It is suggested that cold roof design be used for roofs over heated interior spaces to avoid ice damage to the roofs and eaves. Whenever any Director has been absent from any special meeting of the Board of Directors, an entry in the minutes to the effect that notice has been duly given shall be conclusive and incontrovertible evidence that due notice of such meeting was given to such Director, as required by law and as provided herein. (a) All Owners are obligated to pay, in accordance with the provisions of the Master Declaration, all Assessments imposed by the Corporation to meet all expenses of the Corporation, which may include, without limitation, a liability insurance policy premium and an insurance premium for a policy to cover repair and reconstruction work in case of fire, earthquake or other hazard, as more fully provided in Section 4.3 of these Bylaws. Clerestories should be placed within the field of the roof and should not extend to the eave line. This variation in site topography provides a variety of design opportunities which include: Lower level entry with garage access and walk out on upper level. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held monthly without notice, at such place and hour as may be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board. The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given, notices of meetings of the Corporation and of the Board of Directors required by these Bylaws or by law to be given. Such Regular Assessments, Special Assessments and Limited Assessments shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of the Master Declaration. Meetings shall be conducted by the officers of the Corporation in order of their priority. Section 10.5 Advancing Expenses. Amendment to the Rules and Regulations of Mountain Springs Ranch Property Owners Association - January 2012 POLICIES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution of the Board of Directors April 23, 2018 Violations Operational Guidelines and Fine Policy - Rev. Section 11.3 Inspection of Bylaws, Books and Records. They are also sometimes referred to as the association's governing documents. Vehicles (including snowmobiles, motorcycles, bikes, golf carts, autos, trucks, boats, etc.) Paved surfaces should only be used where an unpaved surface is functionally unsuitable. See the City codes, Titles 3 and 9, and the City Design Guidelines. Resolution, Rates of Assessment of Transfer/Set-up Fees. Section 2.3 Proxies. Sales Office. The Secretary shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the minutes of all meetings of the Corporation at the principal office of the Corporation or such other place as the Board of Directors may order. Find HOA Information. Upper walls may be surfaced in the following materials: stone or stucco concrete or stone tiles wood shingles, wood siding or logs cedar or redwood plywood painted or stained hardboard or other composite lap siding. Section 4.10 Special Meetings. Section 5.9 Treasurer. Vernon Ave., left on Golden Harvest Dr. and left on Citron Cir. The funds collected by the Board of Directors from the Owners, attributable for replacement reserves, for maintenance recurring less frequently than annually, and for capital improvements, shall at all times be held in trust for the Owners and shall not be commingled with other Assessments collected from the Owners. Appendix B: Common Flora is provided to assist in planning for landscaping each property after development; it is suggested that native plants are used, but some non-native plants have been shown to thrive in McCall. Major Goals: Compatibility of building location with key site features; Preservation of the existing character of the building site; Visual and physical adaptation of the building to its site; Respect existing structures, view corridors, and solar orientation; The design and development of each home and home site must take into account the key features which exist on and near the site. Sensitivity to, and respect for, the natural beauty and constraints of Spring Mountain Ranch will help maintain this asset for the entire community. This is the area which will promote greater erosion and require more extensive revegetation. Windows Addendum Form. Except as provided in Section 10.3, any indemnification under this Article shall be made by the Corporation only if authorized in the specific case, upon a determination that indemnification of the agent is proper in the circumstances because the agent has met the applicable standard of conduct set forth in Section 10.2, as determined by: (a) A majority vote of a quorum consisting of directors who are not parties to such proceeding; or, (b) Approval or ratification by the affirmative vote of a majority of Members entitled to vote represented at a duly held meeting of the Corporation at which a quorum is present or by the written consent of a majority of Members entitled to vote. Such expenditures shall include all court costs and reasonable attorneys fees and costs incurred in enforcing any provision of these Bylaws or the Master Declaration. INC. The Corporation will provide an audited statement for the preceding fiscal year if the holder, insurer or guarantor of any first mortgage that is secured by a Building Lot submits a written request for it. The nominating committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors prior to each annual meeting of the Members, to serve from the close of such annual meeting until the close of the next annual meeting, and such appointment shall be announced at each annual meeting. Gym/Exercise Room; Clubhouse; Pool; Security; Tennis Court(s) Golf; Any hoa information provided is subject to change by Spring Mountain Ranch hoa and/or management company. Negative drainage impacts on neighboring sites must be minimized and fully mitigated. The sum of both side yard setbacks shall equal a minimum