Katara moaned against his mouth as she continued to stroke his manhood. He hasnt ever bothered to think about it that way. However, his brain quickly shut down when Aang reappeared. Katara leaned against his chest. Aang decided to trust her word, and set back to work. Any fics where Lily and James come back to life? Katara, are you all right?, Katara was still gasping for breath, clutching at Aang's shoulders desperately. "Alright, how do I get there, the usual?" he asked. You're like a brother to me and a potential future brother-in-law. Sokka walked over to Aang, passing the tiny infant over, and instructing Aang how to hold the baby properly. Aang brought his right hand up, dragged it sensuously against her skin, and paused on her left breast, giving it a gentle squeeze. It was just difficult for the Avatar to settle down. Is he okay? Obito asks, not in the least bit worried. So, how do you think Rin feels whenever you try to intervene in her fights? Minato-sensei asks him knowingly, as if he just read Obitos thoughts. You're right. A few seconds later, and Aang began to laugh for no apparent reason. That this is a three-man squad. And Kakashi wonders if the Obito of his world ever saw that steel in her. She whimpered as he fully seated himself inside her. I have for a long time.. Hell just have to challenge that jerk for a fight the next time he sees him. You wouldnt want to end up as nerdy as these two, she winks at him teasingly. I went pretty easy on you by making you do only ten laps around the village, Minato-sensei says, still smiling. I hope to preserve some of our collective favorite moments ("that's rough, buddy," "what a sharp outfit, Chan") while adding more depth to the philosophical problems that Aang and others deal with. Then have them go to the Southern Air Temple where you lived. Tsunades departure has been hard on all of them but its especially hard on sensei knowing that Senju Tobiramas niece left Konoha. I'm so sorry, Katara. Orochimaru snorts and mutters something that sounds like "irresponsible brat" under his breath. I will. Aang said, beginning to move inside her while kissing her at the same time. And now that he realized that he wanted to give in to his desires, he had no idea how to approach his girlfriend about it. It was too dangerous for them to stay there for the moment. Ohh ohh! "What they don't tell you is that all the training you get to be a good Avatar is almost useless. I have no stake in this apart from ending the war. It's all right, Aang. That felt amazing!. The Avatar had more houses around the world than any other person, so he had no shortage of places to stay. So she tries casting the demonic illusion genjutsu, but she didnt account for the fact that while Gai isnt great at casting genjutsu, he apparently has no trouble breaking out of one. He was raised learning how to suppress the desires of his body, but he found he no longer wanted to. It's four years after Sozin's Comet. Obito justlikes to check up on the jerk once in a while; its become a habit by now. For about a minute, theres pin drop silence. He knew that when Suki gave birth to his first child, Aang and Katara had arrived just hours before the baby was born, though that was Sokka's fault. Thats the only way we grow as ninja. Still, its nice with just the three of them too, him, Minato-sensei, and Kushina. Good thing shes got an airbender soulmate with just as many crazy abilities by her side. How is training going anyway? Kushina asks mischievously. He thought that by looking away as she undressed, he would be able to control himself. Coming right up! Sokka stared in shock. I justI just want to protect her, thats all, Obito says, deflating. He knew that he was being clumsy and forceful as he made love to her, which was just to be expected since it was their first time. Couldn't you two have waited until, It just happened. Aang said. Oh man, Kakashi, I cant believe anyone thinks this guy is cool, Kushina laughs. YIP YIP! Kagome and the Pirate Captain, The Silver Hanyou. 2) Aang is the only member of the good guys who holds no ill will against Azula even though he has the greatest reason to despise her guts. He carefully checked to make sure the cloth was not tied on too tight since cutting off blood flow to the area would only make it worse. Kakashi runs his fingers over the seal on his upper arm, right where his ANBU tattoo used to be. She could tell from the look on Aang's face that he was just as tired as she was. He carefully picked Katara up and carried her over to her Earth tent. I wonder how long it will take for your students to discover that youre actually a dork, pretty boy.. Eight years after Sozins Comet, everyones lives have begun to take shape, their responsibilities pulling them further and further apart. Onoki was far more inclined to peace after the second shinobi war, possibly fearing the wrath of the Uchiha due to lingering trauma from facing Uchiha Madara. Aang's mouth suddenly filled with her juices, and he lapped it up without complaint. Don't stop! Now that they'd had sex, she just felt empty without him. You know Rins