did vikings have dreadlocks

For example, warriors of the Fula and Wolof people of West Africa and the Maasai and Kikuyu tribes of Kenya, are all known for locked hair. Roddy also has dreadlocks that have become his trademark. I started my page to provide a space for people of colour to celebrate who we were prior to colonisation and the cultural brainwashing that established euro-centric beauty as the standard. A priest removed from his position of power and authority gets his dreadlocks cut off in front of a crowd . I have looked into this latter statement and can find no evidence to suggest that this is true. Another idea says that the locks were part of pagan sacrificial rites, symbolizing fertility and strength. For devotees, Shivas hair is of such importance that the sacred river Ganges is believed to flow from his matted locks. [18], References:[1] Source[2] Ibid. They mentioned that some Vikings had long, rope-like hair. Mummified remains of ancient Egyptians with dreadlocks have even been found in archaeological sites, making ancient Egypt the first place where the hairstyle is known to have first appeared on artifacts. Traditionally, some wear the dreadlocks loose, while others wrap the dreadlocks around their heads, or bind them at the back of the head. Unfortunately, not only is this simply untrue, it is also dangerous. The Rastafarians. Cuthbert was a real monk who did live on Lindisfarne for a time, but he died of old age in 687, long before any Vikings mounted an attack on Holy Island. [4] (Also see What Hairstyles Did Vikings Have?). Recovered carvings from the Viking age also reveal that Norse women wore ponytails in addition to the coiled bun. FIghting and honor was a way of life for the Vikings and anything that impeded that would have been tossed aside. We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. Some Vikings even shaved their heads completely, though this practice was far less common than wearing their hair long. Vikings did not create or keep written records, so the question of whether or not Vikings had dreadlocks cannot be answered using original sources from people within that culture. Another reason to believe that beards were considered normal is the fact that they are mentioned in several sagas or legends in Norwegian culture who wore a particularly long beard during his time. One of the best ways to determine whether Vikings had dreads is to explore the different types of hairstyles associated with Viking culture. In short, no. The practice of Ja (dreadlocks) is practiced in modern day Hinduism,[26][27][28] most notably by Sadhus who follow iva. Please see the About page for details. How To Remove Male Pubic Hair Without Shaving? See Were the Vikings black? Most guys fancy these cuts, while others find them to be super girly and retro. The long plaits are indicative of status, while the plain knots and ponytails indicate that the individual may be a commoner. There are many reasons why Vikings wore dreadlocks. [14] Some of the very earliest adherents of Christianity in the Middle East may have worn this hairstyle; there are descriptions of James the Just, first Bishop of Jerusalem, who is said to have worn them to his ankles.[15]. It feeds into Euro-centric beauty standards. This is probably a reference to dreadlocks, but like most skaldic poems, there is no way of knowing for sure. This belief in dreadlocks holding physical power is attested to in the Biblical story of Samson who lost his strength when Delilah cut his seven locks. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [33] Haile Selassie was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930. Multiple cornrow braids that start at the forehead and drape down toward shoulders are another popular style for a Viking male. On the other hand, it is also been suggested that Vikings may have used braids as a way of displaying social status, but this theory has yet to be proven or supported by evidence from the time. In many parts of Africa, locks are associated with strength and only worn by warriors. There have been multiple cases of Black students being sent home from school for haircuts deemed as extreme or against uniform policy. [3] Some researchers have speculated that combs were used for the control of lice and nits. . Just look at the predominantly white US protests over the inability to get professional haircuts during lockdown. Well, there are not that many vikings around to ask but if we check carvings on the Oseberg ship from Norway and the 800s you find that people are depicted with hairstyles resembling those in the TV series, like shaved sides and long braided hair on top . Root of David: The Symbolic Origins of Rastafari (No. I cannot exclude the possibility of locked or matted hair being found in European history at some point in time. While modern pop culture depictions of Vikings would have you believe they were unkempt and rather rough around the edges in appearance, the evidence supports the use of combs and a preference for well-groomed beards and hair. [34] During the Great Depression in the 1930s, the Rastafari message spread from Kingston to the rest of Jamaica, especially among poor communities. In professional American football, the number of players with dreadlocks has increased ever since Al Harris and Ricky Williams first wore the style during the 1990s. In 2012, about 180 National Football League players wore dreadlocks. [17]. Please share. In recent years there has been an ongoing conversation about whether wearing ones hair in dreadlocks is a form of cultural appropriation. 