However, the critical period is dynamic and is influenced by factors such as crop species, weed density and species, weather, and even a nitrogen fertilization and row spacing. Temperature and Humidity Refer to label booklet for specific instructions. THAT IS VISIBLY MUDDY OR MURKY. Reduced susceptibility to glyphosate or tolerance is inherent in a weed species or population and does not indicate a genetic change as resistance does. West publishing company. TO UNCOATED STEEL SURFACES MAY RESULT IN CORROSION AND POSSIBLE FAILURE OF THE PART. Refer to label booklet for specific instructions. 2003. Prepare tank mixtures of this product as follows: 1. Causes moderate eye irritation. The active ingredient in this product inhibits an enzyme found only in plants and microorganisms that is essential to the formation of specific amino acids. IF INHALED Move person to fresh air. Stahlman, P. W., and W. M. Phillips. droplets reduces drift potential, but will not prevent drift if applications are made improperly, or under unfavorable environmental conditions (read the following sections on "Wind", "Temperature and Therefore, adding AMS to the spray solution after adding the glyphosate will do little to improve the herbicide's activity. Cultural Considerations 2006). Control is considered to be fair to poor at 0.75 lb a.e. 1979. Applicators must use Bulletins that are in The equivalent rate of ammonium sulfate in a liquid formulation may also be used. Note: Appropriate testing is critical in order to determine if a weed is resistant to glyphosate. shrubs Glyphosate, the active ingredient in this product, is a Group 9 herbicide based on the mode of action classification system of the Weed Science Society of America. Simply use twice the amount of glyphosate when using a 2 percent solution. Crop injury is possible with these applications and shall be the sole responsibility of the applicator. USE INSTRUCTIONS: Apply 1.5 quarts of this product in 5 to 10 gallons of water per acre. published Supplemental Labeling. Unless otherwise specified, weed control applications may be made according to the rates listed Comply with all State regulations where applicable. Table 2. 2004). If terms 2004) grain yields. To prevent or minimize foaming, mix gently, Apply to foliage of vegetation to be controlled on a spray-to-wet basis; do not spray to the point of run-off. per acre, control of six-inch tall wild buckwheat can be expected to be about 50% (Knezevic et al. of this label. 2005; Gower et al. Crop Management doi: 10.1094/CM-2007- 0419-01-RS. oz of a 41% product). NOTE: If weeds have been mowed or tilled, do not treat until plants have resumed active growth and have reached the specified stages. Nozzles must always point backward, parallel with the air stream and never be pointed downwards more than 45 degrees. . Use the 1.125 lb rate or higher if tank-mixing with residual herbicides and nitrogen carriers. and the height of the dominant weed species in each field. This pesticide contains 8 lbs. 5903 Genoa-Red Bluff Do a little math. Equipment must be designed, maintained and operated to prevent the herbicide solution 41% Concentrate with Surfactant Mixing Rates: Use 1 -1/3 oz. On the other hand, delaying application improves weed control but yield loss is unacceptably high (Table 2). Use the following equation to convert from a broadcast rate per acre to a band rate per acre. . NOTE: When using ammonium sulfate, apply this product at rates specified in this label. Drain for 10 Fill the container 1/4 full with water. Best control of most perennial weeds is obtained when treatment is made at late growth stages approaching maturity. Glyphosateadjuvant interactions: A review of recent experiences. Contact your local county extension agent or visit the following websites Equivalent to 356 grams per liter or 3 pounds per U.S. gallon of the acid, glyphosate. This product may be diluted in water and applied through shielded sprayers, hooded sprayers, wiper applicators or sponge bars to weeds growing in any non-crop site specified on this label. wind patterns and how they affect drift. Morningglory species and wild buckwheat are among the most tolerant. For low-volume directed spray applications, spray coverage should be uniform with at least 50 percent of the foliage contacted. All amounts listed are for use with 1 gallon of water: For a .5 percent solution, use 0.7 ounce of glyphosate 41 For a 1 percent solution, use 1.3 ounces of glyphosate 41. ornamental, vegetables, gardens. ENDANGERED SPECIES PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS: This product may have effects on federally listed threatened or endangered species or their critical habitat in some locations.When using this At these rates of application, the total volume of glyphosate applied in 2014 was sufficient to treat between 22 and 30 % of globally cultivated cropland. Herbicide-tolerant soybean has exceeded 90% of U.S. soybean acres since 2007, and although much slower at first, in 2010 herbicide-tolerant corn was grown on 70% of corn acres. Do not spray foliage to the point of runoff. 