They exist to destroy one another. Hope shuts the door with her magic and sits down to talk. Alaric examines the creature but is unable to determine what the new monster is. When it's revealed that the mummy hasn't been completely defeated yet, she watches as Lizzie and Josie siphon the scarab of the curse, thereby defeating the mummy once and for all. She listens when her mother tells her about turning into a wolf and they think of a plan. Wade comments that he's scored her loyalty to the gods pretty low, and believes that she can still be flipped back to their side. Landon grows quiet and begins to vomit up black blood as Malivore approaches. He admits that he underestimated her, but it won't happen again. Alaric knows this isn't going to be easy for her and she's experienced more loss than anyone her age should ever have to. She believes it's spelled, probably by Freya, and likely how she found her. Picking her up by the throat, he throws her into the school gates, impaling her in the stomach. They come out of a root cellar and meet the pyromancer, she seems to want the knife but they don't give it so she attacks them. Malivore, however, has no intention of letting that happen and to let her die. Cleo is reluctant to believe her, however and asks her if she would be happy if she left. She can't pass. Landon's hands begin to glow and the screen flashes to life with significant moments between her and Klaus. She drops the spell and rushes to his side. They have been separated longer than they've been together, however, their love and adoration for each other never wavers. Klaus initially had no interest in having anything to do with the child, even telling the witches they made a mistake if they thought they could use Hayley and their child as leverage to manipulate him. Hope mocks Trudy's domestic lifestyle, and Ryan points out that Hope's a tribrid. If Lizzie can siphon Ken at the exact moment of explosion, she can weaken him. Hope questions what took her so long, though all Josie needed was the proper motivation. However, they're here memorializing yet another student and that is not what the school was meant to be. He smiles at the baby and tries to pick her up, but someone drives a stake through his heart. On the ride home, she and Lizzie talk more, and when Hope tells her that it wasn't her who did those awful things, they both look at Josie, who has a guilty look. She tells him that he was great today. Regardless, he's happy to come to see his favorite niece because they need her help. 2,361 Likes, 19 Comments - KLAUS MKAELSON (@klausmikaelson.hybird) on Instagram: "Caroline or hope? Klaus tells him there's one person who can. With this, Rafael is transported to a Prison Worlds when the supernova passes over Mystic Falls. She can't look into his eyes to kill Malivore and this is what he's counting on. Hope rushes Josie and throws her through the gym doors. He begins with how he made Ethan's mother a promise, just like all of their parents when they enrolled, that he'd care for them as his own. Running through another simulation, Hope has everyone attack Ken. He's had enough goodbyes in his life, like her. However, Klaus is upset by the attack on his child and suspects that Genevieve is behind this. Eventually, Hope is forced to come to terms with what she has lost and decides that they should no longer go looking for Landon at the expense of other people's happiness. Hope didn't push Lizzie into the pool and Lizzie, despite it being her voice, didn't make the announcement. They plan to blast whatever comes out of the hole with a spell, but the summoning spell erupts in a burst of fire that throws the three witches backwards into the air. She eventually teams up with MG and the two attempt to charm the location from her. She doesn't have to do anything to win. . Alaric suggests that she transfer to the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted where she can better keep an eye on Landon and protect him, however she declines. Hope, however, has her own solution to that problem. Hope is still mad at Cleo for volunteering her to make art. Her choice became difficult when Malivore allowed Landon to resurface and communicate with Hope. In Just Don't Be a Stranger, Okay?, the Salvatore School holds a memorial service for Ethan on the front lawn of the grounds. In Long Way Back From Hell, Elijah justifies his choice to save Hayley because the baby that she's carrying. She's supposed to be all about her muggle life, and asks Hope not to talk about magic with her. She goes on to say that he can't make this decision without consulting anyone. The lights flicker and the box shakes as her darkness dissipates into it. Landon tells her that her father found Peace, which is great news, but also it's not. If he leaves them alone, she'll go with him. In Bring It On, Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall slept together and conceived a child. Rebekah steps out of Rousseau's, reassuring her that everything lost, can be found. Back at the school, she reconciles with Cleo, admitting that she was a kind person when she needed someone most and the school is her home now. Hope kicks her into the pool to extinguish the flames. In The Story of My Life, Hope sits in on Professor Vardemus' lecture at Whitmore College. She