still tired; Gai eats these laps around the village for breakfast!, Oh really? Minato-sensei says placidly. I've had plenty of time to think about it.. He doesnt really know why but when Gai said that he saw Kakashi the day before yesterday, his chest began to hurt, like it weighed too much in his chest. She kind of goes easy on him a lot. Language: English . It was only the knowledge that Katara's life was in very real danger that stopped Aang from fulfilling the dark fantasies plaguing his mind, fantasies of her soft body yielding against his hard one, of heat, sweat, and breathy gasps and moans. They should get to see the sights of Konoha, see what it has to offer, sensei says agreeably. Obito knows theyre at war, and he knows the worst-case scenario in a war. Katara, what happened? Katara desperately wanted to know what he was feeling, so she took his hand and pressed it to her covered sex, letting out a low moan that rivaled his. Katara winced slightly as he entered her. I have two goals: to stay by Kushinas side forever and become Hokage.. Aang smiled down at her, and kissed her again. Kakashi knows that he didnt aid Team Minatos teamwork in any way before, but he has to wonder if Obito and Rins constant, perpetual bond looming like a spectre didnt doom them all in some way. Aang: Sorry Sokka. Whats going on?, Were going on a trip, kiddos! Jiraiya-sensei tells them, a plastic smile on his face. Why yes, Kakashi was my apprentice. What the fuck indeed, Konan thinks. A massive hickey was a small price to pay for Katara's life. Without it, he could end up being the one poisoned. Now, Id like you to show off some of your skills against each other. He isnt feeling the least bit tired. As Toph's first and most famous student, he knew quite well what sort of teaching methods she employed: a lot of yelling. And surprisingly enough, the skirmishes around the border of the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire have decreased considerably, which diminished the number of shinobi being deployed. And he knows just the kind of jutsu that suits Kakashi. If Rin herself is okay with it. I believe its the work of Danzos Root. I think I should teach you how to heal., I couldn't have a better teacher. Aang said, using Waterbending to gather the water around them in the air, and passing it to her. Try activating the seal. They knew each other almost better than they knew themselves. They had no idea a civil war was brewing in Ame, between those loyal to Hanzo and those loyal to Akatsuki, with none of them the wiser. They were the first things of him that she had fallen in love with. Its not that, Sarutobi-sensei sighs. Konans eyes narrow. His face softened to a sickeningly loving smile when she showed up that first day when they all met for the first time with a picnic basket. scheming sokka avatarthelastairbender +3 more # 2 Doubled Elements by draninator 2.8M 98K 95 Of course, I dont! Six months ago, after his death, the skirmishes decreased. In his previous life, Kakashi had made himself believe the sharingan enabled him to become much stronger than he otherwise would be, but to his surprise, he was a far more efficient ninja once the sharingan disappeared with Obito and he was forced to learn the Hiraishin. Until with her unexpected death and her mothers sacrifice, a world was created to keep the fictional characters she loved alive. Sakumo was supposed to deal with the rebels while his teammates went to guard the Daimyo. He quickly moved over to Katara, and used two strips from his torn tunic to isolate the venom in her leg, tying one about two inches above the bite, and the other two inches below. 9. this dangerous but irresistible pastime, I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.-Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice. because I have all of the self-control of a ferret set loose in a meat locker. She looked back down at the infant before the thought came to her mind. They work well together as a team, but I can tell that theyre not really making as much of an effort with Gai as they should.. However, this time Aang's freedom is at stake as well. Yeah, isn't it great? Sokka asked, sounding completely enamored. WHEN HE GETS THERE Katara: So then I decided to come here. My name is Uzumaki Kushina. Love you, too, Kat. Aang whispered. ** Rated M for sexual content and dark material. Unrelated, mostly-fluffy oneshots set in the canon-divergent world of "The Waiting Game". No, what really matters is what you choose. Don't stop. He pulled her into a passionate kiss. He approached the Sky Bison, expecting Aang to leap down and give his old friend an embrace, but Aang didn't jump down. Rins idea is pretty solid; she is counting on Gais lack of knowledge of genjutsu to trap him before Gai even gets close to her for a hit. Hes built up his chakra reserves with several handy and honestly ingenious chakra exercises Orochimaru gave him. Do you want me to stop?, No, Aang. Katara whispered. The villagers sighed and left. But dont worry. Aang leapt down lightly from the saddle, and gently set Katara on her feet. Tsunade-sama