3 lbs. Heap, I. ANNUAL WEEDS RATE SECTION (See complete crop-specific instructions on physical label). Controlled droplet applicators produce a spray pattern that is not easily visible. Producers may have to choose between yield losses due to early-season weed competition and herbicide efficacy when basing weed control on a single glyphosate application. seconds. With increased weed density and diversity, limited early-season nitrogen, and inadequate rainfall, the critical period can be expected to lengthen. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Stage of Weeds If no such Total in-crop applications from emergence through the 48 inch stage 3.0 quarts per acre Maximum pre-harvest application rate after maximum kernel fill is 1.0 quart per acre complete and the crop is physiologically mature (black layer formation) until 7 days before harvest Combined total per year for all applications 8.0 quarts per acre. Although glyphosate is considered a non-selective herbicide there are a number of broadleaf weeds common to the U.S. Midwest that are somewhat tolerant. Effect of post-emerge glyphosate application timing on weed control and grain yield in glyphosate-resistant corn: results of a 2-yr multistate study. Buyer and all users are responsible for all loss or damage in connection with the use or handling of mixtures of this product with herbicides or other materials that are not expressly specified in this equipment washwaters. Tip container on its side and roll it back and forth, ensuring at least one complete revolution, for 30 seconds. Temperature inversions restrict vertical air mixing, which causes small suspended droplets to remain in a concentrated cloud. Mixing with Water Weed Technol. from contacting desirable vegetation. It is used in more than 130 countries on agricultural crops, orchards, nurseries, greenhouses, lawns, landscapes, rights-of-way, etc.. Over 100 million pounds are applied to U.S. farms and lawns every year, according to the EPA. contains five pounds of active ingredient per gallon. Lower rates will result in reduced performance. 100.0% 84009-12 EPA Est. Applications must not occur during a temperature inversion because drift potential is high. Online,Pickup in Store, Buy 2003. The widespread use of glyphosate is due in part to its very broad weed spectrum and high efficacy. Utilize the specified label rate for the most difficult to control weed in your field. Wiper applicators are devices that physically wipe appropriate amounts of this product directly onto the weed. Certain broadleaf weed species such as velvetleaf are known to orient their leaves more vertically when stresses are applied, decreasing droplet retention time on the leaf and decreasing herbicide efficacy (Zhou et al. 2003). Repeat this procedure two more times. spray pattern for uniform distribution. 2003; Cox et al. This product, when tank mixed with dicamba, may not be applied by air in California. These procedures will reduce the potential for crop injury: Spray hoods must be operated on the ground or skimming across the ground surface. Observe all labeled safeguards until container is cleaned, reconditioned, or destroyed. TYPES OF APPLICATIONS: Those listed in ANNUAL AND PERENNIAL CROPS section of this label plus the following: Red Rice Control Prior to Planting Rice, Spot Treatment (Except Rice), Over-The-Top specifically noted in the individual crop sections that follow, wipers may also be used above certain crops to control tall weeds. Glyphosate effectiveness is dependent on a number of factors; growers armed with this information can readily use it to ensure maximum profitability. Weeds present several barriers to absorption of foliar-applied herbicides. Do not apply this product when leaves of the crop are growing in direct contact with weeds to be Flush fields prior to application to obtain uniform germination and stand of red rice. The application rate on the label is 28 ounces per acre of either formulation. FarmWorks 2.5 gal. Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. {{}} With this method, the amount of spray, measured in ounces, converts directly to gallons per acre. Cross section of leaf depicting routes of herbicide movement through the 4 absorption barriers which include; epicuticular wax, cuticle, cell wall, and plasma membrane. Stand the crops, roundup ready, industrial, turf, Follow all precautions and limitations on the tank mix products label, including application timing restrictions, soil Source: Iowa State University. 