of 30% of the lot width. Section 10.4 Determination of Standard of Conduct. Also, Brias Homeowners Association, Canyon Crest Community Association . The design guidelines for Spring Mountain Ranch are based upon a simple premise; that the natural qualities of the site should dictate each home location, and that each structure should be a simple design statement compatible with the site and the overall character of McCall. Homeowners Forms. Association Documents. Fall away lot with walk out at lower level. The mere acquisition or rental of any of the Building Lots of the Property or the mere act of occupancy of any of the Building Lots will signify that these Bylaws are accepted, ratified, and will be complied with. In the broadest sense, the guidelines are meant to ensure that the spirit or feel of Spring Mountain Ranch isnt undermined by arbitrary, unthoughtful design. All outdoor structures should be devoid of gimmickry and excessive ornamentation. Every effort should be made to minimize grading and excavation, and to contain construction within fixed limits (this includes auto / truck parking, construction access, and material storage). No notice shall be necessary to the newly elected Directors in order legally to constitute such meeting, provided a majority of the whole Board of Directors shall be present. Cumulative voting is not permitted. Walls and fences have only two acceptable uses at Spring Mountain Ranch as retaining walls; and as privacy screens. Metal The maximum coverage for home sites is as follows: Home sites less than 12,000 square feet 25%, 12,001 s.f. HOA Fee Includes. Extent and Limitations of Indemnifications. Find Your HOA. When you purchase a property in an HOA community you sign documents declaring that you will abide by the HOA rules and regulations and that you will pay the monthly HOA fees. As further provided in the Master Declaration, all plans for alterations and repair of improvements on the Property must receive the prior written consent of the Architectural Committee. Section 5.1 Designation. All such waivers, consents and approvals shall be filed with the records of the Corporation or made a part of the minutes of the meeting. SPRING MOUNTAIN RANCH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. Vacancies in the Board of Directors caused by any reason other than the removal of a Director by a vote of the Members shall be filled by vote of the majority of the remaining Directors, even though they may constitute less than a quorum, and each person so elected shall be a Director until a successor is elected at the next annual meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose. The Vice President shall take the place of the President and perform such duties whenever the President shall be absent, disabled or unable to act. Except as otherwise provided in the Master Declaration, the Assessments shall be made equally per Building Lot for all Members of the Corporation obligated to pay such Assessment. From I-215 North, exit Columbia Ave. heading east. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that: 1. All formal grasses or lawns shall generally be a minimum of ten (10) feet from a property line. If you need to get in touch with the HOA, board members or property manager please click on the "View HOA Details" link below. to 30,000 square feet 20% Home sites over 30,000 square feet 15%, Lot B, Block X Site Dimensions Site Size 14,812.5 square feet. The predominant goal of Spring Mountain Ranch is to maintain, enhance, and preserve the existing natural beauty of the area and the site integrity of the individual homesites, while allowing diversity in the home and landscape designs. Appendix A: Design Review Application and Check List is provided to assist each owner in preparing the submittal to the Architectural Committee. Landscaping often includes outdoor structures (decks, patios, trellises, gazebos, pergolas, greenhouses, play equipment basketball standards, equipment enclosures). View Community Location. Section 5.8 Secretary. Monthly Board Meeting Minutes. However, on December 31, 2020, the sales of both medical and recreational marijuana have been made legal throughout America. Unfinished, exposed metal masonry block chimneys shall not be permitted unless an overall pleasing architectural style. Wherever possible, houses should be sited within the trees, or just off the tree line to maintain the existing tree edge. Any Director whose removal has been proposed by the Members shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the meeting. Share ideas and information, review your account balance, make payments, get news and announcements, access an online resource center for important association documents and forms, utilize the . The books, records and papers of the Association shall at all times, during reasonable business hours, be subject to inspection by any member. Common Area owned or managed by the Corporation. Zoning Rules: Most cities or other local jurisdictions have laws that set out the way you can use your home. Shed roofs should not be the predominant shape. to sales center. The Corporation shall keep and maintain in the Corporations office for the transaction of business a book containing the name and address of each Member. If no address has been furnished the Secretary, notice shall be deemed to have been given to a Member if posted in a conspicuous place on the Property. Section 4.6 Vacancies. Appendix C Helpful Hints is provided to help you and your designers with key areas of concern which should be considered in order to avoid specific site and construction problems due to the winter climate in McCall, Idaho. The President shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, have general supervision, direction and control of the business of the Corporation. Any metal flue must have a chimney shroud top is preferred, and a side vent for the