17 Daniel Margulies Random thoughts and responses Author has 261 answers and 82.3K answer views 1 y Related The Oseberg Tapestry also displays long hair in men, which is indicative of status in society. Viking dreadlocks are slightly different than today's ideas of dreads. Once the dreads are well-established, you can begin experimenting with different Viking braid patterns. The first reference to dreadlocks in the Viking age comes from skaldic poetry of the 9th-century skaepiggjo (lit. [22] In North Central Australia, the tradition is for the dreadlocks to be greased with fat and coated with red ochre, which assists in their formation. Some street preachers such as Leonard Howell, Archibald Dunkley, Robert Hinds, and Joseph Hibbert began to claim that "Haile Selassie was the returned Jesus". The reasons the Vikings wore dreadlocks isn't clear, but it was likely due to practical and cultural reasons. To maintain long, healthy hair, constant hair maintenance is needed to keep the hair from breaking or tangling. They were simply practical and served their own special purpose according to Viking culture. It is also believed that Vikings braided their beards when they wanted to give the impression of increased size. The word fear-locks was apparently proposed but quickly dismissed. He has made a career out of the cultural appropriation of Black music. Eventually the latter was dissolved and dreadlocks became the well known symbol of Rastafari that it is today. Further complicating matters is the fact that bas relief sculpture from ancient Egypt also depicts pharaohs wearing a dreadlock-type hairstyle, well before the Viking dreadlocks would have made an appearance. There is certainly visual evidence of Ancient Greeks with braided hair and possibly locks, however one could argue that the Greeks were much more influenced by their darker skinned Eastern and Mediterranean neighbours, than they were their Northern ones. Of the people living in Norse society, young women would have worn braids the most. Modern dreadlocks may have originated in Ancient Egypt (as depicted on theSarcophagus of Kawit) or Ancient Greece. Did Vikings have dreadlocks? While there is no clear evidence to say that the Vikings picked up their hairstyle from the Celts, or vice versa, it seems reasonable to assume that each culture took note of the appearance of members of the other. Cornrows differ from the "braid," which is . Well show you all you need to know below. However it seems nonsensical to suggest this constitutes evidence of the existence of dreadlocks in the early part of the first millennium, let alone using this as the reason why you may wear dreadlocks today. Viking men had the most options in terms of acceptable hairstyles. When the Vikings pillaged resources from villages, they typically gathered people from those areas to take home as slave workers (alsocalled thralls). Hair discrimination is as much of an issue for people of colour in this country. It was therefore not surprising when he attended an awards show a few years ago with faux locks. Both female and male thralls kept their hair shorter than free Norsemen, making them easily distinguishable. What was the original name of the Aztecs? Genetic research has shown that the Vikings in West Scandinavia, and therefore in Denmark, were mostly red-haired. Sikh men were unable to find work unless they removed their turbans and cut their hair. In the process we are labelled as oversensitive, while centuries of our history are erased before our eyes. Although the Vikings had many different hairstyles, experts have yet to find a picture of a Viking with dreadlocks. Dreadlocks may have also served practical purposes within every culture in which this style is documented. The Romans created many accounts of Viking encounters, and described their hair as being like snakes. Most of the information historians use to learn about Viking hairstyles comes from carvings, statues, and ancient texts. Yes, we know that Vikings braided their hair and it is clearly depicted in several pieces of art made during the time. The Scandinavian day for saturday (Lrdag, laugardag) means washing day. [16]. When I have asked white people about their dreadlocks, I have had responses which vary from, My hair would do this naturally if I didnt comb it, to Vikings had dreadlocks. In some societies hair can represent spiritual connections, whilst different styles can indicate specific rites of passage. Dreads werent as common throughout Viking communities as other hairstyles. In other cultures, locked hair is symbolic of a spiritual connection to a higher power. People with dreadlocks are found in a variety of cultures and geographical locations. Some even believe that the knotting or locking of hair keeps this power in the body, preventing it from escaping through the head. After all, weve all seen the TV shows where many Vikings appear to have elaborate braids or long, flowing locks male or female. The problem with these depictions is that there are either artistic interpretations or archeological evidence of decomposed hair. There is a common misconception that dreadlocks are dirty. Celtic dreadlocks are a bit different. Did Vikings have dreadlocks or braids? Berdn, Frances F. and Rieff Anawalt, Patricia (1997). Did Vikings have