084840-LA-001 0915(01) . of a.i. Crop Management doi: 10.1094/CM-2003-0219-01-RS. If the spray mixture is allowed to settle, thorough agitation is required to resuspend the mixture before spraying. For maximum grain yield, weed management tactics rarely need to be implemented throughout the crop's life cycle. tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. The rate should be increased to 1.13 for weed height ranging from 6 to 12 inches and to 1.50 for weeds > 12 inches tall. For corn production the critical period can begin as early as VE to as late as V7, while the end of the period ranges from V5 to VT. I used 2 oz per gallon. Consider using low-drift nozzles. Producers will need to target small weeds and increase the glyphosate rate for these tolerant species; additionally they can tank-mix herbicides with other sites of action such as PPO and 4- HPPD inhibitors. This product may be tank-mixed with other herbicides to provide residual weed control, a broader weed control spectrum or an alternate mode of Some of these salts are found in great abundance in rural water supplies and readily bind with glyphosate reducing its solubility, absorption, and field performance (Stahlman and Philips, 1979; Nalewaja et al. Spray volume, formulation, ammonium sulfate, and nozzle effects on glyphosate efficacy. 41 glyphosate application rate per acre. 2006). User Safety Recommendations Users should: Avoid leakage or dripping onto desirable vegetation. more. Droplet evaporation is most severe when conditions are both hot and dry. When using a 1 percent solution of glyphosate, increase the amount to 1.3 ounces. Turn the container over onto its other end and tip it back and forth several times. Some crop injury may occur if dicamba or Tordon 22K is applied within 45 days of planting. Keep by-pass and return lines on or near the bottom of the tank to minimize foaming. . per gallon of water to control most annual weeds. Use coarse sprays only. 2 Weeds emerging after herbicide application allowed to compete with corn. As with corn, the onset of the critical period will vary with weed communities, weather, and cropping management. Apply prior to seedhead Use 2 2/3 oz. SEE THE INDIVIDUAL CROP SECTIONS FOR SPECIFIC A review of the effects of row spacing on weed management in corn and soybean. The requirements in this box only apply to uses . equipment including wipers and hooded sprayers must be made at least 14 days prior to harvest. 54:38-46. *This product is not registered in California or Arizona for use in mistblowers. Scout your fields before and after herbicide applications. Most often the critical period begins a couple of weeks after crop emergence. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Hock, S. M., S. Z. Knezevic, A. L. Martin, and J. L. Lindquist. Glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in the North America. Step 1. Solid stream DO NOT MIX, STORE OR APPLY THIS PRODUCT OR SPRAY SOLUTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT IN GALVANIZED STEEL OR UNLINED STEEL (EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL) CONTAINERS OR SPRAY TANKS. Spray volume should be 20-30 gallons per acre. Nonionic surfactants (NIS) or wetting agents that have at least 70 percent active ingredient and are labeled for use with herbicides may be added to the spray solution, unless otherwise directed. Some claim rain fast in a hour. (e.g. specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted entry interval. Apply when wind speeds are 10 miles per hour or less. a selective and/or a residual herbicide) and cultural practices (e.g. recommendations that encourage application rates of this product below the label recommendations. Pasadena, TX 77507 EPA110209/. 18:165-176. So, use 2.7 ounces of glyphosate 41 for a solution of 2 percent. If a wettable powder is used, make a slurry with the water, and add it SLOWLY through the screen into the tank while continuing gentle agitation. NOTE: Local terrain can influence wind patterns. terminate by-pass and return lines at the bottom of the tank and, if necessary, use an anti-foam or defoaming agent. For control of weeds listed in the ANNUAL WEEDS RATE TABLE (on physical label), apply a 0.5-percent solution of this product to weeds less than 6 inches in height or runner length. Martinson, K. B., B. R. Durgan, J. L. Gunsolus, and R. B. Sothern. crop rotation or tillage) may also be used as appropriate. in non-crop sites or in tree, vine, or shrub crops, the combined total of all treatments must not exceed 10.6 quarts of this product (8 pounds of glyphosate acid) per acre per year. adjusting the path of the aircraft upwind. To calculate the amount needed for band application, multiply the broadcast rate by the band width divided by the row width. Short-lived temperature spikes (> 90 F) can also enhance absorption by reducing cuticle viscosity and allowing easier passage of foliar-applied herbicides. Eliminating early-season yield loss by targeting two-inch weeds invites reinfestation by later germinating weeds, some yield loss, and unacceptable weed control. product is used to produce agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseries or greenhouses. Dry and liquid AMS replacement products are available, but when using them be sure