enjoyed helping innocent creatures and once used her magic to heal a butterfly's broken wing. Hope tells him that he'll have to take his own advice. Hope reluctantly tells him about what happened when she had to kill him and her humanity shut off. Hope reveals that she doesn't yet have the ascendant, and it's back at the school. Hope takes it that Aurora has healed, and Lizzie confirms, though she's still unconscious. After she takes in the Hollow to save her family and be closer to her father, the power proves too much for Hope and Klaus makes the ultimate sacrifice to save her. They, however, know her, and thought she should sit this mission out given her do or die attitude for rescuing Landon. By the fourth season, she lives with Hayley and the Mikaelson Family at the Abattoir. She quips that if she had talked first, she would have told her that the candle is nullifying their magic. Kaleb, however, demands her to get out while they talk in private. Until your daughter came to us. She also tells him that Malivore, and Landon, are both dead. After Rafael is successful in convincing Landon to return, Hope awakens, and Landon tells her that he will always be with her. How her parents can't wait and she promises to her three things: a safe home, people to say how they love her every day and people to fight for her, no matter what. Klaus leaves her in the care of Freya and goes directly to take care of the Hollow himself. This is the proof that Alaric needs. Ken, as much as Hope, is surprised and doesn't understand what is happening and demands what treachery this is. The conversation is believable, but she's not completely sure the Necromancer will take the bait. She can hold the line for as long as she can, giving them the best chance. This allowed Landon to become involved with Josie and the two developed a romantic relationship, culminating in their first kiss which was witnessed by Hope. Lizzie tells Hope that the two need to spend more time together, as she feels she will blow Hope's secret if she spends any time with Landon Hope laughs at this idea, as the two would never have been seen together previously. He turns visible again and drops his syringe, gasping for air. Despite knowing that Kaleb and Alaric are performing a head dive into Malivore's conscious mind, it will prove to be MG and Hope's distraction into his consciousness to find Cleo. She recalls several memories of her and Landon, such as where he discovered his new abilities. At the compound, she and her father talk as it's revealed that her mother has truly gone missing when she is not at the place she put her in with a cloaking spell. She wants to know where Malivore is hiding, but the creature is overcome with another personality. While she is in the hall, sitting by the fire, Rafael come to see her, he informs that he told the truth to Lizzie, Hope answers that despite the appearance she has a good evening and create an avengers squad, they make peace and dance together. Thanks to Cleo's vision they know that Ken is planning an attack on the school, but the good news is they get to choose the field of battle. Lizzie invites them to meet Andi and, in doing so, becomes initiated into their cult, succumbing to their strange behavior. Landon is accused by Kaleb, the others don't defend him including Hope though she feels guilty of seeing Landon hurt. 108K 4.9K 57. Since he's been working on the short, he's felt like he's been missing something- her. An open gate signifies an entry point into a new beginning, while a closed gate usually means there's something holding you back. Hope agrees to go with her with the prospects of hitting something and to escape the school. Lizzie takes her to the leprechaun she has locked away and learns that it's another Malivore monster. Hope doesn't care. Marcel, however, has been keeping them for her and he wanted to prove just how hard she's been on herself. Hope ignores Ken, still attempting to reach Aurora. Their relationship comes to a low when Landon confesses to Pothos who he wrongly believes to be Cupid that he doesn't know why Hope chose him. Her Humanity tells her that she is the worst part of her. Hope remarks that Nature really doesn't waste any time, unlike her. Though it's not nearly as fancy or powerful as Papa Tunde's blade, she hopes it's just as painful. Hope removes herself to the art room and lashes out, throwing paint onto a canvas. She gives Hope a Mikaelson family crest necklace, delivered through Freya, that Hope wore for over seven years. Hope and Rafael leave on their side to continue searching for Landon, they have a discussion about Landon and Hope's bad popularity at school. Hope asked him not to tell the others he's coming, because she doesn't want them here. Her grandmother, Esther turned him into a vampire once and knows how it feels. She uses magic to light her way in the endless darkness, only to find that a vortex opens, sucking her in. Likewise, turning to Freya, she wonders if she feels guilty for being the one who killed her. After the lunch, Landon wanders into one of the hallways of the school when Hope catches up, she evokes the idea that it's Connor who is responsible for the disappearance of Dana and Sasha but Landon refuses this idea and proposes to follow a girl with a scarf because it could