flue (with a arrester) is recommended. An annual operating statement reflecting income and expenses of the Corporation, shall be distributed to each Member within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscal year, and to first mortgagees who have in writing requested notice of Corporation proceedings. Each Director shall hold office until a successor has been elected or until death, resignation, removal or judicial adjudication of mental incompetence.. Any person serving as a Director may be re-elected, and there shall be no limitation on the number of terms during which a Director may serve. Architectural Request Form. Spring Mountain Ranch HOA is a community located in Centennial, NV (Clark County). Attendance by a Director at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be waiver of notice by that Director of the time and place thereof. The name of the corporation is SPRING MOUNTAIN RANCH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC (the Corporation). Riverside, CA 92507. Home site coverage maximums shall be based upon the following calculations: The maximum coverage for home sites is as follows: Home sites less than 12,000 square feet 25%. All paved surfaces should have a scale and character that is suitable to Spring Mountain Ranch. Freestanding elements should be avoided unless there is a compelling reason for such. At such second meeting, the presence of Members holding at least ten percent (10%) of the total votes of all Members shall constitute a quorum. If any or all of the Directors are so removed, new Directors may be elected at the same meeting. Additionally, the use of ice and water shield is recommended for the entire roof as an unde layer instead of paper. Fifteen feet (15) minimum each side in width. CCR's. Bylaws. All trees over 6 in diameter outside the area of disturbance shall also be marked. Make sure there [Read more.] Often you will find a homeowners association in a planned development such as a leased land property, gated communities, condominiums and condo/townhome communities. At any such adjourned meeting, any business which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called may be transacted without further notice. Homeowners. Note: Distribution of additional side yard requirements should be based upon careful review of each home site and neighboring home sites or structures. All present and future Owners and their tenants, future tenants, employees, and any other person that might use the facilities owned and/or managed by the Corporation in any manner, are subject to the regulations set forth in these Bylaws, and in the Master Declaration. Section 3.9 Consent of Absentees. The Corporation may purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any agent of the Corporation against any liability asserted against or incurred by the agent in such capacity or arising out of the agents status as such, whether or not the Corporation would have the power to indemnify the agent against such liability under the provisions of this Article. Votes may be cast in person or by proxy. Front yard setback is twenty feet (20) minimum with a ten foot (10) variance allowed for side entry garages. All roof flashing and appurtenances shall be of a painted or coated color harmonious with the roof and upper wall surfacing. Owners in Spring Mountain Meadows pay HOA fees of $400/year to Spring Mountain Ranch (billed July 1) and $300/year to Spring Mountain Meadows (billed August 1). Species which are native to the Spring Mountain environment are found in Appendix B. Roofs with greater or lesser slope may be considered if they are part of an overall pleasing architectural design. The Vice President shall also perform such other duties as shall from time to time be imposed by the Board of Directors or these Bylaws. For purposes of determining the required quorum of any meeting of the Corporation called to approve or ratify indemnification of an agent and the vote or written consent required therefore, an agent who is a Member to be indemnified shall not be entitled to vote thereon; or, (c) The court in which such proceeding is or was pending, upon application made by the Corporation or the agent or the attorney or other persons rendering services in connection with the defense, whether or not such application by the agent, attorney or other person is opposed by the Corporation; or. In addition to the McCall zoning ordinance, Title 3, the following minimum side yard setbacks are required: Front yard setback is twenty feet (20) minimum with a ten foot (10) variance allowed for side entry garages. Surface systems (swales, culverts, retention basins) are preferable to closed underground systems. ft. The suggestions contained herein are the result of considerable research and experience, but the basic intent is to leave as much design freedom as possible for each home builder. Careful attention to and submittal of the check list found in Appendix A will aid in the smooth processing of each application. Rear yard setback is twenty five feet (25) minimum and generally thirty five (35) minimum from any wetland areas adjacent to home site. Windows may be constructed of vinyl, wood, or wood covered with color-fast vinyl or aluminum. Design Review Application. This Article shall create a right of indemnification for each agent referred to in this Article, whether or not the proceeding to which the indemnification relates arose in whole or in part prior to adoption of this Article; and in the event of the death of such agent, whether before or after initiation of such proceeding, such right shall extend to such agents legal representatives. Section 4.15 Committees. Where wetlands encroach into home site, as defined on the SMR constraints maps, a minimum setback of fifteen feet (15) shall be maintained as a riparian zone. Mountain Springs Ranch POA is managed by Diamond Association Management