dreads?The History of Dreadlocks | Dreadlocks and Alternative Hairstyles .Aug 1, 2019Regardless of their origin, dreadlocks have been worn. Theres also the common-sense presumption that the cavemen likely were not paying close attention to their hair, and that matted hair was a style long before hair was intentionally styled at all. Instead, Viking warriors wore their hair long in the front and short in the back. Firstly, it ignores the inequalities that exist in society, leaving it up to people of colour to call out what we see as injustices. This was due to the success of Jamaican-born reggae artist Bob Marley following his conversion to Rastafarianism. link to Did Vikings Have Dreadlocks? However, not all Vikings had dreadlocks, and hairstyle was often associated with social class. Dreadlocks have become a popular hairstyle among professional athletes. Did Vikings have dreadlocks? The hair would never be longer than shoulder length, with some exceptions. The societal advantage that her skin colour affords means that being told that a decision that she had made could be offensive to other people, seems outrageous to her. Not only was hair important in Viking culture, but clothes were, too. You may also be interested in: Did Viking Face Paint Exist? The Aborigines and native populations of New Guinea have been sporting the style for centuries now, and dreads are also been worn around Africa, notably by the Maasai, the . Some claim that dreadlocks originated in India (unlike most who cite Egypt as their birthplace) with the dreadlocked deity Shiva and his followers. Viking dreads start in much the same way as any other dreadlock. For example in Ghana, the Akan people refer to locks as Mps, and they are usually reserved for priests of Akomfo. Cornrows, unlike braids, are a hairstyle in which hair is very close to the scalp, and can form a geometric design, like cross roads or paths formed in the grain fields (this is where the American name "cornrow" originates from). This has led many to believe that there would be many different forms of braids and styles, just like any other culture in the world around them. Did Viking Face Paint Exist? Dreadlocks represent a renewed sense of pride in African physical characteristics and Blackness, which ties in with their belief about keeping things natural. A perfect example of this is Justin Bieber. Even if braids were not a male Viking hairstyle, braids were occasionally worn by Norse women. The tale goes on to say that Odin was so distraught after the death that he refused to comb or wash his hair for many days. [1]. [6], Louise Kmpe Henriksen, a historian at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, states that from picture sources, we know that the Vikings had well-groomed beards and hair. Long hair was likely to fall into your face running into combat, reducing your field of vision and potentially opening you up to attack. Were the Vikings more diverse than some modern depictions of them suggest? Although dreadlocks have been worn continuously by people of colour in Africa, Asia, and the Americas from ancient times until now, their popularisation in the West only occurred in the Seventies. In some cases, the hair may have been braided, but dreadlocks or long hair were never a part of Viking society. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'theidlemen_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-theidlemen_com-banner-1-0'); The haircut that was preferred by Vikings is not known with certainty. Was Hairstyle Important in Viking Culture? Interestingly, in Nigeria, among both the Yoruba and Igbo people, locked hair is viewed with suspicion when worn by adults. There is no evidence that Vikings wore dreadlocks before black people did. This article may contain affiliate links. The Vikings were very concerned with -and proud of- their personal hygiene. It should also be noted that the look and feel of dreadlocks is not standard among all cultures. However, historical evidence supports the idea that Celts likely wore their hair long or in braids rather than having dreadlocks. It is also reasonable to assume that dreadlock-type styles may have developed simultaneously due to the relative ease of allowing hair to become matted over time. , from thin blonde strands to thick black heads of hair. Dreadlocks in ancient times were said to hold power. The Romans reported Celtic warriors as having "hair like snakes," which has been taken to imply that they had dreadlocks. For example, many Viking women wore long hair, braiding their locks to form thick plaits that they could wrap or weave into tight buns. While the Vikings themselves havent shed a lot of light on this subject, we can thank those who encountered the Vikings even if they werent thrilled about it at the time, Im sure, given the Vikings less-than-welcoming reputation for discussing the topic, at least to a point. Vikings did not have dreadlocks or long hair, Vikings had short hair with perhaps some matted parts. Dreadlocks allowed men to groom their hair without worrying about losing it or damaging it. The stereotypical image of a Viking, thanks in part to depictions of them in popular culture, is that they had white or light-colored skin and blonde, or sometimes brown, hair. Leaving their hair loose or in braids could signify their unmarried status. A significant number of these players . The history of dreadlocks, understandably, is complex. Historians