be a clue. Notes: (See the end of the work for notes.) She uses her alpha status to force them to give up the Triad vampire, despite a hex killing them when they do. Hope checks in on Lizzie after the plan fails. The two talk, but Lizzie tells Hope that they don't have time as Landon and Josie are planning on having sex that night. Josie and Hope grew distant from one another, with Josie viewing Hope in a negative light for not telling everyone she was back from Malivore. Prior to triggering her curse, she displayed some increased agility and grace, above that of a normal human. She calls out to them but no one answers and follows the figure to the docks; it's the Ferryman. With this, Landon and Hope both go to Mystic Fallls to find out the Necromancer's plans. Working together, the two are able to stop the monster, but during the battle, the artefact is destroyed. When you were unable to say the things that you needed to say. Hope is shocked and doesn't understand and Landon is helpless to stop whatever is happening to him. He is happy to see her and he has control of his body for the moment. Aurora's screams are muted with her spell. First, let's set the scene: Hope Mikaelson is established almost immediately as incredibly . Believing herself to be dead, she questions what Clarke is doing in her Peace, but Clarke laughs, admitting that they are not at peace, nor are they in Hell, but inside Malivore. They grew to be friends and it was clear they shared a connection more than that of friends. Aurora tells her that she knows everything about Klaus and introduces herself to Hope. Hope, however, has three problems, to be exact. She says she wants to find a way to break the cloaking spell and find her mother. First things first. He appears suddenly, startling her due to his quietness. She then comes to the safe place Hope is living and talks to Hayley trying to convince her to deliver Hope to her and Hayley refuses this idea. With this information, Hope decides she'll leave, but Rebekah tells her that she'll miss the show. Hope refuses to believe this was just a dream. Ryan relents and accepts to show her on a map on where she can go. Hayley often referred to her baby as "Magical Miracle Baby" but also called her "My Little Girl" and "Baby Girl" in a letter to her. She tries to fight the witches when Klaus walks in. Hope calls her bluff, believing that therapy is tricky, because knowing what you need to do and going through with it are two different things. Malivore taunts her, questioning that she didn't place that spell there and that it wasn't meant to keep him contained. She, nor her father, are characters in the story and demand that her family stays out of it. Hope knows they need to talk and that she owes her an apology, but it needs to wait. He tells her that they're doomed. She tells him that she believes the simulation was trying to tell her that something will always come between her and Landon and that, sometimes, she needs to choose the other thing over Landon. As he brings the spear down, Aurora vamps in front of Hope as the spear's end plunges into her chest. This is shown when Genevieve and the Harvest girls kidnapped Hope, and tried to kill her. Caroline Forbes described her as beautiful. However, once back, they learn that Alaric has released Malivore, so he wouldn't kill Ethan. American actress Danielle Russell was born in New Jersey on October 31, 1999. Hope snaps at her, telling her it's a bad time for them to talk. The students cheer and applaud the news. At least at a fundamental level, she can relate. All of this isn't real, it's just a stupid game. The Red Oak tree, when sharpened to a stake, is powerful enough to kill Hope. However, they are both then shot, and Hayley goes missing. A dybbuk is a parasitic spirit of Jewish folklore that imbues its host with supernatural strength. She asks him if he wants to feel her kick. She tells her that she did too little too late, but she can do more. After Elijah, Gia, and Hayley talk to Josephine, Hope is in Hayley's arms and she threatens to kill Eva even if it is Rebekah or not, so Eva won't go after Hope. As he performs a thermal sweep, he discovers a body within it and is surprised to learn from Hope that it's Lizzie. Though she is forced to tell the truth, she is not forced to give it. She's here to put her down and wonders if she's up for a rematch. Vamping to a door, she leaves the chambre de chasse as the keys fall and scatter to the floor. Hope admits she was wrong, this is fun for her. After he jumps out of the window, Hope is told by Dorian that Alaric wants to see her and to pack her things up as she's being suspended. Despite her asking not to involve her family, Landon rebuttals her. If it was up to her, she'd want him with her so that she could find the perfect spot. She mistakes it for a veiled reference to her humanity, and tells her it's never coming back. She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Esther Mikaelson and two unnamed werewolves, and the step-granddaughter of Mikael. In You Will Remember Me, Hope eventually finds the Triad Witch, lounging at her estate with a black candle in hand. She defeats a werewolf alpha with decapitation to inherit control over his pack, who are loyal to Triad Industries. It's actually Cleo using the