knows more about medical seals than anyone else in the world but Im sure I could find out something from my notes for this Rin girl.. The guy that she killed and came back from the dead is nicer to her than her own brother. Im learning a lot from Minato-sensei and Orochimaru-sensei. And its true, he has. So, all in all, Kakashi feels hopeful. He cursed his inexperience. The brat learns quickly, Orochimaru acknowledges grudgingly over the background noise of Minato-sensei whining at Kushina to stop teasing him. Aang happily obliged, shoving his tongue as far up into her body as he could, and wished that it was longer. Kuri has to gain her own soul to save Agehashe has to fall in love. Earth to Kakashi? Kushina says. But, Minato-sensei doesnt seem to think she is scary at all. just the thought of it is humiliating. From Ame? She asks slowly. You can kill Jiraiya later, Uzumaki. I don't have a necklace to give you yet, but I would love to make you one., Katara smiled broadly and embraced him. After all, most snakes were perfectly content not to harm someone, and only bit when they felt threatened. More, Aang! Katara cried out desperately. Ahhtheyll be staying with me in my apartment. Ahhjust the result of what would happen if you tried and failed to apply lightning nature to a Rasengan, Kakashi says nonchalantly. He continued to rock sensuously against her body, taking everything she had to give, but giving her all of him in return. There goes Katara and her frankness again. Three years after losing the war, a bitter and cynical Aang is told by the Avatar spirits that he has to relive his adventures - this time, with Zuko and Azula at his side in a war against the Water Tribes. They found the boy when she was fifteen, and Sokka was seventeen, and her sexual desires had grown stronger as the years passed. What they didn't know until much later, however, was that there was more than one person who survived that that storm. And as ninja, we often have to fight people stronger than us. And Obito will never, even under the threat of death, ever say this out loud but it is kind of disappointing that he wont get to see Kakashi around the village as much. Almost too quickly. You were saying,, Minato-sensei gives him a knowing look and sighs in a way that says I know youre being angsty but Im going to ignore it for now because youre impossible., I was saying Obitos taijutsu could use some work. Ive even brought a witness to mark today in history! a cheerful redheaded woman calls out as she enters the ramen restaurant. Im going to teach you another, stronger sensory genjutsu.. Theyve been getting weird looks from all the villagers too, every time they dare to spend time together in a public place. He vanishes the Chidori. She was certainly the best choice to whip the Earthbenders into shape. If she had a strong reaction before, her reaction now was mind-numbing. Thank you, Kushina. Kakashis replacement on Team Minato should be surprising but somehow not; its Gai, a fact that relieves Kakashi immensely. Thank you., No, Aang. What's the big deal, Sokka? His questing fingers found a small bump of flesh hidden within her folds, but he was shocked when Katara let loose what he could only describe as a scream as his fingers brushed against it. *Jumps on Appa* I'll be back later. It was him. But if Rin did see it and came to his rescue like that. It only took a few moments of Aang giving her pleasure with his mouth before she had her first orgasm, falling over the edge into ecstasy. Jiraiya-sensei starts sweating. And Appa came in for a landing. Obito cant even be angry about that because hes seen Gai train until his calluses bleed. Katara had cooed over the newborn boy for practically hours while Toph and Aang waited in the background. Jiraiya can admit that Sarutobi-sensei probably sees it that way. Merlin ugly-cries because of an accurate picture of Arthur, who comes back very confused. [Being continued for the first time in almost 10 years!] But there's something about developing a high-risk, experimental seal together that bonds people together for life, Kakashi thinks. # 1 Avatar: Awakened Gamer by HolyJoker 651K 26.1K 105 This is the story of a man who transmigrated into the Avatar world as Sokka with a Gamer Interface. Great. Zuko rubs his eyes as a wall of stone falls away to reveal the Avatar's friendthe earthbender. Aang used Earthbending to create two Earth tents, and glanced back at Katara. Katara sighed. She is out of place, on the run, and maybe even out of time. Even if Jiraiya could take Hanzo out, which he still isnt sure he can do, it would inflame the war even further if he did. And the only way to do that is to turn their dysfunctional dynamic into something resembling a team. Water. It isnt enough that Rin has a thing for Kakashi; its obvious Gai adores Kakashi despite all his bluster about rivalry. When Katara called his name, it sent a shock straight to his groin, reminding him about his erection in a most inconvenient way. There are so many things Jiraiya wants to say in response, like Why did you let Sakumo take the blame for the war?, Why didnt you take out Danzo sooner when you knew he was a traitor?, or Why didnt you do something about Root after his death?. Hang on, Katara. Aang said. Thus was the end of Sokka and Suki's travels. I saw my eternal rival just the day before yesterday! Shes got a lot more chakra and is better at sealing than I am. I'm sorry. Aang said. Minato-sensei calls Rin and Gai towards him. And considering the slightly contemptuous look in Orochimarus eye, he cant recognize him either. I hope you will continue to read and enjoy this fic. Where will your students be staying while theyre in Konoha, Jiraiya?. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I I was just Aang couldn't very well say `I'm going to get rid of my erection, and I'd rather not do it around you'. If this woman indeed is family to Nagato, Jiraya-sensei had no business keeping that knowledge to himself. This story is for the characters we love who deserved more: for Toph, for Zutara, for Tyzula, and for Aang, who's spiritual and ethical considerations deserve more attention and validation. And, if Sokka wasn't mistaken, Aang was quickly catching up to him in height, which annoyed Sokka to no ends seeing as he held the title of the tallest for the past few years since he passed up Zuko. (Jiraiya will be dead and buried in the ground before they ever get that hat on him.). And he craved more. Obito has no idea how Minato-sensei manages to smile in a way that can charm forest animals while also being terrifying at the same time. Let's not talk about that day. Kakashi knows it wont be enough for something as chakra intensive as say, Kamui, if he still had it. I had hoped they could be reintegrated into the shinobi forces after Danzos death but its obvious that they have decided to carry on Danzos mission regardless. Within a minute, the entire town was gathered around Kyoshi's statue. That is fine, but how do we know you wont throw us to the wolves like you did Hatake Sakumo? He blushed and untied the strips of cloth from her leg, showing it to her. What?! Kakashi bites his lip and considers it. Kushina is an extremely powerful kunoichi, you know, Minato-sensei continues casually. *Hugs her* Zuko: How you coping? Oh, let me introduce myself. Konoha is bright, Konan thinks. He pulled away from her slightly, and moved back up her body until they were eye-level. She had a big case today and she said she'll come later," Aang said. Upon Aang's decision to create Republic City, he was met with disapproval from Roku. In her heart she felt a strong desire to save them. It has recently come to my understanding that Danzo disguised some of his own Root shinobi as enemy shinobi to precipitate the war. Aang could provide a roof over her head. I think what Obito needs more than anything is for someone to believe in him, sensei, Kakashi says seriously. All this leads me to conclude that theres only person responsible for this.. Were foreign shinobi, you see, he says, pointing to his Ame Hitai-ate. Zuko wants to make the world right after his father's rule and fails along the way. Kakashi nods. 672 guests Aang remembered from his teachings at the Air Temple. This world promises freedom, assassination attempts, and plenty of romance to make a girl sick. Its nice; Kakashi had similar nights in his previous life but he hopes hes allowed to actually keep it this time. Minato-senseis eyes are shining with excitement; he gets that look whenever hes going to be nerdy about something. While she did a pretty good job of hiding her pain, Aang could still tell that she was uncomfortable. Recent developments in the war, or rather revelations about the war have recently come to light. Aang?!? Katara? Despite their long and comfortable relationship, Aang had never seen her this unclothed. Suki and I made a great kid.. 8. while the days slipped by from my window watchin Nope. You're supposed to keep an eye on me in case I get worse or go into shock.. Hey sensei, what is Bakakashi up to anyway? Obito asks curiously. Gai, on the other hand, is beaming the same 1000 watt smile he did when they started running. He noticed the shocked looks that Sokka and the townspeople were sending him. Finally, Sokka glanced at Aang. So, this chapter kind of ran away from me as I was writing it. He felt sorry for the Earth Kingdom soldiers. I'm sorry. Aang whispered, pulling her into a passionate kiss. The Avatar is coming! They squealed. Oh Spirits KATARA! Aang cried out immediately after her. Mai: Come here. The war is still inevitable; that much was set in stone the day Hatake Sakumo abandoned his mission but the sudden decline in skirmishes correlated to only one other thing: Danzos death. aang comes back to life fanfiction aang comes back to life fanfiction. Where the hell are they? Sokka asked, in a bad mood as always. Obito knows what kind of fearsome reputation he has. Still smiling had a strong desire to save them shes got an airbender with! The tiny infant over, and maybe even out of place, the... More chakra and is better at sealing than I am she just felt empty without him )... 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