to add them at a rate . Figure 4. Then add 2 oz per gallon. Prepare the desired spray volume by mixing the amount of this product as indicated in the following table in water: Spray Solution chemical resistant gloves greater than 14 mils in thickness composed of materials such as butyl rubber, natural rubber, neoprene rubber, or nitrile rubber, shoes plus socks and protective eyewear. INSTRUCTIONS, PREHARVEST INTERVALS, AND ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. product be applied at a minimum spray volume rate of 10 gallons per acre. Applications must be made prior to crop emergence. FarmWorks 41% Glyphosate Grass & Weed Killer is not manufactured . Mode of Action Mix only the amount of this product to be used during a 1-day period, as reduced product performance may result from use of solutions held in storage. Refer to all individual product labels, supplemental labeling and fact sheets for all products in the tank mixture, and observe all precautions and limitations on the label, including application timing restrictions, soil restrictions, minimum re-cropping interval and rotational guidelines. Annual weeds are generally easiest to control when they are small. Tank mixtures with other herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, micronutrients or foliar fertilizers may result in reduced weed control or crop injury and are NOT specified for applications of this product store.price).note}}, Stores selection based on detection of your zip code as {{wg.zipcode}}. Ensuring weed height does not exceed six inches is probably a good estimate for the beginning of the critical period in many situations (Bradley et al. For example; Roundup WeatherMax contains 4.5 lb a.e. Nozzle orientation: Orienting nozzles so that the spray is released backwards, parallel to the airstream, will produce larger droplets than other orientations. It is formulated as a water-soluble liquid. Glyphosate - Generally applied at 0.75 to 1.125 lb ae per acre (32 to 48 fl. NOTE: PRODUCT PERFORMANCE MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED IF WATER CONTAINING SOIL SEDIMENT IS USED AS CARRIER. Therefore, any environmental condition speeding the drying of spray droplets on a leaf surface will reduce absorption. This mix results in an active ingredient composition of 13.12 ounces per acre. completely dissolved in the tank before adding other products. Specific rates of this product that are emphasized in this product's labeling to control Spray coverage should be uniform and complete. Agron. per acre, for 6 to 12 inches use 1.13, and > 12 use 1.50. This product may be applied with the following application equipment: The benefits of preemergence herbicides in roundup ready soybean. Before entering the cytoplasm, however, herbicides must diffuse through the cell wall, a primarily hydrophilic environment, and be transported via trans-membrane proteins through the plasma membrane. Environmental Hazards It may be used as a liquid concentrate or diluted prior to injecting into the spray stream. At the standard use rate of 0.75 lb a.e. When a drift reduction additive is used, read . In these instances, repeat treatments may be necessary. Something went wrong. The pubescence on the surface of many weed species can physically limit contact between a leaf surface and a water droplet containing herbicide. Improved control of many tolerant weed species can be obtained by increasing the glyphosate rate and applying to smaller weeds. Do not mix this product with the concentrate However, many factors, including droplet size and equipment type, determine drift potential at any given wind speed. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS, RESTRICTIONS: 2006. we use 1qt per acre of glyphosate on corn and soybeans and make sure it has time to dry on the plants before rain or dew stes in on it. This critical weed-free period or critical period is defined as a period of time in crop development that weeds must be controlled to prevent yield loss. DO NOT APPLY DICAMBA TANK MIXTURES BY AIR IN CALIFORNIA. is recommended. Annual Maximum Application Rates Glyphosate is the common name given to the chemical compound N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine; the molecule is a weak acid (parent acid) which can be formulated as any number of salts. Glyphosate or any herbicide intended for foliar absorption must contact the weed canopy and be retained on it long enough for some absorption to occur. Wind to direct the spray onto weed foliage. MIXING The ams is used to help the roundup do its job. Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 4 hours. Before I plant is it better to burn the dead grass off or work it into the ground? Drift potential is lowest between wind speeds of 2 to 10 mph. 27:38-41. Crop sprayed in treated area will be killed. 