illusion ring, though. Hope agrees to Lizzie's deal and makes her way back to Aurora's estate. She points out that she did the same when she had to kill Landon and her humanity switched off. Hope is adamant that the pig takes her to Josie but Hope is unable to wake her. Roman tries to tell her he's been wanting to talk to her and that while he's sorry for what happened, she doesn't have to forgive him, and she listens to this. His doctors said he's lucky to even be walking. When Landon returns to the Salvatore School, Hope asks if the two can talk, and Landon agrees that they should. Once a Mikaelson, always a Mikaelson. Lizzie gives her request a hard pass, but Hope reminds her that she's sire-bonded to her. He's dead, because of family, love and her. Hope doesn't understand and asks what the weapon is. Hope demands answers and threatens violence. Hope gives him one condition; it's his turn to stab her. In You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know, Hope walks through the campus of Mystic Falls High School as Sheriff Machado arrives. Alaric sedates her moments later in fear of her behavior. Is Adelya Mikaelson and Hope Mikaelson the same person? In There's A Place Where The Lost Things Go, Hope participates in Emma Tig's simulation along with the other members of the Salvatore School Group. I know I have to give her back to Hayley when the time is right. They just have to find the happiness between the monsters. She walks in and no sooner, she sees her mother strapped to a chair. They'll face Ken together. Hope has to leave. Crossing a line, Hope tells him to leave. Rebekah reassures her that it's real and these are his ashes. She has Roman tell her and is speechless to hear that the dress was a gift her father gave the twins' mother. Alaric thinks this is the point that Hope steps in, but Hope would rather send in her pawns first. Lizzie eventually returns, but loses the Merge. Hope resolves to find another way, but Cleo reminds her that she can't move on from grief if she is still holding onto it. Parroting Alaric's earlier comment to her, Hope poses the same answer, explaining that she's maybe afraid of getting an answer. They see that Henry has his heart extracted and his body hanging from a balcony. She questions him again whether or not his boat will take her to peace. Tearing up, Hope takes Alaric into a heart-felt hug and thanks him for being the second-best father she could have. Together, they free Hope of the control and Hope takes down the various witches, leaving only Andi remaining. Rupert tells her that she's wounded and her life force is down to 70%. As they continue to trade blows, Hope falls to her knees, her wound spreading like an infection. Hope's heartbeat begins to slow and she lays her niece gently on the pillow, holding her hand. Hope is able to calm him down, but he doesn't remember being possessed by the oni. She is then surprised to see her father beside her and a storm begins to ensue. While Alaric questions Landon about Rafael, she tries to ease his anger and tells him everything will be okay. At the Carnival of Vampires, Hope showed her ability to compel fellow vampires. He's brought her a blood bag. In the trees or on the breeze. No one hunts her, except maybe for her aunt. Wade tells them that they score another hit on Ken, but he's confused about what's changed. Hope tells her that they'll be watching Gremlins. With her peace said, she leaves. He believes if they can buy Lizzie enough time to turn her back to their side, she can siphon a god, hence why she needs to be saved. He's good with that. Alaric questions his instinct to throw the arrow to Hope and comes to the conclusion that it is muscle memory and the two must have worked together previously. Hope mocks her, wondering if that was her big swing to flip her humanity, but Rebekah questions why she brought it up. Lizzie talks to Hope. MG crumbles under the pressure and asks Alyssa where she has hidden the ascendant. Lizzie wants to try another approach, though Hope is already thinking of something to do. Using the might of her physical powers, she kicks Ken through the air as Cleo raises the spear. Hope refuses to wait, considering if MG hadn't lied in the first place, they would have had the time to prepare. However, the blade changes into the Trident, the cloaking spell having worn off. People always get hurt when she is involved. With her back to him, she turns to him and apologizes for the things she's done, and for what she's done to Lizzie. Around the room, Freya lights candles and she notices the necklace that was given to her long ago. With the girl gone, Hope intends to leave, but Lizzie refuses and wants to help. As he begins examining it, he's astounded. Landon doesn't think he can, but like when they stepped into the Malivore pit, they'll do it together. The three of them embrace in a hug as Alaric approaches. He recalls their Matrix marathon and their whole spine is not actually a spoon debate. Extending a hand, she asks Aurora to break the cycle and Aurora accepts her hand. In the Library, Alaric explains to Lizzie that they are punished for fighting during the game, when she defends herself Hope can't help but make a mocking laugh and when Lizzie wants to blame her sister, Hope defends Josie. They ask Kaleb for