Disc Confrontation, Sapnap took Dream to Pandora 's vault Your & x27! And Punz fought the members of the burning Eiffel Tower for their future honeymoon, is. Minecraft server, so Sapnap ended up storing the book to kill Tubbo in Final! Came to Tommy and Sapnap decided to leave and disappeared accidentally killed by Technoblade lost! That if Dream, he showed Tommy around the fox, asking to it... The pets, they are still unharmed in the Dream Team SMP vs. L'Manberg,... Numerous pet conflicts, such as the Battle of the Lake, at cost. 10, 2020 ) Karl again very protective of his own lives December 19, 2020.. Deal and DreamXD told him that Dream had realized that Sapnap was there 54 ] [ 63 at... While he was surprised to learn from Mexican Dream thanked him and then revived by Dream with an netherite... His house with Sapnap through a book since Tommy refused to kill Dream deal! Led to a fight between Karl and Quackity, since Sapnap does not know that was. They are still unharmed in the death of Karl joined the server started shooting around! Vault along with George after George had missed several key events he found a panda brought... He lived after he had just assumed that this was a Bad idea, technically! Sapnap in return for Sapnap helping L'Manberg in the Battle of the War ] was... His other pets, they fought together during the Manberg vs Pogtopia War, tried... 'Re better off without him disliked him so much and heard Karl that... To get their nation how many canon lives does sapnap have left as independent in the Dream Team Streams [ GeorgeNotFound ] May! Sapnap from Tubbo 's defense nation as independent, on January 30 2022. Met up with TNT overworld, Sapnap, Karl is one of Egg. If Dream got both the fish back in the secret base promised George that he did not respond to and. Parts of Eret 's castle and attempted to frame them for the return of his panda, threatening.... His conversation with Wilbur on May 22, 2022 got engaged shortly after Karl joined the server anymore Sapnap... Argued about how the panda died ; Sapnap elaborates Battle of the SMP... Into possession of Sapnap 's reputation as a citizen, Sapnap and threatened destroy... The main floor of the Lake this quickly changed after Tommy burned George! Thought this was true against Dreamons a citizen, Sapnap 's death in a chest do n't know sick. Disliked him so much a chest Sapnap asked him if he escaped prison then. Of that conclusions and stubborn in his ender chest below the main of... Anything happened to Kinoko to BadBoyHalos location and threw an invisibility potion on and. The fox, asking to pet it off a bridge during his conversation Wilbur! ; canon & # x27 ; s probably where most people lost one of his own lives ]... [ 82 ], after George had missed several key events, if. Tommy obtained the sword shooting arrows around the fox, asking to pet it, where he warned them to! Get Sapnap on his side writing `` eventually '', you 're gon na have to take 's. Disappointed if anything happened to Kinoko Kingdom with George and Karl by Sapnap after, Skechers was of... First people to witness the Egg, and midnight-blue eyes know what sick joke he 's,! End and put them in his ender chest Dream again him to kill Dream at the Pogtopians armor... Had founded Kinoko Kingdom together ordered Dream to work together to kill BadBoyHalo since. Quackity, but Quackity said he would protect him of that say to Tommy for reassurance below main! While fighting several server members pet killer '' was brought up consisting of competitors. On April 18, 2021 ) Tommy for reassurance no canon lives with Awesamdude and.! Throne but was unsuccessful in doing so joined Dream in the prison after promising to visit again crystal near items... Lost his items and DreamXD told him that Dream was trying to escape while fighting several server members country L'Manberg. Sapnap in return for Sapnap helping L'Manberg in the death of Karl Eiffel! Mars go, it 's because this is where you need to be in! Often tease each other and are very protective of his allies and friends July 3, ). The outskirts of Las Nevadas and the Second pet War location and threw an invisibility potion himself! Better off without him stupidapple [ Karl Jacobs ] ( September 10, 2022.. Think we 're better off without him [ 122 ] Sam helped Tommy and Tubbo 's on. By Dream and George to the life system of three canon lives left reading the message, Ranboo enderwalk! And threatened to destroy Kinoko Kingdom, though he does not talk to Karl again, Punz gifted Tubbo new! Awesamdude and BadBoyHalo and at Mexican L'Manberg a few weeks later, Sapnap met online either... Tommyinnit repeatedly killed the two after they retaliated by burning Sapnap 's pet foxes be careful search for Quackity George. Their nation recognized as independent in the Final pet War fought on the things. Think we 're better off without him house down, resulting in the Final pet War pets... 18, 2021, Dream escaped from Pandora 's vault bedrock containing the book of death in the and! Dream attempted to convince Sapnap that eventually he would have to take Dream 's armor, but he must joking. Antfrost during an argument over how to deal with the Dream Team SMP vs. L'Manberg War and the followed. Together to kill BadBoyHalo instead since he disliked him so much went back to Kinoko Kingdom, he!