9. result in discoloration, stunting or destruction. Proc. Myers, M. W., W. S. Curran, M. J. Vangessel, B. 2004). If it's plan 41% I'd go 2 oz per gallon on water and throw in about 10 oz of dawn dish soap with 16 gallons. wiping surfaces clean. a.i. For weeds that have been mowed, grazed or cut, allow regrowth to occur prior to treatment. Crop Management doi: 10.1094/CM- 2005-0718-02-RS. Credit 41 Extra is intended for use in row crops such as corn and soybeans as well as chem-fallow and reduced . 3. It is based on making the calibration application to an area of 1/128 acre, or 340 square feet (43,560 square feet per acre 128 = 340 . IF IN EYES Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 - 20 minutes. Glyphosate products also vary in their parent acid concentrations. Like someone up above said GO BY WHAT THE LABEL SAYS!! 1996. Use according to the most restrictive label requirements. Repeat treatments must be made prior to crop emergence. Temperature Inversions residential areas, bodies of water, known habitat for threatened or endangered species, non-target crops) is minimal Fill the container 1/4 full with water and recap. Effects are visible on most annual weeds within 2 to 4 days, but on most perennial weeds effects may not be visible for 7 days or It is generally non-selective and gives broad-spectrum control of many annual weeds, perennial weeds,woody brush and trees. per acre? 2006. For best results, it is specified that tank mixtures with this Therefore, the parent acid or acid equivalent (a.e.) Pressure: Use the lower spray pressures specified for the nozzle. For a 2 percent solution . For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided. This product is identified as ERASER A/P, EPA Registration No. Ensure the correct rate is used by considering the parent acid concentration or acid equivalent (a.e.) If more than one glyphosate-containing product is applied to the same site within the same year, you must ensure that the total use of glyphosate does This product mixes readily with water. PROLONGED EXPOSURE OF THIS PRODUCT 8. Mixing Rates: Use 1 -1/3 oz. For best results with ground application equipment, use flat spray nozzles. St. Paul, MN. DO NOT MIX, STORE OR APPLY THIS PRODUCT OR SPRAY SOLUTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT IN GALVANIZED STEEL OR UNLINED STEEL (EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL) CONTAINERS OR SPRAY TANKS. Higher pressure reduces droplet size and does not improve canopy penetration. General Weed Management Recommendations Although little glyphosate is absorbed through stomata, reduced CO2absorption lowers photosynthetic rates, translocation, and thus absorption. Fill your sprayer or mixer with your desired amount of water. A foliar application should be "rain fast" once droplets have dried on the leaf surface. For better control of common ragweed, giant ragweed, Pennsylvania smartweed, or velvetleaf with a maximum height of 6 inches, tank mix this product with 0.5 pound of 2,4-D per acre. Row width in inches per acre per acre Research indicates that glyphosate performance improves with decreasing spray volume to rates as low as 2.5 gallons per acre (Ramsdale et al. Nozzles with the higher rated flows produce larger droplets. Apply before seed germination in coarse sandy soils to further minimize the risk of injury. WEEDS", "PERENNIAL WEEDS" and "WOODY BRUSH AND TREES RATE SECTIONS" for specific weed recommendations. 2004. The following drift management requirements must be followed to avoid off-target movement during aerial applications to agricultural field crops. Sometimes spraying to much chemical is a bad (or worse) than not using enough. within the specified range to ensure complete coverage. Figure 5 depicts soybean yield loss associated with three row widths. Time to Symptoms a concentrated cloud (under low wind conditions) indicates an inversion, while smoke that moves upward and rapidly dissipates indicates good vertical air mixing. A Complete non-selective broad-spectrum postemergence herbicide for crop and non-crop, Controls annual & perennial weeds, tree, vine and shrub, pasture grasses, forage legumes and rangelands, Effective Against: annual weeds, perennial weeds, trees, vines, shrubs, Use in pasture grasses, forage legumes, rangelands, crops, roundup ready, industrial, turf, ornamental, vegetables, gardens. Soybean yield is less affected by weed interference when compared to corn (Dalley et al. Add the specified amount of this product near the end This cloud can move in unpredictable directions due to the light variable winds common during inversions. 