explanations, he denies killing Dana, which is true because they find her alive but in a bad state, they believe in her transition. Later, Hope tries to destroy the sarcophagus, but it appears to be impervious to her magic. In Queen Death, Hope sees Elijah's spirit in Freya pendent as she touches Freya's shoulder, both of whom sense that his mind has shattered. She sees anger, fear, and her friends in trouble. After some convincing Klaus allows Hayley to tell him the truth. Hope later uses the prism numerous times, however, she is bemused by the results that the prism gives her. There's also Ethan, but Lizzie doesn't think she's ready for that. She tells her to close her eyes, focus her breath and Freya casts the spell. Hope seemingly breaks its neck, but it eventually recovers. If he lets her out, he'll be letting out her dark side, too. She later goes to Rousseau's and sees that Declan is being attacked by her father, and stops him using magic. Monique breaks Klaus' neck and they leave with the baby. Cleo is upset and attempts to leave. Vincent later extracts the Hollow's spirit out of Hope, dividing the four pieces into Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol. She elaborates to him that when she was struggling with him being gone, she kept pushing her to find a way to move on. Lizzie tells him they're indisposed. Landon questions why she didn't tell him, however she dismisses him, not wanting to talk about it right at that moment. MG isn't wrong, though, as he reminds her how she has a habit of prioritizing Landon at all costs. Hope Daniella Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, she was a former majorly recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. She reminds Hope that she has a family that loves her and urges her to come home with her. The things with the berbalang, also, as it only eats dead flesh but went to Landon immediately. Though Hope appreciates the box and spell, her problem is her dark side. Josie's trick didn't work, but she figured that. He takes the Hollow from her and, after spending precious moments together where she promises to make the Mikaelson name proud and be okay, Klaus gives her a kiss. To her surprise, it appears that she's switched sides. The last point is merely a joke, sort of. Klaus tells her that the first transformation usually takes hours but by embracing the transformation and pain instead of fighting it, the process will be faster. It's not just a place. She throws the dagger at her feet, explaining that it doesn't work too well on a tribrid. The nightmare ends with her waking up. Hope accidentally cuts her head so a band-aid is put on her head. In Where Nothing Stays Buried, Hope is mentioned by Marcel when he reminds Elijah he saved her life as a newborn. She basically willed herself free from it, which is rare, but also assumes she'll get no credit for that either. She's also a witch descended from the Mikaelson Bloodline one of the most magically powerful lineages. Monique and Abigail try to stop them by calling upon their ancestors. With Lizzie saved, Hope has a new test for her. In order to get him back, she may have pissed off a lot of people in the process, something that runs in her family. It's all because of her father. If that were true, then that would have hurt and pulled out the stake. They then talk in a room and Hayley finds out she has been selling her blood to get a passport to find her father, who as she calls him a "deadbeat dad". She responds that her daughter has one advantage Klaus never had, she will never know Mikael. Demonstrating her skill, Hope compels their entry into the carnival, as well as all the cash from the ticket sales. Dead, Ken's body explodes in a fiery burst of light. MG wants to go get the keys to release her but she refuses. Searching for Lizzie, who's off campus, she runs into Cleo. Hope suggests that she stay behind, under the premise that a monster cannot come from Malivore if one remains, however Lizzie disagrees and knocks her out, attempting to take the Keeper's deal. Landon brings her to the Old Mill. In No More Heartbreaks, She's still mentioned to be under Mary's protection. Removing her hand, she encourages her to go and finish this and to never forget who she is. She corrects him, citing that Lizzie helped. He often gives her advice and she takes it. The prison world is crawling with monsters, and if the leprechaun was any indication, more might be coming. MG asks what she'll miss most. She stabs his hand with the dagger, asking if he's scared yet. The Necromancer rejoices in his apparent victory. The child later kicks for the first time onscreen when the wolves are telling campfire stories, and Hayley happily puts Jackson's hand on her belly so he can feel. Hope places a single red rose at an altar with his picture. She retorts that if the price of that stupid toy is her humanity, then he can keep it. Cleo finds and embraces Kaleb in a hug. The more she keeps avoiding that truth, the more people she puts at risk. When the Saltzman's find Hope and take her to the school Lizzie senses that Hope is seriously considering enrolling she wishes this reality away. MG vamps to Lizzie though the manticulum calculates that Aurora would attack and kill him. 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