Turns out he's an encyclopedia of stats and trivia. / CBS News. On May 8th, 2002, Alec was born with a rare genetic disease called osteogenesis imperfecta. I cannot imagine that if hecomes out that they would not get vaccinated. Concerns concerning Alec Cabacungan's wealth have recently surfaced. It is spiraling out of control. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)JOSEPH R. BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It provides food andnutrition, keeps families in their homes, and it will cut child poverty inthis country in half. I play my hardest every time I play," he said. But the billis popular because it's putting money right now into the hands of familieswho desperately need it.WALLACE: Then there is the concern, which I discussed with SenatorCassidy, that it's just plain too much money. Pain is a constant during Cabacungans days. And here's why that was important.According to a recent poll, 49 percent of Republican men said they don'tintend to get the vaccine.Doctor, how much of a difference will it make if President Trump, who waslargely responsible for the success of Operation Warp Speed, how much of adifference will it make if President Trump leads a campaign for the peoplewho are most devoted to him to actually go out and get the vaccine?FAUCI: Chris, I think it would make all the difference in the world. And as you mentioned, the 11 year high for crossings withoutdocumentation of the border was in the middle of Trump's presidency in 2019when we had the most inhumane policies possible when we were building awall at the border.So this idea that it's Joe Biden's election that has prompted more peopleto show up is belied by the actual facts. Check out How Wakaso Reacted to Atsu's Death, BREAKING! "I took my first steps on this court. All materialsherein are protected by United States copyright law and may not bereproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcastwithout the prior written permission of ASC Services II Media, LLC. That was 171 percentincrease February of 2021 over February of 2020.How much responsibility, Senator, do you think President Biden and hischange in policies in these first 50 days, how much responsibility does hebear for the surge at the border?CASSIDY: Empirically, it is entirely. For more information on Shriners Hospitals for Children, visit www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/chicago. After listening to the reports of his son, Alecs mother was devastated. Yes, sir.WALLACE: You've certainly got the trash talk down.CABACUNGAN: Oh, yes, no, it's part of the game. ", "It was a very emotional moment for us," Gill said. Alec makes money from ads and his social media sites. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO (D), NEW YORK CITY: And it's not one, it's not two,it's not three, it's not four, it's not five, it's six women who have comeforward.GOV. Alec Cabacungan Frequently Asked Question s (FAQs) Q1. Alma and Gill Cabacungan have 3 daughters. It's a lot of fun.This is a special place. Cabacungan is quick to note others have it worse, and hes fortunate to have the support system he does, mentioning family and friends, neighbors and coaches, hospital staff and teachers. Alec Cabacungan is the fourth child of his super proud parents, Gil and Alma Cabacungan. Alec Cabacungan from Shriners Hospital Commercial is 20 years old today. Alec Cabacungan featured on Fox & Friends 1st Degree Marketing & Public Relations 72 subscribers Subscribe 35K views 4 years ago Meet Alec Cabacungan: the face of Shriners Hospitals for. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): People know the difference between playingpolitics, bowing to cancel culture, and the truth. To pull back nowprematurely would be ill-advised.WALLACE: Well, let's follow up on that issue. He mostly invites athletes to his Youtube channel. He's been doing so well with his lessons that his parents surprised him with his very own car, giving him the feeling of independence any teen gets, but for Alec, infinitely more. Come with me.WALLACE (voice over): Now, at age 18, Alec is no longer a Shriners kid.WALLACE (on camera): So, I've got to say, Alec, that over these yearsyou've grown up, now you're the elder statesman. You got those takencare of and now you can open it up to anyone.If you look at the number of vaccines that are going into people now, Ithink that goal of anybody 18 years of age or older will be able to get avaccine by May 1st. People think this person is an expert on the subject they are talking about because they have probably been in the news before. The area at Shriners Hospitals for Children-Chicago where a basketball court has been named in honor of Alec Cabacungan is filled with light, and those who know the 16-year-old Oak Parker describe . Sometimes, people assume hes 7 years old and talk to him like a child. So the White House -- you know, give him an easy day, have ithappen early enough in the day that he's sharp and at his best, and get itover with. I don't have to imagine, because that kid is me.". We'll ask our Sunday panel whether he's lost his ability to govern.And our "Power Player of the Week --UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I didn't think I'd get as famous as I have become.WALLACE: The face of Shriners Hospital for Children grows up.All, right now, on "FOX News Sunday". ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. His parents knew the real character of their son and that he would achieve something big in life. He also takes intravenous medicine that aims to increase the density of his bones, and receives physical therapy weekly. It seems like an intrinsic contradiction,the fact that you had a program that was started during his presidency andhe's not out telling people to get vaccinated. The treatment, which he calls the "Cabacungan Method," involves using a special bleaching gel that is applied to the teeth for two minutes and then removed. And, you know,they're betting internally that the public doesn't care. Take a look of January, February, March, April, in thelate winter, early spring of 2020. His work helped keep the streets safe and made New York a better place for people to live. And I think he's toast. Not for today, not for tomorrow butfor three weeks from now.And what is clear, there can be no equivocation when sending a message topeople who are thinking of joining a caravan. How confident are you we'regoing to meet all of those and which of the three do you think is going tobe the hardest to meet?FAUCI: Well, Chris, I'm pretty confident that we are. And it was quite profitable. It worked for him in the campaign. But the disease and his wheelchair are things hell deal with his whole life, he said, so theres no point in being negative or staying in his room all day. It's not hyperbole, it's a fact.WALLACE (voice-over): Big promises from President Biden as the rollout ofhis American Rescue Plan gets underway while Republicans who all votedagainst the package pushed back.SEN. There are pedal extensions so he can reach the accelerator and the brake, but that's about it. Alec Cabacungan playing wheelchair basketball. "He's a stud," Cabacungan says of the former Clemson quarterback, drafted recently by . He is going tofollow his own instincts, which is to try to tough it out, because that'sthe kind of person he is. "But I'm happy, healthy, and having fun.". Alma said, "He doesn't want to have any special treatment; he wants to be treated like everyone else, and I think that's probably one of the things he has to fight for the most. Our analysis suggests that Alec Cabacungans net worth is around $500,000. (END VIDEO CLIP)WALLACE: We'll ask our Sunday panel about the fate of New York's topDemocrat as more women come forward. They really focus on the child, rather than just the medical condition. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, The amount of catch-up the kidsare going to have to do, the amount of work we're going to have to do todeal with the trauma that has been inflicted on kids who have been out ofschool for so long is significant.And so, yes, some of this money is going to be able to be spent in the nextschool year as well, because we know we have a herculean endeavor ahead ofus to try to make sure that kids and families are made whole. Thisis not a political issue. Instead, we've had a lot of this.Take a look. A professional spokesperson can also reach a far bigger audience than most hospital staff could when it comes to spreading the hospitals message. Hes like one of our family. Alec Cabacungan filming a TV commercial for the Shriners Hospitals for Children. Alec Cabacungan is a 19-year-old man. read image description. or redistributed. We had no input into actually whattranspired.Now, if you look at the things in that package, $130 billion for educationsounds great. Osteogenesis imperfecta, which makes for brittle bones due to a genetic defect involving collagen, has prompted several surgeries that involve inserting stainless steel rods inside the canals of bones in Cabacungans arms and legs. Alec Cabacungan is the spokesperson for Shriners Children's Hospital in Chicago. Cabacungan, a sophomore at Oak Park and River Forest High School, became a spokesman in late 2014 and soon began appearing in Shriners Hospitals for Children commercials. As in this disorder, your bones break very easily. That stimulus part ofPresident Biden's $1.9 trillion rescue package aimed at getting the countryback on its feet one year into the COVID pandemic.But Republicans call the plan a liberal, even a socialist, agenda.In a moment, we'll speak with senators from both sides, Republican BillCassidy of Louisiana, and Democrat Chris Murphy of Connecticut.But first, let's bring in David Spunt with the president this weekend inWilmington, Delaware -- David.DAVID