and Consulting (DAMC) of San Antonio . If a meeting is adjourned for more than thirty (30) days, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of an original meeting. Whenever possible, this surface drainage pattern should be preserved. Before purchasing in an HOA community you will want to research their rules and deed restrictions, reserve funds, budget, bylaws, and documents of the association. If any meeting cannot be held because a quorum is not present, the Members present may adjourn the meeting to a time not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days from the time the original meeting was scheduled, without notice other than announcement at the meeting. This spirit or feel is critical to the overall, long- term quality and value of the Spring Mountain Ranch Community. Download the PDF document with full renderings. These natural areas is the most sensitive of the areas, and wherever possible and practical border all roadways, property lines, wetlands, waterways, paths, open amenities, and other common areas. The use of turf is permissible; however it should be used in a limited fashion, with any excessive use requiring review by the Architectural Committee. To reserve the Ranch House please click on the Availability Calendar to view dates that have been booked. Contact your local government to find out what standards apply to your listing. No indemnification or advance shall be made under this Article, except as provided in Section 10.3 or paragraph (c) of Section 10.4, in any circumstance where it appears: (a) That it would be inconsistent with a provision of the Articles of Incorporation, these Bylaws, a resolution of the Board of Directors or Members or an agreement in effect at the time of the accrual of the alleged cause of action asserted in the proceeding in which the expenses were incurred or other amounts were paid, which prohibits or otherwise limits indemnification; or. Section 3.1 Responsibilities The Corporation shall have the responsibility of administering the Common Area owned and/or managed by the Corporation, if any, approving the annual budget, establishing and collecting all assessments, if any, and may arrange for the management of the same pursuant to an agreement, containing provisions relating to the duties, obligations, removal and compensation of the Manager, as defined below. Spring Mountain Ranch should have the least possible impact on the water resource. One person may hold two or more offices, except those offices of President and Secretary. In the event that an annual meeting is not held, or the Directors are not elected thereat, the Directors may be elected at any special meeting held for that purpose. The Board of Directors, by resolution, may from time to time designate such committees as the Board of Directors shall desire, and may establish the purposes and powers of each such committee created. Section 5.2 Election of Officers. ft. To preserve the existing land forms and site vegetation, grading plans for the construction of the house must be sensitive to the natural features of the site. Expenses incurred in defending any proceeding may be advanced by the Corporation prior to the final disposition of such proceeding upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the agent to repay such amount, if it shall be determined ultimately that the agent is not entitled to be indemnified as authorized in this Article. They do not substitute for a building code, but recommendations for good design. Section 5.6 President. In the event that an annual meeting is not held, or the Directors are not elected thereat, the Directors may be elected at any special meeting held for that purpose. If the day for the annual meeting of the Members is a legal holiday, the meeting will be held at the same hour on the first day following which is not a legal holiday. (b) All delinquent Assessments shall be enforced, collected or foreclosed in the manner provided in the Master Declaration. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President, or, if the President is absent or refuses to act, by the Vice President, or by any two (2) Directors. The first annual meeting of the Members shall be held within one (1) year from the date of incorporation of the Association, and each subsequent regular annual meeting of the Members shall be held on the same day of the same month of each year thereafter. Section 10.1 Certain Definitions. As careful selection of these materials may help to relate the buildings to their surroundings, the wrong color or texture may make the building garish or distracting. Section 3.8 Action Without Meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the deposit of all monies and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Corporation in such depositories as may from time to time be designated by the Board of Directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my hand and attest the act of the Corporation effective the 13th day of September, 1993. I am the duly elected and acting Secretary of SPRING MOUNTAIN RANCH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., Spring Mountain Ranch has visually surveyed the property and prepared a map for each home site. For such, wood, or wood covered with color-fast vinyl or aluminum 2020, the use of ice water... Extensive revegetation color-fast vinyl or aluminum of San Antonio Citron Cir referred to as the Association & x27. Covered with color-fast vinyl or aluminum negative drainage impacts on neighboring sites must be minimized and fully.! 15 ) minimum with a ten foot ( 10 ) variance allowed for side entry.... For good design devoid of gimmickry and excessive ornamentation constructed of vinyl, wood, wood... ( 15 ) minimum each side in width drainage impacts on neighboring sites must be minimized and fully mitigated Association... 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