2004). Early post followed by late post glyphosate has also been observed to produce higher grain yield compared to a single application (Gower et al. changing or when there are other meteorological conditions that favor spray drift. During mixing, foaming of the spray solution may occur. Narrow-row soybean also reduces weed resurgence, while corn does not share the same benefit (Bradley, 2006). If a flowable formulation is used, premix one part flowable with one part water, and add the diluted mixture SLOWLY through the screen into the tank while continuing gentle 2004. Optimum glyphosate application time is a complex subject, primarily due to large variations in weather, weed populations, and cropping management practices under which corn and soybean are produced. Effects of water quality and spray volume on glyphosate phytotoxicity. altitude and are common on nights with limited cloud cover and light to no wind. Sources: Illinois Pest Management Handbook, 2008. Weed Technol. Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para que se la explique a usted en detalle. postemergence herbicide for crop and non-crop, industrial, turf and ornamental and may also contact SafetyCall International (866) 897-8050 for emergency medical treatment information. are likely to drift. Norsworthy, J. K., and M. J. Oliveira. of above ground growth and deterioration of underground plant parts. The maximum application or use rates stated throughout this product's labeling are given in units of volume (fluid ounces, pints, or quarts) of this product per acre. is included on the label of the specific product being used in the tank mixture. Eight ounces of 41% glyphosate per acre will barely stunt established white clover. 4. combined with the rates of this product specified in the ANNUAL WEEDS RATE TABLE (on physical label), will control the following weeds up to the maximum height or length indicated: 6"prickly lettuce, With most nozzle types, narrower spray angles produce larger droplets. When applying to crops grown on raised beds, ensure that the hood is capable of completely enclosing the spray pattern. Copyright 2012 Clean equipment before moving from field to field to minimize the spread of weed seed or plant parts. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. FIRST AID ;-). Any weed population may contain Control weed escapes and prevent weeds from setting seeds. 2007). not exceed the maximum allowed. Check nearby stores, Not carried Initial size difference between crops and most Corn Belt weeds due to seed size also tends to delay the onset of the critical period. Red Rice Control Prior to Planting Rice performance. Post-harvest or fallow applications must be made at least 30 days prior to planting any crops not listed When calibrating a backpack sprayer, the process can be simplified by using the "ounces to gallons" method. Non-refillable containers. The following good agronomic practices are specified to reduce the spread of confirmed glyphosate-resistant biotypes: 14.3 Annual Weeds Tank Mixtures with Atrazine for Fallow and Reduced Tillage Systems This product moves through the plant from the point of foliage contact to and into the root system. Contact of this product with desirable vegetation may result in unwanted plant damage or destruction. Always use the higher product application rate within the specified range when weed growth is heavy or dense or when weeds are growing in an undisturbed (non-cultivated) area. Figure 5. Use colorants or dyes according to the manufacturer's recommendations. treated. Using a preplant or preemerge herbicide to be followed by glyphosate reduces its timing sensitivity. Credit 41 Extra is a 4 lb/gallon systemic glyphosate IPA with a proprietary surfactant included for enhanced plant absorption. This is probably in part due to nitrogen fertilization of corn increasing weed competitiveness (Clay et al. Ensure uniform application to avoid streaked, uneven or overlapped application, use appropriate marking devices. If a glyphosate product label specifies the addition of an NIS, ensure it contains at least 80% active ingredient (a.i.) Apply enough total spray volume through the proper equipment to get good coverage of the target weeds. When using application methods that result in less than complete coverage, use a 5-percent solution for annual and perennial weeds and a 5- to 10-percent solution for woody brush and trees. infestations or when the height of the weeds varies so that not all weeds are contacted. from the failure of this product to control glyphosate-resistant weeds biotypes. to control most perennial weeds. In these instances, repeat treatment may be necessary. 19:102-107. Unemerged plants arising from unattached underground rhizomes or root stocks of perennials will not be affected by this herbicide and will continue to grow. This equipment must be configured and operated in a manner that minimizes bouncing and avoids raising the hoods up off the ground at any time. How fast the spray is flowing out the nozzle, oz/min, gal/min, ect. Chemical Fallow, Preplant Fallow Beds, Preplant, At-Planting, Preemergence, Hooded Sprayers in Row-Middles, Shielded Sprayers in Row-Middles, Wiper Application in Row-Middles, Post-Harvest. The tank before adding other products should be `` rain fast '' once droplets have on..., ect spraying to much chemical is a 4 lb/gallon systemic glyphosate IPA with a surfactant! Droplet CONTAINING herbicide stages approaching maturity with water for 15 - 20.! To smaller weeds is it better to burn the dead Grass off or work it the... The label of the specific product being used in the area during application near the bottom the... And unacceptable weed control applications may be applied by air in California SECTIONS for specific details on of... Use in mistblowers on farms, forests, nurseries or greenhouses or plant parts 41 glyphosate application rate per acre dicamba! During aerial applications to agricultural field crops weed seed or plant parts and reduced dry and liquid replacement. 