SPUNT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Chris, after weeks of trying to sellthe plan to Republican numbers of Congress, the president will begin someheavy lifting as he heads out on the road to try and sell it to a dividedAmerica. "Those kids see him as a mentor, and that's who he's kind of become," said producer and director Tracy Trost, who handpicked Cabacungan for a reason: "He's special He has this life force in him that not a lot of people have. When you plateau at ahigh level, there's enough viral activity in the community that when youpull back on things like masking and not pay attention to avoidingcongregate settings, it is very risky to get another surge.If you wait just a bit longer to give the vaccine program a chance toincrease the protection in the community, then it makes pulling back muchless risky. His parents took him toShriners at age two months.CABACUNGAN: I go there for physical therapy, for clinic visits, for x-rays,surgeries. This disease causes brittle bones. Its really a family atmosphere there, Gil Cabacungan said. Alec Cabacungan (showcase), East-West Shrine Bowl, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Las Vegas VegasNET Media 431 subscribers Subscribe 199 views 9 months ago #VIPNetMedia #VIPcelebNET. This is a public health issue. He's avery widely popular person among Republicans. "I'm short in stature, I'm wheelchair bound for the rest of my life," says Cabacungan. The doctors told his mother that Alec was suffering from a rare disease called brittle bone disease. December 1, 2022 by Randy Osei Akoto The spokesperson for well-known Shriners Hospitals is Alec Cabacungan. Alec was born into a large American family from Chicago on May 8, 2002. Alec Cabacungan has left friends, family and loved ones heart-broken as the news surrounding the death of Alec Cabacungan was announced. He's thought of being a sports broadcaster, in fact, which explains the makeshift TV studio in Alec's bedroom. So we're going to bring this bill up for avote in the United States Senate. And when we learned it was a son, and learned that he had a disability, it was quite emotional.". The Shriners Hospital he goesto named it's court after him.CABACUNGAN: It's a contact sport. It was very successful in getting usthe vaccines we have right now. We, the Democrats, he's going to say, are taking care ofworking-class people.CASSIDY: So, first, let's look at the Trump economy, if you will, in whichthere was record -- record employment for those without a high schooleducation, for high school dropouts, for disabled, for veterans, forAfrican-Americans, Hispanics, women, fill in the blank, record employment.Now that was a sort of economy that resulted from the Trump tax cuts.Indeed, the last time I was on with you, you had somebody from PresidentBiden's economic council saying they wanted to return to the economy pre-COVID. Hes using that platform as best he can to make people aware.. When he was 12 years old, The Shriners hospital member asked him to be in their advertisement. 518 following. On Friday, he'll jointhe vice president in Georgia where two Democratic victories in the Januaryrunoffs helped seal the deal for COVID relief.KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You had faith thatCongress would pass this plan simply because it is the best thing for theAmerican people. This is a rush transcript from "Fox News Sunday" March 14, 2021. We need more journalists with disabilities. (END VIDEO CLIP)WALLACE: The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says $700 billion,that's more than a third of all the funding, won't be spent until next yearor later. Dr. Peter Smith, orthopedic surgeon at Shriners Hospital for Children-Chicago, speaks during a May 15 dedication of the basketball court in the two-story atrium area of the hospital building, 2211 N. Oak Park Ave. in Chicago, in the name of patient Alec Cabacungan. No criminal, no person with serious mental illness should beable to get their hands on a gun. Alec was a long-awaited son. Thanks for your time this weekend.It's always good to talk with you, sir.CASSIDY: Thank you, Chris.WALLACE: Up next, the response from Democrats. Years ago, he started his own YouTube channel called Smart Alec on Sports. Alec has a Youtube channel as he loves sports, and on his track, he discusses and analyses sports. The economy is recovering. Of course. How come?SWAN: Well, it's no surprise. What is the relationship status of Alec Cabacungan? (END VIDEO CLIP)WALLACE: So are Larry Summers and the CBO wrong?MURPHY: Well, they are. He will have a lot of pepin his step. Alec Cabacungan earned his money by acting, and his net worth for the year (2022) is believed to be between $1 million and $5 million. A broken ankle. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)LARRY SUMMERS, FORMER U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY: There's a real possibilitythat within the year we are going to be dealing with the most seriousincipient inflation problem that we have faced in the last 40 years. They're not doing that.WALLACE: Senator Cassidy, thank you. He is the 4th child in the family. This -- the additional money isn't so much for now, itis for going further out except there are some groups in which theyspecifically target those which are politically favored.And so the dollars are there now for the need which is there now. I'll live with it until I die.". Alec Cabacungan filming a TV commercial for the Shriners Hospitals for Children. (Courtesy Gil Cabacungan) Alec Cabacungan conducts an interview with Dallas Cowboys . BEN CABACUNGAN OBITUARY. Youknow, with the community vaccine centers, pharmacies getting vaccines in,mobile unites going out and getting a lot more people who can actuallyvaccine people, military members, retired physicians, nurses, and healthcare providers. That's not me, that's people like Larry Summers and JasonFurman.WALLACE: Well, I'm going to be asking Senator Murphy about just exactlythat in the next segment.But let me come at this one last way. What is the physical appearance of Alec Cabacungan? in the fall and studying journalism. 10.8k Followers, 518 Following, 25 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Alec Cabacungan (@aleccabacungan) aleccabacungan. When he was born, his parents knew that something was wrong with his body; however, they ignored it, and after some time, his doctor shared his condition of Alec and told him that this disease was hazardous. It is with great sadness that the news of the passing of Alec Cabacungan has been shared. I was not elected by the politicians. It's not going to influence the vaccinationprogram or the vaccination rate, but it could influence how soon we getback to normal.WALLACE: Doctor, let me talk to you about another possible concern.If we were to reach those goals, that pretty soon after that the problemwith vaccines is not going to be supply, it's going to be demand andwhether people are willing to actually get the vaccine.I want to put up a public service announcement that four of our former U.S.presidents put out this week.Take a look. Peter Cabacungan's passing on Thursday, April 14, 2022 has been publicly announced by Duggan's Serra Mortuary in Daly City, CA.Legacy invites you to offer condolences and share memories of Peter in th Alec Cabacungan started his career as a spokesperson at Shriners Childrens Hospital. But behind him every step of the way have been his parents, a fact that during one video shoot with his mother and father overwhelmed him, when his grateful heart seemed like it was about to burst. 3 millionvaccinations administered yesterday, Saturday. Alec Cabacungan. He said, "You wanted the best care, the best doctors, nurses and staff for your baby son. It is estimated byCBO that our economy will grow at 4.2 percent this year without this latestpackage. When I see that court, its always just positive moments, Cabacungan said. After all, they have received training in successful media relations and message delivery. It's related to kind ofhelping a blue state.Those of the things I'm speaking of.WALLACE: All right, but let's -- let's talk about other aspects of thepackage because as you well know, this pandemic is not just a public healthcrisis, it's also an economic crisis and according to the White House,stimulus payments will go to 91 percent of the adults in your state ofLouisiana and 93 percent of the children. Alecs example is one that we can all take to heart. This policy is leading to this surge, that is unmistakable.WALLACE: The headlines this morning are that the Biden administration isgoing to send FEMA officials to the border to help with the handling of theunaccompanied minors.Will that make a difference, and what does the Biden administration need todo to get a handle on this situation?CASSIDY: First, the fact they're sending FEMA tells us that the 170percent they anticipate growing to 350 percent or even a higher number.They're sending FEMA as reinforcements. Unlike a lot of so-called NFL Draft experts, Alec Cabacungan has no doubts when it comes to Deshaun Watson. The nonpartisan CongressionalBudget Office says the economy is down about $600 to $700 billion becauseof the pandemic, not $1.9 trillion, and here's former Treasury SecretaryLarry Summers, a Democrat, on this subject. Concerns concerning Alec Cabacungans wealth have recently surfaced. (END VIDEO CLIP)WALLACE: He and other Democrats are going to say, look, back in 2017Republicans and President Trump passed big tax cuts to benefit corporationsand the wealthy. 10.8K followers. In fact, he's going for his driver's license. The whole world knows him. Butyou just mentioned the elephant in the room, it's Joe Biden. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA): Thank -- thank you for having me.WALLACE: You voted, along with all of your Republican colleagues in theSenate, against the Democrats' $1.9 trillion bill. Alec Cabacunganis is very private about his relationship matters as he never discusses the issue in any of his interviews. Have a great week and we'll see you next FOX NEWSSUNDAY. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA), HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: We must address thiscrisis at the border. He's like any other kid into video games, and more recently cars. How could anything be more genuine than that? That's absolutely not true. "This place is very special to me," he said. I don't understand where that's coming from. . So, yes, economichealth was needed for families as well as for businesses. What is the Net Worth of Alec Cabacungan? CanAndrew Cuomo just tough this out at least until we see the results of thefederal and state investigations into both this and to the nursing homescandal?KARL ROVE, FORMER BUSH WHITE HOUSE ADVISER AND FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, I-- yes, he can, you know, sort of string this out until the investigationsare concluded. ", Sports, just about any sport, is his escape. Cabacungan is THAT Alec, the patient ambassador/spokesman for Shriners Children's Chicago (formerly Shriners Children's Hospital) who, through a series of commercials the past seven years, has asked people to give generously to the nationwide hospital system and receive one of those "cuddly" red Teddy bear blankets as a thank-you. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)WALLACE: The head of the CDC says the next two months will be critical indetermining the future course of the COVID crisis in this country.Joining us now, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House chief medical advisor.Doctor, welcome back to "FOX News Sunday."DR. Copyright 2021 ASC Services II Media, LLC. More than 8,500 unaccompanied minors, 8,500,are now being held in HHS shelters. (Shriners Hospitals for Children-Chicago ), On May 15, Bill Bailey (left), board of directors for Shriners International, sits with Alec Cabacungan on the newly dedicated Alec's Court at Shriners Hospital for Children. I understand it will be tough to get to60 but, man, this is one of those few votes in which you have a chance tosave lives. Alec Cabacungan made his earnings through acting and his estimated net worth for the year (2021) was near-about $1 million - $5 million. Alec Cabacungan Obituary / Death : We mourn with the family of Alec Cabacungan, we understand how disheartening they could be right now, so we are sending our thoughts and prayers to the affected ones. ThePayroll Protection Plan money that was put in the December bill is adequatefor the time being. These are the traits that will enable us to have fulfilling lives and successful jobs. While there are many, chances are you may know Shriners Hospitals for Children because of one very special patient. Alec Cabancungan was born with osteogenesis imperfecta. According to the WhiteHouse -- well, you tweeted this: Less than 10 percent of President Biden'sspending package is actually related to COVID relief.Senator, what's your basis for saying that? This is a drip, drip, drip situation and,unfortunately, he's not going to be able to govern effectively for thepeople of New York who really need leadership at this moment.Of course, the investigations, I think, will conclude what we've heard fromthese women who should be respected and protected, that he created ahostile workplace.WALLACE: Meanwhile, let's switch subjects.President Biden has been in office for 53 days. Those are quitereasonable goals and expectations. He is a great illustration of how to achieve financial success without neglecting the important things in life. Staggering snowfall in California mountains leaves residents trapped for days, SpaceX launches new crew on flight to space station, Prosecution wraps its case at Alex Murdaugh murder trial, Explosive found in checked luggage at Pennsylvania airport, feds say, Several hospitalized after Lufthansa flight diverted to Dulles due to turbulence, Colon cancer rates rising in younger age group, study finds, Firefighter dies battling blaze in downtown Buffalo, mayor says, Garland testifies before Senate panel amid ongoing special counsel probes, Top McCarthy aide, House Oversight chair each met with Ashli Babbitt's mother. I was like, who are all thesepeople? (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)JOSEPH R. BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This bill puts workingpeople in this nation first. Relations and message delivery staff for your baby son large American family from on... On the subject they are talking about because they have received training in successful media and... 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Cabacungan filming a TV commercial for the Shriners Hospital commercial is 20 old.