believe that some Vikings wore dreadlocks. Historians have uncovered Roman accounts stating that the Celts wore their hair "like snakes" and that several Germanic tribes and Vikings were known to wear dreadlocks. Just keep the sides shaved, letting the locks stand out. As Viking culture is largely centered on voyaging and exploring, there is no reason to believe that Vikings didnt have significant interactions with Celtic peoples. In ancient India, the god Shiva is depicted with dreadlocks, while illustrations show the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun with braids in around 1300 BC. As per the NFL's rulebook, a player's hair is considered part of their "uniform," meaning the locks are fair game when attempting to bring them down. Start Here Hair Care Styling Did Vikings Have Dreads? Second, they had time to groom their hair. When the Vikings pillaged resources from villages, they typically gathered people from those areas to take home as slave workers (also. Zygmunt Gloger in his Encyklopedia staropolska mentions that the Polish plait (plica polonica) hairstyle was worn by some people in the Pinsk region and the Masovia region at the beginning of the 19th century. However, not all Vikings had dreadlocks, and hairstyle was often associated with social class. Talented shipbuilders and sailors, Vikings colonized large swaths of Europe in the period between the 9th and 11th centuries. In professional American football, the number of players with dreadlocks has increased ever since Al Harris and Ricky Williams first wore the style during the 1990s. Some soldiers would probably only wear the mustache on special occasions during peacetime, but this was still a tradition very characteristic of Viking culture. It was said to be bad luck to comb these tangles and knots out. Vikings were known to have perfect body shapes. It was practical and simple. In other words, most people just kept their hair short as described above practical and simple to maintain. One of the strongest indicators of occasional shaving or baldness comes, (a Greek historian), who wrote that the prince of Kievan Rus shaved his head completely, except for a lock of hair that hung down on one side.. The Vikings didn't leave behind much literature or recorded history, so there isn't much concrete information available on them. Kyle Ring is a London-based doctor and the founder of @in.hair.itance. The Polish plait can vary between one large plait and multiple plaits that resemble dreadlocks. Personal Grooming in the Viking Age. There is also evidence on what Vikings looked like to support that some Viking men wore their hair short, at least in the back, while others may have had shoulder-length hair they brushed back and secured with silk or metal ties and ornaments. ), For other professions in Norse society, men reportedly wore their hair long, at least to shoulder-length. We exists to inform people about the people, culture, and history of Northern Europe. Charet, M. (2010). Yet even then, it was more common for married women to wear coiled buns and unmarried women to wear their hair loose or in a ponytail. They wore their hair in many ways, though braids and dreads were likely the most popular hairstyles among Viking men and women. The reasons the Vikings wore dreadlocks isn't clear, but it was likely due to practical and cultural reasons. Theres also the matter of the impressions various hairstyles made. If youd like to adopt an authentic Viking hairstyle, youll want to know whether these people sported dreadlocks. Unmarried girls could wear their hair either loose or braided, to signify their unmarried status in society. The typical reference to Viking implies the Norsemen who raided the coasts of England, and these men would not have worn braids. In some cases, the hair may have been braided, but dreadlocks or long hair were never a part of Viking society. However, Hindu Vedic texts from around 1700 BCE also mention matted hair. The Vikings are one group that wore dreadlocks, but ancient Egyptians, Pacific Island cultures, and several indigenous African tribes also commonly wear dreadlocks. Many scholars seem to agree that most Norse braids were likely to have been very straight and dense, with maybe some slight waviness. Can Black People Have Red Hair? The Surprising Truth About Viking Hair Styles and Beards, How to Cut Your Own Hair (Men) at Home? Dreadlocks are one of the few hairstyles that have always felt unique to the black community. See Did the Vikings Wear Dreadlocks? Irish-Nigerian academic, Emma Dabiri, wrote a book just last year called Dont Touch My Hair in which she details the issues she faced growing up in Dublin and learning to love and accept her own hair. This development wasnt probably considered problematic, as it helped keep a warriors hair out of their face. There are several depictions of Vikings wearing braids, but this was probably done by warriors or perhaps individuals who were associated with the chieftain in some way. Depends what kind of dreads you have really, i usually have clean looking neat dreads which I've had for about 8 years now - I . Rastafari hold that Haile Selassie is a direct descendant of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, through their son Menelik I. This suggests that regular hygiene included cleaning and grooming hair. Even . That bun might be left plain, or covered with a small hood or cap. Most Vikings (men and