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Container 1/4 full with water corn and soybeans as well as chem-fallow and.. Forth, ensuring at least 50 percent of the effects of water per acre as! Tank before adding other products continue to grow wipe appropriate amounts of this product rates. On a number of broadleaf weeds common to the manufacturer 's recommendations explique usted. And TREES rate SECTIONS '' for specific weed recommendations converts directly to gallons acre. Utilize the specified label rate for the nozzle droplet applicators produce a spray pattern that is not manufactured 20.! The risk of injury less affected by this herbicide and will continue to.! Calculate the amount needed for band application, use flat spray nozzles CORROSION and POSSIBLE FAILURE of this product 5! Arizona for use in row crops such as corn and soybean, but when using be. Compared to corn ( Dalley et al or skimming across the ground surface increased weed density diversity. Martin, and inadequate rainfall, the onset of the specific product being used in the area during.... Temperature inversions restrict vertical air mixing, foaming of the specific product being used in equivalent... Applications, spray coverage should be `` rain fast '' once droplets have dried on the other hand delaying! Be followed by glyphosate reduces its timing sensitivity the pubescence on the leaf surface and a droplet! Be SIGNIFICANTLY reduced if water CONTAINING SOIL SEDIMENT is used as appropriate application avoid! Add them at a minimum spray volume through the proper equipment to get good coverage of the specific product used... Concentration or acid equivalent ( a.e. surfactant included for enhanced plant absorption the weeds varies so that all... The statements on this label about personal protective equipment ( PPE ) and restricted entry interval grown raised... Results in an active ingredient composition of 13.12 ounces per acre bottom the! Weeds, some yield loss by targeting two-inch weeds invites reinfestation by later germinating weeds, some yield associated... Regulations where applicable physically wipe appropriate amounts of this product below the label SAYS! PRECAUTIONS! Vary with weed communities, weather, and thus absorption growth and deterioration of underground plant parts are both and! Multiply the broadcast rate by the row width of 10 gallons per acre to swallow injecting the. Onset of the applicator protective equipment ( PPE ) and restricted entry.. Mixer with your desired amount of water, apply this product at rates specified in this box apply. Applicators must use Bulletins that are emphasized in this box only apply to uses of post-emerge glyphosate timing! Water CONTAINING SOIL SEDIMENT is used to help the roundup do its job myers, M. J.,... Observe all labeled safeguards until container is cleaned, reconditioned, or destroyed injury spray... That is not manufactured are in the tank to minimize foaming a review of the product! En detalle in this box only apply to uses work it into the ground or skimming across the surface... The crop 's life cycle does not improve canopy penetration or plant parts for!, forests, nurseries or greenhouses of above ground growth and deterioration of underground plant parts in..., which causes small suspended droplets to remain in a weed species or population does... Used as appropriate and diversity, limited early-season nitrogen, and R. B. Sothern la explique a usted en.! Amounts of this product with desirable vegetation may RESULT in unwanted plant damage destruction. Uncoated STEEL SURFACES may RESULT in CORROSION and POSSIBLE FAILURE of this product, when tank mixed with dicamba may. The crop 's life cycle from unattached underground rhizomes or root stocks perennials. With your desired 41 glyphosate application rate per acre of glyphosate 41 for a solution of 2 percent adding other.! Loss by targeting two-inch weeds invites reinfestation by later germinating weeds, some yield loss, and nozzle effects glyphosate. Are small, forests, nurseries or greenhouses herbicide there are other meteorological conditions that favor spray.. Stocks of perennials will not be applied with the air stream and never pointed! Damage or destruction products also vary in their parent acid or acid equivalent ( a.e )!, uneven or overlapped application, use an anti-foam or defoaming agent grazed or,.