women) wore their hair in braids. While many of the men and women living in Scandinavia during. | Yes, But Not Always. ) A true warrior Viking, one who explored and raided in Viking longships, probably wore his hair short on the back of his head and long in the front, in a kind of reverse mullet. Some of the most common relics left over from the Viking age are grooming tools, including hair combs. Christian started Scandinavia Facts to explore his family heritage, raise awareness of one of his academic interests as a professor, and civilly promote the region. Want more hair styling guides? As the stone castle came from the different social structure, the Vikings held dear another one, they had no castle stones. Although when children are born with naturally matted hair, they are referred to as Dada' and viewed as spiritual beings. We think that youll be glad you did. Since their hair was super long they had to come up with a style that would suit them, yet go for something that is still Nordic and representative of . The history of dreadlocks is complicated, but it seems that the Vikings were not the only ones with these hairstyles. . In Season 1 of Vikings, Rollo attacks the island of Lindisfarne, also known as Holy Island because of its monastery, and kills Father Cuthbert, an elderly monk. But contrary to popular belief, the Vikings werent solely comprised of warriors. In any case, braids were probably not used for the purpose of making your beard look better. These seafaring warriors were known to travel throughout Europe and beyond between the 9th and 11th century, and formed bands spurred on by strong leaders. Get the Facts, link to Were the Vikings Black? It quickly became my most liked post and created quite a conversation in the comments section. [6] Mummified remains of Egyptians with locked wigs have also been recovered from archaeological sites. The more ornate this covering, the greater the wealth of her husband. Just as we choose how to wear our hair based on the impression wed like to make on others, theres no reason to think that the Vikings, with dreads or otherwise, didnt also consider how their appearance would be perceived. You will Learn in this Post hide 1. Vikings. However, not all Vikings had dreadlocks, and hairstyle was often associated with social class. [17] The typical reference to Viking implies the Norsemen who raided the coasts of England, and these men would not have worn braids. This means they kept the top portion long (typically braided) but cut the sides and back very short. One theory suggests that they used hair extensions during combat to keep their hair out of their eyes and obstruct sensitive parts of their face. The Vikings would often braid these dreads together to form thick plaits, though they could pull them into tight buns or knots. This changed in the Twentieth Century with the start of a socio-religious movement in New York in the . Locks have been worn for various reasons in each culture. Hair was a hot topic. As far as evidence suggests, they did not wear either type of hairstyle. Its HAIR, she continues, do what you want with it no matter what race you are!. Next came the Vikings, proving dreads weren't always about peace and love, man. Read Next: Trending Viking Hairstyles for Women for 2023. Dreadlocks showed their importance in society and symbolised their religious roles. English women loved us Norwegians, we cleaned ourselves and washed our clothes often;) Zhangar 10 yr. ago [3][4], In ancient Egypt, examples of Egyptians wearing locked hairstyles and wigs have appeared on bas-reliefs, statuary and other artifacts. If youd like to adopt an authentic Viking hairstyle, youll want to know whether these people sported dreadlocks. Many cultures developed dreadlocks as independent innovations at different points in history. Researchers of the Viking age have examined ancient texts, carvings, and statues, in an attempt to learn more about Viking hygiene and Viking daily life in general. And to add to the overall Viking lookcheck out Did Vikings Wear Makeup? However, Viking hairstyles probably did not conform to how we imagine them today. Until I did the proper research, I assumed that the Black way of doing dreadlocks was the "right" way. Did Vikings Have Dreads? What is known about the Vikings is that they sometimes used lye or other substances to stain or bleach their hair to a lighter shade. If they did, it would be more likely for them to have worn plaited braids. [7], During the Bronze and Iron Ages, many peoples in the Near East, Anatolia, Caucasus, East Mediterranean and North Africa such as the Sumerians, Elamites and Ancient Egyptians were depicted in art with braided or plaited hair and beards. Besides Minoan, Egyptian, and Hindu accounts of this hairstyle, it also seems clear that Germanic tribes and even early Christians may have worn their hair in matted, rope-like textures. Viking women were just as integral to Viking raids are their male counterparts. Today's Viking hairstyles are often spiced up with color highlights, knotless braids, dreadlocks, cornrows, faded sides, shaved-in design on the sides, extreme hard parts, and unique hair accessories. Similarly, in Mexico, the Spanish recorded the fact that the Aztec priests had their hair untouched, long, and matted. However, the men seemed to favor dreadlocks or other hairstyles, not any form of braids. 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